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Curriculum Vitae
Alfonso Sorrentino
Curriculum Vitae
• Personal Information
Full Name: Alfonso Sorrentino.
Citizenship: Italian.
Contact Information:
Address: Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Sezione di Matematica,
Largo S. Leonardo Murialdo 1, 00146 Rome (Italy).
Phone: (+39) 06 57338227
(+39) 06 57338080
• Education
– Laurea in Mathematics (Summa cum laude), Universit`a degli Studi “Roma Tre”,
February 2003. Thesis Title: On smooth quasi-periodic solutions of Hamiltonian
Systems. Supervisor: Prof. Luigi Chierchia. Evaluation: 110/110 cum laude.
– M.A. in Mathematics, Princeton University (USA), May 2004.
Degree Committee: Prof. John Mather (President), Alice Chang and J´anos Koll´ar.
– Ph.D. in Mathematics, Princeton University (USA), June 2008.
Thesis Title: On the structure of action-minimizing sets for Lagrangian systems.
Advisor: Prof. John N. Mather.
Degree Committee: Prof. John N. Mather (President), Elon Lindenstrauss and
Yakov Sinai.
• Academic Positions
Researcher in Mathematical Analysis (tenured position) at Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Universit`a degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Rome (Italy) (from September
2012 to present).
– Junior Research Fellow at Fondation des Sciences Math´ematiques de Paris (September 2008 - August 2009). Host Department: CEREMADE, Universit´e ParisDauphine.
– Herchel-Smith Research Fellow in Pure Mathematics at University of Cambridge
(UK), Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (September
2009 to August 2012).
– Newton Trust fellow at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, UK (September
2009 to August 2012).
• Academic/Professional Qualifications
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Curriculum Vitae
Alfonso Sorrentino
– Italian National Scientific Qualification (ASN) to function as Associate Professor
(Sector 01/A2, Algebra and Geometry), December 2013.
– French Qualification of Conseil national des universit´es (CNU) to function as maˆıtre
de conf´erences in Mathematics, February 2009.
– Teaching trainining certificate, McGraw Center for Education, Princeton University
(USA), 2004.
• Research Interests
Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems: Aubry-Mather theory, KAM theory, weak
KAM theory, Integrable systems, Stability and Instability problems (Nekhoroshev
theory and Arnold diffusion).
Twist maps, billiards, symplectic maps, low-dimensional dynamics.
Hamilton-Jacobi equation: Homogenization, viscosity solutions, Symplectic Homogenization, variational solutions.
Symplectic geometry, symplectic topology, Generating functions, Hofer geometry.
• Awards
– Frelinghuysen scholarship, Princeton University (academic year 2003-2004).
– Full tuition and scholarship, Princeton University (2003-2008).
– Fondation des Sciences Math´ematiques de Paris, junior research fellowship (September 2008 - August 2009).
– Herchel-Smith Research Fellowship, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge (UK) (September 2009 to August 2012).
Coordinator of a three-year Research Grant (Total: 30.000 GBP).
– Newton Trust Fellowship of Pembroke College, University of Cambrige, UK (September 2009 to August 2012).
• Grants
– French ANR Project: “Hamilton-Jacobi et th´eorie KAM faible” (ANR-07-BLAN-30361). Participant from 2009 to 2012.
– Herchel-Smith Research Grant (30.000 GBP/ 3 years), University of Cambridge (UK)
(September 2009 to August 2012). PI and Coordinator.
– Marie Curie INDAM confund fellowship 2012-2014: “Stable and Unstable Motions
in Hamiltonian Dynamics” (SaUMiHD). PI and Coordinator. Ranked 1st (ex-aequo)
with full score. (Declined: incompatibility with the appointment as tenured Researcher at University of Roma Tre).
– Italian GNAMPA (National Group of Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications) research project: “Symplectic, variational and viscosity techniques for the
study of Homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi” [Total: 4.000 Euro for 1 year]. PI and
Coordinator (from May 2013 to May 2014). Other team members: Antonio Siconolfi
and Andrea Davini from University Rome “La Sapienza”.
– Italian PRIN 2009 (Italian Project of National Relevance): “Critical point theory
and perturbative methods for nonlinear differential equations” [3 years]. Participant
from 2012 to 2013.
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Curriculum Vitae
Alfonso Sorrentino
– Italian PRIN 2012 (Italian Project of National Relevance): “Variational and perturbative aspects in nonlinear differential problems” [3 years]. Participant from 2014
to 2017.
• Publications
[S1] Alfonso Sorrentino. On the total disconnectedness of the quotient Aubry set. Ergodic
Theory Dynam. Systems 28 (1): 267 - 290, 2008.
