Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint John The Theologian Volume 13: No. 4 Πατριαρτικόν Μήνσμα ἐπί τῇ Ἑορτῇ τῆς Ἰνδίκτοσ 2012 + Β Α Ρ Θ Ο Λ Ο Μ Α Ι Ο ΔΛΔῼ ΘΔΟΤ ΑΡΥΙΔΠΙΚΟΠΟ ΚΩΝΣΑΝΣΙΝΟΤΠΟΛΔΩ, ΝΔΑ ΡΩΜΗ ΚΑΙ ΟΙΚΟΤΜΔΝΙΚΟ ΠΑΣΡΙΑΡΥΗ ΠΑΝΣΙ Σῼ ΠΛΗΡΩΜΑΣΙ ΣΗ ΔΚΚΛΗΙΑ ΥΑΡΙΝ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΡΗΝΗΝ ΠΑΡΑ ΣΟΤ ΓΗΜΙΟΤΡΓΟΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΝΣΗΡΗΣΟΤ ΠΑΗ ΣΗ ΚΣΙΔΩ ΚΤΡΙΟΤ ΚΑΙ ΘΔΟΤ ΚΑΙ ΩΣΗΡΟ ΗΜΩΝ ΙΗΟΤ ΥΡΙΣΟΤ Ἀδελφοὶ καὶ τέκνα ἐν Κσρίῳ ἀγαπητά, Θεόο, ὁ δεκηνπξγήζαο ηὸ Σύκπαλ θαὶ δηακνξθώζαο ηὴλ γῆλ εἰο ηέιεηνλ θαηνηθεηήξηνλ ηνῦ ἀλζξώπνπ, ἔδωθελ εἰο αὐηὸλ ἐληνιὴλ θαὶ δπλαηόηεηα λὰ αὐμάλεηαη θαὶ λὰ πιεζύλεηαη θαὶ λὰ πιεξώζῃ αὐηὴλ θαὶ λὰ θπξηεύζῃ αὐηῆο θαὶ πάληωλ ηλ ἐλ αὐηῇ δῴωλ θαὶ θπηλ (Γελ. Α΄ 28). πεξηβάιιωλ ἡκᾶο θόζκνο ἐραξίζζε ἡκῖλ ὑπὸ ηνῦ Γεκηνπξγνῦ ὡο ζηάδηνλ θνηλωληθῆο δξαζηεξηνπνηήζεωο, ἀιιὰ θαὶ ἁγηαζκνῦ, πξὸο θιεξνλνκίαλ ηῆο ἀλαθαηληζζεζνκέλεο ἐλ ηῶ κέιινληη αἰλη θηίζεωο. Τὴλ ηνηαύηελ ζενινγηθὴλ ζέζηλ ἔρεη θαὶ βηνῖ ἀείπνηε ἡ Μήηεξ Ἁγία ηνῦ Φξηζηνῦ Μεγάιε θθιεζία, δηὸ θαὶ ἡ ἡκεηέξα Μεηξηόηεο ἐηέζε, ὡο γλωζηόλ, ἐπὶ θεθαιῆο October 10th, 2012 ηῆο ἀλαιεθζείζεο παξὰ ηνῦ θαζ' ἡκᾶο παληέξνπ Οἰθνπκεληθνῦ Θξόλνπ νἰθνινγηθῆο πξνζπαζείαο δηὰ ηὴλ πξνζηαζίαλ ηνῦ πνιιὰ ηαιαηπωξνπκέλνπ ὑθ ἡκλ ἐλ ἐπηγλώζεη θαὶ ἀλεπηγλώζηωο πιαλήηνπ καο. Ἡ β η ν π ν η θ η ι ό η ε ο, ἡ ὁπνία εἶλαη ηὸ ἔξγνλ ηῆο παλζνθίαο ηνῦ Θενῦ, δὲλ ἐδόζε ἀζθαιο εἰο ηὴλ ἀλεμέιεγθηνλ ἐμνπζίαλ ηνῦ ἀλζξώπνπ. Κ α η α θ π ξ ί ε π ζ η ο ηῆο γῆο θαὶ ηλ ἐλ ηῇ γῇ ὑπὸ ηνῦ ἀλζξώπνπ ζεκαίλεη ἔιινγνλ ρξῆζηλ θαὶ ἀπόιαπζηλ ηλ πξνζθεξνκέλωλ ἀγαζλ θαὶ ὄρη θαηαζηξεπηηθὴλ ἐθ πιενλεμίαο ἀληιεζηλ θαὶ θάξπωζηλ ἢ θαηαζηξνθὴλ ηλ πόξωλ αὐηῆο. λ ηνύηνηο, ἰδίᾳ ἐπὶ ηλ ἡκεξλ καο, παξαηεξνῦκελ κίαλ ὑπεξβνιηθὴλ ἐθκεηάιιεπζηλ ηλ θπζηθλ πόξωλ, κὲ ζπλέπεηαλ ηὴλ θαηαζηξνθὴλ ηῆο πεξηβαιινληηθῆο ἰζνξξνπίαο ηλ νἰθνζπζηεκάηωλ θαὶ γεληθώηεξνλ ηλ πεξηβαιινληηθλ ζπλζεθλ, εἰο ηξόπνλ ὥζηε νἱ ὑπὸ ηνῦ Θενῦ ηεηαγκέλνη ὅξνη δηαβηώζεωο ηνῦ ἀλζξώπνπ ἐπὶ ηῆο γῆο λὰ γίλωληαη δπζκελέζηεξνη δη' αὐηόλ. πὶ παξαδείγκαηη, ὡο παξαηεξνῦκελ ἅπαληεο, ἐπηζηήκνλεο, ἐθθιεζηαζηηθνὶ θαὶ πνιηηηθνὶ ἄξρνληεο θαὶ ἐλ γέλεη ἡ ἀλζξωπόηεο, αὐμάλεηαη ἡ ζεξκνθξαζία ηῆο ἀηκνζθαίξαο, ἐθδεινῦληαη ὑπεξβνιηθαὶ βξνρνπηώζεηο, κνιύλνληαη ἐπίγεηα θαὶ ζαιάζζηα νἰθνζπζηήκαηα, θαί, γεληθώηεξνλ, δηαηαξάζζεηαη, ἐλίνηε δὲ θαὶ θαηαζηξέθεηαη πιήξωο, ἡ δπλαηόηεο ζπλερίζεωο ηῆο δωῆο εἰο ὡξηζκέλαο πεξηνράο. Βιέπνπζα θαὶ ἐκπεηξηθο ἀμηνινγνῦζα ηνὺο ἐθ ηῆο ηνηαύηεο ἐμειίμεωο ηλ πεξηβαιινληηθλ ζπλζεθλ θηλδύλνπο δηὰ ηὴλ ἀλζξωπόηεηα, ἡ Μήηεξ θθιεζία θαζηέξωζελ ἤδε ἀπὸ ηῆο ἐπνρῆο ηνῦ πξνθαηόρνπ ἡκλ ἀνηδίκνπ Παηξηάξρνπ Γεκεηξίνπ ηὴλ πξώηελ Σεπηεκβξίνπ ἑθάζηνπ ἔηνπο ὡο ἡκέξαλ πξνζεπρῆο δηὰ ηὸ πεξηβάιινλ. Ἀιι' ὀθείινκελ λὰ παξαδερζκελ ὅηη ηὰ αἴηηα ηλ δπζαξέζηωλ πεξηβαιινληηθλ ἀιιαγλ δὲλ εἶλαη ζενθίλεηα ἀιιὰ ἀλζξωπνθίλεηα θαί, ἑπνκέλωο, ἡ παξάθιεζηο θαὶ ἡ πξνζεπρεηηθὴ δέεζηο ηῆο θθιεζίαο θαὶ ἡκλ πξὸο ηὸλ Θεόλ, ηὸλ Κύξηνλ ηλ θπξίωλ θαὶ Κπβεξλήηελ ηνῦ παληόο, πξὸο βειηίωζηλ ηλ πεξηβαιινληηθλ ζπλζεθλ, εἶλαη νὐζηαζηηθο αἴηεκα κ ε η α λ ν ί α ο ηῆο ἀλζξωπόηεηνο δηὰ ηὸ ἁ κ α ξ η ε κ ά ηεο λὰ θαηαζηξέθῃ ηὰ ἐλ ηῇ γῇ, ἀληὶ λὰ θαξπηαη κεηὰ ιόγνπ θαὶ πξνζνρῆο δηὰ ηὴλ δηαηήξεζηλ ηῆο ἀ ε η θ ν ξ ί α ο ηνὺο πόξνπο αὐηῆο. Πξνζεπρόκελνη θαὶ αἰηνύκελνη παξὰ ηνῦ Θενῦ ηὴλ δηαηήξεζηλ ηνῦ πεξηβάιινληνο ηῆο γῆο θαηαιιήινπ δηὰ ηὴλ ἐλ αὐηῇ δωὴλ ηνῦ ἀλζξώπνπ, θαη' νὐζίαλ παξαθαινῦκελ ὅπωο ὁ Θεὸο ἀιιάμῃ ηὸλ ινγηζκὸλ ηλ ἰζρπξλ ηῆο γῆο θαὶ θωηίζῃ αὐηνὺο λὰ κὴ θαηαζηξέθνπλ ηὸ γήϊλνλ νἰθνζύζηεκα δηὰ ιόγνπο νἰθνλνκηθνῦ ὀθέινπο θαὶ ζπκθέξνληνο παξνδηθνῦ. Τνῦη' αὐηὸ ὅκωο ἰζρύεη θαὶ δηὰ πάληα ἄλζξωπνλ ἐμ ἡκλ, δηόηη θαὶ ἕθαζηνο ἐμ ἡκλ ἐλ ηῶ κέηξῳ ηλ κηθξλ δπλαηνηήηωλ ηνπ ἐπηθέξεη ηὰο κηθξὰο πεξηβαιινληηθὰο θαηαζηξνθάο, ηὰο ὁπνίαο ἡ ἀθξνζύλε ηνπ ηνῦ ἐπηηξέπεη. πνκέλωο, πξνζεπρόκελνη ὑπὲξ ηνῦ πεξηβάιινληνο, πξνζεπρόκεζα ὑπὲξ ηῆο κεηαλνίαο ἑλὸο ἑθάζηνπ ἐμ ἡκλ δηὰ ηὴλ κηθξὰλ ἢ κεγάιελ ζπκβνιήλ καο εἰο ηὴλ βιάβελ θαὶ θαηαζηξνθὴλ ηνῦ πεξηβάιινληνο, ηὴλ ὁπνίαλ βηνῦκελ ζπλνιηθο ὡο ἄζξνηζκα κεξηθωηέξωλ ἐπηδεκίωλ ἐπεκβάζεωλ δηὰ ηλ θαηὰ ηόπνπο θαὶ ρξόλνπο κεγάιωλ θαὶ θαηαζηξνθηθλ θαηξίωλ θαηλνκέλωλ. Τὴλ ἔθθιεζηλ, πξνζεπρὴλ θαὶ πξνηξνπὴλ ηαύηελ ἀπεπζύλνληεο ἀπὸ ηνῦ Ἱεξνῦ Κέληξνπ ηῆο ξζνδνμίαο πξὸο ηὴλ νἰθνπκέλελ θαὶ πξὸο ζπλόιελ ηὴλ ἀλζξωπόηεηα, δεόκεζα ὅπωο ὁ ἀγαζνδόηεο Κύξηνο, ὁ ραξηζάκελνο εἰο ἡκᾶο πάληαο ηνὺο ἐπὶ ηνῦ πιαλήηνπ γῆ νἰθνῦληαο ηὸλ γήϊλνλ παξάδεηζνλ, ιαιήζῃ ἀγαζὰ εἰο ηὰο θαξδίαο ὅιωλ ηλ ἀλζξώπωλ, δηὰ λὰ ζεβώκεζα ηὴλ πεξηβαιινληηθὴλ ἰζνξξνπίαλ, ηὴλ ὁπνίαλ Οὗηνο ἐλ ηῇ παλζνθίᾳ Τνπ θαὶ ηῇ ἀγαζόηεηί Τνπ κᾶο παξέδωθελ, ὥζηε θαὶ ἡκεῖο θαὶ αἱ ἐπεξρόκελαη γελεαὶ λὰ ἀπνιακβάλωκελ ηὰο δωξεὰο ηνῦ Θενῦ κεη' εὐραξηζηίαο θαὶ δνμνινγίαο. Αὐηῆο ηῆο Σνθίαο, ηῆο Δἰξήλεο θαὶ ηῆο Γπλάκεωο ηνῦ Θενῦ, ηῆο δεκηνπξγεζάζεο θαὶ ζπληεξνύζεο θαὶ θαηεπζπλνύζεο ηὴλ ἀπνθαξαδνθνῦζαλ ηὴλ ζωηεξίαλ αὐηῆο θηίζηλ πξὸο ηὰ ἔζραηα, δεόκεζα ὅπωο δηαθπιάηηῃ ηὸ πεξηβάιινλ ἀεηθόξνλ θαὶ πξνζθέξνλ ζπλερο εἰο ηὴλ εὐεκεξίαλ ηνῦ ἀλζξώπνπ θαὶ ὁδεγῇ θαξπνθόξωο ηὰ ἀγαζὰ ἔξγα ηλ ρεηξλ ηλ ἐξγαδνκέλωλ πξὸο ηνῦην ζπλαλζξώπωλ, θαὶ ἐπηθαινύκεζα ηὴλ Φάξηλ θαὶ ηὸ ἄπεηξνλ Ἔιενο Αὐηνῦ ἐπὶ πάληαο ηνὺο ἀλζξώπνπο, κάιηζηα ηνὺο ζεβνκέλνπο ηὴλ δεκηνπξγίαλ θαὶ θπιάζζνληαο αὐηήλ. Patriarchal Encyclical on the occasion of the Indiction BARTHOLOMEW By the Mercy of God Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome And Ecumenical Patriarch To the Fullness of the Church Grace and Peace from the Creator and Sustainer of All Creation Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ Beloved brothers and children in the Lord,Our God, who created the universe and formed the earth as a perfect dwelling place for humanity, granted us the commandment and possibility to increase, multiply and fulfill creation, with dominion over all animals and plants. The world that surrounds us was thus offered to us as a gift by our Creator as an arena of social activity but also of spiritual sanctification in order that we might inherit the creation to be renewed in the future age. Such has always been the theological position of the Holy Great Church of Christ, which is the reason why we have pioneered an ecological effort on behalf of the sacred Ecumenical Throne for the protection of our planet, which has long suffered from us both knowingly and unknowingly. Of course, biodiversity is the work of divine wisdom and was not granted to humanity for its unruly control. By the same token, dominion over the earth and its environs implies rational use and enjoyment of its benefits, and not destructive acquisition of its resources out of a sense of greed. Nevertheless, especially in our times, we observe an excessive abuse of natural resources, resulting in the destruction of the environmental balance of the planet’s ecosystems and generally of ecological conditions, so that the divinely-ordained regulations of human existence on earth are increasingly transgressed. For instance, all of