BeeHive Assisted Living Homes in Santa Fe, NM

BeeHive Assisted Living Homes of Santa Fe
The professional staff at BeeHive Assisted Living Homes of Santa Fe assesses
residents not only upon joining the BeeHive family but again on a regular
basis to ascertain each person’s specific needs, which, of course, may change
over time.
BeeHive Homes prides itself on maintaining a professional staff of individuals
who have high work ethics and true compassion and love for their residents
and their jobs. BeeHive Homes residents enjoy small, familiar environments
where they can always feel safe and secure.
Assisted Living Santa Fe NM
BeeHive Assisted Living Homes of Santa Fe offers the finest of assisted living
in Santa Fe, NM. At BeeHive Village we strive to bring the comforts of home
into our assisted living home.
We do this with meaningful relationships, home-cooked meals, and healthy
and rejuvenating activities. Our assisted living santa Fe NM truly is a
wonderful home-like environment making that transition from independent
living much easier.
Address:- 3838 Thomas Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Phone:- 505-629-1714