CDH 5 Security Guide

CDH 5 Security Guide
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Release Information
Version: 5.0.x
Date: April 14, 2015
Table of Contents
About this Guide ......................................................................................................11
Introduction to Hadoop Security............................................................................13
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5..................................................................15
Step 1: Install CDH 5..................................................................................................................................16
Step 2: Verify User Accounts and Groups in CDH 5 Due to Security.....................................................16
Step 2a (MRv1 only): Verify User Accounts and Groups in MRv1......................................................................16
MRv1: Directory Ownership in the Local File System.........................................................................................17
MRv1: Directory Ownership on HDFS...................................................................................................................17
Step 2b (YARN only): Verify User Accounts and Groups in YARN......................................................................18
YARN: Directory Ownership in the Local File System.........................................................................................18
YARN: Directory Ownership on HDFS...................................................................................................................19
Step 3: If you are Using AES-256 Encryption, install the JCE Policy File..............................................20
Step 4: Create and Deploy the Kerberos Principals and Keytab Files..................................................21
When to Use kadmin.local and kadmin...............................................................................................................21
To create the Kerberos principals.........................................................................................................................22
To create the Kerberos keytab files......................................................................................................................23
To deploy the Kerberos keytab files.....................................................................................................................23
Step 5: Shut Down the Cluster.................................................................................................................24
Step 6: Enable Hadoop Security...............................................................................................................24
Step 7: Configure Secure HDFS.................................................................................................................25
To configure secure HDFS......................................................................................................................................26
To enable SSL for HDFS..........................................................................................................................................27
Optional Step 8: Configuring Security for HDFS High Availability........................................................27
Optional Step 9: Configure secure WebHDFS.........................................................................................27
Optional Step 10: Configuring a secure HDFS NFS Gateway................................................................28
Step 11: Set Variables for Secure DataNodes.........................................................................................28
Step 12: Start up the NameNode.............................................................................................................29
Information about the kinit Command................................................................................................................29
Step 12: Start up a DataNode...................................................................................................................30
Step 14: Set the Sticky Bit on HDFS Directories.....................................................................................30
Step 15: Start up the Secondary NameNode (if used)...........................................................................31
Step 16: Configure Either MRv1 Security or YARN Security..................................................................31
Configuring MRv1 Security.......................................................................................................................32
Step 1: Configure Secure MRv1.............................................................................................................................32
Step 2: Start up the JobTracker..............................................................................................................................33
Step 3: Start up a TaskTracker...............................................................................................................................33
Step 4: Try Running a Map/Reduce Job...............................................................................................................34
Configuring YARN Security.......................................................................................................................34
Step 1: Configure Secure YARN.............................................................................................................................34
Step 2: Start up the ResourceManager................................................................................................................36
Step 3: Start up the NodeManager.......................................................................................................................36
Step 4: Start up the MapReduce Job History Server...........................................................................................36
Step 5: Try Running a Map/Reduce YARN Job....................................................................................................37
Configuring Sentry...................................................................................................39
Roles and Privileges..................................................................................................................................40
Privilege Model...........................................................................................................................................40
Users and Groups......................................................................................................................................41
User to Group Mapping..........................................................................................................................................41
Setup and Configuration...........................................................................................................................42
Installing and Upgrading Sentry...........................................................................................................................42
Policy file..................................................................................................................................................................43
Sample Configuration.............................................................................................................................................45
Enabling Sentry in HiveServer2 ............................................................................................................................47
Securing the Hive Metastore.................................................................................................................................47
Accessing Sentry-Secured Data Outside Hive/Impala..........................................................................48
Scenario One: Authorizing Jobs.............................................................................................................................48
Scenario Two: Authorizing Group Access to Databases.....................................................................................48
Debugging Failed Sentry Authorization Requests.................................................................................49
Appendix: Authorization Privilege Model for Hive..................................................................................49
Object hierarchy in Hive.........................................................................................................................................49
Flume Security Configuration.................................................................................53
Configuring Flume's Security Properties.................................................................................................53
Writing as a single user for all HDFS sinks in a given Flume agent.................................................................53
Writing as different users across multiple HDFS sinks in a single Flume agent............................................54
Flume Account Requirements..................................................................................................................55
Testing the Flume HDFS Sink Configuration..........................................................................................55
Writing to a Secure HBase cluster...........................................................................................................55
Hue Security Configuration.....................................................................................57
Hue Security Enhancements....................................................................................................................57
Troubleshooting HiveServer2 ..................................................................................................................59
Configuring Hue to Support Hadoop Security using Kerberos.............................................................59
Integrating Hue with LDAP.......................................................................................................................61
Importing LDAP Users and Groups.......................................................................................................................63
Synchronizing LDAP Users and Groups...............................................................................................................64
LDAPS/StartTLS support.......................................................................................................................................65
Configuring Hue for SAML........................................................................................................................65
Step 1: Install swig and openssl packages..........................................................................................................65
Step 2: Install libraries to support SAML in Hue.................................................................................................65
Step 3: Update the Hue configuration file............................................................................................................66
Step 4: Restart the Hue server..............................................................................................................................67
Oozie Security Configuration..................................................................................69
Configuring the Oozie Server to Support Kerberos Security.................................................................69
Configuring Oozie HA with Kerberos.......................................................................................................70
Configuring Oozie to use SSL (HTTPS).....................................................................................................71
HttpFS Security Configuration................................................................................75
Configuring the HttpFS Server to Support Kerberos Security..............................................................75
Using curl to access an URL Protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO....................................................76
Configuring HttpFS to use SSL (HTTPS)...................................................................................................77
HBase Security Configuration.................................................................................81
Configuring HBase Authentication..........................................................................................................81
Step 1: Configure HBase Servers to Authenticate with a Secure HDFS Cluster..............................................81
Step 2: Configure HBase Servers and Clients to Authenticate with a Secure ZooKeeper..............................83
Configuring HBase Authorization............................................................................................................84
Understanding HBase Access Levels...................................................................................................................84
Enable HBase Authorization.................................................................................................................................86
Configure Access Control Lists for Authorization...............................................................................................86
Configuring Secure HBase Replication....................................................................................................87
Configuring the HBase Client TGT Renewal Period................................................................................88
Impala Security Configuration ...............................................................................89
Security Guidelines for Impala.................................................................................................................89
Securing Impala Data and Log Files........................................................................................................90
Installation Considerations for Impala Security.....................................................................................91
Securing the Hive Metastore Database..................................................................................................91
Securing the Impala Web User Interface................................................................................................91
Enabling Sentry Authorization for Impala..............................................................................................91
Setting Up the Policy File for Impala Security.....................................................................................................92
Secure Startup for the impalad Daemon.............................................................................................................93
Examples of Policy File Rules for Security Scenarios.........................................................................................94
Setting Up Schema Objects for a Secure Impala Deployment...........................................................................98
Privilege Model and Object Hierarchy..................................................................................................................98
Using Multiple Policy Files for Different Databases.........................................................................................100
Debugging Failed Sentry Authorization Requests............................................................................................100
Configuring Per-User Access for Hue.................................................................................................................101
Enabling Kerberos Authentication for Impala......................................................................................101
Requirements for Using Impala with Kerberos.................................................................................................101
Configuring Impala to Support Kerberos Security............................................................................................102
Enabling Kerberos for Impala with a Proxy Server...........................................................................................103
Using a Web Browser to Access a URL Protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO.............................................103
Enabling LDAP Authentication for Impala............................................................................................104
Auditing Impala Operations...................................................................................................................104
Durability and Performance Considerations for Impala Auditing...................................................................105
Format of the Audit Log Files.............................................................................................................................105
Which Operations Are Audited............................................................................................................................106
Reviewing the Audit Logs....................................................................................................................................106
Hive Security Configuration..................................................................................107
HiveServer2 Security Configuration.......................................................................................................107
Enabling Kerberos Authentication for HiveServer2..........................................................................................107
Encrypted Communication with Client Drivers.................................................................................................108
Using LDAP Username/Password Authentication with HiveServer2............................................................109
Configuring LDAPS Authentication with HiveServer2......................................................................................110
Pluggable Authentication....................................................................................................................................111
Trusted Delegation with HiveServer2.................................................................................................................111
HiveServer2 Impersonation.................................................................................................................................112
Securing the Hive Metastore...............................................................................................................................112
Disabling the Hive Security Configuration.........................................................................................................113
Hive Metastore Server Security Configuration.....................................................................................113
Using Hive to Run Queries on a Secure HBase Server........................................................................114
HCatalog Security Configuration..........................................................................117
Before You Start......................................................................................................................................117
Step 1: Create the HTTP keytab file ......................................................................................................117
Step 2: Configure WebHCat to Use Security.........................................................................................117
Step 3: Create Proxy Users.....................................................................................................................118
Step 4: Verify the Configuration.............................................................................................................118
ZooKeeper Security Configuration.......................................................................119
Configuring the ZooKeeper Server to Support Kerberos Security......................................................119
Configuring the ZooKeeper Client Shell to Support Kerberos Security..............................................120
Verifying the Configuration....................................................................................................................120
Search Security Configuration..............................................................................123
Configuring Search to Use Kerberos......................................................................................................123
Using Kerberos.........................................................................................................................................124
Configuring Sentry for Search................................................................................................................126
Roles and Privileges.............................................................................................................................................127
Users and Groups.................................................................................................................................................127
Setup and Configuration......................................................................................................................................128
Policy File...............................................................................................................................................................128
Sample Configuration...........................................................................................................................................128
Enabling Sentry in Cloudera Search for CDH 5..................................................................................................129
Enabling Secure Impersonation..........................................................................................................................130
Debugging Failed Sentry Authorization Requests............................................................................................130
Appendix: Authorization Privilege Model for Search........................................................................................131
FUSE - Mountable HDFS Security Configuration...............................................135
Sqoop, Pig, and Whirr Security Support Status..................................................137
Configuring Encrypted Shuffle, Encrypted Web UIs, and Encrypted HDFS
Encrypted Shuffle and Encrypted Web UIs...........................................................................................139
Configuring Encrypted Shuffle and Encrypted Web UIs...................................................................................139
Activating Encrypted Shuffle...............................................................................................................................144
Client Certificates.................................................................................................................................................144
Reloading Truststores..........................................................................................................................................144
HDFS Encrypted Transport.....................................................................................................................145
Integrating Hadoop Security with Active Directory............................................147
Configuring a Local MIT Kerberos Realm to Trust Active Directory...................................................147
On the Active Directory Server............................................................................................................................147
On the MIT KDC server.........................................................................................................................................148
On all of the cluster machines............................................................................................................................148
Integrating Hadoop Security with Alternate Authentication............................151
Step 1: Configure the AuthenticationFilter to use Kerberos...............................................................151
Step 2: Creating an AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler Subclass.....................................................151
Step 3: Enabling Your AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler Subclass.................................................152
Step 3a: Enabling Your AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler Subclass on Hadoop Web UIs.........................152
Step 3b: Enabling Your AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler Subclass on Oozie Web UI..............................152
Example Implementation for Oozie.......................................................................................................153
Appendix A – Troubleshooting.............................................................................155
Sample Kerberos Configuration files: krb5.conf, kdc.conf, kadm5.acl...............................................155
Problem 1: Running any Hadoop command fails after enabling security. .......................................156
Problem 2: Java is unable to read the Kerberos credentials cache created by versions of MIT
Kerberos 1.8.1 or higher. ..................................................................................................................157
Problem 3: Incorrect permission.........................................................................158
Problem 4: A cluster fails to run jobs after security is enabled. ........................................................159
Problem 5: The NameNode does not start and KrbException Messages (906) and (31) are
displayed. ...........................................................................................................................................160
Problem 6: The NameNode starts but clients cannot connect to it and error message contains
enctype code 18. ................................................................................................................................161
(MRv1 Only) Problem 7: Jobs won't run and TaskTracker is unable to create a local mapred
directory. .............................................................................................................................................161
(MRv1 Only) Problem 8: Jobs won't run and TaskTracker is unable to create a Hadoop logs
directory. .............................................................................................................................................162
Problem 9: After you enable cross-realm trust, you can run Hadoop commands in the local
realm but not in the remote realm. .................................................................................................162
(MRv1 Only) Problem 10: Jobs won't run and can't access files in mapred.local.dir . ......................163
Problem 11: Users are unable to obtain credentials when running Hadoop jobs or commands.
Problem 12: Request is a replay exceptions in the logs. ...............................................................164
Appendix B - Information about Other Hadoop Security Programs................165
MRv1 and YARN: The jsvc Program.......................................................................................................165
MRv1 Only: The Linux TaskController Program....................................................................................165
YARN Only: The Linux Container Executor Program............................................................................165
Appendix C - Configuring the Mapping from Kerberos Principals to Short
Mapping Rule Syntax..............................................................................................................................167
Principal Translation............................................................................................................................................167
Acceptance Filter..................................................................................................................................................168
Short Name Substitution.....................................................................................................................................168
Example Rules......................................................................................................................................................168
Default Rule..........................................................................................................................................................169
Testing Mapping Rules........................................................................................................................................169
Appendix D - Enabling Debugging Output for the Sun Kerberos Classes.......171
Appendix E - Task-controller and Container-executor Error Codes................173
MRv1 ONLY: Task-controller Error Codes.............................................................................................173
YARN ONLY: Container-executor Error Codes......................................................................................175
Appendix F - Using kadmin to Create Kerberos Keytab Files...........................177
To create the Kerberos keytab files.......................................................................................................177
Appendix G - Setting Up a Gateway Node to Restrict Access...........................179
Installing and Configuring the Firewall and Gateway.........................................................................179
Accessing HDFS.......................................................................................................................................179
Submitting and Monitoring Jobs............................................................................................................180
Appendix H - Using a Web Browser to Access an URL Protected by Kerberos
HTTP SPNEGO.....................................................................................................181
Appendix I - Configuring LDAP Group Mappings...............................................185
About this Guide
About this Guide
This CDH 5 Security Guide is for Apache Hadoop developers and system administrators who want to implement
Kerberos security on a CDH 5 cluster. This guide is intended for those who are using CDH 5 because it includes
specific instructions about using the Cloudera packages to configure your system.
This guide includes the following major topics:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 11
Introduction to Hadoop Security
Introduction to Hadoop Security
The security features in CDH 5 enable Hadoop to prevent malicious user impersonation. The Hadoop daemons
leverage Kerberos to perform user authentication on all remote procedure calls (RPCs). Group resolution is
performed on the Hadoop master nodes, NameNode, JobTracker and ResourceManager to guarantee that group
membership cannot be manipulated by users. Map tasks are run under the user account of the user who
submitted the job, ensuring isolation there. In addition to these features, new authorization mechanisms have
been introduced to HDFS and MapReduce to enable more control over user access to data.
The security features in CDH 5 meet the needs of most Hadoop customers because typically the cluster is
accessible only to trusted personnel. In particular, Hadoop's current threat model assumes that users cannot:
1. Have root access to cluster machines.
2. Have root access to shared client machines.
3. Read or modify packets on the network of the cluster.
CDH 5 supports encryption of all user data sent over the network. For configuration instructions, see
Configuring Encrypted Shuffle, Encrypted Web UIs, and Encrypted HDFS Transport.
Note also that there is no built-in support for on-disk encryption.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 13
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
These instructions assume you know how to install and configure Kerberos, you already have a
working Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) and realm setup, and that you've installed the Kerberos
user packages on all cluster machines and machines which will be used to access the cluster.
Furthermore, Oozie and Hue require that the realm support renewable tickets. For more information
about installing and configuring Kerberos, see:
MIT Kerberos Home
MIT Kerberos Documentation
Kerberos Explained
Microsoft Kerberos Overview
Microsoft Kerberos in Windows Server 2008
Microsoft Kerberos in Windows Server 2003
Here are the general steps to configuring secure Hadoop, each of which is described in more detail in the following
1. Install CDH 5.
2. Verify User Accounts and Groups in CDH 5 Due to Security.
3. If you are Using AES-256 Encryption, install the JCE Policy File.
4. Create and Deploy the Kerberos Principals and Keytab Files.
5. Shut Down the Cluster.
6. Enable Hadoop security.
7. Configure secure HDFS.
8. Optional: Configuring Security for HDFS High Availability.
9. Optional: Configuring secure WebHDFS.
10. Optional: Configuring secure NFS
11. Set Variables for Secure DataNodes.
12. Start up the NameNode.
13. Start up a DataNode.
14. Set the Sticky Bit on HDFS Directories.
15. Start up the Secondary NameNode (if used).
16. Configure Either MRv1 Security or YARN Security.
Kerberos security in CDH 5 has been tested with the following version of MIT Kerberos 5:
• krb5-1.6.1 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and CentOS 5
Kerberos security in CDH 5 is supported with the following versions of MIT Kerberos 5:
krb5-1.6.3 on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 Service Pack 1
krb5-1.8.1 on Ubuntu
krb5-1.8.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and CentOS 6
krb5-1.9 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1
CDH 5 Security Guide | 15
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
If you want to enable Kerberos SPNEGO-based authentication for the Hadoop web interfaces, see
the Hadoop Auth, Java HTTP SPNEGO Documentation.
Step 1: Install CDH 5
Cloudera strongly recommends that you set up a fully-functional CDH 5 cluster before you begin configuring it
to use Hadoop's security features. When a secure Hadoop cluster is not configured correctly, the resulting error
messages are in a preliminary state, so it's best to start implementing security after you are sure your Hadoop
cluster is working properly without security.
For information about installing and configuring Hadoop and CDH 5 components, and deploying on a cluster,
see the CDH 5 Installation Guide
Step 2: Verify User Accounts and Groups in CDH 5 Due to Security
CDH 5 introduces a new version of MapReduce: MapReduce 2.0 (MRv2) built on the YARN framework.
In this document, we refer to this new version as YARN. CDH 5 also provides an implementation of
the previous version of MapReduce, referred to as MRv1 in this document.
• If you are using MRv1, see Step 2a (MRv1 only): Verify User Accounts and Groups in MRv1 on page 16 for
configuration information. Or
• If you are using YARN, see Step 2b (YARN only): Verify User Accounts and Groups in YARN for configuration
Step 2a (MRv1 only): Verify User Accounts and Groups in MRv1
If you are using YARN, skip this step and proceed to Step 2b (YARN only): Verify User Accounts and
Groups in YARN.
During CDH 5 package installation of MRv1, the following Unix user accounts are automatically created to support
This User
Runs These Hadoop Programs
HDFS: NameNode, DataNodes, Secondary NameNode
(or Standby NameNode if you are using HA)
MRv1: JobTracker and TaskTrackers
The hdfs user also acts as the HDFS superuser.
The hadoop user no longer exists in CDH 5. If you currently use the hadoop user to run applications as an HDFS
super-user, you should instead use the new hdfs user, or create a separate Unix account for your application
such as myhadoopapp.
16 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
MRv1: Directory Ownership in the Local File System
Because the HDFS and MapReduce services run as different users, you must be sure to configure the correct
directory ownership of the following files on the local file system of each host:
File System
Local hdfs:hdfs
( is
deprecated but will also
Local hdfs:hdfs
( is
deprecated but will also
See also Deploying MapReduce v1 (MRv1) on a Cluster.
You must also configure the following permissions for the HDFS and MapReduce log directories (the default
locations in /var/log/hadoop-hdfs and /var/log/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce), and the
$MAPRED_LOG_DIR/userlogs/ directory:
File System
userlogs directory in
permissions will be set
automatically at daemon
start time
MRv1: Directory Ownership on HDFS
The following directories on HDFS must also be configured as follows:
File System
mapreduce.jobtracker.system.dir mapred:hadoop
(mapred.system.dir is
deprecated but will also
/ (root directory)
In CDH 5, package installation and the Hadoop daemons will automatically configure the correct permissions
for you if you configure the directory ownership correctly as shown in the table above.
When starting up, MapReduce sets the permissions for the mapreduce.jobtracker.system.dir (or
mapred.system.dir) directory in HDFS, assuming the user mapred owns that directory.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 17
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
MRv1: Changing the Directory Ownership on HDFS
• If Hadoop security is enabled, use kinit hdfs to obtain Kerberos credentials for the hdfs user by running
the following commands before changing the directory ownership on HDFS:
$ sudo -u hdfs kinit -k -t hdfs.keytab hdfs/
If kinit hdfs does not work initially, run kinit -R after running kinit to obtain credentials. (For more
information, see Problem 2 in Appendix A - Troubleshooting). To change the directory ownership on HDFS, run
the following commands. Replace the example /mapred/system directory in the commands below with the
HDFS directory specified by the mapreduce.jobtracker.system.dir (or mapred.system.dir) property in
the conf/mapred-site.xml file:
mapred:hadoop /mapred/system
hdfs:hadoop /
-R 700 /mapred/system
755 /
• In addition (whether or not Hadoop security is enabled) create the /tmp directory. For instructions on creating
/tmp and setting its permissions, see these instructions.
Step 2b (YARN only): Verify User Accounts and Groups in YARN
If you are using MRv1, skip this step and proceed to Step 3: If you are Using AES-256 Encryption,
install the JCE Policy File.