[S2] Alfonso Sorrentino. On the structure of action-minimizing sets for Lagrangian systems. Ph.D. thesis Series, Princeton University, 157 pp. ISBN: 978-0549-52575-2,
ProQuest LLC, 2008.
[S3] Albert Fathi, Alessandro Giuliani and Alfonso Sorrentino. Uniqueness of invariant
Lagrangian graphs in a homology or a cohomology class. Ann. Sc. Norm. Super.
Pisa Cl. Sci. (5), Vol. VIII (4): 659 - 680, 2009.
[S4] Alfonso Sorrentino and Claude Viterbo. Action minimizing properties and distances
on the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms. Geom. & Topol. 14 (4): 2383 - 2403,
[S5] Alfonso Sorrentino. On the integrability of Tonelli Hamiltonians. Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc. 363 (10): 5071 - 5089, 2011.
[S6] Daniel Massart and Alfonso Sorrentino. Differentiability of Mather’s average action
and integrability on closed surfaces. Nonlinearity 24 (6): 1777 - 1793, 2011.
[S7] Leo T. Butler and Alfonso Sorrentino. Weak Liouville-Arnol’d theorems and their
implications. Comm. Math. Phys. 315 (1): 109 – 133, 2012.
[S8] Alfonso Sorrentino. A variational approach to the study of the existence of invariant
Lagrangian graphs. Boll. Unione Mat. Italiana Serie IX, Vol VI (2): 405 – 440,
[S9] Gabriel P. Paternain and Alfonso Sorrentino. Symplectic and contact properties
of Ma˜
n´e’s critical value on the universal cover. To appear on NoDEA, Nonlinear
Differential Equations Appl., 2014.
[S10] Alfonso Sorrentino. Computing Mather’s β-function for Birkhoff billiards. To appear
on Discrete and Contin. Dyn. Syst. - A, 2014.
[S11] Alfonso Sorrentino. Action-minimizing methods in Hamiltonian dynamics: an introduction to Aubry-Mather theory. Monograph under contract with Princeton University Press, Series: Mathematical Notes (Editors: Phillip A. Griffiths, John N.
Mather, and Elias M. Stein), 2014.
• Invited Talks
Upcoming Talks:
– Workshop: “Symplectic and Contact Dynamics”, 23-27 March 2014, University of
Tel Aviv (Israel). Invited Speaker.
– Conference: “Beyond Hamilton-Jacobi in Avignon”, Universit´e d’Avignon (France),
23-30 April 2014. Invited Speaker.
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Curriculum Vitae
Alfonso Sorrentino
– Conference: “Hamiltonian Perturbation Theory: Separatrix Splitting, Theory and
Applications, Centro de Giorgi, Pisa (Italy), 5-9 May 2014. Invited Speaker.
– Bochum-K¨oln-M¨
unster (BKM) Contact and Symplectic Seminar, University of
Bochum (Germany), 30 May 2014. Invited Speaker.
– Meeting: “Journ´ees dynamiques”, Universit´e d’Avignon (France), 25 June 2014.
Invited Speaker.
– CIMPA Research School in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Dynamics, Salto (Uruguay),
9-20 March 2015. Invited Lecturer.
Past Talks:
– Dynamical System Seminar, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy), February
– Analysis Seminar, Universit`a La Sapienza, Rome (Italy), October 2013.
– Holomorphic Dynamics Seminar, Centro de Giorgi & SNS Pisa, Pisa (Italy), October
– Workshop of young italian dynamicisists, Corinaldo (Italy), June 2013.
– Analysis and Dynamics Seminar, Universit´e de Nantes, France, April 2013.
– Workshop on the N-body problem, BIRS Banff (Canada), January 2013.
– Dynamical Systems Seminar, Universit`a Roma Tor Vergata (Italy), November 2012.
– Conference on Periodic Orbits in Contact and Riemannian Geometry, Touquet-ParisPlage (France), September 2012.
– Montevideo dynamical systems conference 2012, Montevideo (Uruguay), August
– Recent Progress in Lagrangian & Hamiltonian Dynamics, A conference in honor of
John Mather’s 70th Birthday, ENS Lyon, Lyon (France), June 2012.
– Differential geometry Seminar, University of Cambridge (UK), May 2012.
– Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory Seminar, University of Bristol (UK), May
– Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory Seminar, Warwick University (UK), November 2011.
– Second meeting of the Young Italian Hyperbolicians, Universit`a di Pisa, Pisa (Italy),
September 2011.
– XIX Congresso dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Bologna (Italy), September 2011.