us – scientists, as well as religious and political leaders, indeed all people – are witnessing a rise in the atmosphere’s temperature, extreme weather conditions, the pollution of ecosystems both on land and in the sea, and an overall disturbance – sometimes to the point of utter destruction – of the potential for life in some regions of the world. Inasmuch as the Mother Church perceives and evaluates the ensuing dangers of such ecological conditions for humanity, already from the time of our blessed predecessor, Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios, established September 1st of each year as a day of prayer for the natural environment. Yet, we are obliged to admit that the causes of the aforementioned ecological changes are not inspired by God but initiated by humans. Thus, the invocation and supplication of the Church and us all to God as the Lord of lords and Ruler of all for the restoration of creation are essentially a petition of repentance for our sinfulness in destroying the world instead of working to preserve and sustain its everflourishing resources reasonably and carefully. When we pray to and entreat God for the preservation of the natural environment, we are ultimately imploring God to change with mindset of the powerful in the world, enlightening them not to destroy the planet’s ecosystem for reasons of financial profit and ephemeral interest. This in turn, however, also concerns each one of us inasmuch as we all generate small ecological damage in our individual capacity and ignorance. Therefore, in praying for the natural environment, we are praying for personal repentance for our contribution – smaller or greater – to the disfigurement and destruction of creation, which we collectively experience regionally and occasionally through the immense phenomena of our time. In addressing this appeal, petition and exhortation from the sacred Center of Orthodoxy to all people throughout the world, we pray that our gracious Lord, who granted this earthly paradise to all people dwelling on our planet, will speak to the hearts of everyone so that we may respect the ecological balance that He offered in His wisdom and goodness, so that both we and future generations will enjoy His gifts with thanksgiving and glorification. May this divine wisdom, peace and power, which created and sustains and guides all creation in its hope for salvation in the kingdom, always maintain the beauty of the world and the welfare of humanity, leading all people of good will to produce fruitful works toward this purpose. And we invoke His grace and mercy on all of you, particularly those who respect and protect creation. Amen. September 1, 2012 Αγαπητοί Αδελφοί: Καλώς Ήρθατε από τις διακοπές σας. Εύχομαι το νέο Εκκλησιαστικό έτος να είναι πρόσχαρο, ευχάριστο και ευήμερο τόσο σε εσάς όσο και στις οικογένειές σας. Η 1τη επτεμβρίου είναι η αρχή του νέου Εκκλησιαστικού έτους που σύμφωνα με την Ιερή Παράδοση της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας μας καθιερώθηκε ως επίσημη εορταστική ημέρα ενθυμήσεως: α) της Εισόδου του Κυρίου μας εις την συναγωγή κατά την οποία ανάγνωσε το 61ον κεφάλαιο του βιβλίου του προφήτη Ησαΐα, ‚ΠΝΔΥΜΑ Κπξίνπ ἐπ᾿ ἐκέ, νὗ εἵλεθελ ἔρξηζέ κε·‛, παρουσιάζοντας σε όλους την αποστολή του κοσμοσωτήριου έργου Σου στην γη. β)Σης αρχής του πολιτικού και εκκλησιαστικού χρόνου κατά παράδοση της περιόδου του Βυζαντίου. γ) Σης αρχής της Ινδίκτου - Εκκλησιαστικού χρόνου, ως αρχή της παρουσιάσεως του ωτηριολογικού έργου του Φριστού προς την ανθρωπότητα. Η έναρξη του Εκκλησιαστικού χρόνου σημαίνει και την αρχή ενός ακόμα λατρευτικού και δοξολογικού κύκλου προσφοράς όλων των πιστών Ορθοδόξων Φριστιανών προς τον Πανάγαθο Θεό, ως έκφρασης ευχαριστίας και ανταπόδοσης προς Αυτόν για τις ευεργεσίες που δωρίζει πλουσιοπάροχα σε όλους εμάς. Η ποιμαντική ζωή της Εκκλησίας μας αρχίζει πλέον για ακόμα ένα χρόνο να προσφέρει θρησκευτική παιδεία για τους νέους, φιλανθρωπία, σε όλους τους αδελφούς μας που χρειάζονται αγάπη, παρηγοριά και υποστήριξη, κύκλους μελέτης Αγίας Γραφής στα Ελληνικά και Αγγλικά, φιλαλληλία και χριστιανική παρέα σε όλους τους ενορίτες τρίτης ηλικίας. Η μυστηριακή ζωή της Εκκλησιάς μας, δίνει την ευκαιρία σε όλους να καθαγιάσουμε σώμα και ψυχή με την συνεχή συμμετοχή μας στην μυστηριακή ζωή της, επιτυγχάνοντας την ‚θέοσή μας‛, εισδεχόμενοι στην βασιλεία του Θεού εκ μέσου της υιοθεσίας μας από Αυτόν ως παιδία Σου και κοινωνοί της Θειας Σου Δόξης. το εορτολόγιο του μηνός επτεμβρίου η Εκκλησίας μας εορτάζει την γέννηση της Παναγίας μητέρας μας, και άλλων αγίων προσώπων που σφράγισαν την ζωή τους ομολογώντας την ανιδιοτελή αγάπη του Φριστού προς τον άνθρωπο. Η πλέον δεσπόζουσα εορτή του μηνός που διανύουμε είναι η εορτή «της Παγκόσμιας Τψώσεως του Σιμίου ταυρού», του ξύλου αυτού εις το οποίο ο Λυτρωτής μας έδωσε την αιώνια μάχη κατά του διαβόλου, της φθοράς, της αμαρτίας, του θανάτου, εξερχόμενος νικητής ως πρωτότοκος των νεκρών περνώντας πλέον την ανθρώπινη φύση στην αθανασία και την αφταρτοποίησή της όπως είχε δημιουργηθεί από τον Πατέρα Σου. Ο Σίμιος ταυρός του Κυρίου μας δεν είναι μόνο το αιώνιο σύμβολο «αγάπης και θυσίας του Θεού», αλλά και το σύμβολο νίκης του χριστιανικού τρόπου ζωής που πάντοτε περνά μέσα από πειρασμούς, δυσκολίες, περιπέτειες, προβλήματα μικρά και μεγάλα. το τέλος επέρχεται η αιώνια χαρά της κοινωνίας με τον Θεό, η ανέκφραστη γεύση της αθανασίας και η ασύλληπτη επικοινωνία και παρουσία του χριστιανού μέσα στην Θριαμβέβουσα Επουράνια Εκκλησία του Φριστού μας. Εις τον 21ον αιώνα - την εποχή την οποία διανύουμε, Ο «ταυρός» για τους ορθοδόξους χριστιανούς είναι το σύμβολο των συνεχών αγώνων βιοτικών και πνευματικών που θα πρέπει να περάσουμε εις την ζωή μας επάνω στην γη. τους αγώνες αυτούς δεν θα είμαστε μόνοι αλλά θα μας συνοδεύει και θα μας ενδυναμώνει η Φάρης του Κυρίου μας. Η κινητήριος δύναμη να συνεχίσουμε τον ‘‘καλό αγώνα’’ θα είναι η ενατένισης του φωτοφόρου αναστάσιμου φωτός του ‘‘ταυρού’’ που καθοδήγησε εκατομμύρια μαρτύρων στην ομολογία υπάρξεως ενός και μοναδικού Σριαδικού Θεού, την διδασκαλία των ευαγγελίων και μετάδοση του χριστιανισμού ανά τον κόσμο. Σα προβλήματα και οι αγωνίες που περνά σήμερα ο κόσμος είναι πάρα πολλά και δυστυχώς αντί να κατευθύνεται προς την μετάνοια, ταπείνωση, αλληλεγγύη, φρόνηση, ψυχική ενατένιση και επιστροφή εις την αγκαλιά του ενός και μοναδικού Πατρός, απομακρύνεται ακόμα περισσότερο. Ο διάβολος έχει κατακερματίσει το κόσμο μας με ψέμα, εγωλατρία, μισαλλοδοξία, ωραιοποίηση του κακού και της ανηθικότητας, προσπαθώντας να ποδοπατήσει την συνείδηση του ανθρώπου και καθετί το ηθικό, πνευματικό, θρησκευτικό, διότι αυτά ελευθερώνουν τους ανθρώπους από την αμαρτία και τον υλισμό, την απροσωπία, την αποξένωση. Όλοι ζήσαμε την τραγική αυτή ‘‘εν ψυχρώ’’ εκτέλεση που έγινε στις 20 Ιουλίου 2012 στο