Environmental Control, Risk Assessment, Impact and Management
Impact Factor
Abstracting and Indexing
Editorial Board
Guide for Authors
ISSN: 0304-3894
The Journal of Hazardous Materials publishes full length research papers, reviews, and case studies
which improve our understanding of the hazards and risks certain materials pose to people
and the environment or deal with ways of controlling these hazards and associated risks. The
Editors particularly welcome proposals for review articles. To limit the Scope the following areas are
excluded: non-hazardous materials, work place health & safety, standard municipal and wastewater
treatment processes including nutrient removal, greenhouse gas mitigation, and the manufacturing
of explosives.
The Journal publishes high-impact contributions on:Characterization of the harmful effects of
chemicals and materials Measurement and Monitoring of Hazardous Materials Transport and Fate
of HM in Environment Risk Assessment and Management Physico-chemical and Separation Processes
Adsorption Ion Exchange Coagulation/Flocculation/ Precipitation Membrane Processes Flotation
Stabilization/Solidification Biological Processes Biodegradation Phytoremediation Advanced Oxidation
Processes Photodegradation/Photocatalysis H2O2 Fenton Ozone Sonolysis Plasma Processes Safer
and Cleaner Technologies The Journal publishes papers with significant novelty and scientific
impact. The Editors reserve the right to decline, without external review, papers that do
not meet these criteria, including papers that:Are very similar to previous publications, with
changed target substrates, employed materials, analyzed sites or experimental methods,Deal with
parameter optimization of known processes without new concepts and/or interpretations,Report the
environmental analysis and monitoring of specific geographic areas without presenting new insights
and/or hypothesis testing, orDo not focus on the environmental relevance and significance of the
studied systems or materials.
Chemists, Chemical Engineers, Manufacturers of Chemicals, Designers of Chemical Plants, Local
Authorities, Emergency Services, Transportation Services, Safety Engineers and Inspectors.
2013: 4.331 В© Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2014
Applied Science & Technology Abstracts
Elsevier BIOBASE
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
Centre de Documentation Scientifique et Technique - PASCAL Database
Chemical Abstracts
Coal Abstracts
Current Contents/Engineering, Computing & Technology
Laboratory Hazards Bulletin/Chemical Hazards in Industry
Engineering Index
Environmental Periodicals Bibliography
SystГЁme de Documentation et Information MГ©tallurgique
Diana Aga, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, USA
Wonyong Choi, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, South Korea
Andrew Daugulis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Gianluca Li Puma, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK
Gerasimos Lyberatos, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece
Joo Hwa Tay, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
Associate Editors:
Jaesang Lee, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, South Korea
Constantina Marazioti, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Editorial Board:
R. Andreozzi, Napoli, Italy
J. Baeyens
A. Ballester, Madrid, Spain
E. Brillas, Barcelona, Spain
H. Cheng, Guangzhou, China
V. Cozzani, Bologna, Italy
G. de la Rosa, Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico
D. Dionysiou, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
M. Erdem, Elazig, Turkey
S. Esplugas, Barcelona, Spain
M. Fingas
Z.P. Hao, Beijing, China
W. Lee, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea
W.-J. Lee, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC
P. Lianos, Patras, Greece
E.C. Lima, Porto Alegre, Brazil
M Litter, Prov. de Buenos, Aires, Argentina
L.Q. Ma, Gainesville, Florida, USA
T. Mangialardi, Roma, Italy
D. Mohan, New Delhi, India
C. Mulligan, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
J.M. Park, Pohang, Gyeongbuk, South Korea
H.J. Pasman, Delft, Netherlands
G. Pavlostathis, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
M.J. Plewa, Urbana, Illinois, USA
H. Potgieter, WITS, South Africa
P. Randall, Cincinnatti, Ohio, USA
S.D. Richardson, Columbia, South Carolina, USA
P. Stepnowski
M.B. Talawar, The Hague, Netherlands
S. Tunali Akar, Meselik/Eskisehir, Turkey
S.-B. Wang, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
H.-Q. Yu, Anhui, China
J. Yu, Wuhan, China
S. Zeman, Pardubice, Czech Republic
A.I. Zouboulis, Thessaloniki, Greece
The Journal of Hazardous Materials publishes full length research papers, reviews, and case studies
which improve our understanding of the hazards and risks certain materials pose to people and
the environment or deal with ways of controlling these hazards and associated risks. The Editors
particularly welcome proposals for review articles. To limit the Scope the following areas are
excluded: non-hazardous materials, work place health & safety, standard municipal and wastewater
treatment processes including nutrient removal, greenhouse gas mitigation, and the manufacturing
of explosives.
The Journal publishes high-impact contributions on: Characterization of the harmful effects of
hazardous materials Impact assessment methods and models - acute and chronic effects of hazardous
chemical releases Risk assessment and management Pollution control processes Inherently safer and
cleaner technologies Treatment and disposal of solid, liquid and gaseous hazardous waste Remediation
of contaminated soil and groundwater
The Journal publishes papers with significant novelty and scientific impact. The Editors reserve the
right to decline, without external review, papers that do not meet these criteria, including papers
that:Are very similar to previous publications, with changed target substrates, employed materials,
analyzed sites or experimental methods, Deal with parameter optimization of known processes
without new concepts and/or interpretations, Report the environmental analysis and monitoring of
specific geographic areas without presenting new insights and/or hypothesis testing, or Do not focus
on the environmental relevance and significance of the studied systems or materials.
A 100 word (maximum) "statement of novelty" explaining why the work should be published in Journal
of Hazardous Materials must be provided as a separate document upon submission of your manuscript.
The "statement of novelty" must not be a retelling of the abstract. When preparing the statement
please make sure to address (a) the significance and novelty of the work, with respect to existing
literature, and (b) the scientific impact and interests to our readership. Papers that lack significant
novelty will be rejected.
Types of Paper
Research papers are not to be submitted in two parts (i.e. Part I and Part II) - these must be
consolidated into one manuscript.
The Editors welcome proposals for review articles. Proposals must contain the following three
components for consideration: (1) brief summary of the proposed review article content, (2)
brief description of the author's academic background and research areas, and (3) a list of
Authors' publications related with the proposed review article topic. Please send your proposals
to one of the Editors directly using the e-mail addresses available on the Journal homepage: Note that submission of review articles is by invitation only,
pending approval of the proposal by the Editors.
Letters to the Editor will undergo review. Any letters to the editors received will be circulated to all
editors before a decision is made whether to publish. Authors will also be given an opportunity to
To ensure conciseness, follow these maximum word count guidelines: regular paper: 5,000 words;
review article: 15,000 words. Cover letters must state the manuscript word count, which includes
text, figures captions, and table legends, but not references.
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[1] J. van der Geer, J.A.J. Hanraads, R.A. Lupton, The art of writing a scientific article, J. Sci. Commun.
163 (2010) 51–59.
Reference to a book:
[2] W. Strunk Jr., E.B. White, The Elements of Style, fourth ed., Longman, New York, 2000.
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[3] G.R. Mettam, L.B. Adams, How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: B.S. Jones, R.Z.
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