During CDH 5 package installation of MapReduce 2.0 (YARN), the following Unix user accounts are automatically
created to support security:
This User
Runs These Hadoop Programs
HDFS: NameNode, DataNodes, Standby NameNode (if you are using HA)
YARN: ResourceManager, NodeManager
YARN: MapReduce Job History Server
The HDFS and YARN daemons must run as different Unix users; for example, hdfs and yarn. The
MapReduce Job History server must run as user mapred. Having all of these users share a common
Unix group is recommended; for example, hadoop.
YARN: Directory Ownership in the Local File System
Because the HDFS and MapReduce services run as different users, you must be sure to configure the correct
directory ownership of the following files on the local file system of each host:
File System
Local hdfs:hdfs
( is
deprecated but will also
18 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Permissions (see Footnote
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
File System
Local hdfs:hdfs
( is
Permissions (see Footnote
deprecated but will also
yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs yarn:yarn
yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs yarn:yarn
conf/container-executor.cfg root:yarn
You must also configure the following permissions for the HDFS, YARN and MapReduce log directories (the
default locations in /var/log/hadoop-hdfs, /var/log/hadoop-yarn and /var/log/hadoop-mapreduce):
File System
YARN: Directory Ownership on HDFS
The following directories on HDFS must also be configured as follows:
File System
/ (root directory)
hdfs:hadoop drwxr-xr-x
yarn:hadoop drwxrwxrwxt
mapred:hadoop drwxrwxrwxt
mapred:hadoop drwxr-x---
YARN: Changing the Directory Ownership on HDFS
• If Hadoop security is enabled, use kinit hdfs to obtain Kerberos credentials for the hdfs user by running
the following commands:
$ sudo -u hdfs kinit -k -t hdfs.keytab hdfs/
$ hadoop fs -chown hdfs:hadoop /
$ hadoop fs -chmod 755 /
In CDH 5, package installation and the Hadoop daemons will automatically configure the correct permissions
for you if you configure the directory ownership correctly as shown in the two tables above. See also Deploying
MapReduce v2 (YARN) on a Cluster.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 19
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
If kinit hdfs does not work initially, run kinit -R after running kinit to obtain credentials. (See Problem 2
in Appendix A - Troubleshooting. To change the directory ownership on HDFS, run the following commands:
$ sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chown hdfs:hadoop /
$ sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chmod 755 /
$ sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chown yarn:hadoop [yarn.nodemanager.remote-app-log-dir]
$ sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chmod 1777 [yarn.nodemanager.remote-app-log-dir]
$ sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chown mapred:hadoop
$ sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chmod 1777 [mapreduce.jobhistory.intermediate-done-dir]
$ sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chown mapred:hadoop [mapreduce.jobhistory.done-dir]
$ sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chmod 750 [mapreduce.jobhistory.done-dir]
• In addition (whether or not Hadoop security is enabled) create the /tmp directory. For instructions on creating
/tmp and setting its permissions, see these instructions
• In addition (whether or not Hadoop security is enabled), change permissions on the /user/history Directory.
See these instructions here.
Step 3: If you are Using AES-256 Encryption, install the JCE Policy File
If you are using CentOS/Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6 or later, or Ubuntu, which use AES-256 encryption by
default for tickets, you must install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy
File on all cluster and Hadoop user machines. For JCE Policy File installation instructions, see the README.txt
file included in the file.
Alternatively, you can configure Kerberos to not use AES-256 by removing aes256-cts:normal from the
supported_enctypes field of the kdc.conf or krb5.conf file. Note that after changing the kdc.conf file, you'll
need to restart both the KDC and the kadmin server for those changes to take affect. You may also need to
recreate or change the password of the relevant principals, including potentially the Ticket Granting Ticket
principal (krbtgt/REALM@REALM). If AES-256 is still used after all of those steps, it's because the
aes256-cts:normal setting existed when the Kerberos database was created. To fix this, create a new Kerberos
database and then restart both the KDC and the kadmin server.
To verify the type of encryption used in your cluster:
1. On the local KDC host, type this command to create a test principal:
$ kadmin -q "addprinc test"
2. On a cluster host, type this command to start a Kerberos session as test:
$ kinit test
3. On a cluster host, type this command to view the encryption type in use:
$ klist -e
If AES is being used, output like the following is displayed after you type the klist command (note that
AES-256 is included in the output):
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: test@SCM
Valid starting
Service principal
05/19/11 13:25:04 05/20/11 13:25:04 krbtgt/SCM@SCM
Etype (skey, tkt): AES-256 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC, AES-256 CTS mode
with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC
20 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
Step 4: Create and Deploy the Kerberos Principals and Keytab Files
A Kerberos principal is used in a Kerberos-secured system to represent a unique identity. Kerberos assigns
tickets to Kerberos principals to enable them to access Kerberos-secured Hadoop services. For Hadoop, the
principals should be of the format username/ In this guide,
the term username in the username/ principal refers to
the username of an existing Unix account, such as hdfs or mapred.
A keytab is a file containing pairs of Kerberos principals and an encrypted copy of that principal's key. The keytab
files are unique to each host since their keys include the hostname. This file is used to authenticate a principal
on a host to Kerberos without human interaction or storing a password in a plain text file. Because having access
to the keytab file for a principal allows one to act as that principal, access to the keytab files should be tightly
secured. They should be readable by a minimal set of users, should be stored on local disk, and should not be
included in machine backups, unless access to those backups is as secure as access to the local machine.
For both MRv1 and YARN deployments: On every machine in your cluster, there must be a keytab file
for the hdfs user and a keytab file for the mapred user. The hdfs keytab file must contain entries for
the hdfs principal and a HTTP principal, and the mapred keytab file must contain entries for the mapred
principal and a HTTP principal. On each respective machine, the HTTP principal will be the same in
both keytab files.
In addition, for YARN deployments only: On every machine in your cluster, there must be a keytab file
for the yarn user. The yarn keytab file must contain entries for the yarn principal and a HTTP principal.
On each respective machine, the HTTP principal in the yarn keytab file will be the same as the HTTP
principal in the hdfs and mapred keytab files.
The following instructions illustrate an example of creating keytab files for MIT Kerberos. If you are
using another version of Kerberos, refer to your Kerberos documentation for instructions. You may
use either kadmin or kadmin.local to run these commands.
When to Use kadmin.local and kadmin
When creating the Kerberos principals and keytabs, you can use kadmin.local or kadmin depending on your
access and account:
• If you have root access to the KDC machine, but you don't have a Kerberos admin account, use kadmin.local.
• If you don't have root access to the KDC machine, but you do have a Kerberos admin account, use kadmin.
• If you have both root access to the KDC machine and a Kerberos admin account, you can use either one.
To start kadmin.local (on the KDC machine) or kadmin from any machine, run this command:
$ sudo kadmin.local
$ kadmin
In this guide, kadmin is shown as the prompt for commands in the kadmin shell, but you can type
the same commands at the kadmin.local prompt in the kadmin.local shell.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 21
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
Running kadmin.local may prompt you for a password because it is being run via sudo. You should
provide your Unix password. Running kadmin may prompt you for a password because you need
Kerberos admin privileges. You should provide your Kerberos admin password.
To create the Kerberos principals
If you plan to use Oozie, Impala, or the Hue Kerberos ticket renewer in your cluster, you must configure
your KDC to allow tickets to be renewed, and you must configure krb5.conf to request renewable
tickets. Typically, you can do this by adding the max_renewable_life setting to your realm in
kdc.conf, and by adding the renew_lifetime parameter to the libdefaults section of krb5.conf.
For more information about renewable tickets, see the Kerberos documentation.
Do the following steps for every host in your cluster. Run the commands in the kadmin.local or kadmin shell,
replacing the in the commands with the fully qualified domain name of each
host. Replace YOUR-REALM.COM with the name of the Kerberos realm your Hadoop cluster is in.
1. In the kadmin.local or kadmin shell, create the hdfs principal. This principal is used for the NameNode,
Secondary NameNode, and DataNodes.
addprinc -randkey hdfs/
If your Kerberos administrator or company has a policy about principal names that does not allow
you to use the format shown above, you can work around that issue by configuring the <kerberos
principal> to <short name> mapping that is built into Hadoop. For more information, see
Appendix C - Configuring the Mapping from Kerberos Principals to Short Names.
2. Create the mapred principal. If you are using MRv1, the mapred principal is used for the JobTracker and
TaskTrackers. If you are using YARN, the mapred principal is used for the MapReduce Job History Server.
addprinc -randkey mapred/
3. YARN only: Create the yarn principal. This principal is used for the ResourceManager and NodeManager.
addprinc -randkey yarn/
4. Create the HTTP principal.
addprinc -randkey HTTP/
The HTTP principal must be in the format
HTTP/ The first component of the principal
must be the literal string "HTTP". This format is standard for HTTP principals in SPNEGO and is
hard-coded in Hadoop. It cannot be deviated from.
22 | CDH 5 Security Guide
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To create the Kerberos keytab files
The instructions in this section for creating keytab files require using the Kerberos norandkey option
in the xst command. If your version of Kerberos does not support the norandkey option, or if you
cannot use kadmin.local, then use these alternate instructions in Appendix F to create appropriate
Kerberos keytab files. After using those alternate instructions to create the keytab files, continue
with the next section To deploy the Kerberos keytab files.
Do the following steps for every host in your cluster. Run the commands in the kadmin.local or kadmin shell,
replacing the in the commands with the fully qualified domain name of each
1. Create the hdfs keytab file that will contain the hdfs principal and HTTP principal. This keytab file is used
for the NameNode, Secondary NameNode, and DataNodes.
kadmin: xst -norandkey -k hdfs.keytab hdfs/
2. Create the mapred keytab file that will contain the mapred principal and HTTP principal. If you are using MRv1,
the mapred keytab file is used for the JobTracker and TaskTrackers. If you are using YARN, the mapred keytab
file is used for the MapReduce Job History Server.
kadmin: xst -norandkey -k mapred.keytab mapred/
3. YARN only: Create the yarn keytab file that will contain the yarn principal and HTTP principal. This keytab
file is used for the ResourceManager and NodeManager.
kadmin: xst -norandkey -k yarn.keytab yarn/
4. Use klist to display the keytab file entries; a correctly-created hdfs keytab file should look something like
$ klist -e -k -t hdfs.keytab
Keytab name: WRFILE:hdfs.keytab
slot KVNO Principal
---- ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------1
HTTP/ (DES cbc mode with
HTTP/ (Triple DES cbc mode
with HMAC/sha1)
hdfs/ (DES cbc mode with
hdfs/ (Triple DES cbc mode
with HMAC/sha1)
5. Continue with the next section To deploy the Kerberos keytab files.
To deploy the Kerberos keytab files
On every node in the cluster, repeat the following steps to deploy the hdfs.keytab and mapred.keytab files.
If you are using YARN, you will also deploy the yarn.keytab file.
1. On the host machine, copy or move the keytab files to a directory that Hadoop can access, such as
CDH 5 Security Guide | 23
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
a. If you are using MRv1:
$ sudo mv hdfs.keytab mapred.keytab /etc/hadoop/conf/
If you are using YARN:
$ sudo mv hdfs.keytab mapred.keytab yarn.keytab /etc/hadoop/conf/
b. Make sure that the hdfs.keytab file is only readable by the hdfs user, and that the mapred.keytab file
is only readable by the mapred user.
$ sudo chown hdfs:hadoop /etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs.keytab
$ sudo chown mapred:hadoop /etc/hadoop/conf/mapred.keytab
$ sudo chmod 400 /etc/hadoop/conf/*.keytab
To enable you to use the same configuration files on every host, Cloudera recommends that
you use the same name for the keytab files on every host.
c. YARN only: Make sure that the yarn.keytab file is only readable by the yarn user.
$ sudo chown yarn:hadoop /etc/hadoop/conf/yarn.keytab
$ sudo chmod 400 /etc/hadoop/conf/yarn.keytab
If the NameNode, Secondary NameNode, DataNode, JobTracker, TaskTrackers, HttpFS, or Oozie
services are configured to use Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication, and two or more of these
services are running on the same host, then all of the running services must use the same
HTTP principal and keytab file used for their HTTP endpoints.
Step 5: Shut Down the Cluster
To enable security in CDH, you must stop all Hadoop daemons in your cluster and then change some configuration
properties. You must stop all daemons in the cluster because after one Hadoop daemon has been restarted
with the configuration properties set to enable security, daemons running without security enabled will be
unable to communicate with that daemon. This requirement to shut down all daemons makes it impossible to
do a rolling upgrade to enable security on a Hadoop cluster.
To shut down the cluster, run the following command on every node in your cluster (as root):
$ for x in `cd /etc/init.d ; ls hadoop-*` ; do sudo service $x stop ; done
Step 6: Enable Hadoop Security
Cloudera recommends that all of the Hadoop configuration files throughout the cluster have the same contents.
To enable Hadoop security, add the following properties to the core-site.xml file on every machine in the
24 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
<value>kerberos</value> <!-- A value of "simple" would disable security. -->
Enabling Service-Level Authorization for Hadoop Services
The hadoop-policy.xml file maintains access control lists (ACL) for Hadoop services. Each ACL consists of
comma-separated lists of users and groups separated by a space. For example:
user_a,user_b group_a,group_b
If you only want to specify a set of users, add a comma-separated list of users followed by a blank space. Similarly,
to specify only authorized groups, use a blank space at the beginning. A * can be used to give access to all users.
For example, to give users, ann, bob, and groups, group_a, group_b access to Hadoop's DataNodeProtocol service,
modify the security.datanode.protocol.acl property in hadoop-policy.xml. Similarly, to give all users
access to the InterTrackerProtocol service, modify security.inter.tracker.protocol.acl as follows:
<value>ann,bob group_a,group_b</value>
<description>ACL for DatanodeProtocol, which is used by datanodes to
communicate with the namenode.</description>
<description>ACL for InterTrackerProtocol, which is used by tasktrackers to
communicate with the jobtracker.</description>
For more details, see Service-Level Authorization in Hadoop.
Step 7: Configure Secure HDFS
When following the instructions in this section to configure the properties in the hdfs-site.xml file, keep the
following important guidelines in mind:
• The properties for each daemon (NameNode, Secondary NameNode, and DataNode) must specify both the
HDFS and HTTP principals, as well as the path to the HDFS keytab file.
• The Kerberos principals for the NameNode, Secondary NameNode, and DataNode are configured in the
hdfs-site.xml file. The same hdfs-site.xml file with all three of these principals must be installed on
every host machine in the cluster. That is, it is not sufficient to have the NameNode principal configured on
the NameNode host machine only. This is because, for example, the DataNode must know the principal name
of the NameNode in order to send heartbeats to it. Kerberos authentication is bi-directional.
• The special string _HOST in the properties is replaced at run-time by the fully-qualified domain name of the
host machine where the daemon is running. This requires that reverse DNS is properly working on all the
hosts configured this way. You may use _HOST only as the entirety of the second component of a principal
name. For example, hdfs/_HOST@YOUR-REALM.COM is valid, but hdfs._HOST@YOUR-REALM.COM and
hdfs/ are not.
• When performing the _HOST substitution for the Kerberos principal names, the NameNode determines its
own hostname based on the configured value of, whereas the DataNodes determine their
hostnames based on the result of reverse DNS resolution on the DataNode hosts. Likewise, the JobTracker
uses the configured value of mapred.job.tracker to determine its hostname whereas the TaskTrackers,
like the DataNodes, use reverse DNS.
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Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
• The dfs.datanode.address and dfs.datanode.http.address port numbers for the DataNode must be
below 1024, because this provides part of the security mechanism to make it impossible for a user to run a
map task which impersonates a DataNode. The port numbers for the NameNode and Secondary NameNode
can be anything you want, but the default port numbers are good ones to use.
To configure secure HDFS
Add the following properties to the hdfs-site.xml file on every machine in the cluster. Replace these example
values shown below with the correct settings for your site: path to the HDFS keytab, YOUR-REALM.COM, fully
qualified domain name of NN, and fully qualified domain name of 2NN
<!-- General HDFS security config -->
<!-- NameNode security config -->
<value>/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs.keytab</value> <!-- path to the HDFS keytab -->
<!-- Secondary NameNode security config -->
<value>/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs.keytab</value> <!-- path to the HDFS keytab -->
<!-- DataNode security config -->
<value>/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs.keytab</value> <!-- path to the HDFS keytab -->
<!-- Web Authentication config -->
26 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
To enable SSL for HDFS
Add the following property to hdfs-site.xml on every machine in your cluster.
Optional Step 8: Configuring Security for HDFS High Availability
CDH 5 supports the HDFS High Availability (HA) feature with Kerberos security enabled. There are two use cases
that affect security for HA:
• If you are not using Quorum-based Storage (see Software Configuration for Quorum-based Storage), then
no extra configuration for HA is necessary if automatic failover is not enabled. If automatic failover is enabled
then access to ZooKeeper should be secured. See the Software Configuration for Shared Storage Using NFS
documentation for details.
• If you are using Quorum-based Storage, then you must configure security for Quorum-based Storage by
following the instructions in this section.
To configure security for Quorum-based Storage:
Add the following Quorum-based Storage configuration properties to the hdfs-site.xml file on all of the
machines in the cluster:
<value>/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs.keytab</value> <!-- path to the HDFS keytab -->
If you already have principals and keytabs created for the machines where the JournalNodes are
running, then you should reuse those principals and keytabs in the configuration properties above.
You will likely have these principals and keytabs already created if you are collocating a JournalNode
on a machine with another HDFS daemon.
Optional Step 9: Configure secure WebHDFS
If you are not using WebHDFS, you can skip this step.
Security for WebHDFS is disabled by default. If you want use WebHDFS with a secure cluster, this is the time to
enable and configure it.
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Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
To configure secure WebHDFS:
1. If you have not already done so, enable WebHDFS by adding the following property to the hdfs-site.xml
file on every machine in the cluster".
2. Add the following properties to the hdfs-site.xml file on every machine in the cluster. Replace the example
values shown below with the correct settings for your site.
<value>/etc/hadoop/conf/HTTP.keytab</value> <!-- path to the HTTP keytab -->
Optional Step 10: Configuring a secure HDFS NFS Gateway
To deploy a Kerberized HDFS NFS gateway, add the following configuration properties to hdfs-site.xml on
the NFS server.
<value>/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs.keytab</value> <!-- path to the HDFS or NFS gateway keytab
Step 11: Set Variables for Secure DataNodes
In order to allow DataNodes to start on a secure Hadoop cluster, you must set the following variables on all
DataNodes in /etc/default/hadoop-hdfs-datanode.
Depending on the version of Linux you are using, you may not have the /usr/lib/bigtop-utils
directory on your system. If that is the case, set the JSVC_HOME variable to the
/usr/libexec/bigtop-utils directory by using this command:
export JSVC_HOME=/usr/libexec/bigtop-utils
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Step 12: Start up the NameNode
You are now ready to start the NameNode. Use the service command to run the /etc/init.d script.
$ sudo service hadoop-hdfs-namenode start
You'll see some extra information in the logs such as:
10/10/25 17:01:46 INFO security.UserGroupInformation:
Login successful for user hdfs/ using keytab
file /etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs.keytab
12/05/23 18:18:31 INFO http.HttpServer: Adding Kerberos (SPNEGO) filter to
12/05/23 18:18:31 INFO http.HttpServer: Adding Kerberos (SPNEGO) filter to
12/05/23 18:18:31 INFO http.HttpServer: Adding Kerberos (SPNEGO) filter to
12/05/23 18:18:31 INFO http.HttpServer: Adding Kerberos (SPNEGO) filter to fsck
12/05/23 18:18:31 INFO http.HttpServer: Adding Kerberos (SPNEGO) filter to getimage
12/05/23 18:18:31 INFO http.HttpServer: Jetty bound to port 50070
12/05/23 18:18:31 INFO mortbay.log: jetty-6.1.26
12/05/23 18:18:31 INFO server.KerberosAuthenticationHandler: Login using keytab
/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs.keytab, for principal
12/05/23 18:18:31 INFO server.KerberosAuthenticationHandler: Initialized, principal
[HTTP/] from keytab
You can verify that the NameNode is working properly by opening a web browser to http://machine:50070/
where machine is the name of the machine where the NameNode is running.
Cloudera also recommends testing that the NameNode is working properly by performing a metadata-only
HDFS operation, which will now require correct Kerberos credentials. For example:
$ hadoop fs -ls
Information about the kinit Command
Running the hadoop fs -ls command will fail if you do not have a valid Kerberos ticket in your
credentials cache. You can examine the Kerberos tickets currently in your credentials cache by running
the klist command. You can obtain a ticket by running the kinit command and either specifying
a keytab file containing credentials, or entering the password for your principal. If you do not have a
valid ticket, you will receive an error such as:
11/01/04 12:08:12 WARN ipc.Client: Exception encountered while connecting to
the server :
GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided
(Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)]
Bad connection to FS. command aborted. exception: Call to nn-host/
failed on local exception: GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException:
No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos
CDH 5 Security Guide | 29
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
The kinit command must either be on the path for user accounts running the Hadoop client, or else
the hadoop.kerberos.kinit.command parameter in core-site.xml must be manually configured
to the absolute path to the kinit command.