Aurora Colorado των 12 αθώων θυμάτων από τον James Holmes, που τραυμάτισε επίσης πάνω από 50 ανθρώπους εκ των οποίων ορισμένοι ήταν και είναι σε πολύ κρίσιμη κατάσταση υγείας. Σο θλιβερό αυτό γεγονός θα πρέπει να μας προβληματίσει σοβαρά. Νέος άνθρωπος για να φτάσει σε αυτό το σημείο ακραίας βίαιης και βάναυσης πράξης σημαίνει ότι εκτός από πιθανές ψυχολογικές και ψυχωτικές διαταράξεις και προβλήματα κατευθύνθηκε σε αυτή την απάνθρωπη πράξη από τον μισάνθρωπο και κακό διάβολο. Σο αποτέλεσμα ‘‘ΘΑΝΑΣΟ’’ οδυνηρός, διότι τα «τά γάρ ὀψώνια τῆς ἁμαρτίας θάνατος, τό δέ χάρισμα τοῦ θεοῦ ζωή αἰώνιος ἐν Φριστῷ Ἰησοῦ τῷ Κυρίῳ ἡμῶν», (Ρωμ. στ΄ 23). Με την ανατολή του καινούργιου Εκκλησιαστικού χρόνου ατενίζοντας το ΣΑΤΡΟ του Κυρίου μας θα πρέπει να αναλογιστούμε τις ευθύνες μας κληρικοί, λαϊκοί, γονείς, δάσκαλοι, παιδαγωγοί και όλοι γενικά οι ορθόδοξοι χριστιανοί, απέναντι στην νεολαία μας και το μέλλον το οποίο κτίζουμε για αυτήν. Δίνουμε άραγε τα κατάλληλα εφόδια πνευματικά, θρησκευτικά, πολιτιστικά και παιδαγωγικά στους νέους μας, έτσι ώστε να γίνουν ευγενικοί, πιστοί, ταπεινοί, σώφρονες αλτρουιστικοί και δημιουργικοί άνθρωποι για την κοινωνία, την οικογένειά τους και την ενορία τους; Εάν Ναι, τότε αδελφοί μου θα έχουμε λιγότερα οδυνηρά γεγονότα όπως αυτό που έγινε στο Aurora του Colorado, τότε! το Υως της ζωής, της αλληλεγγύης, της αγάπης, και της αιωνιότητας θα λάμψει από τον ματωμένο και ζωοφόρο ταυρό του Κυρίου μας και η Αναστάσιμη χαρά και ευφροσύνη θα αναζωογονήσει αυτόν τον κουρασμένο κόσμο. Εύχομαι στα μέλη του Εκκλησιαστικού υμβουλίου, όλους τους προέδρους των εκκλησιαστικών οργανώσεων, τους μαθητές του Κατηχητικού και Ελληνικού χολείου της ενορίας μας, και σε όλους του ευσεβείς ενορίτες της Μητροπολιτικής ενορίας του Αγ. Ιωάννου του Θεολόγου, καλό και ευλογημένο το νέο Εκκλησιαστικό Έτος. Μετά πατρικών ευχών: Αιδ. Οικ. Π. Λέκκας Οι εικόνες στο σπίτι και στη ζωή μας Κάθε οικογένεια, όταν συγκροτήσει το σπιτικό της, ένα δωμάτιο το χρησιμοποιεί ως χώρο υποδοχής των επισκεπτών της. το δωμάτιο αυτό υπάρχουν διάφορες φωτογραφίες. Είναι φωτογραφίες ζώντων και κεκοιμημένων προσώπων, πού συνδέουν και παρουσιάζουν την οικογένεια με την ιστορία της. ε κάθε Ορθόδοξο σπίτι θα πρέπει να υπάρχουν και ιερές εικόνες ‘‘Σο εικονοστάσι’’ η στο χώρο υποδοχής των ξένων η σε ξεχωριστό χώρο. Η εικόνα του Φριστού, της Παναγίας, εικόνα του Αγίου πού ιδιαίτερα τιμά ή οικογένεια, ή μία εικόνα πού έρχεται κληρονομιά από το παρελθόν. το δωμάτιο της Ορθόδοξης οικογένειας θα πρέπει να υπάρχουν τα στέφανα μέσα σε κασετίνα με εικόνα τού Φριστού και της Παναγίας, και ό Εσταυρωμένος πάνω από κάθε κρεβάτι όλων των μελών της οικογενείας. Καλό θα είναι στο δωμάτιο των αγοριών να υπάρχουν οι εικόνες με τούς Αγίους πού έχουν τα ονόματα τους και στο δωμάτιο των κοριτσιών αντιστοίχως. το εικονοστάσι της οικογένειας το αναμμένο καντήλι φέρνει Υώς Φριστού στο σπίτι. Αλήθεια, τί προσφέρουν οι άγιες εικόνες στη ζωή της οικογένειας. Η εικόνα ενθυμίζει την πίστη της Εκκλησίας μας, την πίστη πού θέλει τον χριστιανό να νιώθει εγγύτητα προς το εικονιζόμενο πρόσωπο. Οι εικόνες μας θυμίζουν τη ζωή του Φρίστου, τα θαύματα Σου, τις ευλογίες Σου στα παιδιά, τη δράση Σου, τον Μυστικό Δείπνο και τόσα άλλα. Η εικόνα της Θεοτόκου μας θυμίζει ότι Εκείνη είναι ή Μητέρα όλων μας. Είναι αυτή πού πρεσβεύει κάθε στιγμή στον Φριστό, τον Τιό της, για τη σωτηρία μας. Οι εικόνες δεν είναι απλώς διακοσμητικοί πίνακες, αλλά μας φέρνουν σε επαφή με τα εικονιζόμενα πρόσωπα, - τους Αγίους -, που μάς ακούν, βλέπουν και πρεσβεύουν για τα αιτήματα των προσευχομένων. Ναι δοκιμάστε, αν θέλετε, θα το δείτε κι εσείς. Είναι εικόνες ζωντανών προσώπων πού έζησαν κάποτε, μαρτύρησαν την αλήθεια του Φριστού, αλλά και εξακολουθούν να ζουν. Γι’ αυτό και ακούν τις προσευχές μας και βοηθούν να έλθουν λύσεις στα προβλήματα μας με την ευλογία του Θεού. ΑΜΗΝ! A PRAYER CORNER IN THE HOME! A family altar - PRAYER CORNER - is vital to every Orthodox home! Why? It unifies the family and sweetens home life. It cultivates the grace of the Holy Spirit and relieves tension and misunderstanding that sometimes threaten the fellowship of the home. It yields spiritual resources for daily tasks and assists us in cultivating dependence upon God. It strengthens us in the face of adversities and disappointments and enables us to trust Christ implicitly in all of life’s circumstances. It makes us conscious during the day of the abiding presence of our Lord. It bears an Orthodox witness to the guests in our home. It affords opportunity for the Orthodox family to pray for and to sharpen its concern for the worldat-large. It helps us to give a right place to spiritual values and saves us from an undue concern for the temporal things of life. It encourages us to put Orthodoxy into practice in our homes. It honors God and provides an excellent outlet for the expression of our gratitude for the abundance of daily mercies and blessings which come from Him. If we have always wanted to establish a family altar in our home, but don’t know how to go about it, our priests are more than happy to assist us in this holy endeavor! Fr.P.L. FR. PANAGIOTI’S MESSAGE Welcome back !! As we begin a new Ecclesiastical year, let us thank our Heavenly Father for a restful summer that he has granted us and for all His abundant blessings that He has bestowed upon us. September 1st is the first day of the Ecclesiastical year as decreed by the First Ecumenical Council. The Orthodox Church honors this day for three significant events. 1. The occasion when our Lord entered the synagogue and opened the Book of Isaiah, read the passage where the Holy Prophet says about Him “The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the good news unto the poor…to declare the acceptable year of the Lord.” 2. September 1st was the first day of the political and ecclesiastical year in the Roman Byzantine Empire. 3. September also is the month the new academic year begins as well as all the ministries of our Church. Once again, families and all Christians will return to their parishes and worship the Christian God as members of the Church, extending also our gratitude for all His blessings at all times. Through our constant participation in the sacramental life of our Church we will be able to achieve our spiritual perfection. There are many important feast days in the Church calendar during the month of September such as the “Nativity of the Virgin Mary and Mother of our Lord”, the feast day of Saint Symeon the Stylite and other saints who served and forfeited their lives for Christ and spread the word of the Gospel. The most significant feast of all in the month of September though, is the Feast day of “The Elevation of the Venerable and Lifegiving Cross” of our Lord which we celebrate on September 14th. The cross was the most despised means for execution, suffering, and death for the condemned people but has been transferred by Christ into “the symbol of God’s unconditional love” and “unique sacrifice” for mankind. Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the cross, gave the most crucial battle against Satan on behalf of mankind and went through conquered death, immortality, pain and sorrow. Jesus became the first born of the dead. Our Lord with His crucifixion destroyed the power of Satan over human nature and returned mankind to his original position as he had been created by God. The “precious cross of our Lord” is the symbol of instruction as well as inspiration. Our Lord set the example of living a simple and righteous life. He taught us a way of living, a philosophy of life that is the true Christian life, which involves the denial of ego, selfish desires and wants. The Orthodox Christian serves Christ not self. Christ’s way may be difficult but it is the only way that leads to eternal life. In the eternal life, there will be no pain, sorrow and suffering but an everlasting, joyful participation in God’s glory. During the 21st century we, as Christians have endured difficult times. Difficulties come to every life, especially to Christians, after the sunshine comes the shadow, because Satan floods every path with pain, illness and death. Where can we look for comfort, console, guidance and help? Certainly to the cross, surely to Christ and the radiant light of this resurrection that led millions of saints, martyrs, confessors to profess the only true and loving God and preach to the world about an awesome God, Christ’s church, and the New Testament. The devil has subjugated our world with egocentrics, intolerance, immorality, materialism and distracts mankind from spirituality, awareness, loving God and following the Christian path, especially the church. Within the church and the Grace of the Holy Spirit, man will overcome anything moral and secular that alienates him from God. Not too long ago, our nation experienced a terrible tragedy in Aurora, Colorado where 12 innocent victims lost their lives and another 50 were seriously wounded from the gunfire that James Holmes opened on them. We have to really think why such a massacre like the one above would ever occur. Why would a young man like Holmes reach to extreme violence and brutality? Even though the media has stated that he had psychological and psychotic problems, the fact that he could commit such an inhumane and evil action to this magnitude, we must recognize that only Satan can do such a thing. The result of sinning is death, painful experience, “for the ways of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Roman. 6-23) In the dawn of the New Ecclesiastical year, the Orthodox Church’s Precious cross of our Lord and Savior strives to remind us all, clergy, lay-people, teachers, educators, parents and all Orthodox Christians of our responsibilities toward our youth and especially building and establishing the right foundation for their future. If we lead our youth to the church and teach them about nobility, faith, humility, altruism, philanthropy and how to achieve intimacy with Christ then they will become faithful Orthodox followers of Christ, who will become beneficial members of society, family and parish. I assure you then, my brothers, that in the future of our country, we will have less tragedies like the one in Colorado. The day will come when our world will be filled with solidarity, kindness, affection, philanthropy, joy, prosperity and all these precious ideals that ‘The precious cross” of Christ symbolizes. The world will be revived from Satan and his adversaries. I wish to the Parish Council members, the presidents of all the organizations of our parish, the students of the Greek afternoon school, the Sunday school students, and the teachers and to all the faithful parishioners of The Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral of St. John the Theologian a blessed, joyful and prosperous new Ecclesiastical year. Fr. P.L. Dean President’s Message: Dear Fellow Stewards, Welcome back to a new Ecclesiastical year. I hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing summer. As I write this article, all of our church organizations have begun their new and exciting agendas for the New Year and as always, it will be a busy one. This should come as no surprise considering the vibrancy and diversity of our community. This past week, we welcomed His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos who officiated during Vesper and Feast day services for our beloved Cathedral. Both services were well attended by our parishioners and guests from the neighboring Greek Orthodox churches. It was also a pleasure to meet the new Chancellor of our Metropolis, Fr. Konstantine Merninas who assisted with the services. We wish him many blessed years of service to our Diocese. I want to thank our philoptochos for preparing the Vesper service meal and sweets for our honored guests and George Lilikas, Marinos Lilikas and Mr & Mrs Nakopolos for preparing the Feast Day luncheon. Congratulations to Yianni Dongaris, Elpitha Soussou, and Nicholas Cytowitz, the winners of the St. John the Theologian scholarship awards. We wish them the best of luck in all their future endeavors. I also want to thank the Taverna committee for planning and delivering an awesome Taverna Night celebration in honor of our church's name day. Over 250 adults and children enjoyed an evening of delicious Greek food, excellent entertainment, and terrific fellowship. A heartfelt thank you, to all the individuals and church organizations ( PTO/MC, Philoptochos, Lambousa, and Kali Parea ) for their donations and help to make this event a tremendous success. Looking ahead there are numerous key dates to keep in mind. On Saturday, October 20th from 9am – 1pm the Strategy committee, chaired by Aris Chicles, will host a second workshop to discuss the results of the survey design by Jerry Minetos last March. It will be a wonderful forum to voice your opinion and help shape the future of our church. Sunday, November 4th, we will have our 2nd General Assembly of the year following church service. The Cultural committee, chaired by John Lignos, will be hosting two events this fall. The first, an Art show by the artist Zimarakis to be held in the Peace Memorial Gymnasium on November 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The second, the annual Christmas concert on Sunday, December 16th. In addition, this is the year we are hosting a New Year's Eve Celebration. Since our Cathedral Ball was canceled due to inclement weather, this past January, we have rescheduled it for Saturday, March 9, 2013 at the Greycliff in Moonachie, NJ. More details will