Plenary Speaker in the session: Nonlinear analysis and Dynamical Systems.
– Conference on Hamiltonian Dynamics 2011, Nanjing University, Nanjing (China),
August 2011.
– Workshop on conservative dynamics and symplectic geometry, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro
(Brazil), August 2011.
– Workshop on instabilities in Hamiltonian systems, Field Institute, Toronto (Canada),
June 2011.
– S´eminaire de G´eom´etrie hamiltonienne, Institut de Math´ematiques de Jussieu, Paris
(France), May 2011.
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Curriculum Vitae
Alfonso Sorrentino
– Pure Mathematics Colloquium, University of Durham, Durham (UK), May 2011.
– Dynamics and geometry seminar, Penn State University, State College (Pennsylvania, USA), October 2010.
– Workshop on dynamical systems and related topics, Penn State University, State
College (Pennsylvania, USA), October 2010.
– Rencontre KAM faible, Calvi (France), October 2010.
– Differential geometry seminar, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (UK), March
– Colloque: Paulette Libermann, h´eritage et descendance, Institut Henri Poincar´e,
Paris (France), December 2009.
– S´eminaire de g´eom´etrie et dynamiques , UMPA, Ecole
normale sup´erieure de Lyon,
Lyon (France), November 2009.
– S´eminaire de syst`emes dynamiques et g´eom´etrie, Universit´e d’Avignon, Avignon
(France), May 2009.
– Analysis Seminar, Universit`a degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Naples (Italy),
April 2009.
– Mathematical Physics Seminar, University of Helsinki, Helsinki (Finland), March
– Conference: Nice weak KAM methods in Nice, Universit´e de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
Nice (France), February 2009.
– S´eminaire du CEREMADE Analyse-Probabilit´es, Universit´e Paris-Dauphine, Paris
(France), January 2009.
– S´eminaire de topologie symplectique (SYMPLECT’X), Ecole
Polytechnique, Palaiseau
(France), November 2008.
– Rencontre de KAM faible, Universit´e de Bordeaux, Bordeaux (France), October
– Seminari de sistemes dinamics, Centre de Recerca Matem`atica, Barcelona (Spain),
October 2008.
– Analysis Seminar, Universit`a degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Rome (Italy), June 2008.
– Dynamics Seminar, University of Toronto, Toronto (Canada), January 2008.
– Ergodic Theory and Statistical Mechanics Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton
(New Jersey, USA), September 2007.
– Workshop on Symplectic topology and area-preserving dynamical systems, Snowbird
(Utah, USA), June 2007.
– Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems Seminar, Instituto Superior T´ecnico,
Lisbon (Portugal), June 2007.
– Workshop and School on Conservative dynamics, San Jos´e (Uruguay), December
– AIMS’s Sixth international Conference on dynamical systems, Universit´e de Poitiers,
Poitiers (France), June 2006.
– PASI 2005 Conference on Differential equations and nonlinear analysis, Universidad
de Chile, Santiago (Chile), January 2005.
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Curriculum Vitae
Alfonso Sorrentino
• Conferences, Workshops and Schools
Upcoming Events:
– Workshop: “Symplectic and Contact Dynamics”, 23-27 March 2014, University of
Tel Aviv (Israel). Invited Speaker.
– Conference: “Beyond Hamilton-Jacobi in Avignon”, Universit´e d’Avignon (France),
23-30 April 2014. Invited Speaker.
– Conference: “Hamiltonian Perturbation Theory: Separatrix Splitting, Theory and
Applications, Centro de Giorgi, Pisa (Italy), 5-9 May 2014. Invited Speaker.
– Meeting: “Journ´ees dynamiques”, Universit´e d’Avignon (France), 25 June 2014.
Invited Speaker.
– CIMPA Research School in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Dynamics, Salto (Uruguay),
9-20 March 2015. Invited Lecturer.
Past Events:
– Workshop of young italian dynamicists, Corinaldo (Italy), June 2013.
– Mini-Symposium on Aubry-Mather theory, Universit´e de Nantes (France), April
2013. Invited Lecturer.
– Workshop on N-body problem, BIRS, Banff (Canada), January 2013.
– Dynamics and EDP, CIRM, Luminy Marseille (France), November 2012. Invited
– Conference on Periodic Orbits in Contact and Riemannian Geometry, TouquetParis-Plage (France), September 2012. Invited Lecturer.
– Montevideo dynamical systems conference 2012, Montevideo, Uruguay, August 2012.
Invited Speaker.
– Workshop on Interactions Between Algebra and Dynamics in Symplectic Topology,
Technion, Haifa (Israel), June 2012. Invited participant.
