同広報和訳 - 海事保安コンサルタント IMOS アイモス

PH, Japan seek stronger action versus piracy in the Gulf of
Concerned by the growing atrocity of pirates in the Gulf of Aden who had killed a Filipino
seafarer early this year, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), in collaboration with
Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), last week held a
consultation meeting with manning agencies, maritime training institutions, and Filipino
seafarers’ groups to strengthen anti-piracy measures and prevent the recurrence of pirates'
killing of Filipino seamen.
At the Philippines-Japan Working Level Meeting and Tabletop Exercises on Anti-Piracy held at
Pan Pacific Hotel in Manila last week, Labor and Employment Undersecretary Danilo P. Cruz
said the DOLE has gained the cooperation of Japan's MLIT in the efforts against sea-piracy that
has victimized Filipino seafarers.
DOLE 次官 Danilo P. Cruz は、フィリピン人船員が犠牲となった海賊事件に対して、日本の国土
"The DOLE also strongly supports the call of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for
urgent and greater anti-piracy coordination and cooperation procedures between and among
states, regions, organizations, and industries," he said as he thanked the MLIT and the Maritime
Training Council (MTC) for spearheading the conduct of the anti-piracy meeting.
「DOLE もまた、緊急かつ強力な海賊対策に向けた国、地域、組織、産業の間の調整及び協力手順のた
め、国際海事機関(IMO)の呼びかけを強く支援する。」彼は冒頭、MLIT と海事訓練評議会(MTC)への謝
The MLIT handles international transport security for Japanese-owned vessels while the MTC, a
DOLE attached agency and headed by Executive Director Liberty T. Casco, sets maritime
training standards to ensure Filipino seafarers’ competitiveness and employability.
MLIT は、日本オーナー船の国際交通の保安を扱い、一方、事務局長 Liberty T. Casco をトップとした
DOLE の外局である MTC は、フィリピン人船員の競争力と雇用価値を確実にするために、標準的
During the meeting, Cruz pushed for bolder anti-piracy measures against maritime piracy,
particularly by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden.
会合中、Cruz 次官は、海賊、特にアデン湾のソマリア海賊に対する強力な対策を強く述べた。
"On behalf of our Filipino seafarers, we in the DOLE are asking the international community and
the social partners in the shipping industry, such as manning agencies, shipping companies,
maritime training centers, and seafarers groups to take more purposive action and stronger
deterrents against the unabated occurrence of maritime piracy," he said.
フィリピン人船員を代表して我々DOLE は、船員配乗団体、船会社、海事訓練センター、船員組合のよ
Cruz, in particular, urged the participants to the anti-piracy meeting to identify measures on how
the social partners could more effectively address the sea-piracy problem and improve their
readiness to respond to piracy situations.
かにおいて、その対策を統一するため、Cruz 次官は特に、海賊対策会議への緊急の参加を強く迫った。
"It is imperative that we build our capacities to deter, interdict, and bring to justice those who
commit acts of piracy and armed robbery against our ships and seafarers," he told the
He noted that the Philippines, which supplies one-third of the world's seafarers' population, is
among the most adversely affected and seriously alarmed by incidences of piracy in the Somali
basin and the Gulf of Aden.
One such incidence led to the death of Filipino seaman Farolito Vallega who was shot by
Somali pirates in fit of anger while on board the general cargo ship MV Beluga Nomination
which the pirates had hijacked off the coast of Seychelles on Jan. 22, 2011.
そのような悲劇は、2011.1.22、セイシェル沖で海賊にハイジャックされた一般貨物船 MV Beluga
Nomination 船上でソマリア海賊により射殺されたフィリピン人船員 Farolito Vallega の死からもたら
To cushion the impact of maritime piracy on Filipino seafarers, Cruz said the POEA issued
guidelines requiring ship owners, principals, managers, and manning agencies to ensure that
vessels with Filipino seafarers should pass only within the declared maritime security patrol area
in the Gulf of Aden. Filipino seafarers are also required to undergo anti-piracy training.
フィリピン人船員の海賊への衝撃を和らげるため、POEA は、フィリピン人船員とその船舶が、アデン
とが要求される、と Cruz 次官は述べた。
"The Philippines has also been admitted as member of the Contact Group on Piracy off the
Coast of Somalia. The UN has established this group to facilitate discussion and coordination of
actions among states and organizations to suppress piracy off the coast of Somalia," he added.
He also said that the PH-Japan anti-piracy meeting is a venue for both countries to share
information that can enhance measures against piracy, particularly in equipping seafarers with
skills that will enable them to deter pirates' attack.
Filipino seafarers comprise 70% of the crew on board Japanese international merchant vessels
and play a vital role in ensuring safe, secure, and stable Japanese international shipping
フィリピン人船員は、日本の外航商船隊乗組員の 70%を占め、安全、保安面で安定した日本の外航輸送
The DOLE appreciates the efforts of the Japanese government and ship owners to ensure the
Filipino seafarers' safety on board their vessels," Cruz said.
DOLE は、日本政府と船主が彼らの船上で、フィリピン人船員の安全を保証するための努力に感謝します、
と Cruz 次官は述べた。