follow. Plans for the first stage of the Chapel Consecration are underway with the official consecration date scheduled for October 26th and 27th of 2013. This past year, we were once again blessed with successful fund raising events.I want to thank George Tsougarakis and Andreas Zigouras for their hard work in order to secure a successful festival. We netted over $100,000 again despite the instability of the weather Friday night and Sunday. The net would've been higher however, we spent monies to purchase a new “loukoumades” frier, a refrigerator, and a new set of baking pans. Hence, no longer will we need to borrow or rent equipment from party suppliers. I want to thank the Golf committee lead by Charlie Pialtos for another wonderful and well run golf outing at the Knickerbocker Country Club. I also want to thank the Car Raffle committee, lead by Stavro Soussou, Andreas Zigouras, Gus Kramis, Maria Kamilaris, and Xanthipi Nakopolos, for a job well done. It's because of their relentless efforts that the raffle was successful. During the summer months the B&G committee was hard at work to ensure several maintenance projects were completed such as, the cleaning of the carpets, painting of the Greek School classrooms and hallways, and power washing of the bathrooms. The committee entertained several bids for the Narthex renovation from various contractors, only two of which were serious offers, and awarded the job to Nicos Contractors. We expect the project to begin after the New Year to be ready by Easter, 2013. A very busy summer indeed. As for me, I had the honor and privilege to attend the 41st biannual Archdiocese Clergy-Laity conference in Phoenix, AZ in July. The theme for this year's conference was “Chosen and appointed by God to go and bear fruit”. It was a wonderful experience for me and I am happy to report that our Archdiocese is working very diligently to help spread our faith and the Lord's message. Perhaps the most important program they have developed is the use of social media in order to reach out to our young people and keep them connected with our faith. They also have developed programs to help churches succeed with stewardship, youth social issues, and parish development to name a few. In 2014 the conference will be hosted by our Metropolis in Philadelphia, PA. I strongly recommend to take advantage of this and attend the conference either as an observer or a delegate. You will be fascinated by our faith and how hard the Archdiocese is working to help preserve and grow our faith. As we begin the new Ecclesiastical year, I pray that God blesses your homes, your families and our beautiful Cathedral for continued health and success. Respectfully, Demetrios Bayiokos, DMD Parish Council President St. John the Theologian Scholarships: Congratulations to the proud recipients of the Cathedral’s Scholarships: Yianni Dongaris Elpitha Soussou Nicholas Cytowicz The deadline for these applications are the end of the summer and they are awarded at the Vespers for St. John the Theologian. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! 10/20/12 - Parish Council Strategy Workshop 9am-1pm 11/2-4/12 - Art Show 11/4/12 - General Assembly 11/11/12 - Stewardship Sunday 11/15/12 - Christmas Fast Begins 12/2/12 - Parish Council Elections 12/16/12 - Christmas Concert 12/23/12 - Christmas Pageant &Party 12/31/12 - New Year’s Eve Party 3/9/13 - St. John’s Dinner Dance *************************************** Come and get involved at the Parish Council Strategy Workshops Multiple topics being discussed: Christian Education – Identify target audiences and design specific curricula and practical solutions for each. Communication – Develop an effective, integrated communications strategy and process for religious, educational, cultural, philanthropic and community events, activities and services. Volunteerism – Expand the number of parishioners who contribute their time and talent. Personnel – Ensure that we have the right personnel to optimize the ministries and operations of the church. Create Young Adult Programs – Develop strategy to reach out to this target audience (ages 18-30) and create a thriving ministry and increased participation in our church and community The workhop will begin promptly at 9 AM and we should be finished by 1 PM. Lunch and refreshments will be served. Please try to join this important effort as we point our parish's compass towards the future. Art Exhibit – Kostas Zimarakis: A Retrospective The Metropolitan Cathedral of St. John the Theologian will be hosting an Art Exhibit for renowned Greek artist, Kostas Zimarakis. On display will be his paintings and monoprints which campture the beauty and light of all things “Greek”. Inspired by the colors that permeated his life as a child growing up on the beautiful Aegean Island of Chios, Zimarakis has produced exquisite pieces, many of which will be on display in New Jersey. The exhibit will run from November 3rd through the 4th at the Cathedral. Cathedral Christmas Concert: The Cathedral’s Annual Christmas Concert promises to be a spectacular event, being held this year on Sunday, December 16th, 2012 at 6pm in the Church Sanctuary. Professional and talented amateur performers who we have enjoyed in the past have all been invited back again to perform for the St. John Community. With a reception to follow, mark your calendar today! Cathedral New Year's Eve Party Monday, December 31, 2012 Event Committee being formed. E-mail Philoptochos The “St. Philothea” Philoptochos of our Cathedral is an affiliate of the National Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, the philanthropic arm of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. For over eighty years, Philoptochos has upheld the meaning of its name – “friend of the poor” – by undertaking a multitude of philanthropic programs in response to the needs of individuals and families who live in poverty, suffer debilitating disabilities, face life-threatening illnesses and whose lives have been devastated by disasters such as fires and earthquakes, and by family and societal issues of child abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, substance abuse and more. We provide direct financial aid, emergency assistance and social service referrals to improve the quality of life of those in need, in a way that maintains their dignity and self-respect. We take this opportunity to extend our sincere appreciation to our membership and to our St. John community of supporters whose hard work, benevolence and kindness allow us to achieve our goals. During the summer I was able to attend the National Philoptochos Biennial Convention along with other delegates from our chapter.. Summary of the 2012 National Philoptochos Biennial Convention The convention was held