If you are running MIT Kerberos 1.8.1 or higher, a bug in versions of the Oracle JDK 6 Update 26 and
earlier causes Java to be unable to read the Kerberos credentials cache even after you have successfully
obtained a Kerberos ticket using kinit. To workaround this bug, run kinit -R after running kinit
initially to obtain credentials. Doing so will cause the ticket to be renewed, and the credentials cache
rewritten in a format which Java can read. For more information about this problem, see Problem 2
in Appendix A - Troubleshooting.
Step 12: Start up a DataNode
Begin by starting one DataNode only to make sure it can properly connect to the NameNode. Use the service
command to run the /etc/init.d script.
$ sudo service hadoop-hdfs-datanode start
You'll see some extra information in the logs such as:
10/10/25 17:21:41 INFO security.UserGroupInformation:
Login successful for user hdfs/ using keytab
file /etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs.keytab
If you can get a single DataNode running and you can see it registering with the NameNode in the logs, then
start up all the DataNodes. You should now be able to do all HDFS operations.
Step 14: Set the Sticky Bit on HDFS Directories
This step is optional but strongly recommended for security. In CDH 5, HDFS file permissions have support for
the sticky bit. The sticky bit can be set on directories, preventing anyone except the superuser, directory owner,
or file owner from deleting or moving the files within the directory. Setting the sticky bit for a file has no effect.
This is useful for directories such as /tmp which previously had to be set to be world-writable. To set the sticky
bit on the /tmp directory, run the following command:
$ sudo -u hdfs kinit -k -t hdfs.keytab hdfs/
$ sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chmod 1777 /tmp
After running this command, the permissions on /tmp will appear as shown below. (Note the "t" instead of the
final "x".)
$ hadoop fs -ls /
Found 2 items
drwxrwxrwt - hdfs supergroup 0 2011-02-14 15:55 /tmp
drwxr-xr-x - hdfs supergroup 0 2011-02-14 14:01 /user
30 | CDH 5 Security Guide
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Step 15: Start up the Secondary NameNode (if used)
At this point, you should be able to start the Secondary NameNode if you are using one:
$ sudo service hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode start
If you are using HDFS HA, do not use the Secondary NameNode. See Configuring HDFS High Availability
for instructions on configuring and deploying the Standby NameNode.
You'll see some extra information in the logs such as:
10/10/26 12:03:18 INFO security.UserGroupInformation:
Login successful for user hdfs/ using keytab file
12/05/23 18:33:06 INFO http.HttpServer: Adding Kerberos (SPNEGO) filter to getimage
12/05/23 18:33:06 INFO http.HttpServer: Jetty bound to port 50090
12/05/23 18:33:06 INFO mortbay.log: jetty-6.1.26
12/05/23 18:33:06 INFO server.KerberosAuthenticationHandler: Login using keytab
/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs.keytab, for principal
12/05/23 18:33:06 INFO server.KerberosAuthenticationHandler: Initialized, principal
[HTTP/] from keytab
You should make sure that the Secondary NameNode not only starts, but that it is successfully checkpointing.
If you're using the service command to start the Secondary NameNode from the /etc/init.d scripts,
Cloudera recommends setting the property fs.checkpoint.period in the hdfs-site.xml file to a very low
value (such as 5), and then monitoring the Secondary NameNode logs for a successful startup and checkpoint.
Once you are satisfied that the Secondary NameNode is checkpointing properly, you should reset the
fs.checkpoint.period to a reasonable value, or return it to the default, and then restart the Secondary
You can make the Secondary NameNode perform a checkpoint by doing the following:
$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs secondarynamenode -checkpoint force
Note that this will not cause a running Secondary NameNode to checkpoint, but rather will start up a Secondary
NameNode that will immediately perform a checkpoint and then shut down. This can be useful for debugging.
If you encounter errors during Secondary NameNode checkpointing, it may be helpful to enable
Kerberos debugging output. For instructions, see Appendix D - Enabling Debugging Output for the
Sun Kerberos Classes.
Step 16: Configure Either MRv1 Security or YARN Security
At this point, you are ready to configure either MRv1 Security or YARN Security.
• If you are using MRv1, do the steps in Configuring MRv1 Security to configure, start, and test secure MRv1.
• If you are using YARN, do the steps in Configuring YARN Security to configure, start, and test secure YARN.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 31
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Configuring MRv1 Security
If you are using YARN, skip this section and see Configuring YARN Security.
If you are using MRv1, do the following steps to configure, start, and test secure MRv1.
Step 1: Configure Secure MRv1 on page 32
Step 2: Start up the JobTracker on page 33
Step 3: Start up a TaskTracker on page 33
Step 4: Try Running a Map/Reduce Job on page 34
Step 1: Configure Secure MRv1
Keep the following important information in mind when configuring secure MapReduce:
• The properties for Job Tracker and Task Tracker must specify the mapred principal, as well as the path to the
mapred keytab file.
• The Kerberos principals for the Job Tracker and Task Tracker are configured in the mapred-site.xml file.
The same mapred-site.xml file with both of these principals must be installed on every host machine in
the cluster. That is, it is not sufficient to have the Job Tracker principal configured on the Job Tracker host
machine only. This is because, for example, the TaskTracker must know the principal name of the JobTracker
in order to securely register with the JobTracker. Kerberos authentication is bi-directional.
• Do not use ${} in the value of the mapred.local.dir or hadoop.log.dir properties in
mapred-site.xml. Doing so can prevent tasks from launching on a secure cluster.
• Make sure that each user who will be running MRv1 jobs exists on all cluster nodes (that is, on every node
that hosts any MRv1 daemon).
• Make sure the value specified for mapred.local.dir is identical in mapred-site.xml and
taskcontroller.cfg. If the values are different, this error message is returned.
• Make sure the value specified in taskcontroller.cfg for hadoop.log.dir is the same as what the Hadoop
daemons are using, which is /var/log/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce by default and can be configured in
mapred-site.xml. If the values are different, this error message is returned.
To configure secure MapReduce:
1. Add the following properties to the mapred-site.xml file on every machine in the cluster:
<!-- JobTracker security configs -->
<value>/etc/hadoop/conf/mapred.keytab</value> <!-- path to the MapReduce keytab
<!-- TaskTracker security configs -->
<value>/etc/hadoop/conf/mapred.keytab</value> <!-- path to the MapReduce keytab
<!-- TaskController settings -->
32 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
2. Create a file called taskcontroller.cfg that contains the following information:
hadoop.log.dir=<Path to Hadoop log directory. Should be same value used to start
the TaskTracker. This is required to set proper permissions on the log files so
that they can be written to by the user's tasks and read by the TaskTracker for
serving on the web UI.>
In the taskcontroller.cfg file, the default setting for the banned.users property is mapred,
hdfs, and bin to prevent jobs from being submitted via those user accounts. The default setting
for the property is 1000 to prevent jobs from being submitted with a user ID less
than 1000, which are conventionally Unix super users. Note that some operating systems such
as CentOS 5 use a default value of 500 and above for user IDs, not 1000. If this is the case on your
system, change the default setting for the property to 500. If there are user accounts
on your cluster that have a user ID less than the value specified for the property,
the TaskTracker returns an error code of 255.
3. The path to the taskcontroller.cfg file is determined relative to the location of the task-controller
binary. Specifically, the path is <path of task-controller binary>/../../conf/taskcontroller.cfg.
If you installed the CDH 5 package, this path will always correspond to
For more information about the task-controller program, see Appendix B - Information about
Other Hadoop Security Programs.
The same mapred-site.xml file and the same hdfs-site.xml file must both be installed on every
host machine in the cluster so that the NameNode, Secondary NameNode, DataNode, Job Tracker and
Task Tracker can all connect securely with each other.
Step 2: Start up the JobTracker
You are now ready to start the JobTracker.
If you're using the /etc/init.d/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-jobtracker script, then you can use the service
command to run it now:
$ sudo service hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-jobtracker start
You can verify that the JobTracker is working properly by opening a web browser to http://machine:50030/
where machine is the name of the machine where the JobTracker is running.
Step 3: Start up a TaskTracker
You are now ready to start a TaskTracker.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 33
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
If you're using the /etc/init.d/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-tasktracker script, then you can use the service
command to run it now:
$ sudo service hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-tasktracker start
Step 4: Try Running a Map/Reduce Job
You should now be able to run Map/Reduce jobs. To confirm, try launching a sleep or a pi job from the provided
Hadoop examples (/usr/lib/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce/hadoop-examples.jar). Note that you will need
Kerberos credentials to do so.
Remember that the user who launches the job must exist on every node.
Configuring YARN Security
If you are using MRv1, skip this section and see Configuring MRv1 Security.
If you are using YARN, do the following steps to configure, start, and test secure YARN.
Configure Secure YARN.
Start up the ResourceManager.
Start up the NodeManager.
Start up the MapReduce Job History Server.
Try Running a Map/Reduce YARN Job.
Step 1: Configure Secure YARN
Before you start:
• The Kerberos principals for the ResourceManager and NodeManager are configured in the yarn-site.xml
file. The same yarn-site.xml file must be installed on every host machine in the cluster.
• Make sure that each user who will be running YARN jobs exists on all cluster nodes (that is, on every node
that hosts any YARN daemon).
To configure secure YARN:
1. Add the following properties to the yarn-site.xml file on every machine in the cluster:
<!-- ResourceManager security configs -->
<value>/etc/hadoop/conf/yarn.keytab</value> <!-- path to the YARN keytab -->
<!-- NodeManager security configs -->
<value>/etc/hadoop/conf/yarn.keytab</value> <!-- path to the YARN keytab -->
34 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
<!-- To enable SSL -->
2. Add the following properties to the mapred-site.xml file on every machine in the cluster:
<!-- MapReduce Job History Server security configs -->
<value>host:port</value> <!-- Host and port of the MapReduce Job History Server;
default port is 10020 -->
<value>/etc/hadoop/conf/mapred.keytab</value> <!-- path to the MAPRED keytab for
the Job History Server -->
<!-- To enable SSL -->
3. Create a file called container-executor.cfg for the Linux Container Executor program that contains the
following information:
yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs=<comma-separated list of paths to local NodeManager
directories. Should be same values specified in yarn-site.xml. Required to validate
paths passed to container-executor in order.>
yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs=<comma-separated list of paths to local NodeManager log
directories. Should be same values specified in yarn-site.xml. Required to set
proper permissions on the log files so that they can be written to by the user's
containers and read by the NodeManager for log aggregation.
In the container-executor.cfg file, the default setting for the banned.users property is hdfs,
yarn, mapred, and bin to prevent jobs from being submitted via those user accounts. The default
setting for the property is 1000 to prevent jobs from being submitted with a user
ID less than 1000, which are conventionally Unix super users. Note that some operating systems
such as CentOS 5 use a default value of 500 and above for user IDs, not 1000. If this is the case
on your system, change the default setting for the property to 500. If there are user
accounts on your cluster that have a user ID less than the value specified for the
property, the NodeManager returns an error code of 255.
4. The path to the container-executor.cfg file is determined relative to the location of the container-executor
binary. Specifically, the path is <dirname of container-executor
CDH 5 Security Guide | 35
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
binary>/../etc/hadoop/container-executor.cfg. If you installed the CDH 5 package, this path will
always correspond to /etc/hadoop/conf/container-executor.cfg.
The container-executor program requires that the paths including and leading up to the
directories specified in yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs and yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs to
be set to 755 permissions as shown in this table on permissions on directories.
5. Verify that the ownership and permissions of the container-executor program corresponds to:
---Sr-s--- 1 root yarn 36264 May 20 15:30 container-executor
For more information about the Linux Container Executor program, see Appendix B - Information
about Other Hadoop Security Programs.
Step 2: Start up the ResourceManager
You are now ready to start the ResourceManager.
Make sure you always start ResourceManager before starting NodeManager.
If you're using the /etc/init.d/hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager script, then you can use the service
command to run it now:
$ sudo service hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager start
You can verify that the ResourceManager is working properly by opening a web browser to http://host:8088/
where host is the name of the machine where the ResourceManager is running.
Step 3: Start up the NodeManager
You are now ready to start the NodeManager.
If you're using the /etc/init.d/hadoop-yarn-nodemanager script, then you can use the service command
to run it now:
$ sudo service hadoop-yarn-nodemanager start
You can verify that the NodeManager is working properly by opening a web browser to http://host:8042/ where
host is the name of the machine where the NodeManager is running.
Step 4: Start up the MapReduce Job History Server
You are now ready to start the MapReduce Job History Server.
If you're using the /etc/init.d/hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver script, then you can use the service
command to run it now:
$ sudo service hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver start
36 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
You can verify that the MapReduce JobHistory Server is working properly by opening a web browser to
http://host:19888/ where host is the name of the machine where the MapReduce JobHistory Server is running.
Step 5: Try Running a Map/Reduce YARN Job
You should now be able to run Map/Reduce jobs. To confirm, try launching a sleep or a pi job from the provided
Hadoop examples (/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar). Note that you will
need Kerberos credentials to do so.
Remember that the user who launches the job must exist on every node.
To try running a MapReduce job using YARN, set the HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME environment variable and then
submit the job. For example:
$ export HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce
$ /usr/bin/hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar pi 10
CDH 5 Security Guide | 37
Configuring Sentry
Configuring Sentry
Sentry enables role-based, fine-grained authorization for HiveServer2 and Cloudera Impala. It provides classic
database-style authorization for Hive and Impala. Follow the instructions below to install and configure Sentry
manually under the current CDH release.
Sentry depends on an underlying authentication framework to reliably identify the requesting user. It requires:
• CDH 5
• HiveServer2 with strong authentication (Kerberos or LDAP)
• A secure Hadoop cluster
This is to prevent a user bypassing the authorization and gaining direct access to the underlying data.
In addition, make sure that the following are true:
• The Hive warehouse directory (/user/hive/warehouse or any path you specify as
hive.metastore.warehouse.dir in your hive-site.xml) must be owned by the Hive user and group.
– Permissions on the warehouse directory must be set as follows:
– 770 on the directory itself (for example, /user/hive/warehouse)
– 770 on all subdirectories (for example, /user/hive/warehouse/mysubdir)
– All files and subdirectories should be owned by hive:hive
For example:
$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chmod -R 770 /user/hive/warehouse
$ sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown -R hive:hive /user/hive/warehouse
• If you set hive.warehouse.subdir.inherit.perms to true in hive-site.xml, the
permissions on the subdirectories will be set when you set permissions on the warehouse
directory itself.
• If a user has access to any object in the warehouse, that user will be able to execute use
default. This ensures that use default commands issued by legacy applications work
when Sentry is enabled. Note that you can protect objects in the default database (or any
other database) by means of a policy file.
Important: These instructions override the recommendations in the Hive section of the CDH
5 Installation Guide.
• HiveServer2 impersonation must be turned off.
• The Hive user must be able to submit MapReduce jobs. You can ensure that this is true by setting the
minimum user ID for job submission to 0. Edit the taskcontroller.cfg file and set
To enable the Hive user to submit YARN jobs, add the user hive to the allowed.system.users configuration
property. You can do this in Cloudera Manager under YARN Properties or (if you are not using Cloudera
CDH 5 Security Guide | 39
Configuring Sentry
Manager) edit the container-executor.cfg file and add hive to the allowed.system.users property.
For example,
• You must restart the cluster and HiveServer2 after changing this value, whether you use
Cloudera Manager or not.
• These instructions override the instructions under Configuring MRv1 Security on page 32
• These instructions override the instructions under Configuring YARN Security on page 34
Roles and Privileges
Sentry uses a role-based privilege model. A role is a collection of rules for accessing a given Hive object. The
objects supported in the current release are server, database, table, and URI. Access to each object is governed
by privileges: Select, Insert, or All.
Note: All is not supported explicitly in the table scope; you have to specify Select and Insert
For example, a rule for the Select privilege on table customers from database sales would be formulated as
Each object must be specified as a hierarchy of the containing objects, from server to table, followed by the
privilege granted for that object. A role can contain multiple such rules, separated by commas. For example a
role might contain the Select privilege for the customer and items tables in the sales database, and the
Insert privilege for the sales_insights table in the reports database. You would specify this as follows:
sales_reporting =
Privilege Model
The Sentry privilege model has the following characteristics:
• Allows any user to execute show function, desc function, and show locks.
• Allows the user to see only those tables and databases for which this user has privileges.
• Requires a user to have the necessary privileges on the URI to execute HiveQL operations that take in a
location. Examples of such operations include LOAD, IMPORT, and EXPORT.
Important: When Sentry is enabled, a user with no privileges on a database will not be allowed to
connect to HiveServer2. This is because the use <database> command is now executed as part of
the connection to HiveServer2, which is why the connection fails. See HIVE-4256.
For more information, see Appendix: Authorization Privilege Model for Hive on page 49.
40 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Sentry
Users and Groups
• A user is an entity that is permitted by the authentication subsystem to access the Hive service. This entity
can be a Kerberos principal, an LDAP userid, or an artifact of some other pluggable authentication system
supported by HiveServer2.
• A group connects the authentication system with the authorization system. It is a collection of one or more
users who have been granted one or more authorization roles. Sentry allows a set of roles to be configured
for a group.
• A configured group provider determines a user’s affiliation with a group. The current release supports
HDFS-backed groups and locally configured groups. For example,
analyst = sales_reporting, data_export, audit_report
Here the group analyst is granted the roles sales_reporting, data_export, and audit_report. The members
of this group can run the HiveQL statements that are allowed by these roles. If this is an HDFS-backed group,
then all the users belonging to the HDFS group analyst can run such queries.
User to Group Mapping
You can configure Sentry to use either Hadoop groups or groups defined in the policy file. By default, Sentry
looks up groups locally, but it can be configured to look up Hadoop groups using LDAP (for Active Directory).
Local groups will be looked up on the host Sentry runs on. For Hive, this will be the host running HiveServer2.
Group mappings in Sentry can be summarized as in the figure below:
Important: You can use either Hadoop groups or local groups, but not both at the same time. Use
local groups if you want to do a quick proof-of-concept. For production, use Hadoop groups. Refer
Appendix I - Configuring LDAP Group Mappings on page 185 for details on configuring LDAP group
mappings in Hadoop.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 41
Configuring Sentry
Configuring Hadoop Groups
Set the hive.sentry.provider property in sentry-site.xml.
Configuring Local Groups
1. Define local groups in a [users] section of the Policy file on page 43. For example:
user1 = group1, group2, group3
user2 = group2, group3
2. In sentry-site.xml, set hive.sentry.provider as follows:
Setup and Configuration
This release of Sentry stores the configuration as well as privilege policies in files. The sentry-site.xml file
contains configuration options such as group association provider, privilege policy file location,
and so on. The Policy file on page 43 contains the privileges and groups. It has a .ini file format and can be
stored on a local file system or HDFS.
Sentry is plugged into Hive as session hooks which you configure in hive-site.xml. The sentry package must
be installed; it contains the required JAR files. You must also configure properties in the Sentry Configuration
Installing and Upgrading Sentry
If you have not already done so, install Cloudera's yum, zypper/YaST or apt repository before using
the following commands. For instructions, see CDH 5 Installation.
Upgrading Sentry from CDH 4 to CDH 5
To upgrade Sentry from CDH 4 to CDH 5, you must uninstall the old version and install the new version. If you
have already performed the steps to uninstall CDH 4 and all components, as described under Upgrading to CDH
5 from CDH 4, you can skip Step 1 below and proceed with installing the new CDH 5 version of Sentry.
1. Remove the CDH 4 Version of Sentry
Remove Sentry as follows, depending on your operating system:
$ sudo yum remove sentry
$ sudo zypper remove sentry
Ubuntu or Debian
$ sudo apt-get remove sentry
42 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Sentry
2. Install the New Version of Sentry
Follow instructions in the next section to install the CDH 5 version of Sentry.
Important: Configuration files
• If you install a newer version of a package that is already on the system, configuration files
that you have modified will remain intact.
• If you uninstall a package, the package manager renames any configuration files you have
modified from <file> to <file>.rpmsave. If you then re-install the package (probably to
install a new version) the package manager creates a new <file> with applicable defaults.
You are responsible for applying any changes captured in the original configuration file to the
new configuration file. In the case of Ubuntu and Debian upgrades, you will be prompted if you
have made changes to a file for which there is a new version; for details, see Automatic handling
of configuration files by dpkg.
The upgrade is now complete.
Installing Sentry
Install Sentry as follows, depending on your operating system:
$ sudo yum install sentry
$ sudo zypper install sentry
Ubuntu or Debian
$ sudo apt-get update;
$ sudo apt-get install sentry
Policy file
The sections that follow contain notes on creating and maintaining the policy file.
Warning: An invalid policy file will be ignored while logging an exception. This will lead to a situation
where users will lose access to all Sentry-protected data, since default Sentry behaviour is deny
unless a user has been explicitly granted access. (Note that if only the per-DB policy file is invalid, it
will invalidate only the policies in that file.)
Storing the Policy File
Considerations for storing the policy file(s) in HDFS include:
1. Replication count - Because the file is read for each query in Hive and read once every five minutes by all
Impala daemons, you should increase this value; since it is a small file, setting the replication count equal to
the number of slave nodes in the cluster is reasonable.
