bulletin Easter 2015 - Coshocton Presbyterian Church

Becoming Like Children …
I tell you it would not surprise me if my soul were younger tomorrow than it is today!
~ Meister Eckhart,
(14th century mystic)
Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the
kingdom of heaven.
~ Jesus
Time of Preparation
Faith without humor becomes fanaticism. Humor without faith becomes cynicism.
~ Conrad Hyers
The Presbyterian Church
Coshocton, Ohio
April 12, 2015
Holy Humor Sunday
Assemble in God’s Name
RINGING OF THE CHIMES - our call to prayer as the Body of Christ.
Enter God’s house reverently. Pray trustingly, sing joyfully, Listen silently, worship expectantly.
~ William Arthur Ward
The Squirrel
Powell Weaver
God must have had a sense of humor. He created squirrels!
Alice M. Hoover, organ
*HYMN 280
Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound
*All who are able please stand.
Somebody is in my pew!
RESPONSE (small blue hymnal) to be sung before and after Children’s Moment
Where Children Belong
The peace candle reminds us to pray for peace in our families and in God’s world. Following the Children’s Moment, kids in grades Pre-K - 6 are dismissed to Sunday School. Childcare is provided for infants & toddlers with Judy Mizer in Rm. 205.
*THE PEACE - (Put in the suggestion box by one of our members several years ago!)
“We need to smile more during worship. This tells visitors we are a friendly church! ☺”
Proclaim God’s Word
ANTHEM (Chancel Choir)
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today!
13th century French hymn
arranged, Carolyn Jennings
Psalm 126
(pew Bibles, page 572, NT)
The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
ANTHEM (Celebration Singers)
Oh, How Good Is Christ the Lord!
Caroline S. Heading, piano
Puerto Rican folk hymn
arranged, Ronald A. Nelson
Instrumentalists: Debbie Clark, Barb Custer, Kim Hayes, Alice Hoover,
Erin Jobes, Jan Myers, Maggie Myers, Chad Putka and Mary Smith
GOSPEL READING - A paraphrase of the Beatitudes from Matthew 5:11
The Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, O Christ.
“We have a strong system of elders.”
“Somehow I haven’t felt the least bit
drowsy during the service since the new
stained glass window was installed.”
Laugh or Have High Blood Pressure
At that time we laughed loudly and shouted for joy!
*HYMN #302
The Reverend Jonathan T. Carlisle
(Psalm 126:2)
I Danced in the Morning
Simple Gifts
Give Thanks to God
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us; and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and
the power and the glory, forever. Amen.
Welcome Happy Morning
A. Sullivan/ G. Peterson
Old Hundredth
Praise God, from whom all laughter flows.
Praise Jesus laughing with us all.
Praise Holy Spirit, blowing free.
Praise God for always loving me. Amen.
*UNISON PRAYER OF DEDICATION (from the 2015 Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study)
God, we pray that we may discover Jesus Christ in the face of every stranger;
that we may know through your Holy Spirit that love eternal that is the essence of your character and the true end of our humanity. Amen.
Go in God’s Name
*HYMN #104
Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna!
Hymn to Joy
“. . . So my friend Marge said it might be phlebitis, but when I asked the doctor, he said, ‘Don’t
worry. Just stay off your feet for a couple days,’ but I told him, ‘Now how do you expect me to . . .”
Halle, Halle, Hallelujah
setting, John A Behnke
POET THOMAS DEKKER, who lived 400 years ago, said he wanted to meet people with laughter
on his lips, love in his heart and gentleness, kindness and courtesy in his demeanor. Let’s do the same
today. If you are a visitor, please write your e-mail address on the attendance pad and/or on a visitor
card and place it in the offering plate.
If you have a prayer concern, fill out a prayer card in the pew rack and place it in the offering
plate. A Prayer Box for prayer requests is also available in the Assembly Room.
Nursery Care for infants and toddlers is available with Judy Mizer in Room 205 on the main floor
of the educational building. Worship packets with quiet activities for children are on the back pew.
Greeters: Eric, Laura, Liam, Sylvia & Theo Taggart, opposite elevator; Brent Porteus, 4th Street
Liturgist today is Becky Lerch. Becky recently finished her term as Clerk of Session.
Flowers are given in loving memory of Jim and Norma Gayle Brown, Mildred Zimmerman and
Chip Brown by the family.
Geneva Handbell Choir will rehearse at 11:30 a.m.
Fearless Bible Study will meet at 11:30 a.m. in the parlor with Kirsten McPeck.
Small Group Bible Study will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the parlor with Jeff Sycks.
MONDAY: Rev. Carlisle will begin vacation and will return to the office on Monday, April 20.
Please call Tina in the office if you have a pastoral concern.
Strategy Committee will meet at 7 p.m.
TUESDAY: Morning Prayer will begin at 9 a.m. Staff will meet at 9:30 a.m.
Almost Midweek Ministry will be held from 5:30-7 p.m. in the parlor.