in Phoenix Arizona on July 1-4th. This chapter was very well represented with voting delegates on all three levels. On the National level we were represented by Mrs. Aspasia Melis. On the Metropolis of NJ level, we were represented by Mrs. Harriet Nikolaidis and on the local parish level we were represented by Mrs. Barbara Kostakis and Mrs. Stella Baker. Also present at the Convention was Mrs. Paulette Geanacopoulos, National Philoptochos Office Social Worker Director, who gave a very informative presentation on Domestic Violence and also reported on the Social Service department of the Philoptochos. The convention was hosted by the San Francisco Metropolis and 397 members registered to attend. The theme of the Philoptochos convention was “Chosen and Appointed by God to Go and Bear Fruit”: Offering Healing, Peace and Hope. This was also a special year, because the Philoptochos is celebrating 80 Years of Philanthropy. The Metropolis of New Jersey took FIRST PLACE in the Metropolis Membership Award with a full 3% increase in membership throughout the Metropolis. Our chapter received the award for paying 100% of our 2010 & 2011 National Ministry Commitments. Our chapter was also noted as a “sponsor chapter”; we paid for the registration fee so that another NJ chapter could send a delegate to the convention. It was reported that The National Philoptochos Society distributed over 1.4 million dollars annually to its ministries, programs, projects and special appeals. This year’s Agape Award Winner from the Metropolis of NJ was Alice Nicas of Chapter 1021. However, our nominee, Mrs. Marina Philliou is our winner and will be recognized with a certificate. A new prayer for the Philoptochos was presented and will be read at every meeting. Two resolutions were passed. 1. The National Philoptochos Society and all Philoptochos chapters shall recognize October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 2. The National Philoptochos 75th anniversary Founder Fund continue to honor the founders of the National Philoptochos by providing financial assistance to: a. Greek Orthodox older adults and their families to assist with funeral, housing, utility, unreimbursed or uncovered medical expenses, home health care, hospice, and safety equipment; b. existing or proposed continuing care facilities; and c. special projects that have been proposed, reviewed and approved through and RFP ( Request for Proposals) process. During a portion of the conference, our National President reported on the progress of the fundraising efforts for the Philoptochos Center of Philanthropy. Over 2.1 million dollars have been collected and another 1.2 million needs to be collected. Mrs. Aphrodite Skeadas announced that there would be a “Tree of Giving” which will be displayed prominently in the Philoptochos Center of Philanthropy. All chapters that donate $1000 or more to this special project will have their names featured on an individual leaf. Our chapter made the $1000 pledge at the convention and over $200,000 was either pledged by chapters, or individuals present at the convention. A portion of the conference is set aside for testimonials. One was made by a former student from St Basil’s Academy and her accomplishments. After entering the Academy at the age of six, she is now a high school counselor. The others were: OC/MC – missionary work in the Congo – there are 40 mission priests in the Congo and Philoptochos fully supports them, OCF( Orthodox Christian Fellowship Campus Ministry) – a bridge between GOYA and college students; IOCC – presentation on Podoconiosis in Ethiopia (Podoconiosis is a type of Elephantiasis – leg swelling- found in subsistence farming communities in the tropics), and the need for shoes; HC/HC- celebrating their 75th year. The National Office is launching a Social Media Campaign which will include blogs, facebook, podcasts, emails etc. The highlight of the presenters was Nick Katsoris, the author of the five children’s book series, Loukoumi, which teaches children to do good deeds and to follow your dreams. He worked on the Newsletter and was a member of our Cathedral. Mr. Katsoris announced that he will be donating $4 per book to the Philoptochos and will also donate one book for every book sold to the Philoptochos Literacy Program. He is also very active with St. Judes hospital especially the Distraction Room. The presentation on Domestic Violence was very informative. It was a three panel presentation with Paulette Geanacopoulos LMSW as the moderator. Over 4,000,000 people are affected each year. 1:4 women are affected by either physical or sexual violence. The Domestic Hotline is 800.799.7233 (SAFE) At every convention it is customary that we support a local charity. So at this convention the Philoptochos supported the United Methodist Outreach Missions (UMOM) New Day Care Center. This is the largest homeless shelter for families in Arizona. Each chapter was asked to bring a gift card and it was announced that over $7,000.00 was collected for this endeavor. It was announced that the Metropolis of Pittsburgh will be hosting the Children’s Medical Luncheon on October 12, 2013. In conclusion we must remember that we are a ministry, a sisterhood, NOT an organization. We returned home invigorated to serve others and spread the light of Jesus Christ through our acts of philanthropy. After attending the convention one fully recognizes the magnitude of giving and outreach that each chapter gives and its relationship to the National Philoptochos. May we be strengthened by God to go and bear fruit. As we start the new Ecclesiastical Year I wish a blessed and productive year for our chapter and look forward to working with you on the many events and commitments we have scheduled. On behalf of the St. Philothea chapter of the Ladies Philoptochos Society I thank you for your cooperation over the past year and anticipate your help in the upcoming year. Schedule of Events 2012-2013 -September 19 **(Wednesday)** BOARD/GENERAL MEETING #1 -September 25(Tuesday)Vespers – Name Day of the Church -September 26(Wednesday)-Name Day of the Church -September 29(Saturday)- Taverna Night @ Church -October 2(Tuesday) Board Meeting @ 7:30 pm -October 7(Sunday)-Memorial Service for Deceased Members -October 13(Saturday)St. Basil Academy Luncheon -October 23(Tuesday)- GENERAL MEETING #2 Breast Cancer Awarenes -October 27(Saturday)St. Basil Academy Visitation -November 6(Tuesday)- Board Meeting th -Week of November 4 Baking of Pitas and Sweets -November 22(Thursday) Thanksgiving -November 27(Tuesday)- GENERAL MEETING #3 -December 4(Tuesday)-December 2(Sunday)-December 11(Tuesday)-December 13 (Saturday)- Board Meeting Holiday Bazaar Christmas Party @ Season’s St. Basil Academy Christmas Pageant -December 16(Sunday)- Vasilopita