2. Updating the file - Updates to the file are reflected immediately, so you should write them to a temporary
copy of the file first, and then replace the existing file with the temporary one after all the updates are
complete. This avoids race conditions caused by reads on an incomplete file.
Defining Roles
Keep in mind that role definitions are not cumulative; the the definition that is further down in the file replaces
the older one. For example, the following results in role1 having privilege2, not privilege1 and privilege2.
role1 = privilege1
role1 = privilege2
CDH 5 Security Guide | 43
Configuring Sentry
Role names are scoped to a specific file. For example, if you give role1 the ALL privilege on db1 in the global
policy file and give role1 ALL on db2 in the per-db db2 policy file, the user will be given both privileges.
Any command which references a URI such as CREATE TABLE EXTERNAL, LOAD, IMPORT, EXPORT, and more, in
addition to CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION requires the URI privilege. This is an important security control
because without this users could simply create an external table over an existing table they do not have access
to and bypass Sentry.
URIs must start with either hdfs:// or file://. If a URI starts with anything else, it will cause an exception
and the policy file will be invalid.
When defining URIs for HDFS, you must also specify the NameNode. For example:
data_read = server=server1->uri=file:///path/to/dir,\
Important: Because the NameNode host and port must be specified, Cloudera strongly recommends
you use High Availability (HA). This ensures that the URI will remain constant even if the NameNode
To enable URIs in per-DB policy files, add the following string to the Java configuration options for HiveServer2
during startup.
Important: Enabling URIs in per-DB policy files introduces a security risk by allowing the owner of
the db-level policy file to grant himself/herself load privileges to anything the hive user has read
permissions for in HDFS (including data in other databases controlled by different db-level policy
Loading Data
Data can be loaded using a landing skid, either in HDFS or via a local/NFS directory where HiveServer2/Impala
run. The following privileges can be used to grant a role access to a loading skid:
• Load data from a local/NFS directory:
• Load data from HDFS (MapReduce, Pig, and so on):
In addition to the privilege in Sentry, the hive or impala user will require the appropriate file permissions to
access the data being loaded. Groups can be used for this purpose. For example, create a group hive-users,
and add the hive and impala users along with the users who will be loading data, to this group.
The example usermod and groupadd commands below are only applicable to locally defined groups on the
NameNode, JobTracker, and ResourceManager. If you use another system for group management, equivalent
changes should be made in your group management system.
$ groupadd hive-users
$ usermod -G someuser,hive-users someuser
$ usermod -G hive,hive-users hive
44 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Sentry
External Tables
External tables require the ALL@database privilege in addition to the URI privilege. When data is being inserted
through the EXTERNAL TABLE statement, or is referenced from an HDFS location outside the normal Hive
database directories, the user needs appropriate permissions on the URIs corresponding to those HDFS locations.
This means that the URI location must either be owned by the hive:hive user OR the hive/impala users must
be members of the group that owns the directory.
You can configure access to the directory using a URI as follows:
someuser_home_dir_role = server=server1->uri=hdfs://ha-nn-uri/user/someuser
You should now be able to create an external table:
LOCATION 'hdfs://ha-nn-uri/user/someuser/mytable';
JARs and User-Defined Functions (UDFs)
The ADD JAR command does not work with HiveServer2 & the Beeline client when Beeline runs on a different
host.. As an alternative to ADD JAR, Hive's auxiliary paths functionality should be used as described in the
following steps.
Note: If you have a cluster managed by Cloudera Manager, please see Using User-Defined Functions
(UDFs) with HiveServer2.
1. On the Beeline client machine, in /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml, set the hive.aux.jars.path property
to a comma-separated list of the fully-qualified paths to the JAR file and any dependent libraries.
2. Copy the JAR file (and its dependent libraries) to the host running HiveServer2/Impala.
3. On the HiveServer2/Impala host, open /etc/default/hive-server2 and set the AUX_CLASSPATH variable
to a comma-separated list of the fully-qualified paths to the JAR file and any dependent libraries.
4. To access the UDF, you must have URI privilege to the jar where the UDF resides. This privilege prevents
users from creating functions such as the reflect function which is disallowed because it allows users to
execute arbitrary Java code.
udf_r = server=server1->uri=file:///opt/local/hive/lib
5. Restart HiveServer2.
You should now be able to use the UDF:
Sample Configuration
This section provides a sample configuration.
Policy files
The following is an example of a policy file with a per-DB policy file. In this example, the first policy file,
sentry-provider.ini would exist in HDFS; hdfs://ha-nn-uri/etc/sentry/sentry-provider.ini might
CDH 5 Security Guide | 45
Configuring Sentry
be an appropriate location. The per-DB policy file is for the customer's database. It is located at
# Defines the location of the per DB policy file for the customers DB/schema
customers = hdfs://ha-nn-uri/etc/sentry/customers.ini
# Assigns each Hadoop group to its set of roles
manager = analyst_role, junior_analyst_role
analyst = analyst_role
jranalyst = junior_analyst_role
customers_admin = customers_admin_role
admin = admin_role
# The uris below define a define a landing skid which
# the user can use to import or export data from the system.
# Since the server runs as the user "hive" files in that directory
# must either have the group hive and read/write set or
# be world read/write.
analyst_role = server=server1->db=analyst1, \
junior_analyst_role = server=server1->db=jranalyst1, \
# Implies everything on server1 -> customers. Privileges for
# customers can be defined in the global policy file even though
# customers has its only policy file. Note that the Privileges from
# both the global policy file and the per-DB policy file
# are merged. There is no overriding.
customers_admin_role = server=server1->db=customers
# Implies everything on server1.
admin_role = server=server1
manager = customers_insert_role, customers_select_role
analyst = customers_select_role
customers_insert_role = server=server1->db=customers->table=*->action=insert
customers_select_role = server=server1->db=customers->table=*->action=select
Important: Sentry does not support using the view keyword in policy files. If you want to define a
role against a view, use the keyword table instead. For example, to define the role analyst_role
against the view col_test_view:
analyst_role = server=server1->db=default->table=col_test_view->action=select
Sentry Configuration File
The following is an example of a sentry-site.xml file.
46 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Sentry
Important: If you are using Cloudera Manager 4.6 (or earlier), make sure you do not store
sentry-site.xml in /etc/hive/conf; that directory is regenerated whenever the Hive client
configurations are redeployed. Instead, use a directory such as /etc/sentry to store the sentry
If you are using Cloudera Manager 4.7 (or later), Cloudera Manager will create and deploy
sentry-site.xml for you. See Sentry for Hive Authorization for more details on configuring Sentry
with Cloudera Manager.
<!-If the hdfs-site.xml points to HDFS, the path will be in HDFS;
alternatively you could specify a full path, e.g.:
Enabling Sentry in HiveServer2
To enable Sentry, add the following properties to hive-site.xml:
<description>sentry-site.xml file location</description>
Securing the Hive Metastore
It's important that the Hive metastore be secured. Do this by turning on Hive metastore security, using the
instructions in the CDH 5 Security Guide:
• Secure the Hive metastore; see Hive MetaStoreServer Security Configuration.
• In addition, allow access to the metastore only from the HiveServer2 server (see "Securing the Hive Metastore"
under HiveServer2 Security Configuration) and then disable local access to the HiveServer2 server.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 47
Configuring Sentry
Accessing Sentry-Secured Data Outside Hive/Impala
When Sentry is enabled, the hive user owns all data within the Hive warehouse. However, unlike traditional
database systems the enterprise data hub allows for multiple engines to execute over the same dataset.
Note: Cloudera strongly recommends you use Hive/Impala SQL queries to access data secured by
Sentry, as opposed to accessing the data files directly.
However, there are scenarios where fully vetted and reviewed jobs will also need to access the data stored in
the Hive warehouse. A typical scenario would be a secured MapReduce transformation job that is executed
automatically as an application user. In such cases it's important to know that the user executing this job will
also have full access to the data in the Hive warehouse.
Scenario One: Authorizing Jobs
Problem: A reviewed, vetted, and automated job requires access to the Hive warehouse and cannot use
Hive/Impala to access the data.
Solution: Create a group which contains hive, impala, and the user executing the automated job.
For example, if the etl user is executing the automated job, you can create a group called hive-users which
contains the hive, impala, and etl users.
The example usermod and groupadd commands below are only applicable to locally defined groups on the
NameNode, JobTracker, and ResourceManager. If you use another system for group management, equivalent
changes should be made in your group management system.
groupadd hive-users
usermod -G hive,impala,hive-users hive
usermod -G hive,impala,hive-users impala
usermod -G etl,hive-users etl
Once you have added users to the hive-users group, change directory permissions in the HDFS:
$ hadoop fs -chgrp -R hive:hive-users /user/hive/warehouse
$ hadoop fs -chmod -R 770 /user/hive/warehouse
Scenario Two: Authorizing Group Access to Databases
Problem: One group of users, grp1 should have full access to the database, db1, outside of Sentry. The database,
db1 should not be accessible to any other groups, outside of Sentry. Sentry should be used for all other
authorization needs.
Solution: Place the hive and impala users in grp1.
$ usermod -G hive,impala,grp1 hive
$ usermod -G hive,impala,grp1 impala
Then change group ownerships of all directories and files in db1 to grp1, and modify directory permissions in
the HDFS. This example is only applicable to local groups on a single host.
$ hadoop fs -chgrp -R hive:grp1 /user/hive/warehouse/db1.db
$ hadoop fs -chmod -R 770 /user/hive/warehouse/db1.db
48 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Sentry
Debugging Failed Sentry Authorization Requests
Sentry logs all facts that lead up to authorization decisions at the debug level. If you do not understand why
Sentry is denying access, the best way to debug is to temporarily turn on debug logging:
• In Cloudera Manager, add to the logging settings for your service
through the corresponding Logging Safety Valve field for the Impala, Hive Server 2, or Solr Server services.
• On systems not managed by Cloudera Manager, add to the file on each host in the cluster, in the appropriate configuration directory for each service.
Specifically, look for exceptions and messages such as:
FilePermission server..., RequestPermission server...., result [true|false]
which indicate each evaluation Sentry makes. The FilePermission is from the policy file, while
RequestPermission is the privilege required for the query. A RequestPermission will iterate over all appropriate
FilePermission settings until a match is found. If no matching privilege is found, Sentry returns false indicating
“Access Denied”.
Appendix: Authorization Privilege Model for Hive
Privileges can be granted on different objects in the Hive warehouse. Any privilege that can be granted is
associated with a level in the object hierarchy. If a privilege is granted on a container object in the hierarchy, the
base object automatically inherits it. For instance, if a user has ALL privileges on the database scope, then (s)he
has ALL privileges on all of the base objects contained within that scope.
Object hierarchy in Hive
Table 1: Valid Privilege types and objects they apply to
Table 2: Privilege hierarchy
Base Object
Granular privileges on
Container object that
contains the base object
Privileges on container
object that implies
privileges on the base
CDH 5 Security Guide | 49
Configuring Sentry
Base Object
Granular privileges on
Container object that
contains the base object
Privileges on container
object that implies
privileges on the base
Table 3: Privilege table for HiveQL operations
Hive SQL Operation
Any Table, View in the DB
Not Restricted
Any Privilege
Any obj in the DB
50 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Sentry
Hive SQL Operation
Not restricted
Not Restricted
Any Privilege
Any Object
Allowed, but has no effect on HS2
Allowed, but has no effect on HS2
Allowed, but has no effect on HS2
Database, Table/View
Table, View
CDH 5 Security Guide | 51
Configuring Sentry
Hive SQL Operation
Important: The ADD JAR
operation will not work
with HiveServer2 & the
Beeline client when Beeline
runs on a different host.
See the section on URIs for
more information on how
you can work around this
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
52 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Flume Security Configuration
Flume Security Configuration
Flume agents have the ability to store data on an HDFS filesystem configured with Hadoop security. The Kerberos
system and protocols authenticate communications between clients and services. Hadoop clients include users
and MapReduce jobs on behalf of users, and the services include HDFS and MapReduce. Flume acts as a Kerberos
principal (user) and needs Kerberos credentials to interact with the Kerberos security-enabled service.
Authenticating a user or a service can be done using a Kerberos keytab file. This file contains a key that is used
to obtain a ticket-granting ticket (TGT). The TGT is used to mutually authenticate the client and the service via
the Kerberos KDC.
The following sections describe how to use Flume 1.3.x and CDH 5 with Kerberos security on your Hadoop cluster:
Configuring Flume's Security Properties on page 53
Flume Account Requirements on page 55
Testing the Flume HDFS Sink Configuration on page 55
Writing to a Secure HBase cluster on page 55
To enable Flume to work with Kerberos security on your Hadoop cluster, make sure you perform the
installation and configuration steps in Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5.
These instructions have been tested with CDH 5 and MIT Kerberos 5 only. The following instructions
describe an example of how to configure a Flume agent to be a client as the user flume to a secure
HDFS service. This section does not describe how to secure the communications between Flume
agents, which is not currently implemented.
Configuring Flume's Security Properties
Writing as a single user for all HDFS sinks in a given Flume agent
The Hadoop services require a three-part principal that has the form of
username/ Cloudera recommends using flume as the first
component and the fully qualified domain name of the host machine as the second. Assuming that Kerberos
and security-enabled Hadoop have been properly configured on the Hadoop cluster itself, you must add the
following parameters to the Flume agent's flume.conf configuration file, which is typically located at
agentName.sinks.sinkName.hdfs.kerberosPrincipal =
agentName.sinks.sinkName.hdfs.kerberosKeytab = /etc/flume-ng/conf/flume.keytab
agentName is the name of the Flume agent being configured, which in this release defaults to the value "agent".
sinkName is the name of the HDFS sink that is being configured. The respective sink's type must be HDFS.
In the previous example, flume is the first component of the principal name,
is the second, and YOUR-REALM.COM is the name of the Kerberos realm your Hadoop cluster is in. The
/etc/flume-ng/conf/flume.keytab file contains the keys necessary for
flume/ to authenticate with other services.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 53
Flume Security Configuration
Flume and Hadoop also provide a simple keyword, _HOST, that gets expanded to be the fully qualified domain
name of the host machine where the service is running. This allows you to have one flume.conf file with the
same hdfs.kerberosPrincipal value on all of your agent host machines.
agentName.sinks.sinkName.hdfs.kerberosPrincipal = flume/_HOST@YOUR-REALM.COM
Writing as different users across multiple HDFS sinks in a single Flume agent
In this release, support has been added for secure impersonation of Hadoop users (similar to "sudo" in UNIX).
This is implemented in a way similar to how Oozie implements secure user impersonation.
The following steps to set up secure impersonation from Flume to HDFS assume your cluster is configured using
Kerberos. (However, impersonation also works on non-Kerberos secured clusters, and Kerberos-specific aspects
should be omitted in that case.)
1. Configure Hadoop to allow impersonation. Add the following configuration properties to your core-site.xml.
<description>Allow the flume user to impersonate any members of group1 and
<description>Allow the flume user to connect only from host1 and host2 to
impersonate a user</description>
You can use the wildcard character * to enable impersonation of any user from any host. For more information,
see Secure Impersonation.
Set up a Kerberos keytab for the Kerberos principal and host Flume is connecting to HDFS from. This user
must match the Hadoop configuration in the preceding step. For instructions, see Configuring Hadoop Security
in CDH 5.
Configure the HDFS sink with the following configuration options:
hdfs.kerberosPrincipal - fully-qualified principal. Note: _HOST will be replaced by the hostname of the
local machine (only in-between the / and @ characters)
hdfs.kerberosKeytab - location on the local machine of the keytab containing the user and host keys for
the above principal
hdfs.proxyUser - the proxy user to impersonate
Example snippet (the majority of the HDFS sink configuration options have been omitted):
agent.sinks.sink-1.type = HDFS
agent.sinks.sink-1.hdfs.kerberosPrincipal = flume/_HOST@YOUR-REALM.COM
agent.sinks.sink-1.hdfs.kerberosKeytab = /etc/flume-ng/conf/flume.keytab
agent.sinks.sink-1.hdfs.proxyUser = weblogs
agent.sinks.sink-2.type = HDFS
agent.sinks.sink-2.hdfs.kerberosPrincipal = flume/_HOST@YOUR-REALM.COM
agent.sinks.sink-2.hdfs.kerberosKeytab = /etc/flume-ng/conf/flume.keytab
agent.sinks.sink-2.hdfs.proxyUser = applogs
In the above example, the flume Kerberos principal impersonates the user weblogs in sink-1 and the user
applogs in sink-2. This will only be allowed if the Kerberos KDC authenticates the specified principal (flume
in this case), and the if NameNode authorizes impersonation of the specified proxy user by the specified principal.
At this time, Flume does not support using multiple Kerberos principals or keytabs in the same agent. Therefore,
if you want to create files as multiple users on HDFS, then impersonation must be configured, and exactly one
54 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Flume Security Configuration
principal must be configured in Hadoop to allow impersonation of all desired accounts. In addition, the same
keytab path must be used across all HDFS sinks in the same agent. If you attempt to configure multiple principals
or keytabs in the same agent, Flume will emit the following error message:
Cannot use multiple kerberos principals in the same agent. Must restart agent to use
new principal or keytab.
Flume Account Requirements
This section provides an overview of the account and credential requirements for Flume to write to a Kerberized
HDFS. Note the distinctions between the Flume agent machine, DataNode machine, and NameNode machine,
as well as the flume Unix user account versus the flume Hadoop/Kerberos user account.
• Each Flume agent machine that writes to HDFS (via a configured HDFS sink) needs a Kerberos principal of
the form:
where is the fully qualified domain name of the given Flume agent host
machine, and YOUR-REALM.COM is the Kerberos realm.
• Each Flume agent machine that writes to HDFS does not need to have a flume Unix user account to write
files owned by the flume Hadoop/Kerberos user. Only the keytab for the flume Hadoop/Kerberos user is
required on the Flume agent machine.
• DataNode machines do not need Flume Kerberos keytabs and also do not need the flume Unix user account.
• TaskTracker (MRv1) or NodeManager (YARN) machines need a flume Unix user account if and only if
MapReduce jobs are being run as the flume Hadoop/Kerberos user.
• The NameNode machine needs to be able to resolve the groups of the flume user. The groups of the flume
user on the NameNode machine are mapped to the Hadoop groups used for authorizing access.
• The NameNode machine does not need a Flume Kerberos keytab.
Testing the Flume HDFS Sink Configuration
To test whether your Flume HDFS sink is properly configured to connect to your secure HDFS cluster, you must
run data through Flume. An easy way to do this is to configure a Netcat source, a Memory channel, and an HDFS
sink. Start Flume with that configuration, and use the nc command (available freely online and with many UNIX
distributions) to send events to the Netcat source port. The resulting events should appear on HDFS in the
configured location. If the events do not appear, check the Flume log at /var/log/flume-ng/flume.log for
any error messages related to Kerberos.
Writing to a Secure HBase cluster
If you want to write to a secure HBase cluster, be aware of the following:
• Flume must be configured to use Kerberos security as documented above, and HBase must be configured
to use Kerberos security as documented in HBase Security Configuration.
• The hbase-site.xml file, which must be configured to use Kerberos security, must be in Flume's classpath
or HBASE_HOME/conf.
• HBaseSink org.apache.flume.sink.hbase.HBaseSink supports secure HBase, but AsyncHBaseSink
org.apache.flume.sink.hbase.AsyncHBaseSink does not.
• The Flume HBase Sink takes these two parameters:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 55
Flume Security Configuration
• kerberosPrincipal – specifies the Kerberos principal to be used
• kerberosKeytab – specifies the path to the Kerberos keytab These are defined as:
agent.sinks.hbaseSink.kerberosPrincipal =
agent.sinks.hbaseSink.kerberosKeytab = /etc/flume-ng/conf/flume.keytab
• If HBase is running with the AccessController coprocessor, the flume user (or whichever user the agent is
running as) must have permissions to write to the same table and the column family that the sink is configured
to write to. You can grant permissions using the grant command from HBase shell as explained in HBase
Security Configuration.
• The Flume HBase Sink does not currently support impersonation; it will write to HBase as the user the agent
is being run as.
• If you want to use HDFS Sink and HBase Sink to write to HDFS and HBase from the same agent respectively,
both sinks have to use the same principal and keytab. If you want to use different credentials, the sinks have
to be on different agents.
• Each Flume agent machine that writes to HBase (via a configured HBase sink) needs a Kerberos principal of
the form:
where is the fully qualified domain name of the given Flume agent host
machine, and YOUR-REALM.COM is the Kerberos realm.
56 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Hue Security Configuration
Hue Security Configuration
The following sections describe how to configure Hue CDH 5 with Kerberos security, enabling single sign-on
with SAML and encrypting communication between Hue and other services among other available configuration
Hue Security Enhancements on page 57
Configuring Hue to Support Hadoop Security using Kerberos on page 59
Integrating Hue with LDAP on page 61
Configuring Hue for SAML on page 65
To enable Hue to work with Kerberos security on your Hadoop cluster, make sure you perform the
installation and configuration steps in Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5.