– Recent Progress in Lagrangian & Hamiltonian Dynamics. A conference in honor of
John Mather’s 70th Birthday, Ecole Normale superieure de Lyon, France, June 2012.
Invited speaker and co-organizer.
– Conference on Dynamical Optimization in PDE and Geometry, University of Bordeaux, France, December 2011. Invited speaker.
– Workshop on Symplectic dynamics, Institute for advanced studies, Princeton (NJ,
USA), October 2011. Invited participant.
– Second meeting of the Young Italian Hyperbolicians, Universit`a di Pisa, Pisa (Italy),
September 2011. Invited speaker.
– XIX Congresso dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Bologna (Italy), September 2011.
Invited speaker at the Session: Nonlinear analysis and dynamical systems.
– Workshop on weak KAM theory, Cortona (Italy), September 2011. Invited speaker.
– Conference on Hamiltonian Dynamics 2011, Nanjing University, Nanjing (China),
August 2011. Invited speaker.
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Curriculum Vitae
Alfonso Sorrentino
– Workshop on conservative dynamics and symplectic geometry, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro
(Brazil), August 2011. Invited speaker.
– Summer school on Closed orbits and variational methods, Universit´e de Neuchˆatel
(Switzerland), June 2011. Invited lecturer.
– Workshop on Instabilities in Hamiltonian Systems, Fields Institute, Toronto (Canada),
June 2011. Invited speaker.
– Workshop in dynamical systems and related topics, Penn State University, State
College (Pennsylvania, USA), October 2010. Invited speaker.
– Rencontre KAM faible, Calvi (France), October 2010. Invited Speaker.
– International congress of mathematicians (ICM2010), Hyderabad (India), August
2010. Participant.
– Jornades d’introducci´o als sistemes din´amics i a les EDP’s (JISD2010), Universitat
Polit`ecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona (Spain), June 2010. Invited lecturer.
– Workshop on Symplectic and contact topology and dynamics: puzzles and horizons,
MSRI, Berkeley (USA), March 2010. Invited participant.
– Colloque: Paulette Libermann, h´eritage et descendance, Institut Henri Poincar´e,
Paris (France), December 2009. Invited speaker.
– Ecole d’automne sur la th´eorie KAM faible, CIRM, Marseille (France), October 2009.
Invited participant.
– Conference: Nice weak KAM methods in Nice, Universit´e de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
Nice (France), February 2009. Invited speaker.
– Conference on Stability and Instability in Mechanical Systems: Recent progress and
mathematical theory, CRM (Barcelona, Spain), September 2008. Invited participant.
– Advanced courses on Stability and Instability in Mechanical Systems, CRM (Barcelona,
Spain), September 2008. Invited participant.
– Summer school on Hamiltonian PDEs and Variational Methods, Capri (Italy),
September 2008. Invited participant.
– Workshop on dynamical systems and related topics (Prof. Brin’s 60th Birthday),
University of Maryland (USA), March 2008. Conference grants.
– Workshop on Symplectic topology and area-preserving dynamical systems, Snowbird
(Utah, USA), June 2007. Invited speaker.
– Workshop and School on Conservative dynamics, San Jos´e (Uruguay), December
2006. Invited speaker.
– International Conference on Mathematical Physics (ICMP06), Rio de Janeiro
(Brazil), August 2006. NSF Grants.
– Young Researcher symposium, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), August 2006. Invited
– AIMS’s Sixth international Conference on dynamical systems, Universit´e de Poitiers,
Poitiers (France), June 2006. Invited speaker.
– Workshop on dynamical systems and related topics (Prof. Sinai’s 70th Birthday),
University of Maryland (USA), March 2006.
– Recent developments in Hamiltonian dynamics, Institut Henri Poincar´e, Paris
(France), May 2005. Invited participant.
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Curriculum Vitae
Alfonso Sorrentino
– PASI 2005 Conference on Differential equations and nonlinear analysis, Universidad
de Chile, Santiago (Chile), January 2005. Invited participant. NSF Grants.
– Summer School and Conference on Dynamical Systems, ICTP, Trieste (Italy),
July/August 2004. Invited participant.
– International Workshop on Hamiltonian dynamical systems, CRM, Montr´eal (Canada),
May 2004. Invited participant.
• Academic and Scientific Visits
– January 2014: University of Maryland, College Park (Maryland, USA). Invited by
Prof. Vadim Yu. Kaloshin. Two weeks.