Sale -December 23(Sunday)- Vasilopita Sale -December 25(Tuesday)- Christmas -December 30(Sunday)- Vasilopita Sale -December 31(Monday)- New Year’s Eve Party@Church 2013 January 1(Tuesday)January 8(Tuesday)January 13(Sunday)January 22(Tuesday)February 5(Tuesday)February 18(Monday)February 19(Tuesday)February 23(Saturday)February 26(Tuesday)March 5(Tuesday)March 18 March 24(Sunday)March 26(Tuesday)April 2(Tuesday)April 7(Sunday)April 28(Sunday)- New Year’s Day Board Meeting Vasilopita Luncheon GENERAL MEETING #4– membership & budget Board Meeting Vespers Services,St.Philothea St. Philothea’s Name Day St. Michael’s Visitation GENERAL MEETING #5Election Screening Board Meeting st (Monday)1 Compline Service (Lenten Dinner) Sunday of Orthodoxy GENERAL MEETING #6 Board Meeting Greek Independence Day Parade Palm Sunday – 2 Services May 5(Sunday)May 7(Tuesday)- Easter Vespers for St. John the Theologian nd May 8(Wednesday)2 Name Day of the Church May 8-10 Pites making for the Festival May 12(Sunday)Mother’s Day May 14(Tuesday)Board Meeting May 13 or 20 NJ Metropolis Meeting /Award Dinner May 21(Tuesday)GENERAL MEETING – ELECTIONS** May 29(Wednesday) Prepare and cut sweets for festival May 30 – June 2 Festival June 5(Tuesday)Board Meeting June 8/15(Saturday)St. Basil’s Graduation Save the Dates: These are other events or fundraisers that are done in order meet all our commitments: Cakeless Bake Sale – during October Christmas Cards Sale, start in late October Christmas pastries & pites order Feed the Homeless Lord & Taylor Fundraiser – usually in April Hermes Expo – April 13, 2013 Sale of the Luminaries for Holy Friday ****Date for Major Fundraiser TBA**** Sincerely, Barbara Kostakis ,President P.T.O. Mother's Club Welcome back to all returning families and a big WELCOME to all new families in our Greek School and Sunday School programs. We hope everyone had a wonderful summer and are ready for another school year filled with the promise of growth, learning and fun for our children. The PTO Mother's Club is actively engaged in activities that promote Greek education, language, religion, heritage and culture as well as raising money to support both the Greek School and Sunday School programs. Our largest fundraiser is the annual Tricky Tray auction where hundreds of baskets and prizes are raffled throughout the evening. The date of the event is Thursday, November 15th at 6:30pm in the Fr. Tsamultalis Cultural Center. There are many ways you can help our event be a huge success such as making a monetary or gift donation and attending the event with your friends. Over 350 people from the church and community attend the Tricky Tray each year and look forward to the next year's event. There will be a General PTO meeting on Tuesday, December 11 in the Atrium at 4:30pm. All parents of students in the Greek School or Sunday School program are welcome to attend. If you have any questions about the PTO Mother's Club, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Looking forward to seeing you at the Tricky Tray Auction! Eleni Kolefas and Eva Battaglia, PTO Co-Presidents Kali Parea News: Our first meeting of the new ecclesiastical year was held on Tuesday September 18, 2012. Many attended, despite a forecast of possible tornados. We happily greeted one another after the summer hiatus. Our new officers and steering committee were affirmed in church on Sunday September 23rd, they include: Fred Selsky: President Connie Kessisoglou Vice President Helen Vanides Treasurer Bessie Theodorou Recording Secretary Mae Savas Corresponding Secretary On the same Sunday a “mnimosino” was chanted for the repose of the souls of all our deceased members and an “artoclasia” was offered for the health and welfare of our entire membership. In recent news, we bought and donated a new freezer to the parish, to be used by Father Panayioti for storing the “prosfora”. In addition, we will be purchasing and preparing fresh fruit platters for the parish “Taverna Night” planned for Saturday September 29, 2012. Looking ahead, we have an enthusiastic response to our upcoming bus trip to the National 9/11 Memorial in New York City scheduled for Tuesday October 9, 2012. The trip includes a visit to the 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero, lunch at Kellari Taverna, a bus tour of NYC sights and finally a visit to the Top of the Rock. Our next meetings will be held on Tuesday October 16th and Tuesday November 20th both at 1 pm. Also mark your calendars for our annual Christmas Celebration on Thursday December 6th, 2012 at Madelines. Information will be forthcoming. In addition, we are planning a trip to West Point for a musical and dinner. We are in the process of gathering information for the Church Dinner Dance to be held at The Graystone Restaurant. As in previous years, we are planning to show several Greek films with English subtitles. We welcome all to our meetings, trips and various upcoming events. To paraphrase an old TV show: put a little fun in your life join Kali Parea! Helen Cocotos JOY: Junior Orthodox Youth The Junior Orthodox Youth, or JOY, is the ministry to 3rd through 6th grade children of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. We see our purpose here in running our JOY, is for your kids to come and have fun. We hope they will build a strong connection with our church, as well as, building lifelong friendships. Through fun activities including outreach projects, faith enrichment, trips and fund raising events this is the time to introduce your child to JOY. It will truly encourage new friendships that will help them transition into GOYA. We had our first meeting the first Friday in October. We will send out an email informing you of all the details for future meetings. Please pass this along to all of your Greek Orthodox friends with children in grades 3rd through 6th. Hope we see all your children there! Kalli Xronia everyone! Litsa & Penny GOYA: September has come and gone once again, and the Ecclesiastical year is off to a great start, especially for the teenagers of our community. Sunday school is back in session, and meetings fill the GOYA room on Friday nights. Last May, we left off with Olympics. The competition was as heated as the track, and Tenafly brought home its fair share of medals. We said goodbye to our seniors, and promised to keep in touch. Now, as we welcome new members, we begin to fill our calendars once again. The first meeting of the year took place on Friday, September 14th, where we went over usual business and introduced the new board members. On the 17th, Andrew Stavrou and I, Harry Economos, attended the state President/Vice President meeting to meet up with this years GOYA leaders. Of course, Andrew doesn’t just sit down to meetings. On Sunday, the 