Adopt-a-Highway Clean-up will be held from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Meet at Edie Ryan’s Restaurant
at 5:15 p.m. if you would like to help the Board of Deacons clean-up the portion of SR 16 between Edie
Ryan’s and SR 83 S. Bring your gloves!
Worship Committee will meet at 7 p.m.
WEDNESDAY: Carol Choir will rehearse with Miss April & Mrs. Snyder at 4:30 p.m.
Crusaders Choir will rehearse with Mr. Snyder & Mrs. Leppla at 4:30 p.m.
Community Dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Chancel Choir will rehearse at 7 p.m.
Moving Spirit will rehearse at 8 p.m.
THURSDAY: Prayer Fellowship will meet at 10 a.m. in the fireside room.
to be part of this time of prayer and fellowship!
Westminster Ringers will rehearse at 7 p.m.
Everyone is invited
SATURDAY: TOPS will meet from 9-10:15 a.m. in the fellowship hall.
Grocery Cart Day: The Board of Deacons will be at Buehler’s from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. collecting
non-perishable food items and other household needs. Please support your Deacons and The Salvation
Army Community Food Pantry.
NEXT SUNDAY: Deacons will meet at 8 a.m.
Church School will begin at 9:15 a.m.
Moving Spirit will rehearse at 9:45 a.m.
Westminster Ringers will rehearse at 10 a.m.
Worship in the sanctuary will begin at 10:30 a.m. The Reverend Mark Brodbeck, chaplain at
Signature HealthCARE, will be the guest preacher. Please read Luke 24:13-49 in preparation. Musical
leadership will be provided by organist Alice Hoover; Carol Choir, Moving Spirit and Westminster Ringers.
Geneva Handbell Choir will rehearse at 11:30 a.m.
Fearless Bible Study will meet at 11:30 a.m. in the parlor with Kirsten McPeck.
Worship and Communion at Windsorwood will begin at 2 p.m.
Small Group Bible Study will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the parlor with Jeff Sycks.
PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN’S SPRING RUMMAGE SALE will be held Friday, April 24 from 9 a.m. - 3
p.m. and Saturday, April 25 from 9 a.m. - 12 noon. MANY volunteers are needed to help with set-up and
to work the sale days. Sign-up sheets are available in the assembly room and at the information station.
ORGAN CONCERT: Sunday, May 3 ~ 3 p.m. Bradley Hunter Welch will return to our church to play a
concert on our sanctuary pipe organ. We are in need of bakers to provide cookies for the reception following the program. Sign-up sheets are available in the assembly room and at the information station.
Please include in your prayers:
Charles Bechtol - Signature HealthCARE, Rm. #406
Isabel Cattell - Lafayette Pointe, Rm. #217, 520 E. Main St., West Lafayette, OH 43845
Pauline Helt - Helen Purcell, Rm. #218, 1854 Norwood Blvd., Zanesville, OH 43701
Charles Helt - c/o Sharon Strouse, 8955 CR 393, Millersburg, OH 44654
Marilyn Litton - Echoing Hills, Rm. #102, 36272 CR 79, Warsaw, OH 43844
Cloyd Campbell - Echoing Hills, Rm. #205
Lois Lee - 6620 Worthington-Galena Road, Worthington, Ohio 43085-2640
Janet & Jack Ashman, Joyce Brenly, Cathy Evans, Lawanda Getz, Paul Hunt, Paul
Landschulz, Nancy Lonsinger, Tom Miller, Dorothy Olinger, Chuck Snyder, Joann
Starcher, John Unger, Tim Wilkin - home
DEVOTIONAL MATERIALS are available on the table in the hallway near the Fireside Room.
COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY and FIRST STEP items can be placed in the boxes in the chapel
lobby. Thank you for your contributions!
ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING: Thank you to all who have contributed to our One Great Hour of
Sharing offering. Envelopes are still available in the pew racks. Total received thus far: $1,809.73.
Jonathan T. Carlisle
Ministry of Christian Education
Erin R. Jobes, Director of Christian Education
Nancy Cox, Sunday School Superintendent
Sunday School Teachers
The Ministry of Support Staff
Christine E. Johnson, Church Office Administrator
BJ Taylor, Church Office Assistant
Jennifer Farrar, Custodian
Judy Mizer, Child Care
Steve Leavengood, Sound System
Barbara Wheeler, Head Usher
Office Hours
Monday - Friday - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 740-622-0486
E-mail: church@presbyteriancoshocton.org
Website: www.presbyteriancoshocton.org
Pastor Emeritus
Robert W. Millspaugh
Ministry of Music
Charles R. Snyder, Director of Music
Alice M. Hoover, Organist
Mark D. Wagner, Associate Organist
April L. King, Carol Choir Director
Sharon V. Sutton, Cherub Choir Director
The Church Choirs
Chad J. Putka, Music Ministry Intern
Helen L. Wright, Organist Laureate
All Members and Friends of
The Presbyterian Church in Coshocton
Worship - Sanctuary
10:30 a.m.
Church School
9:15 a.m. - 10:10 a.m.