Hue Security Enhancements
Enabling SSL Communication with HiveServer2
By providing a CA certificate, private key, and public certificate, Hue can communicate with HiveServer2 over
SSL. You can now configure the following properties in the [beeswax] section under [[ssl]] in the Hue
configuration file, hue.ini.
Choose to enable/disable SSL communication for this server.
Default: false
Path to Certificate Authority certificates.
Default: /etc/hue/cacerts.pem
Path to the private key file.
Default: /etc/hue/key.pem
Path to the public certificate file.
Default: /etc/hue/cert.pem
Choose whether Hue should validate certificates received from the server.
Default: true
Secure Database Connection
Connections vary depending on the database. Hue uses different clients to communicate with each database
internally. They all specify a common interface known as the DBAPI version 2 interface. Client specific options,
such as secure connectivity, can be passed through the interface. For example, for MySQL you can enable SSL
communication by specifying the options configuration property under the desktop>[[database]] section
in hue.ini.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 57
Hue Security Configuration
Session Timeout
Session timeouts can be set by specifying the ttl configuration property under the [desktop]>[[session]]
section in hue.ini.
The cookie containing the users' session ID will expire after this amount
of time in seconds.
Default: 60*60*24*14
Secure Cookies
Secure session cookies can be enable by specifying the secure configuration property under the
[desktop]>[[session]] section in hue.ini. Additionally, you can set the http-only flag for cookies containing
users' session IDs.
The cookie containing the users' session ID will be secure. Should only be
enabled with HTTPS.
Default: false
The cookie containing the users' session ID will use the HTTP only flag.
Default: false
Allowed HTTP Methods
You can specify the HTTP request methods that the server should respond to using the http_allowed_methods
property under the [desktop] section in hue.ini.
Default: options,get,head,post,put,delete,connect
Restricting the Cipher List
Cipher list support with HTTPS can be restricted by specifying the ssl_cipher_list configuration property
under the [desktop] section in hue.ini.
Default: !aNULL:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXPORT:!SSLv2
URL Redirect Whitelist
Restrict the domains or pages to which Hue can redirect users. The redirect_whitelist property can be found
under the [desktop] section in hue.ini.
For example, to restrict users to your local domain and FQDN, the following
value can be used:
58 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Hue Security Configuration
Troubleshooting HiveServer2
Configuring Hue to Support Hadoop Security using Kerberos
You can configure Hue in CDH 5 to support Hadoop security on a cluster using Kerberos.
To configure the Hue server to support Hadoop security using Kerberos:
1. Create a Hue user principal in the same realm as the Hadoop cluster of the form:
kadmin: addprinc -randkey hue/
where: hue is the principal the Hue server is running as, is
the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of your Hue server, YOUR-REALM.COM is the name of the Kerberos
realm your Hadoop cluster is in
2. Create a keytab file for the Hue principal using the same procedure that you used to create the keytab for
the hdfs or mapred principal for a specific host. You should name this file hue.keytab and put this keytab
file in the directory /etc/hue on the machine running the Hue server. Like all keytab files, this file should
have the most limited set of permissions possible. It should be owned by the user running the hue server
(usually hue) and should have the permission 400.
3. To test that the keytab file was created properly, try to obtain Kerberos credentials as the Hue principal using
only the keytab file. Substitute your FQDN and realm in the following command:
$ kinit -k -t /etc/hue/hue.keytab
4. In the /etc/hue/hue.ini configuration file, add the following lines in the sections shown. Replace the
kinit_path value, /usr/kerberos/bin/kinit, shown below with the correct path on the user's system.
# Path to Hue's Kerberos keytab file
# Kerberos principal name for Hue
# add kinit path for non root users
# If Kerberos security is enabled, use fully-qualified domain name (FQDN)
## hive_server_host=<FQDN of Hive Server>
# Hive configuration directory, where hive-site.xml is located
## hive_conf_dir=/etc/hive/conf
## server_host=localhost
## impala_principal=impala/
# URL of the Solr Server
## solr_url=http://localhost:8983/solr/
# Requires FQDN in solr_url if enabled
## security_enabled=false
# Enter the host and port on which you are running the Hadoop NameNode
CDH 5 Security Guide | 59
Hue Security Configuration
# Thrift plugin port for the name node
## thrift_port=10090
# Configuration for YARN (MR2)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------[[yarn_clusters]]
# Enter the host on which you are running the ResourceManager
## resourcemanager_host=localhost
# Change this if your YARN cluster is Kerberos-secured
## security_enabled=false
# Thrift plug-in port for the JobTracker
## thrift_port=9290
# The URL where the Oozie service runs on. This is required in order for users
to submit jobs.
## oozie_url=http://localhost:11000/oozie
# Requires FQDN in oozie_url if enabled
## security_enabled=false
In the /etc/hue/hue.ini file, verify the following:
— Make sure the jobtracker_host property is set to the fully-qualified domain name of the
host running the JobTracker. The JobTracker host name must be fully-qualified in a secured
— Make sure the fs.defaultfs property under each [[hdfs_clusters]] section contains the
fully-qualified domain name of the file system access point, which is typically the NameNode.
— Make sure the hive_conf_dir property under the [beeswax] section points to a directory
containing a valid hive-site.xml (either the original or a synced copy).
— Make sure the FQDN specified for HiveServer2 is the same as the FQDN specified for the
hue_principal configuration property. Without this, HiveServer2 will not work with security
5. In the /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml configuration file on all of your cluster nodes, add the following
<!-- Hue security configuration -->
<value>*</value> <!-- A group which all users of Hue belong to, or the wildcard
value "*" -->
Make sure you change the /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml configuration file on all of your
cluster nodes.
60 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Hue Security Configuration
6. If Hue is configured to communicate to Hadoop via HttpFS, then you must add the following properties to
7. Add the following properties to the Oozie server oozie-site.xml configuration file in the Oozie configuration
8. Restart the JobTracker to load the changes from the core-site.xml file.
$ sudo service hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-jobtracker restart
9. Restart Oozie to load the changes from the oozie-site.xml file.
$ sudo service oozie restart
10. Restart the NameNode, JobTracker, and all DataNodes to load the changes from the core-site.xml file.
$ sudo service hadoop-0.20-(namenode|jobtracker|datanode) restart
Integrating Hue with LDAP
When Hue is integrated with LDAP users can use their existing credentials to authenticate and inherit their
existing groups transparently. There is no need to save or duplicate any employee password in Hue. There are
several other ways to authenticate with Hue such as PAM, SPNEGO, OpenID, OAuth, SAML2 and so on. This topic
details how you can configure Hue to authenticate against an LDAP directory server.
When authenticating via LDAP, Hue validates login credentials against an LDAP directory service if configured
with the LDAP authentication backend:
The LDAP authentication backend will automatically create users that don’t exist in Hue by default. Hue needs
to import users in order to properly perform the authentication. Passwords are never imported when importing
users. If you want to disable automatic import set the create_users_on_login property under the [desktop]
> [[ldap]] section of hue.ini to false.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 61
Hue Security Configuration
The purpose of disabling the automatic import is to allow only a predefined list of manually imported users to
There are two ways to authenticate with a directory service through Hue:
• Search Bind
• Direct Bind
You can specify the authentication mechanism using the search_bind_authentication property under the
[desktop] > [[ldap]] section of hue.ini.
Uses search bind authentication by default. Set this property to false to
use direct bind authentication.
Default: true
Search Bind
The search bind mechanism for authenticating will perform an ldapsearch against the directory service and
bind using the found distinguished name (DN) and password provided. This is the default method of authentication
used by Hue with LDAP.
The following configuration properties under the [desktop] > [[ldap]] > [[[users]]] section in hue.ini
can be set to restrict the search process.
General LDAP filter to restrict the search.
Default: "objectclass=*"
The attribute that will be considered the username to be searched against.
Typical attributes to search for include: uid, sAMAccountName.
Default: sAMAccountName
With the above configuration, the LDAP search filter will take on the form:
(&(objectClass=*)(sAMAccountName=<user entered usename>))
Important: Setting search_bind_authentication=true in hue.ini tells Hue to perform an LDAP
search using the bind credentials specified for the bind_dn and bind_password configuration
properties. Hue will start searching the subtree starting from the base DN specified for the base_dn
property. It will then search the base DN for an entry whose attribute, specified in user_name_attr,
has the same value as the short name provided on login. The search filter, defined in user_filter
will also be used to limit the search.
Direct Bind
The direct bind mechanism for authenticating will bind to the LDAP server using the username and password
provided at login.
The following configuration properties can be used to determine how Hue binds to the LDAP server. These can
be set under the [desktop] > [[ldap]] section of hue.ini.
The NT domain to connect to (only for use with Active Directory). This
AD-specific property allows Hue to authenticate with AD without having
to follow LDAP references to other partitions. This typically maps to the
email address of the user or the user's ID in conjunction with the domain.
If provided, Hue will use User Principal Names (UPNs) to bind to the LDAP
62 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Hue Security Configuration
Provides a template for the DN that will ultimately be sent to the directory
service when authenticating. The <username> parameter will be replaced
with the username provided at login.
Default: "uid=<username>,ou=People,dc=mycompany,dc=com"
Important: Setting search_bind_authentication=false in hue.ini tells Hue to perform a direct
bind to LDAP using the credentials provided (not bind_dn and bind_password specified in hue.ini).
There are two ways direct bind works depending on whether the nt_domain property is specified in
• nt_domain is specified: This is used to connect to an Active Directory service. In this case, the User
Principal Name (UPN) is used to perform a direct bind. Hue forms the UPN by concatenating the
short name provided at login with the nt_domain. For example, <short name>@<nt_domain>.
The ldap_username_pattern property is ignored.
• nt_domain is not specified: This is used to connect to all other directory services (can handle Active
Directory, but nt_domain is the preferred way for AD). In this case, ldap_username_pattern is
used and it should take on the form cn=<username>,dc=example,dc=com where <username>
will be replaced with the username provided at login.
Importing LDAP Users and Groups
If an LDAP user needs to be part of a certain group and be given a particular set of permissions, you can import
this user with the User Admin interface in Hue.
Groups can also be imported using the User Admin interface, and users can be added to this group. As in the
image below, not only can groups be discovered via DN and rDN search, but users that are members of the group
or members of its subordinate groups can be imported as well.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 63
Hue Security Configuration
You have the following options available when importing a user/group:
• Distinguished name: If checked, the username provided must be a full distinguished name (for example,
uid=hue,ou=People,dc=gethue,dc=com). Otherwise, the Username provided should be a fragment of a
Relative Distinguished Name (rDN) (for example, the username hue maps to the rDN uid=hue). Hue will
perform an LDAP search using the same methods and configurations as described above. That is, Hue will
take the provided username and create a search filter using the user_filter and user_name_attr
• Create home directory: If checked, when the user is imported, their home directory in HDFS will automatically
be created if it doesn’t already exist.
Important: When managing LDAP entries, the User Admin app will always perform an LDAP search
and will always use bind_dn, bind_password, base_dn, as defined in hue.ini.
Synchronizing LDAP Users and Groups
Users and groups can be synchronized with the directory service via the User Admin interface or via a command
line utility. The image from the Importing LDAP Users and Groups section uses the words Add/Sync to indicate
that when a user or group that already exists in Hue is being added, it will in fact be synchronized instead. In
the case of importing users for a particular group, new users will be imported and existing users will be
Note: Users that have been deleted from the directory service will not be deleted from Hue. Those
users can be manually deactivated from Hue via the User Admin interface.
Attributes Synchronized
Currently, only the first name, last name, and email address are synchronized. Hue looks for the LDAP attributes
givenName, sn, and mail when synchronizing. The user_name_attr configuration property is used to
appropriately choose the username in Hue. For instance, if user_name_attr’ is set to uid”, then the "uid"
returned by the directory service will be used as the username of the user in Hue.
64 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Hue Security Configuration
User Admin interface
The Sync LDAP users/groups button in the User Admin interface will automatically synchronize all users and
Synchronize Using a Command-Line Interface
For example, to synchronize users and groups using a command-line interface:
<hue root>/build/env/bin/hue sync_ldap_users_and_groups
LDAPS/StartTLS support
Secure communication with LDAP is provided using the SSL/TLS and StartTLS protocols. They allow Hue to
validate the directory service it is going to converse with. Hence, if a Certificate Authority certificate file is provided,
Hue will communicate using LDAPS. You can specify the path to the CA certificate under :
The StartTLS protocol can be used as well:
Configuring Hue for SAML
This section describes the configuration changes required to use Hue with SAML 2.0 (Security Assertion Markup
Language) to enable single sign-on (SSO) authentication.
The SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO profile has three components: a Security Provider, a User Agent and an Identity
Provider. In this case, Hue is the Service Provider (SP), you can use an Identity Provider (IdP) of your choice, and
you are the user acting through your browser (User Agent). When a user requests access to an application, Hue
uses your browser to send an authentication request to the Identity Provider which then authenticates the user
and redirects them back to Hue .
This blog post guides users through setting up SSO with Hue, using the SAML backend and Shibboleth as the
Identity Provider.
Note: The following instructions assume you already have an Identity Provider set up and running.
Step 1: Install swig and openssl packages
Install swig and openssl. For example, on RHEL systems, use the following commands:
yum install swig
yum install openssl
Step 2: Install libraries to support SAML in Hue
Install the djangosaml2 and pysaml2 libraries to support SAML in Hue. These libraries are dependent on the
xmlsec1 package to be installed and available on the machine for Hue to use. Follow these instructions to install
the xmlsec1 package on your system.
RHEL, CentOS and SLES:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 65
Hue Security Configuration
For RHEL, CentOS and SLES systems, the xmlsec1 package is available for download from the EPEL repository.
For example, on CentOS, use the following commands to install the package, substituting the version in the
package URL with the one required for your system:
rpm -Uvh
yum install xmlsec1
Oracle Linux:
For Oracle Linux systems, download the xmlsec1 package from and execute
the following commands:
tar -xvzf xmlsec1-<version>.tar.gz
cd xmlsec1-<version>
./configure && make
sudo make install
Important: The xmlsec1 package must be executable by the user running Hue.
You should now be able to install djangosaml and pysaml2 on your machines.
build/env/bin/pip install -e git+
build/env/bin/pip install -e git+
Step 3: Update the Hue configuration file
Several configuration parameters need to be updated in Hue's configuration file, hue.ini to enable support for
SAML. The table given below describes the available parameters for SAML in hue.ini under the [libsaml]
This is a path to the xmlsec_binary, an executable used to sign, verify, encrypt
and decrypt SAML requests and assertions. This program should be executable
by the user running Hue.
Create Hue users received in assertion response upon successful login. The
value for this parameter can be either "true" or "false".
Attributes Hue asks for from the IdP. This is a comma-separated list of
attributes. For example, uid, email and so on.
Optional attributes Hue can ask for from the IdP. Also a comma-separated
list of attributes.
This is a path to the IdP metadata copied to a local file. This file should be
Path to the private key used to encrypt the metadata. File format .PEM
Path to the X.509 certificate to be sent along with the encrypted metadata.
File format .PEM
Mapping from attributes received from the IdP to the Hue's django user
attributes. For example, {'uid':'username', 'email':'email'}.
Have Hue initiated logout requests be signed and provide a certificate.
66 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Hue Security Configuration
Step 3a: Update the SAML metadata file
Update the metadata file pointed to by your Hue configuration file, hue.ini. Check your IdP documentation for
details on how to procure the XML metadata and paste it into the <metadata_file_name>.xml file at the
location specified by the configuration parameter metadata_file.
For example, if you were using the Shibboleth IdP, you would visit https://<IdPHOST>:8443/idp/shibboleth,
copy the metadata content available there and paste it into the Hue metadata file.
You may have to edit the content copied over from your IdP's metadata file in case of missing fields
such as port numbers (8443), from URLs that point to the IdP.
Step 3b: Private key and certificate files
To enable Hue to communicate with the IdP, you will need to specify the location of a private key, for the, key_file
property, that can be used to sign requests sent to the IdP. You will also need to specify the location of the
certificate file, for the cert_pem property, which you will use to verify and decrypt messages from the IdP.
Note: The key and certificate files specified by the key_file and cert_file parameters must be
.PEM files.
Step 3c: Configure Hue to use SAML Backend
To enable SAML to allow user logins and create users, update the backend configuration property in hue.ini
to use the SAML authentication backend. You will find the backend property in the [[auth]] sub-section under
Here is an example configuration of the [libsaml] section from hue.ini.
Step 4: Restart the Hue server
Use the following command to restart the Hue server.
sudo service hue restart
CDH 5 Security Guide | 67
Oozie Security Configuration
Oozie Security Configuration
This section describes how to configure Oozie CDH 5 with Kerberos security on a Hadoop cluster:
Configuring the Oozie Server to Support Kerberos Security on page 69
Configuring Oozie HA with Kerberos on page 70
Appendix H - Using a Web Browser to Access an URL Protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO on page 181
Configuring Oozie to use SSL (HTTPS) on page 71
To enable Oozie to work with Kerberos security on your Hadoop cluster, make sure you perform the
installation and configuration steps in Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5. Also note that when
Kerberos security is enabled in Oozie, a web browser that supports Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO is required
to access the Oozie web-console (for example, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Chrome).
If the NameNode, Secondary NameNode, DataNode, JobTracker, TaskTrackers, ResourceManager,
NodeManagers, HttpFS, or Oozie services are configured to use Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication,
and two or more of these services are running on the same host, then all of the running services must
use the same HTTP principal and keytab file used for their HTTP endpoints.
Configuring the Oozie Server to Support Kerberos Security
1. Create a Oozie service user principal using the syntax:
oozie/<>@<YOUR-REALM>. This principal is used to authenticate with the
Hadoop cluster. where: is the host where the Oozie server is running
YOUR-REALM is the name of your Kerberos realm.
kadmin: addprinc -randkey oozie/
2. Create a HTTP service user principal using the syntax:
HTTP/<>@<YOUR-REALM>. This principal is used to authenticate user
requests coming to the Oozie web-services. where: is the host where the
Oozie server is running YOUR-REALM is the name of your Kerberos realm.
kadmin: addprinc -randkey HTTP/
The HTTP/ component of the HTTP service user principal must be upper case as shown in the
syntax and example above.
3. Create keytab files with both principals.
$ kadmin
kadmin: xst -k oozie.keytab oozie/
kadmin: xst -k http.keytab HTTP/
CDH 5 Security Guide | 69
Oozie Security Configuration
4. Merge the two keytab files into a single keytab file:
$ ktutil
ktutil: rkt oozie.keytab
ktutil: rkt http.keytab
ktutil: wkt oozie-http.keytab
5. Test that credentials in the merged keytab file work. For example:
$ klist -e -k -t oozie-http.keytab
6. Copy the oozie-http.keytab file to the Oozie configuration directory. The owner of the oozie-http.keytab
file should be the oozie user and the file should have owner-only read permissions.
7. Edit the Oozie server oozie-site.xml configuration file in the Oozie configuration directory by setting the
following properties:
Important: You must restart the Oozie server to have the configuration changes take effect.
oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.kerberos.enabled true
oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.keytab.file /etc/oozie/conf/oozie-http.keytab for a
package installation, or
<EXPANDED_DIR>/conf/oozie-http.keytab for a
tarball installation
oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.kerberos.principal oozie/<>@<YOUR-REALM.COM>
Use the value configured for in
Configuring Oozie HA with Kerberos
In CDH 5, you can configure multiple active Oozie servers against the same database, providing high availability
for Oozie. For instructions on setting up Oozie HA, see About Oozie High Availability
Let's assume you have three hosts running Oozie servers,,, and the Load Balancer running on The Load Balancer directs traffic
to the Oozie servers: host1, host2 and host3. For such a configuration, assuming your Kerberos realm is
EXAMPLE.COM, create the following Kerberos principals:
On each of the hosts, host1, host2 and host3, create a keytab file with its corresponding oozie and HTTP principals
from the list above. Make sure you are using the same HTTP principal in all three keytab files.
70 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Oozie Security Configuration
Edit the following property in the Oozie server configuration file, oozie-site.xml:
Change the value of OOZIE_BASE_URL in to point to the Load Balancer.
Configuring Oozie to use SSL (HTTPS)
The default HTTPS configuration will cause all Oozie URLs to use HTTPS (except for the JobTracker
callback URLs, but this is okay because Oozie doesn't inherently trust the callbacks anyway; they are
used as hints). This is to simplify configuration (no changes are needed outside of Oozie).
You can use either a certificate from a Certificate Authority or a Self-Signed Certificate. Please follow the first
or second section below accordingly; afterwards, all steps are the same.
To use a Self-Signed Certificate There are many ways to create a Self-Signed Certificate, this is just one way.
We will be using the keytool program, which is included with your JRE. If its not on your path, you should be
able to find it in $JAVA_HOME/bin.
1. Run the following command to create a keystore file:
sudo -u oozie keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
The keystore file will be named .keystore and located in the oozie user's home directory.
2. You will now be asked a series of questions in an interactive prompt. Below is a sample of what this looks
like, along with some responses:
$ sudo -u oozie keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
Enter keystore password: password
Re-enter new password: password
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: oozie.server.hostname
What is the name of your organizational unit?
[Unknown]: Engineering
What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: A Great Company
What is the name of your City or Locality?