16th, we went to Asbury Park for the celebration of the Exaltation of the Cross, or Cross Toss, where Andrew Stavrou, Zoe Ferranti, Francesco Spaccavento, and Vikki Lekkas dove for the cross on behalf of Tenafly. We officially started the year in style on Friday the 28th with the Kick-Off Dance in Asbury Park, where we brushed off our Greek dance skills and each other’s shoes in Zembekiko. End of year JOY group shot On Saturday the 22nd, many GOYAns and parents alike went to St. Athanasios church in Paramus to get tested to see if they were a bone marrow match for Benjamin Venezia of Paramus. Benjamin is living with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, and is searching for a match. Looking ahead, on the 7th of October, we will go to the Mr./Miss Goya Pageant, where Epatia Lilikas and I will compete to represent not only our church, but our state for the rest of the GOYA year. We hope to do our best to make this another amazing year. See you in church! Harry Economos NOTE: After the writing of this article, both Epatia and Harry performed admirably at the Mr/Mrs Pageant,and Harry was awarded 1st place at the in the “Mr” part of the Competition. GOYA: Olympics Results: Girls Soccer Team: 3rd Place Volleyball Team: 2nd Place Junior Boys -1st Place, 100m: Peter Bayiokos -1st Place, 400m: Peter Bayiokos -3rd Place, 4x100 Relay: Andrew Acevedo, Peter Drake, Andoni Tsougarakis, Peter Bayiokos -1st Place, 4x400 Relay: Andrew Acevedo, Peter Drake, Andoni Tsougarakis, Peter Bayiokos -1st Place, Long Jump: Peter Bayiokos -3rd Place, Long Jump: Andrew Acevedo -2nd Place, Shot Put: Andrew Acevedo -3rd Place, Shot Put: Andoni Tsougarakis Senior Girls 2nd Place, 100m: Marissa Solonos rd 3 Place, 400m: Marissa Solonos Senior Boys 2nd Place, Mile: Alexander Mikelis nd 2 Place, Shot Put: Andreas Tzavelis 3rd Place, Marathon: Alexander Mikelis Swimming Junior Girls Indoor Olympics Events: Checkers: Yianni Mitropoulos 3rd Backgammon: Andoni Tsougarakis 3rd Chess: Peter Drake 1st Table Tennis: Peter Drake 1st Wii Football: Yianni Mitropoulos 1st Wii Badminton: Peter Bayiokos 2nd Table Tennis: Stephanie Zavolas 3rd Outdoor Olympics: Track & Field Junior Girls -2nd Place, 4x200 Relay: Georgia Schindele, Amanda Barbarise, Katerina Solonos, Elena Mikelis -1st Place, Shotput: Cassandra Chicles -3rd Place, Softball: Amanda Barbarise -1st Place, 50 Free: Elena Dongaris -2nd Place, 50 Back: Elena Dongaris -1st Place, 50 Butterfly: Elena Dongaris Senior Girls -2nd Place, 50 Free: Alexandra Hilaris -2nd Place, 50 Breast: Alexandra Hilaris Senior Boys -2nd Place, 50 Free: Yianni Dongaris -1st Place, 50 Breast: Yianni Dongaris -2nd Place, 50 Butterfly: Yianni Dongaris nd Relays- 2 Place, 200 Medley Relay: Nick Hilaris, Yianni Dongaris, Alexandra Hilaris, Elena Dongaris -1st Place, 200 Freestyle Relay, Harry Economos, Yianni Dongaris, Alexandra Hilaris, Elena Dongaris St. John’s 2012 Outdoor Olympic’s GOYAns Our Ms & Mr. Goya, Epatia Lilikas & Harry Economos Boy Scouts: We had an Eagle Ceremony for Stephen Coyle, Raza Zaidi, Peter Lilikas, and Christos Kaparos on June 24th. Many people showed up to honor and speak about the four scouts and their accomplishments leading up to their Eagle status. The overall Court of Honor was a success, and we are all proud of our four brand new eagles, and I am looking forward to seeing more of our scouts attain the highest rank in scouting. We had twenty-seven scouts attend Camp Turrell, our annual scout summer camp. During the six nights spent there, our scouts attend different merit badge sessions, where scouts have the opportunity to complete various merit badges throughout the week. Our younger scouts are encouraged to participate in Pathfinder, which is a program designed to help young scouts learn the basic skills and move up in ranking. At the end of the week, there are multiple competitions where troops compete for first place. Our troop came in 1st place in the Iron Man competition which was a race that consisted of a biker, fire starters, knots man, runner, two canoers, and a swimmer. Troop 25 came in 2nd for Turrell's Water Carnival, which is basically multiple events that take place in water and on land. Our Assistant Scout Master Don Florzack, came in 1st place in the fishing derby for his 14 inch Largemouth Bass. We also won 1st place in the shooting Trio, that consisted of Dr. Hilaris and two other scouts. Our scouts had another awesome time at Camp Turrell and throughout the entire year of scouts. Winning these awards and participating in the various competitions was a great way to end this year of scouting. We can't wait until next year! We sent 8 scouts and 2 adults to our high adventure camp in the Adirondacks, Camp Floodwood. They spent a week canoeing, camping and hiking in the Saranac Lake area. It was a week in the true outdoors. This Fall we just came back from the Eastern Orthodox Religious Retreat up at St. Basils. There were 100 scouts for 10 different Girl, Boy and Cub units from New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Arizona. The Seminarians came down from Holy Cross and put on Workshops and entertained at our Campfire. Thank You to Mr. Spaccavento for preparing the delicious dinner for the Retreat. We look forward to this year of activities. Come and join us. Andrew Acevedo, Senior Patrol Leader Eagle Scouts Stephen Coyle, Christos Kaparos, Petros Lilikas & Raza Zaidi. Baptisms: 07/28/2012 M/M Pietro (Peter) Maio for Christina Maria / Χριστίνα Μαρία with Kyriaki and Chrysanthi Petrou as the Godparents. 07/28/2012 M/M Michael Antona for Sofia / Σοφία with Orthodoxia Michail as the Godparent. 07/29/2012 Ms. Catherine Golfinopoulos for Alexandra Theodora / Άλεξάνδρα Θεοδώρα with Anthony Rezitis as the Godparent. 09/08/2012 M/M Cyprian Lawrence for Giorgia / Γεωργία with Romeo and Stanca Ionita as the Godparents. 09/29/2012 M/M Michael Vargas for Sienna Belle / Στεργιάννα with Vicky Seretis Allen as the Godparent. 08/26/2012 Evangelos Z. Theologis and Jennie E. Priovolos with Catherine Eftihia Giourgas and Gregory Mantekas as Paranymphoi. 09/09/2012 Constantine G. Binas and Janine Martella with Violet Georgia Gerontis as Paranymphos. 09/23/2012 John S. Gonnella and Jessica S. Holmberg with Jeffrey Michael Holmberg and Jarrod Seth Holmberg as Paranymphoi. 09/30/2012 Vasilios Tsagaratos and Anastasia Gallios with Paul Hourmouzis as Paranymphos. Funerals: 07/13/2012 James Gus Poulos Chrismations: 08/17/2012 Leo Strezou 09/20/2012 Jessica L. Patentas / Άγγελική with Michalia (Patentas) Day as the Godparent. 09/01/2012 Peter Molfetas 09/10/2012 James J. Gallas Weddings: 07/14/2012 Douglas C. Philibosian and Katerina (Tina) Laoudis with Christina Laoudis as Paranymphos. 09/29/2012 Nicholas Moustakas 10/11/2012 William Caras