19. Potatoes Fondant フォンダンポテト

Potatoes Fondant
Daniel Hamilton
The weather will be starting to warm up over the coming weeks. There is not much time left to get those lovely cold weather
recipes out. Just in case there is time left in your busy cold weather recipe roster. Here is a simple little side dish that you will
be able to utilize.
This is what you’ll need:
4 large potatoes (or as many as you want)
1 cup of chicken stock (or as much as you need)
A few sprigs of rosemary (or your preferred herb)
A teaspoon of cooking oil
A touch of butter
Salt and pepper to taste
This is how it’s done:
1. Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
2. Peel the potatoes and halve them length ways. You want to have nice big slices that are perfectly ßat on one side and ßat
enough for them to be able to balance on the other.
3. Warm a fry pan to medium heat. Add the oil. Season the larger ßatter side of the potatoes and lay them face down in the
pan. Put your touch of butter in and your herbs. Once the potatoes are golden brown take them out and lay them in a
baking tray with the golden crispiness facing upwards. Set herbed butter aside.
4. At this point you want to pour the stock into the baking tray. And get them in the oven. It’s important not to get the crisp
part wet as then it’ll no longer be crisp.
5. Cook for around 15minutes or until the potatoes are soft and creamy in the center. If they need longer and there is no
stock left in the bottom add a little more. Once they’re done take them out and garnish with the herb butter and a sprig of
whatever herb you used on top (or not).
This is a lovely accompaniment. If you did well the inside of the potatoes will be rich, soft, and creamy while the tops are
crispy providing a nice contrast in texture and ßavor. Enjoy!
ジャガイモ 大4(またはお好みの分量で)
鶏がらスープ 1カップ(またはお好みの分量で)
ローズマリー 数枝(またはお好みのハーブで)
料理油 小さじ1
バター 少々
1. オーブンを180℃に温めておきます。
2. ジャガイモの皮をむいて縦切りにします。分厚くスライスするときには、片面は完全に平らに、もう片面も
3. フライパンを中火で温め、油を入れます。じゃがいもの広くて平らな方の面に塩コショウをし、そちらの面
4. スープを天板に注ぎ、オーブンに入れます。スープを注ぐときに大事なのは、カリカリ感が失われないよう、
5. 15分、または中心がやわらかくクリーミーになるまで焼きます。もっと時間がかかって、スープが天板の底
訳:笹間 佐和子 (Sawako Sasama)
I-News 102 February/March 2015 The Winter Issue