[Unknown]: Anywhere
What is the name of your State or Province?
[Unknown]: CA
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: US
Is CN=oozie.server.hostname, OU=Engineering, O=A Great Company, L=Anywhere, ST=CA,
C=US correct?
[no]: yes
Enter key password for <tomcat>
(RETURN if same as keystore password):
CDH 5 Security Guide | 71
Oozie Security Configuration
The password you enter for "keystore password" and "key password for <tomcat>" must be the
same. If you want to use a password other than "password", you will need to make an additional
change later when configuring the Oozie Server.
The answer to "What is your first and last name?" (i.e. "CN") must be the hostname of the machine
where the Oozie Server will be running.
3. Run the following command to export a certificate file from the keystore file:
sudo -u oozie keytool -exportcert -alias tomcat -file
To use a Certificate from a Certificate Authority
1. Make a request to a Certificate Authority in order to obtain a proper Certificate; please consult a Certificate
Authority on this procedure.
2. Once you have your .cert file, run the following command to create a keystore file from your certificate:
sudo -u oozie keytool -import -alias tomcat -file path/to/certificate.cert
The keystore file will be named .keystore and located in the oozie user's home directory.
Configure the Oozie Server to use SSL (HTTPS)
1. Stop Oozie by running
sudo /sbin/service oozie stop
2. To enable SSL, set the MapReduce version that the Oozie server should work with using the alternatives
Note: The alternatives command is only available on RHEL systems. For SLES, Ubuntu and
Debian systems, the command is update-alternatives.
For RHEL systems, to use YARN with SSL:
alternatives --set oozie-tomcat-conf /etc/oozie/tomcat-conf.https
For RHEL systems, to use MapReduce (MRv1) with SSL:
alternatives --set oozie-tomcat-conf /etc/oozie/tomcat-conf.https.mr1
The OOZIE_HTTPS_KEYSTORE_PASS variable must be the same as the password used when creating
the keystore file. If you used a password other than password, you'll have to change the value of
the OOZIE_HTTPS_KEYSTORE_PASS variable in this file.
3. Start Oozie by running
sudo /sbin/service oozie start
72 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Oozie Security Configuration
Configure the Oozie Client to connect using SSL (HTTPS)
This section only applies if you are using a Self-Signed Certificate.
The following steps must be done on every machine where you intend to use the Oozie Client. This
is not necessary if you only want to use the Web UI from a browser.
The first two steps are only necessary if you used a Self-Signed Certificate.
1. Copy or download the .cert file onto the client machine
2. Run the following command to import the certificate into the JRE's keystore. This will allow any Java program,
including the Oozie client, to connect to the Oozie Server using your certificate.
sudo keytool -import -alias tomcat -file path/to/certificate.cert -keystore
Where ${JRE_cacerts} is the path to the JRE's certs file. It's location may differ depending on the Operating
System, but its typically called cacerts and located at ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/security/cacerts but may be
under a different directory in ${JAVA_HOME} (you may want to create a backup copy of this file first). The
default password is changeit.
3. When using the Oozie Client, you will need to use https://oozie.server.hostname:11443/oozie instead of
http://oozie.server.hostname:11000/oozie – Java will not automatically redirect from the http address to
the https address.
Connect to the Oozie Web UI using SSL (HTTPS)
Use https://oozie.server.hostname:11443/oozie though most browsers should automatically redirect you if
you use http://oozie.server.hostname:11000/oozie
If using a Self-Signed Certificate, your browser will warn you that it can't verify the certificate or
something similar. You will probably have to add your certificate as an exception.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 73
HttpFS Security Configuration
HttpFS Security Configuration
This section describes how to configure HttpFS CDH 5 with Kerberos security on a Hadoop cluster:
• Configuring the HttpFS Server to Support Kerberos Security on page 75
• Using curl to access an URL Protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO on page 76
For more information about HttpFS, see
To enable HttpFS to work with Kerberos security on your Hadoop cluster, make sure you perform the
installation and configuration steps in Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5.
If the NameNode, Secondary NameNode, DataNode, JobTracker, TaskTrackers, ResourceManager,
NodeManagers, HttpFS, or Oozie services are configured to use Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication,
and two or more of these services are running on the same host, then all of the running services must
use the same HTTP principal and keytab file used for their HTTP endpoints.
Configuring the HttpFS Server to Support Kerberos Security
1. Create an HttpFS service user principal that is used to authenticate with the Hadoop cluster. The syntax of
the principal is: httpfs/<>@<YOUR-REALM> where: is the host where the HttpFS server is running YOUR-REALM is the name
of your Kerberos realm
kadmin: addprinc -randkey httpfs/
2. Create a HTTP service user principal that is used to authenticate user requests coming to the HttpFS HTTP
web-services. The syntax of the principal is: HTTP/<>@<YOUR-REALM>
where: '' is the host where the HttpFS server is running YOUR-REALM is
the name of your Kerberos realm
kadmin: addprinc -randkey HTTP/
The HTTP/ component of the HTTP service user principal must be upper case as shown in the
syntax and example above.
3. Create keytab files with both principals.
$ kadmin
kadmin: xst -k httpfs.keytab httpfs/
kadmin: xst -k http.keytab HTTP/
CDH 5 Security Guide | 75
HttpFS Security Configuration
4. Merge the two keytab files into a single keytab file:
$ ktutil
ktutil: rkt httpfs.keytab
ktutil: rkt http.keytab
ktutil: wkt httpfs-http.keytab
5. Test that credentials in the merged keytab file work. For example:
$ klist -e -k -t httpfs-http.keytab
6. Copy the httpfs-http.keytab file to the HttpFS configuration directory. The owner of the
httpfs-http.keytab file should be the httpfs user and the file should have owner-only read permissions.
7. Edit the HttpFS server httpfs-site.xml configuration file in the HttpFS configuration directory by setting
the following properties:
Use the value configured for
'' in 'core-site.xml'
You must restart the HttpFS server to have the configuration changes take effect.
Using curl to access an URL Protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO
Your version of curl must support GSS and be capable of running curl -V.
To configure curl to access an URL protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO:
1. Run curl -V:
$ curl -V
curl 7.19.7 (universal-apple-darwin10.0) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8l
Protocols: tftp ftp telnet dict ldap http file https ftps
Features: GSS-Negotiate IPv6 Largefile NTLM SSL libz
2. Login to the KDC using kinit.
$ kinit
Please enter the password for tucu@LOCALHOST:
76 | CDH 5 Security Guide
HttpFS Security Configuration
3. Use curl to fetch the protected URL:
$ curl --negotiate -u : -b ~/cookiejar.txt -c ~/cookiejar.txt
where: The --negotiate option enables SPNEGO in curl. The -u : option is required but the user name is
ignored (the principal that has been specified for kinit is used). The -b and -c options are used to store
and send HTTP cookies.
Configuring HttpFS to use SSL (HTTPS)
You can use either a certificate from a Certificate Authority or a Self-Signed Certificate. Please follow the first
or second section below accordingly; afterwards, all steps are the same.
To use a Self-Signed Certificate There are many ways to create a Self-Signed Certificate, this is just one way.
We will be using the keytool program, which is included with your JRE. If its not on your path, you should be
able to find it in $JAVA_HOME/bin.
1. Run the following command to create a keystore file:
sudo -u httpfs keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
The keystore file will be named .keystore and located in the httpfs user's home directory.
2. You will now be asked a series of questions in an interactive prompt. Below is a sample of what this looks
like, along with some responses:
$ sudo -u httpfs keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
Enter keystore password: password
Re-enter new password: password
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: httpfs.server.hostname
What is the name of your organizational unit?
[Unknown]: Engineering
What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: A Great Company
What is the name of your City or Locality?
[Unknown]: Anywhere
What is the name of your State or Province?
[Unknown]: CA
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: US
Is CN=httpfs.server.hostname, OU=Engineering, O=A Great Company, L=Anywhere, ST=CA,
C=US correct?
[no]: yes
Enter key password for <tomcat>
(RETURN if same as keystore password):
The password you enter for "keystore password" and "key password for <tomcat>" must be the
same. If you want to use a password other than "password", you will need to make an additional
change later when configuring the HttpFS Server.
The answer to "What is your first and last name?" (i.e. "CN") must be the hostname of the machine
where the HttpFS Server will be running.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 77
HttpFS Security Configuration
3. Run the following command to export a certificate file from the keystore file:
sudo -u httpfs keytool -exportcert -alias tomcat -file
To use a Certificate from a Certificate Authority
1. Make a request to a Certificate Authority in order to obtain a proper Certificate; please consult a Certificate
Authority on this procedure.
2. Once you have your .cert file, run the following command to create a keystore file from your certificate:
sudo -u httpfs keytool -import -alias tomcat -file path/to/certificate.cert
The keystore file will be named .keystore and located in the httpfs user's home directory.
Configure the HttpFS Server to use SSL (HTTPS)
1. Stop HttpFS by running
sudo /sbin/service hadoop-httpfs stop
2. To enable SSL, change which configuration the HttpFS server should work with using the alternatives
Note: The alternatives command is only available on RHEL systems. For SLES, Ubuntu and
Debian systems, the command is update-alternatives.
For RHEL systems, to use SSL:
alternatives --set hadoop-httpfs-tomcat-conf /etc/hadoop-httpfs/tomcat-conf.https
The HTTPFS_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASS variable must be the same as the password used when creating
the keystore file. If you used a password other than password, you'll have to change the value of
the HTTPFS_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASS variable in /etc/hadoop-httpfs/conf/
3. Start HttpFS by running
sudo /sbin/service hadoop-httpfs start
Configure the HttpFS Client to connect using SSL (HTTPS)
This section only applies if you are using a Self-Signed Certificate.
The following steps must be done on every machine where you intend to use the HttpFS Client. This
is not necessary if you only want to use the Web UI from a browser.
The first two steps are only necessary if you used a Self-Signed Certificate.
1. Copy or download the .cert file onto the client machine
78 | CDH 5 Security Guide
HttpFS Security Configuration
2. Run the following command to import the certificate into the JRE's keystore. This will allow any Java program,
including the HttpFS client, to connect to the HttpFS Server using your certificate.
sudo keytool -import -alias tomcat -file path/to/certificate.cert -keystore
Where ${JRE_cacerts} is the path to the JRE's certs file. It's location may differ depending on the Operating
System, but its typically called cacerts and located at ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/security/cacerts but may be
under a different directory in ${JAVA_HOME} (you may want to create a backup copy of this file first). The
default password is changeit.
3. When using the HttpFS Client, you will need to use
https://<httpfs_server_hostname>:14000/webhdfs/v1/ instead of
http://<httpfs_server_hostname>:14000/webhdfs/v1/ – Java will not automatically redirect from the
http address to the https address.
Connect to the HttpFS Web UI using SSL (HTTPS)
Use https://<httpfs_server_hostname>:14000/webhdfs/v1/ though most browsers should automatically
redirect you if you use http://<httpfs_server_hostname>:14000/webhdfs/v1/
If using a Self-Signed Certificate, your browser will warn you that it can't verify the certificate or
something similar. You will probably have to add your certificate as an exception.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 79
HBase Security Configuration
HBase Security Configuration
There are two major parts in the process of configuring HBase security:
1. Configure HBase Authentication: You must establish a mechanism for HBase servers and clients to securely
identify themselves with HDFS, ZooKeeper, and each other (called authentication). This ensures that, for
example, a host claiming to be an HBase Region Server or a particular HBase client are in fact who they claim
to be.
2. Configure HBase Authorization: You must establish rules for the resources that clients are allowed to access
(called authorization).
For more background information, see this blog post.
The following sections describe how to use Apache HBase and CDH 5 with Kerberos security on your Hadoop
Configuring HBase Authentication on page 81
Configuring HBase Authorization on page 84
Configuring Secure HBase Replication on page 87
Configuring the HBase Client TGT Renewal Period on page 88
To enable HBase to work with Kerberos security on your Hadoop cluster, make sure you perform the
installation and configuration steps in Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5 and ZooKeeper Security
These instructions have been tested with CDH and MIT Kerberos 5 only.
Although an HBase Thrift server can connect to a secured Hadoop cluster, access is not secured from
clients to the HBase Thrift server.
Configuring HBase Authentication
Here are the two high-level steps for configuring HBase authentication:
Step 1: Configure HBase Servers to Authenticate with a Secure HDFS Cluster on page 81
Step 2: Configure HBase Servers and Clients to Authenticate with a Secure ZooKeeper on page 83.
Step 1: Configure HBase Servers to Authenticate with a Secure HDFS Cluster
To configure HBase servers to authenticate with a secure HDFS cluster, you must do the following tasks:
• Enable HBase Authentication
• Configure HBase's Kerberos Principals
Enabling HBase Authentication
To enable HBase Authentication, you must do the following two steps:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 81
HBase Security Configuration
1. On every HBase server host (Master or Region Server), add the following properties to the hbase-site.xml
configuration file:
2. On every HBase client host, add the same properties to the hbase-site.xml configuration file:
Configuring HBase's Kerberos Principals
In order to run HBase on a secure HDFS cluster, HBase must authenticate itself to the HDFS services. HBase
acts as a Kerberos principal and needs Kerberos credentials to interact with the Kerberos-enabled HDFS daemons.
Authenticating a service can be done using a keytab file. This file contains a key which allows the service to
authenticate to the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC).
To configure HBase's Kerberos principals:
1. Create a service principal for the HBase server using the syntax:
hbase/<>@<YOUR-REALM>. This principal is used to authenticate the HBase
server with the HDFS services. Cloudera recommends using hbase as the username portion of this principal.
kadmin: addprinc -randkey hbase/
where: is the host where the HBase server is running YOUR-REALM is the
name of your Kerberos realm
2. Create a keytab file for the HBase server.
$ kadmin
kadmin: xst -k hbase.keytab hbase/
3. Copy the hbase.keytab file to the /etc/hbase/conf directory on the HBase server host. The owner of the
hbase.keytab file should be the hbase user and the file should have owner-only read permissions. That is,
assign the file 0600 permissions and make it owned by hbase:hbase.
1 hbase
1343 2012-01-09 10:39
4. To test that the keytab file was created properly, try to obtain Kerberos credentials as the HBase principal
using only the keytab file. Substitute your and realm in the following
$ kinit -k -t /etc/hbase/conf/hbase.keytab
82 | CDH 5 Security Guide
HBase Security Configuration
5. In the /etc/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml configuration file on all of your cluster hosts running the HBase
daemon, add the following lines:
Make sure you change the /etc/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml configuration file on all of your
cluster hosts that are running the HBase daemon.
Step 2: Configure HBase Servers and Clients to Authenticate with a Secure ZooKeeper
In order to run a secure HBase, you must also use a secure ZooKeeper. To use your secure ZooKeeper, each
HBase host machine (Master, Region Server, and client) must have a principal that allows it to authenticate with
your secure ZooKeeper ensemble. Note, this HBase section assumes that your secure ZooKeeper is already
configured according to the instructions in the ZooKeeper Security Configuration section and not managed by
This HBase section also assumes that you have successfully completed the previous steps, and already have a
principal and keytab file created and in place for every HBase server and client.
Configure HBase JVMs (all Masters, Region Servers, and clients) to use JAAS
1. On each host, set up a Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) by creating a
/etc/hbase/conf/zk-jaas.conf file that contains the following:
Client { required
2. Modify the file on HBase server and client hosts to include the following:
export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=false
CDH 5 Security Guide | 83
HBase Security Configuration
Configure the HBase Servers (Masters and Region Servers) to use Authentication to connect to ZooKeeper
1. Update your hbase-site.xml on each HBase server host with the following properties:
where $ZK_NODES is the comma-separated list of hostnames of the ZooKeeper Quorum hosts that you
configured according to the instructions in ZooKeeper Security Configuration.
2. Add the following lines to the ZooKeeper configuration file zoo.cfg:
Start HBase
If the configuration worked, you should see something similar to the following in the HBase Master and Region
Server logs when you start the cluster:
INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Initiating client connection,
connectString=ZK_QUORUM_SERVER:2181 sessionTimeout=180000 watcher=master:60000
INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to server /ZK_QUORUM_SERVER:2181
INFO zookeeper.RecoverableZooKeeper: The identifier of this process is
INFO zookeeper.Login: successfully logged in.
INFO client.ZooKeeperSaslClient: Client will use GSSAPI as SASL mechanism.
INFO zookeeper.Login: TGT refresh thread started.
INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Socket connection established to ZK_QUORUM_SERVER:2181,
initiating session
INFO zookeeper.Login: TGT valid starting at:
Sun Apr 08 22:43:59 UTC 2012
INFO zookeeper.Login: TGT expires:
Mon Apr 09 22:43:59 UTC 2012
INFO zookeeper.Login: TGT refresh sleeping until: Mon Apr 09 18:30:37 UTC 2012
INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session establishment complete on server
ZK_QUORUM_SERVER:2181, sessionid = 0x134106594320000, negotiated timeout = 180000
Configuring HBase Authorization
After you have configured HBase authentication as described here, you must establish authorization rules for
the resources that a client is allowed to access. In this release, HBase only allows you to establish authorization
rules on a column or table level. Authorization at the row or cell-level is currently not possible.
Understanding HBase Access Levels
HBase access levels are granted independently of each other and allow for different types of operations at a
given scope.
Read (R) - can read data at the given scope
Write (W) - can write data at the given scope
Create (C) - can create tables or drop tables (even those they did not create) at the given scope
Admin (A) - can perform cluster operations such as balancing the cluster or assigning regions at the given
The possible scopes are:
84 | CDH 5 Security Guide
HBase Security Configuration
• Superuser - superusers can perform any operation available in HBase, to any resource. The user who runs
HBase on your cluster is a superuser, as are any principals assigned to the configuration property
hbase.superuser in hbase-site.xml on the HMaster.
• Global - permissions granted at global scope allow the admin to operate on all tables of the cluster.
• Table - permissions granted at table scope apply to data or metadata within a given table.
• ColumnFamily - permissions granted at ColumnFamily scope apply to cells within that ColumnFamily.
The combination of access levels and scopes creates a matrix of possible access levels that can be granted to
a user. In a production environment, it is useful to think of access levels in terms of what is needed to do a
specific job. The following list describes appropriate access levels for some common types of HBase users. It is
important not to grant more access than is required for a given user to perform their required tasks.
• Superusers - In a production system, only the HBase user should have superuser access. In a development
environment, an administrator may need superuser access in order to quickly control and manage the cluster.
However, this type of administrator should usually be a Global Admin rather than a superuser.
• Global Admins - A global admin can perform tasks and access every table in HBase. In a typical production
environment, an admin should not have Read or Write permissions to data within tables.
– A global admin with Admin permissions can perform cluster-wide operations on the cluster, such as
balancing, assigning or unassigning regions, or calling an explicit major compaction. This is an operations
– A global admin with Create permissions can create or drop any table within HBase. This is more of a
DBA-type role.
In a production environment, it is likely that different users will have only one of Admin and Create
In the current implementation, a Global Admin with Admin permission can grant himself Read
and Write permissions on a table and gain access to that table's data. For this reason, only grant
Global Admin permissions to trusted user who actually need them.
Also be aware that a Global Admin with Create permission can perform a Put operation on the
ACL table, simulating a grant or revoke and circumventing the authorization check for Global
Admin permissions. This issue (but not the first one) is fixed in CDH 5.3 and newer, as well as CDH
5.2.1. It is not fixed in CDH 4.x or CDH 5.1.x.
Due to these issues, be cautious with granting Global Admin privileges.
• Table Admins - A table admin can perform administrative operations only on that table. A table admin with
Create permissions can create snapshots from that table or restore that table from a snapshot. A table
admin with Admin permissions can perform operations such as splits or major compactions on that table.
• Users - Users can read or write data, or both.
Table 4: Real-World Example of Access Levels
This table shows some typical job descriptions at a hypothetical company and the permissions they might
require in order to get their jobs done using HBase.
Job Title
Senior Administrator
Access, Create
Manages the cluster and
gives access to Junior
Junior Administrator
Creates tables and gives
access to Table
CDH 5 Security Guide | 85
HBase Security Configuration
Job Title
Table Administrator
Maintains a table from an
operations point of view.
Data Analyst
Creates reports from
HBase data.
Web Application
Read, Write
Puts data into HBase and
uses HBase data to
perform operations.
Further Reading
• Access Control Matrix
• Security - Apache HBase Reference Guide
Enable HBase Authorization
HBase Authorization is built on top of the Coprocessors framework, specifically AccessContoller Coprocessor.
To enable HBase authorization, add the following properties to the hbase-site.xml file on every HBase server
host (Master or Region Server):
Once the Access Controller coprocessor is enabled, any user who uses the HBase shell will be subject
to access control. Access control will also be in effect for native (Java API) client access to HBase.
Configure Access Control Lists for Authorization
Now that HBase has the security coprocessor enabled, you can set ACLs via the HBase shell. Start the HBase
shell as usual.
The host running the shell must be configured with a keytab file as described here.