– April 2013: Universit´e de Nantes (France). Invited by Prof. Georgi Popov. One
– October 2010: Penn State University, State College (Pennsylvania, USA). Invited
by Prof. Vadim Yu. Kaloshin. Two weeks.
– April 2009: Universit`a degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples (Italy). Thematic
program: New connections between dynamical systems and Hamiltonian PDEs. Two
– February 2009: University of Helsinki, Helsinki (Finland). Invited by Dr. Emiliano
De Simone. One week.
– September/October 2008: Centre de Recerca Matem`atica, Barcelona (Spain). Research Program: “Stability and Instability in Mechanical Systems” (SIMS08). One
– June 2007: Instituto Superior T´ecnico, Lisbon (Portugal). Invited by Prof. Diogo
Gomes. One week.
– May 2005: Institut Henri Poincar´e, Paris (France). Thematic Trimester: “Time at
work”. One month.
• Advanced/Postgraduate Lecturing on Research Topics
Upcoming Courses:
– March 2015: CIMPA Research School in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Dynamics,
Salto (Uruguay) [Course: 10 hours].
Past Courses:
– February 2014: Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa (Italy), From KAM theory to AubryMather theory [Mini-course: 4 hours].
– April 2013: Universit´e de Nantes (France), The least action principle in Hamiltonian
dynamics and Geometry [Mini-course: 4 hours].
– September 2012: Touquet-Paris-plage (France), The least action principle in Hamiltonian dynamics and Geometry [Mini-course: 3 hours].
– February-April 2012: University of Cambridge (UK), Part III/Ph-D course on
Hamiltonian dynamical systems [Graduate course: 24 hours].
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Curriculum Vitae
Alfonso Sorrentino
– June 201:1Universit´e de Neuchˆatel (Switzerland), The principle of least action in
Hamiltonian dynamics [Summer School course: 10 hours].
– June 2010: Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona (Spain), Actionminimizing methods in Lagrangian dynamics [Summer School course: 10 hours].
– December 2009: University of Cambridge, Introduction to Aubry-Mather theory
[Mini-course: 6 hours].
– April 2009: Universit`a degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, An introduction to Mather’s
theory [Graduate Course: 10 hours].
– October 2008: CRM Barcelona (Spain), Tutorial on Mather’s theory for Lagrangian
systems [Mini-course: 3 hours].
• Academic Services
Journal refereeing: Referee for many international journals, including: Inventiones
Mathematicae, Communications on Pure and Applied mathematics, Communications in
Mathematical Physics, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, International Mathematics Research Notices, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A & B, Canadian
Journal of Mathematics, Rivista iberoamericana, Acta Mathematica Sinica English series,
Journal of Topology and Analysis, Proceeding London Mathematical Society, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Nonlinearity, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences, Journal of Geometric Mechanics, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Mathematical
Physics Electronic Journal.
Reviewer for Math Reviews (MathSciNet) (since 2011).
Grant Assessment: Evaluator of grant proposals (Discovery Grants) for the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), 2012.
Scientific and Organizing Committees:
– Member of the Scientific Committee for the annual Conference/Summer school
“Jornades d’introducci´o als sistemes din´amics i a les EDP’s” held at Universitat
Polit`ecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona (Spain). From 2010 to present.
– Member of the Organizing Committee for the Conference in honour of John Mather’s
70th Birthday, “Recent progress in Hamiltonian & Lagrangian dynamics” held at
ENS Lyon (France), June 2012.
– Member of the Organizing Committee of the Analysis and Dynamical systems Seminar held weekly at Universit`a degli Studi Roma Tre (from 2012 to present).
– Member of the Ph.D. Scientific Committee for the Ph.D. program in Mathematics,
at Universit`a degli Studi Roma Tre (from 2012 to present).
– Member of the Teaching Committee for Department of Mathematics and Physics,
Universit`a degli Studi Roma Tre (from 2012 to present).
– Member of the Undergraduate Admission interview panel (Pure Mathematics) for
University of Cambridge/Pembroke College (December 2010 and December 2011).
– Member of the International Program Committee of Pembroke College, University
of Cambridge (October 2010 - August 2012).
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Curriculum Vitae
Alfonso Sorrentino
• Various
Scientific Memberships:
– Member of GNAMPA (National Group of Mathematical Analysis, Probability and
Applications). From 2011 to present.
– Member of AMS (American Mathematical Society). From 2003 to 2008.
– Member of MAA (Mathematical Association of America). From 2003 to 2008.
Computer skills: Programming Languages (C, LaTeX, HTML), Mathematical Software
(Mathematica, MATLAB).
Languages: Italian (native), English (excellent), French (fluent), German (basic).
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