The commands that control ACLs are of the form of:
grant <user> <permissions>[ <table>[ <column family>[ <column qualifier> ] ] ]
#grants permissions
revoke <user> <permissions> [ <table> [ <column family> [ <column qualifier> ] ] ]
# revokes permissions
user_permission <table> # displays existing permissions
86 | CDH 5 Security Guide
HBase Security Configuration
In the above commands, fields encased in <> are variables, and fields in [] are optional. The permissions
variable must consist of zero or more character from the set "RWCA".
• R denotes read permissions, which is required to perform Get, Scan, or Exists calls in a given scope.
• W denotes write permissions, which is required to perform Put, Delete, LockRow, UnlockRow,
IncrementColumnValue, CheckAndDelete, CheckAndPut, Flush, or Compact in a given scope.
• C denotes create permissions, which is required to perform Create, Alter, or Drop in a given scope.
• A denotes admin permissions, which is required to perform Enable, Disable, Snapshot, Restore, Clone,
Split, MajorCompact, Grant, Revoke, and Shutdown in a given scope.
For example:
grant 'user1', 'RWC'
grant 'user2', 'RW', 'tableA'
Be sure to review the information in Understanding HBase Access Levels on page 84 to understand the
implications of the different access levels.
Configuring Secure HBase Replication
If you are using HBase Replication and you want to make it secure, read this section for instructions. Before
proceeding, you should already have configured HBase Replication by following the instructions in the HBase
Replication section of the CDH 5 Installation Guide.
To configure secure HBase replication, you must configure cross realm support for Kerberos, ZooKeeper, and
To configure secure HBase replication:
1. Create krbtgt principals for the two realms. For example, if you have two realms called ONE.COM and TWO.COM,
you need to add the following principals: krbtgt/ONE.COM@TWO.COM and krbtgt/TWO.COM@ONE.COM. Add
these two principals at both realms. Note that there must be at least one common encryption mode between
these two realms.
kadmin: addprinc -e "<enc_type_list>" krbtgt/ONE.COM@TWO.COM
kadmin: addprinc -e "<enc_type_list>" krbtgt/TWO.COM@ONE.COM
2. Add rules for creating short names in Zookeeper. To do this, add a system level property in java.env, defined
in the conf directory. Here is an example rule that illustrates how to add support for the realm called ONE.COM,
and have two members in the principal (such as service/instance@ONE.COM):[2:\$1@\$0](.*@\\QONE.COM\\E$)s/@\\QONE.COM\\E$//DEFAULT
The above code example adds support for the ONE.COM realm in a different realm. So, in the case of replication,
you must add a rule for the master cluster realm in the slave cluster realm. DEFAULT is for defining the default
3. Add rules for creating short names in the Hadoop processes. To do this, add the property in the core-site.xml file in the slave cluster. For example,
to add support for the ONE.COM realm:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 87
HBase Security Configuration
For more information about adding rules, see Appendix C - Configuring the Mapping from Kerberos Principals
to Short Names.
Configuring the HBase Client TGT Renewal Period
An HBase client user must also have a Kerberos principal which typically has a password that only the user
knows. You should configure the maxrenewlife setting for the client's principal to a value that allows the user
enough time to finish HBase client processes before the ticket granting ticket (TGT) expires. For example, if the
HBase client processes require up to four days to complete, you should create the user's principal and configure
the maxrenewlife setting by using this command:
kadmin: addprinc -maxrenewlife 4days
88 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Impala Security Configuration
Impala Security Configuration
Impala 1.1 and higher include a fine-grained authorization framework for Hadoop, by integrating the Sentry
open source project. Together with the existing Kerberos authentication framework, Sentry takes Hadoop security
to a new level needed for the requirements of highly regulated industries such as healthcare, financial services,
and government. Impala 1.1.1 and higher fill in the security feature set even more by adding an auditing capability;
Impala generates the audit data, the Cloudera Navigator product consolidates the audit data from all nodes in
the cluster, and Cloudera Manager lets you filter, visualize, and produce reports.
The security features of Cloudera Impala have several objectives. At the most basic level, security prevents
accidents or mistakes that could disrupt application processing, delete or corrupt data, or reveal data to
unauthorized users. More advanced security features and practices can harden the system against malicious
users trying to gain unauthorized access or perform other disallowed operations. The auditing feature provides
a way to confirm that no unauthorized access occurred, and detect whether any such attempts were made. This
is a critical set of features for production deployments in large organizations that handle important or sensitive
data. It sets the stage for multi-tenancy, where multiple applications run concurrently and are prevented from
interfering with each other.
The material in this section presumes that you are already familiar with administering secure Linux systems.
That is, you should know the general security practices for Linux and Hadoop, and their associated commands
and configuration files. For example, you should know how to create Linux users and groups, manage Linux
group membership, set Linux and HDFS file permissions and ownership, and designate the default permissions
and ownership for new files. You should be familiar with the configuration of the nodes in your Hadoop cluster,
and know how to apply configuration changes or run a set of commands across all the nodes.
The security features are divided into these broad categories:
Which users are allowed to access which resources, and what operations are they allowed to perform?
Impala relies on the open source Sentry project for authorization. By default (when authorization is not
enabled), Impala does all read and write operations with the privileges of the impala user, which is
suitable for a development/test environment but not for a secure production environment. When
authorization is enabled, Impala uses the OS user ID of the user who runs impala-shell or other client
program, and associates various privileges with each user. See Enabling Sentry Authorization for Impala
on page 91 for details about setting up and managing authorization.
How does Impala verify the identity of the user to confirm that they really are allowed to exercise the
privileges assigned to that user? Impala relies on the Kerberos subsystem for authentication. See Enabling
Kerberos Authentication for Impala on page 101 for details about setting up and managing authentication.
What operations were attempted, and did they succeed or not? This feature provides a way to look back
and diagnose whether attempts were made to perform unauthorized operations. You use this information
to track down suspicious activity, and to see where changes are needed in authorization policies. The
audit data produced by this feature is collected by the Cloudera Manager product and then presented in
a user-friendly form by the Cloudera Manager product. See Auditing Impala Operations on page 104 for
details about setting up and managing auditing.
The following sections lead you through the various security-related features of Impala.
Security Guidelines for Impala
The following are the major steps to harden a cluster running Impala against accidents and mistakes, or malicious
attackers trying to access sensitive data:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 89
Impala Security Configuration
• Secure the root account. The root user can tamper with the impalad daemon, read and write the data files
in HDFS, log into other user accounts, and access other system services that are beyond the control of Impala.
• Restrict membership in the sudoers list (in the /etc/sudoers file). The users who can run the sudo command
can do many of the same things as the root user.
• Ensure the Hadoop ownership and permissions for Impala data files are restricted.
• Ensure the Hadoop ownership and permissions for Impala log files are restricted.
• Ensure that the Impala web UI (available by default on port 25000 on each Impala node) is password-protected.
See Securing the Impala Web User Interface on page 91 for details.
• Create a policy file that specifies which Impala privileges are available to users in particular Hadoop groups
(which by default map to Linux OS groups). Create the associated Linux groups using the groupadd command
if necessary.
• The Impala authorization feature makes use of the HDFS file ownership and permissions mechanism; for
background information, see the CDH HDFS Permissions Guide. Set up users and assign them to groups at
the OS level, corresponding to the different categories of users with different access levels for various
databases, tables, and HDFS locations (URIs). Create the associated Linux users using the useradd command
if necessary, and add them to the appropriate groups with the usermod command.
• Design your databases, tables, and views with database and table structure to allow policy rules to specify
simple, consistent rules. For example, if all tables related to an application are inside a single database, you
can assign privileges for that database and use the * wildcard for the table name. If you are creating views
with different privileges than the underlying base tables, you might put the views in a separate database so
that you can use the * wildcard for the database containing the base tables, while specifying the precise
names of the individual views. (For specifying table or database names, you either specify the exact name
or * to mean all the databases on a server, or all the tables and views in a database.)
• Enable authorization by running the impalad daemons with the -server_name and
-authorization_policy_file options on all nodes. (The authorization feature does not apply to the
statestored daemon, which has no access to schema objects or data files.)
• Set up authentication using Kerberos, to make sure users really are who they say they are.
Securing Impala Data and Log Files
One aspect of security is to protect files from unauthorized access at the filesystem level. For example, if you
store sensitive data in HDFS, you specify permissions on the associated files and directories in HDFS to restrict
read and write permissions to the appropriate users and groups.
If you issue queries containing sensitive values in the WHERE clause, such as financial account numbers, those
values are stored in Impala log files in the Linux filesystem and you must secure those files also. For the locations
of Impala log files, see Using Impala Logging.
All Impala read and write operations are performed under the filesystem privileges of the impala user. The
impala user must be able to read all directories and data files that you query, and write into all the directories
and data files for INSERT and LOAD DATA statements. At a minimum, make sure the impala user is in the hive
group so that it can access files and directories shared between Impala and Hive. See User Account Requirements
for more details.
Setting file permissions is necessary for Impala to function correctly, but is not an effective security practice by
• The way to ensure that only authorized users can submit requests for databases and tables they are allowed
to access is to set up Sentry authorization, as explained in Enabling Sentry Authorization for Impala on page
91. With authorization enabled, the checking of the user ID and group is done by Impala, and unauthorized
access is blocked by Impala itself. The actual low-level read and write requests are still done by the impala
user, so you must have appropriate file and directory permissions for that user ID.
• You must also set up Kerberos authentication, as described in Enabling Kerberos Authentication for Impala
on page 101, so that users can only connect from trusted hosts. With Kerberos enabled, if someone connects
a new host to the network and creates user IDs that match your privileged IDs, they will be blocked from
connecting to Impala at all from that host.
90 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Impala Security Configuration
Installation Considerations for Impala Security
Impala 1.1 comes set up with all the software and settings needed to enable security when you run the impalad
daemon with the new security-related options (-server_name and -authorization_policy_file). You do
not need to change any environment variables or install any additional JAR files. In a cluster managed by Cloudera
Manager, you do not need to change any settings in Cloudera Manager.
Securing the Hive Metastore Database
It is important to secure the Hive metastore, so that users cannot access the names or other information about
databases and tables the through the Hive client or by querying the metastore database. Do this by turning on
Hive metastore security, using the instructions in the CDH 4 Security Guide or the CDH 5 Security Guide for
securing different Hive components:
• Secure the Hive Metastore.
• In addition, allow access to the metastore only from the HiveServer2 server, and then disable local access to
the HiveServer2 server.
Securing the Impala Web User Interface
The instructions in this section presume you are familiar with the .htpasswd mechanism commonly used to
password-protect pages on web servers.
Password-protect the Impala web UI that listens on port 25000 by default. Set up a .htpasswd file in the
$IMPALA_HOME directory, or start both the impalad and statestored daemons with the
--webserver_password_file option to specify a different location (including the filename).
This file should only be readable by the Impala process and machine administrators, because it contains (hashed)
versions of passwords. The username / password pairs are not derived from Unix usernames, Kerberos users,
or any other system. The domain field in the password file must match the domain supplied to Impala by the
new command-line option --webserver_authentication_domain. The default is
Impala also supports using HTTPS for secure web traffic. To do so, set --webserver_certificate_file to
refer to a valid .pem SSL certificate file. Impala will automatically start using HTTPS once the SSL certificate has
been read and validated. A .pem file is basically a private key, followed by a signed SSL certificate; make sure to
concatenate both parts when constructing the .pem file.
If Impala cannot find or parse the .pem file, it prints an error message and quits.
If the private key is encrypted using a passphrase, Impala will ask for that passphrase on startup,
which is not useful for a large cluster. In that case, remove the passphrase and make the .pem file
readable only by Impala and administrators.
When you turn on SSL for the Impala web UI, the associated URLs change from http:// prefixes to
https://. Adjust any bookmarks or application code that refers to those URLs.
Enabling Sentry Authorization for Impala
Authorization determines which users are allowed to access which resources, and what operations they are
allowed to perform. In Impala 1.1 and higher, you use the Sentry open source project for authorization. Sentry
adds a fine-grained authorization framework for Hadoop. By default (when authorization is not enabled), Impala
does all read and write operations with the privileges of the impala user, which is suitable for a development/test
CDH 5 Security Guide | 91
Impala Security Configuration
environment but not for a secure production environment. When authorization is enabled, Impala uses the OS
user ID of the user who runs impala-shell or other client program, and associates various privileges with each
Privileges can be granted on different objects in the schema. Any privilege that can be granted is associated
with a level in the object hierarchy. If a privilege is granted on a container object in the hierarchy, the child object
automatically inherits it. This is the same privilege model as Hive and other database systems such as MySQL.
The object hierarchy covers Server, URI, Database, and Table. Currently, you cannot assign privileges at the
partition or column level.
A restricted set of privileges determines what you can do with each object:
SELECT privilege
Lets you read data from a table, for example with the SELECT statement, the INSERT...SELECT syntax,
or CREATE TABLE...LIKE. Also required to issue the DESCRIBE statement or the EXPLAIN statement
for a query against a particular table. Only objects for which a user has this privilege are shown in the
output for SHOW DATABASES and SHOW TABLES statements. The REFRESH statement and INVALIDATE
METADATA statements only access metadata for tables for which the user has this privilege.
INSERT privilege
Lets you write data to a table. Applies to the INSERT and LOAD DATA statements.
ALL privilege
Lets you create or modify the object. Required to run DDL statements such as CREATE TABLE, ALTER
ALTER VIEW, or DROP VIEW for a view. Also required for the URI of the “location” parameter for the CREATE
Privileges can be specified for a table before that table actually exists. If you do not have sufficient privilege to
perform an operation, the error message does not disclose if the object exists or not.
Privileges are encoded in a policy file, stored in HDFS. (Currently, there is no GRANT or REVOKE statement; you
cannot adjust privileges through SQL statements.) The location is listed in the auth-site.xml configuration
file. To minimize overhead, the security information from this file is cached by each impalad daemon and
refreshed automatically, with a default interval of 5 minutes. After making a substantial change to security
policies, restart all Impala daemons to pick up the changes immediately.
Setting Up the Policy File for Impala Security
The policy file is a file that you put in a designated location in HDFS, and is read during the startup of the impalad
daemon when you specify the -server_name and -authorization_policy_file startup options. It controls
which objects (databases, tables, and HDFS directory paths) can be accessed by the user who connects to
impalad, and what operations that user can perform on the objects.
The policy file uses the familiar .ini format, divided into the major sections [groups] and [roles]. There is
also an optional [databases] section, which allows you to specify a specific policy file for a particular database,
as explained in Using Multiple Policy Files for Different Databases on page 100. Another optional section, [users],
allows you to override the OS-level mapping of users to groups; that is an advanced technique primarily for
testing and debugging, and is beyond the scope of this document.
In the [groups] section, you define various categories of users and select which roles are associated with each
category. The group and user names correspond to Linux groups and users on the server where the impalad
daemon runs.
The group and user names in the [groups] section correspond to Linux groups and users on the server where
the impalad daemon runs. When you access Impala through the impalad interpreter, for purposes of
authorization, the user is the logged-in Linux user and the groups are the Linux groups that user is a member
of. When you access Impala through the ODBC or JDBC interfaces, the user and password specified through the
connection string are used as login credentials for the Linux server, and authorization is based on that user
name and the associated Linux group membership.
92 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Impala Security Configuration
In the [roles] section, you a set of roles. For each role, you specify precisely the set of privileges is available.
That is, which objects users with that role can access, and what operations they can perform on those objects.
This is the lowest-level category of security information; the other sections in the policy file map the privileges
to higher-level divisions of groups and users. In the [groups] section, you specify which roles are associated
with which groups. The group and user names correspond to Linux groups and users on the server where the
impalad daemon runs. The privileges are specified using patterns like:
For the server_name value, substitute the same symbolic name you specify with the impalad -server_name
option. You can use * wildcard characters at each level of the privilege specification to allow access to all such
objects. For example:>db=default->table=t1->action=SELECT>db=*->table=*->action=CREATE>db=*->table=audit_log->action=SELECT>db=default->table=t1->action=*
When authorization is enabled, Impala uses the policy file as a whitelist, representing every privilege available
to any user on any object. That is, only operations specified for the appropriate combination of object, role, group,
and user are allowed; all other operations are not allowed. If a group or role is defined multiple times in the
policy file, the last definition takes precedence.
To understand the notion of whitelisting, set up a minimal policy file that does not provide any privileges for any
object. When you connect to an Impala node where this policy file is in effect, you get no results for SHOW
DATABASES, and an error when you issue any SHOW TABLES, USE database_name, DESCRIBE table_name,
SELECT, and or other statements that expect to access databases or tables, even if the corresponding databases
and tables exist.
The contents of the policy file are cached, to avoid a performance penalty for each query. The policy file is
re-checked by each impalad node every 5 minutes. When you make a non-time-sensitive change such as adding
new privileges or new users, you can let the change take effect automatically a few minutes later. If you remove
or reduce privileges, and want the change to take effect immediately, restart the impalad daemon on all nodes,
again specifying the -server_name and -authorization_policy_file options so that the rules from the
updated policy file are applied.
Secure Startup for the impalad Daemon
To run the impalad daemon with authorization enabled, you add two options to the IMPALA_SERVER_ARGS
declaration in the /etc/default/impala configuration file. The -authorization_policy_file option specifies
the HDFS path to the policy file that defines the privileges on different schema objects. The rules in the policy
file refer to a symbolic server name, and you specify a matching name as the argument to the -server_name
option of impalad.
For example, you might adapt your /etc/default/impala configuration to contain lines like the following:
-authorization_policy_file=/user/hive/warehouse/auth-policy.ini \
-server_name=server1 \
Then, the rules in the [roles] section of the policy file would refer to this same server1 name. For example,
the following rule sets up a role report_generator that lets users with that role query any table in a database
named reporting_db on a node where the impalad daemon was started up with the -server_name=server1
report_generator = server=server1->db=reporting_db->table=*->action=SELECT
CDH 5 Security Guide | 93
Impala Security Configuration
If the impalad daemon is not already running, start it as described in Starting Impala. If it is already running,
restart it with the command sudo /etc/init.d/impala-server restart. Run the appropriate commands
on all the nodes where impalad normally runs.
When impalad is started with one or both of the -server_name=server1 and -authorization_policy_file
options, Impala authorization is enabled. If Impala detects any errors or inconsistencies in the authorization
settings or the policy file, the daemon refuses to start.
Examples of Policy File Rules for Security Scenarios
The following examples show rules that might go in the policy file to deal with various authorization-related
scenarios. For illustration purposes, this section shows several very small policy files with only a few rules each.
In your environment, typically you would define many roles to cover all the scenarios involving your own databases,
tables, and applications, and a smaller number of groups, whose members are given the privileges from one or
more roles.
A User with No Privileges
If a user has no privileges at all, that user cannot access any schema objects in the system. The error messages
do not disclose the names or existence of objects that the user is not authorized to read.
This is the experience you want a user to have if they somehow log into a system where they are not an authorized
Impala user. In a real deployment with a filled-in policy file, a user might have no privileges because they are
not a member of any of the relevant groups mentioned in the policy file.
Examples of Privileges for Administrative Users
When an administrative user has broad access to tables or databases, the associated rules in the [roles]
section typically use wildcards and/or inheritance. For example, in the following sample policy file, db=* refers
to all databases and db=*->table=* refers to all tables in all databases.
Omitting the rightmost portion of a rule means that the privileges apply to all the objects that could be specified
there. For example, in the following sample policy file, the all_databases role has all privileges for all tables
in all databases, while the one_database role has all privileges for all tables in one specific database. The
all_databases role does not grant privileges on URIs, so a group with that role could not issue a CREATE TABLE
statement with a LOCATION clause. The entire_server role has all privileges on both databases and URIs
within the server.
supergroup = all_databases
read_all_tables = server=server1->db=*->table=*->action=SELECT
all_tables = server=server1->db=*->table=*
all_databases = server=server1->db=*
one_database = server=server1->db=test_db
entire_server = server=server1
A User with Privileges for Specific Databases and Tables
If a user has privileges for specific tables in specific databases, the user can access those things but nothing
else. They can see the tables and their parent databases in the output of SHOW TABLES and SHOW DATABASES,
USE the appropriate databases, and perform the relevant actions (SELECT and/or INSERT) based on the table
privileges. To actually create a table requires the ALL privilege at the database level, so you might define separate
roles for the user that sets up a schema and other users or applications that perform day-to-day operations
on the tables.
94 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Impala Security Configuration
The following sample policy file shows some of the syntax that is appropriate as the policy file grows, such as
the # comment syntax, \ continuation syntax, and comma separation for roles assigned to groups or privileges
assigned to roles.
cloudera = training_sysadmin, instructor
visitor = student
training_sysadmin = server=server1->db=training, \
server=server1->db=instructor_private, \
instructor = server=server1->db=training->table=*->action=*, \
server=server1->db=instructor_private->table=*->action=*, \
# This particular course is all about queries, so the students can SELECT but not INSERT
student = server=server1->db=training->table=lesson_*->action=SELECT
Privileges for Working with External Data Files
When data is being inserted through the LOAD DATA statement, or is referenced from an HDFS location outside
the normal Impala database directories, the user also needs appropriate permissions on the URIs corresponding
to those HDFS locations.
In this sample policy file:
• The external_table role lets us insert into and query the Impala table, external_table.sample.
• The staging_dir role lets us specify the HDFS path /user/cloudera/external_data with the LOAD DATA
statement. Remember, when Impala queries or loads data files, it operates on all the files in that directory,
not just a single file, so any Impala LOCATION parameters refer to a directory rather than an individual file.
• We included the IP address and port of the Hadoop name node in the HDFS URI of the staging_dir rule.
We found those details in /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml, under the element. That
is what we use in any roles that specify URIs (that is, the locations of directories in HDFS).
• We start this example after the table external_table.sample is already created. In the policy file for the
example, we have already taken away the external_table_admin role from the cloudera group, and
replaced it with the lesser-privileged external_table role.
• We assign privileges to a subdirectory underneath /user/cloudera in HDFS, because such privileges also
apply to any subdirectories underneath. If we had assigned privileges to the parent directory /user/cloudera,
it would be too likely to mess up other files by specifying a wrong location by mistake.
• The cloudera under the [groups] section refers to the cloudera group. (In the demo VM used for this
example, there is a cloudera user that is a member of a cloudera group.)
Policy file:
cloudera = external_table, staging_dir
external_table_admin = server=server1->db=external_table
external_table = server=server1->db=external_table->table=sample->action=*
staging_dir =
impala-shell session:
[localhost:21000] > use external_table;
Query: use external_table
[localhost:21000] > show tables;
Query: show tables
Query finished, fetching results ...
| name
CDH 5 Security Guide | 95
Impala Security Configuration
| sample |
Returned 1 row(s) in 0.02s
[localhost:21000] > select * from sample;
Query: select * from sample
Query finished, fetching results ...
| x
| 1
| 5
| 150 |
Returned 3 row(s) in 1.04s
[localhost:21000] > load data inpath '/user/cloudera/external_data' into table sample;
Query: load data inpath '/user/cloudera/external_data' into table sample
Query finished, fetching results ...
| summary
| Loaded 1 file(s). Total files in destination location: 2 |
Returned 1 row(s) in 0.26s
[localhost:21000] > select * from sample;
Query: select * from sample
Query finished, fetching results ...
| x
| 2
| 4
| 6
| 8
| 64738 |
| 49152 |
| 1
| 5
| 150
Returned 9 row(s) in 0.22s
[localhost:21000] > load data inpath '/user/cloudera/unauthorized_data' into table
Query: load data inpath '/user/cloudera/unauthorized_data' into table sample
ERROR: AuthorizationException: User 'cloudera' does not have privileges to access:
Controlling Access at the Column Level through Views
If a user has SELECT privilege for a view, they can query the view, even if they do not have any privileges on the
underlying table. To see the details about the underlying table through EXPLAIN or DESCRIBE FORMATTED
statements on the view, the user must also have SELECT privilege for the underlying table.
The types of data that are considered sensitive and confidential differ depending on the jurisdiction
the type of industry, or both. For fine-grained access controls, set up appropriate privileges based on
all applicable laws and regulations.
Be careful using the ALTER VIEW statement to point an existing view at a different base table or a
new set of columns that includes sensitive or restricted data. Make sure that any users who have
SELECT privilege on the view do not gain access to any additional information they are not authorized
to see.
96 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Impala Security Configuration
The following example shows how a system administrator could set up a table containing some columns with
sensitive information, then create a view that only exposes the non-confidential columns.
> create table sensitive_info
name string,
address string,
credit_card string,
taxpayer_id string
> create view name_address_view as select name, address from
Then the following policy file specifies read-only privilege for that view, without authorizing access to the
underlying table:
cloudera = view_only_privs
view_only_privs = server=server1->db=reports->table=name_address_view->action=SELECT
Thus, a user with the view_only_privs role could access through Impala queries the basic information but not
the sensitive information, even if both kinds of information were part of the same data file.
You might define other views to allow users from different groups to query different sets of columns.
The DEFAULT Database in a Secure Deployment
Because of the extra emphasis on granular access controls in a secure deployment, you should move any
important or sensitive information out of the DEFAULT database into a named database whose privileges are
specified in the policy file. Sometimes you might need to give privileges on the DEFAULT database for
administrative reasons; for example, as a place you can reliably specify with a USE statement when preparing
to drop a database.
Separating Administrator Responsibility from Read and Write Privileges
Remember that to create a database requires full privilege on that database, while day-to-day operations on
tables within that database can be performed with lower levels of privilege on specific table. Thus, you might
set up separate roles for each database or application: an administrative one that could create or drop the
database, and a user-level one that can access only the relevant tables.
For example, this policy file divides responsibilities between users in 3 different groups:
• Members of the supergroup group have the training_sysadmin role and so can set up a database named
• Members of the cloudera group have the instructor role and so can create, insert into, and query any
tables in the training database, but cannot create or drop the database itself.
• Members of the visitor group have the student role and so can query those tables in the training
supergroup = training_sysadmin
cloudera = instructor
visitor = student
training_sysadmin = server=server1->db=training
instructor = server=server1->db=training->table=*->action=*
student = server=server1->db=training->table=*->action=SELECT
CDH 5 Security Guide | 97
Impala Security Configuration
Setting Up Schema Objects for a Secure Impala Deployment
Remember that in the [roles] section of the policy file, you specify privileges at the level of individual databases
and tables, or all databases or all tables within a database. To simplify the structure of these rules, plan ahead
of time how to name your schema objects so that data with different authorization requirements is divided into
separate databases.
If you are adding security on top of an existing Impala deployment, remember that you can rename tables or
even move them between databases using the ALTER TABLE statement. In Impala, creating new databases is
a relatively inexpensive operation, basically just creating a new directory in HDFS.
You can also plan the security scheme and set up the policy file before the actual schema objects named in the
policy file exist. Because the authorization capability is based on whitelisting, a user can only create a new
database or table if the required privilege is already in the policy file: either by listing the exact name of the object
being created, or a * wildcard to match all the applicable objects within the appropriate container.
Privilege Model and Object Hierarchy
Privileges can be granted on different objects in the schema. Any privilege that can be granted is associated
with a level in the object hierarchy. If a privilege is granted on a container object in the hierarchy, the child object
automatically inherits it. This is the same privilege model as Hive and other database systems such as MySQL.
The kinds of objects in the schema hierarchy are:
The server name is specified by the -server_name option when impalad starts. Specify the same name for all
impalad nodes in the cluster.
URIs represent the HDFS paths you specify as part of statements such as CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE and LOAD
DATA. Typically, you specify what look like UNIX paths, but these locations can also be prefixed with hdfs:// to
make clear that they are really URIs. To set privileges for a URI, specify the name of a directory, and the privilege
applies to all the files in that directory and any directories underneath it.
There are not separate privileges for individual table partitions or columns. To specify read privileges at this
level, you create a view that queries specific columns and/or partitions from a base table, and give SELECT
privilege on the view but not the underlying table. See Views for details about views in Impala.
URIs must start with either hdfs:// or file://. If a URI starts with anything else, it will cause an exception
and the policy file will be invalid. When defining URIs for HDFS, you must also specify the NameNode. For example:
data_read = server=server1->uri=file:///path/to/dir, \
Because the NameNode host and port must be specified, Cloudera strongly recommends you use
High Availability (HA). This ensures that the URI will remain constant even if the namenode changes.
data_read = server=server1->uri=file:///path/to/dir,\
Table 5: Valid Privilege types and objects they apply to
98 | CDH 5 Security Guide
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Although this document refers to the ALL privilege, currently, you do not use the actual keyword ALL.
in the policy file. When you code role entries in the policy file:
• To specify the ALL privilege for a server, use a role like server=server_name.
• To specify the ALL privilege for a database, use a role like
• To specify the ALL privilege for a table, use a role like
Table 6: Privilege table for Impala SQL operations
Impala SQL
Object on which Privileges Required
Table (INSERT) and URI (ALL); write privilege is required on the URI because
the data files are physically moved from there
Any privilege
Any object in the database; only databases for which the user has
privileges on some object are shown
Any privilege
Any table in the database; only tables for which the user has privileges
are shown
You need ALL privilege on the named view, plus SELECT privilege for any
tables or views referenced by the view query. Once the view is created or
altered by a high-privileged system administrator, it can be queried by a
lower-privileged user who does not have full query privileges for the base
tables. (This is how you implement column-level security.)
You need ALL privilege on the named view, plus SELECT privilege for any
tables or views referenced by the view query. Once the view is created or
altered by a high-privileged system administrator, it can be queried by a
lower-privileged user who does not have full query privileges for the base
tables. (This is how you implement column-level security.)
Table, URI
CDH 5 Security Guide | 99
Impala Security Configuration
Impala SQL
Object on which Privileges Required
Database (ALL), URI (SELECT)
Table, View; you can have SELECT privilege for a view without having
SELECT privilege for the underlying tables, which allows a system
administrator to implement column-level security by creating views that
reference particular sets of columns
Any privilege
Any object in the database
Using Multiple Policy Files for Different Databases
For an Impala cluster with many databases being accessed by many users and applications, it might be
cumbersome to update the security policy file for each privilege change or each new database, table, or view.
You can allow security to be managed separately for individual databases, by setting up a separate policy file
for each database:
• Add the optional [databases] section to the main policy file.
• Add entries in the [databases] section for each database that has its own policy file.
• For each listed database, specify the HDFS path of the appropriate policy file.
For example:
# Defines the location of the per-DB policy files for the 'customers' and 'sales'
customers = hdfs://ha-nn-uri/etc/access/customers.ini
sales = hdfs://ha-nn-uri/etc/access/sales.ini
Debugging Failed Sentry Authorization Requests
Sentry logs all facts that lead up to authorization decisions at the debug level. If you do not understand why
Sentry is denying access, the best way to debug is to temporarily turn on debug logging:
• In Cloudera Manager, add to the logging settings for your service
through the corresponding Logging Safety Valve field for the Impala, Hive Server 2, or Solr Server services.
• On systems not managed by Cloudera Manager, add to the file on each host in the cluster, in the appropriate configuration directory for each service.
Specifically, look for exceptions and messages such as:
FilePermission server..., RequestPermission server...., result [true|false]
which indicate each evaluation Sentry makes. The FilePermission is from the policy file, while
RequestPermission is the privilege required for the query. A RequestPermission will iterate over all appropriate
100 | CDH 5 Security Guide
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FilePermission settings until a match is found. If no matching privilege is found, Sentry returns false indicating
“Access Denied”.
Configuring Per-User Access for Hue
When users connect to Impala directly through the impala-shell interpreter, the Impala authorization feature
determines what actions they can take and what data they can see. When users submit Impala queries through
a separate application, such as Hue, typically all requests are treated as coming from the same user. In Impala
1.2 and higher, authorization is extended by a new feature that allows applications to pass along credentials
for the users that connect to them, and issue Impala queries with the privileges for those users. This feature is
known as “impersonation”. Currently, the impersonation feature is available only for Impala queries submitted
through the Hue interface; for example, Impala cannot impersonate the HDFS user.
Impala 1.2 adds a new startup option for impalad, --authorized_proxy_user_config. When you specify this
option, users whose names you specify (such as hue) can impersonate another user. The name of the user
whose privileges are used is passed using the HiveServer2 configuration property impala.doas.user.
You can specify a list of users that the application user can impersonate, or * to allow a superuser to impersonate
any other user. For example:
impalad --authorized_proxy_user_config 'hue=user1,user2;admin=*' ...
Note: Make sure to use single quotes or escape characters to ensure that any * characters do not
undergo wildcard expansion when specified in command-line arguments.
See Modifying Impala Startup Options for details about adding or changing impalad startup options. See this
Cloudera blog post for background information about the impersonation capability in HiveServer2.
Enabling Kerberos Authentication for Impala
Impala supports Kerberos authentication. For more information on enabling Kerberos authentication, see the
topic on Configuring Hadoop Security in the CDH4 Security Guide or the CDH 5 Security Guide.
Impala currently does not support application data wire encryption.
When using Impala in a managed environment, Cloudera Manager automatically completes Kerberos configuration.
In an unmanaged environment, create a Kerberos principal for each host running impalad or statestored.
Cloudera recommends using a consistent format, such as impala/_HOST@Your-Realm, but you can use any
three-part Kerberos server principal.
Requirements for Using Impala with Kerberos
On version 5 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and comparable distributions, some additional setup is needed for the
impala-shell interpreter to connect to a Kerberos-enabled Impala cluster:
sudo yum install python-devel openssl-devel python-pip
sudo pip-python install ssl
CDH 5 Security Guide | 101
Impala Security Configuration
If you plan to use Impala in your cluster, you must configure your KDC to allow tickets to be renewed,
and you must configure krb5.conf to request renewable tickets. Typically, you can do this by adding
the max_renewable_life setting to your realm in kdc.conf, and by adding the renew_lifetime
parameter to the libdefaults section of krb5.conf. For more information about renewable tickets,
see the Kerberos documentation.
Currently, you cannot use the resource management feature in CDH 5 on a cluster that has Kerberos
authentication enabled.
Start all impalad and statestored daemons with the --principal and --keytab-file flags set to the
principal and full path name of the keytab file containing the credentials for the principal.
Impala supports the Cloudera ODBC driver and the Kerberos interface provided. To use Kerberos through the
ODBC driver, the host type must be set depending on the level of the ODBD driver:
SecImpala for the ODBC 1.0 driver.
SecBeeswax for the ODBC 1.2 driver.
Blank for the ODBC 2.0 driver or higher, when connecting to a secure cluster.
HS2NoSasl for the ODBC 2.0 driver or higher, when connecting to a non-secure cluster.
To enable Kerberos in the Impala shell, start the impala-shell command using the -k flag.
To enable Impala to work with Kerberos security on your Hadoop cluster, make sure you perform the installation
and configuration steps in the topic on Configuring Hadoop Security in the CDH4 Security Guide or the CDH 5
Security Guide. Also note that when Kerberos security is enabled in Impala, a web browser that supports Kerberos
HTTP SPNEGO is required to access the Impala web console (for example, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Chrome).
If the NameNode, Secondary NameNode, DataNode, JobTracker, TaskTrackers, ResourceManager, NodeManagers,
HttpFS, Oozie, Impala, or Impala statestore services are configured to use Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication,
and two or more of these services are running on the same host, then all of the running services must use the
same HTTP principal and keytab file used for their HTTP endpoints.
Configuring Impala to Support Kerberos Security
Enabling Kerberos authentication for Impala involves steps that can be summarized as follows:
• Creating service principals for Impala and the HTTP service. Principal names take the form:
• Creating, merging, and distributing key tab files for these principals.
• Editing /etc/default/impala (in cluster not managed by Cloudera Manager), or editing the Security settings
in the Cloudera Manager interface, to accommodate Kerberos authentication.
Enabling Kerberos for Impala
1. Create an Impala service principal, specifying the name of the OS user that the Impala daemons run under,
the fully qualified domain name of each node running impalad, and the realm name. For example:
$ kadmin
kadmin: addprinc -requires_preauth -randkey
2. Create an HTTP service principal. For example:
kadmin: addprinc -randkey HTTP/
Note: The HTTP component of the service principal must be uppercase as shown in the preceding
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3. Create keytab files with both principals. For example:
kadmin: xst -k impala.keytab impala/
kadmin: xst -k http.keytab HTTP/
kadmin: quit
4. Use ktutil to read the contents of the two keytab files and then write those contents to a new file. For
$ ktutil
ktutil: rkt impala.keytab
ktutil: rkt http.keytab
ktutil: wkt impala-http.keytab
ktutil: quit
5. (Optional) Test that credentials in the merged keytab file are valid, and that the “renew until” date is in the
future. For example:
$ klist -e -k -t impala-http.keytab
6. Copy the impala-http.keytab file to the Impala configuration directory. Change the permissions to be only
read for the file owner and change the file owner to the impala user. By default, the Impala user and group
are both named impala. For example:
cp impala-http.keytab /etc/impala/conf
cd /etc/impala/conf
chmod 400 impala-http.keytab
chown impala:impala impala-http.keytab
7. Add Kerberos options to the Impala defaults file, /etc/default/impala. Add the options for both the
impalad and statestored daemons, using the IMPALA_SERVER_ARGS and IMPALA_STATE_STORE_ARGS
variables. For example, you might add:
For more information on changing the Impala defaults specified in /etc/default/impala, see Modifying
Impala Startup Options.
Note: Restart impalad and statestored for these configuration changes to take effect.
Enabling Kerberos for Impala with a Proxy Server
A common configuration for Impala with High Availability is to use a proxy server to submit requests to the
actual impalad daemons on different hosts in the cluster. This configuration avoids connection problems in
case of machine failure, because the proxy server can route new requests through one of the remaining hosts
in the cluster. This configuration also helps with load balancing, because the additional overhead of being the
“coordinator node” for each query is spread across multiple hosts.
Although you can set up a proxy server with or without Kerberos authentication, typically users set up a secure
Kerberized configuration. For information about setting up a proxy server for Impala, including Kerberos-specific
steps, see Using Impala through a Proxy for High Availability.
Using a Web Browser to Access a URL Protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO
Your web browser must support Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO. For example, Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer.
To configure Firefox to access a URL protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 103
Impala Security Configuration
1. Open the advanced settings Firefox configuration page by loading the about:config page.
2. Use the Filter text box to find network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris.
3. Double-click the network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris preference and enter the hostname or the
domain of the web server that is protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO. Separate multiple domains and
hostnames with a comma.
4. Click OK.
Enabling LDAP Authentication for Impala
Impala 1.2.2 and higher support authentication against LDAP servers.
Only client->Impala connections can be authenticated by LDAP. Kerberos is the only authentication mechanism
for connections between internal components, such as between the Impala, statestore, and catalog daemons.
To avoid sending credentials over the wire in cleartext, you must configure SSL between both the client and
Impala, and between Impala and the LDAP server.
These requirements apply on the server side when configuring and starting Impala:
To enable LDAP authentication, set the following two startup options for impalad:
• --enable_ldap_auth enables LDAP-based authentication between the client and Impala.
• --ldap_uri sets the URI of the LDAP server to use. Typically, the URI should be prefixed with ldap://. The
URI can optionally specify the port, for example: ldap://
• If you need to provide a custom SASL configuration, set --ldap_manual_config to bypass all the automatic
For a secure connection using TLS, also set the following flag:
• --ldap_tls tells Impala to start a TLS connection to the LDAP server, and to fail authentication if it cannot
be done.
To connect to Impala using LDAP authentication, you specify command-line options to the impala-shell
command interpreter and enter the password when prompted:
• -l enables LDAP authentication.
• -u sets the user. Per Active Directory, the user is the short user name, not the full LDAP distinguished name.
If your LDAP settings include a search base, include that as part of the user name, for example
• impala-shell automatically prompts for the password.
For the full list of available impala-shell options, see impala-shell Command-Line Options.
The LDAP support is preliminary. It currently has only been tested tested against Active Directory.
Auditing Impala Operations
To monitor how Impala data is being used within your organization, ensure that your Impala authorization and
authentication policies are effective, and detect attempts at intrusion or unauthorized access to Impala data,
you can use the auditing feature in Impala 1.1.1 and higher:
• Enable auditing by including the option -audit_event_log_dir=directory_path in your impalad startup
options. The path refers to a local directory on the server, not an HDFS directory.
• Decide how many queries will be represented in each log files. By default, Impala starts a new log file every
5000 queries. To specify a different number, include the option
-max_audit_event_log_file_size=number_of_queries in the impalad startup options. Limiting the
size lets you manage disk space by archiving older logs, and reduce the amount of text to process when
analyzing activity for a particular period.
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• Configure the Cloudera Navigator product to collect and consolidate the audit logs from all the nodes in the
• Use the Cloudera Manager product to filter, visualize, and produce reports based on the audit data. (The
Impala auditing feature works with Cloudera Manager 4.7 or higher.) Check the audit data to ensure that all
activity is authorized and/or detect attempts at unauthorized access.
Durability and Performance Considerations for Impala Auditing
The auditing feature only imposes performance overhead while auditing is enabled.
Because any Impala node can process a query, enable auditing on all nodes where the impalad daemon runs.
Each node stores its own log files, in a directory in the local filesystem. The log data is periodically flushed to
disk (through an fsync() system call) to avoid loss of audit data in case of a crash.
The runtime overhead of auditing applies to whichever node serves as the coordinator for the query, that is, the
node you connect to when you issue the query. This might be the same node for all queries, or different
applications or users might connect to and issue queries through different nodes.
To avoid excessive I/O overhead on busy coordinator nodes, Impala syncs the audit log data (using the fsync()
system call) periodically rather than after every query. Currently, the fsync() calls are issued at a fixed interval,
every 5 seconds.
By default, Impala avoids losing any audit log data in the case of an error during a logging operation (such as a
disk full error), by immediately shutting down the impalad daemon on the node where the auditing problem
occurred. You can override this setting by specifying the option -abort_on_failed_audit_event=false in
the impalad startup options.
Format of the Audit Log Files
The audit log files represent the query information in JSON format, one query per line. Typically, rather than
looking at the log files themselves, you use the Cloudera Navigator product to consolidate the log data from all
Impala nodes and filter and visualize the results in useful ways. (If you do examine the raw log data, you might
run the files through a JSON pretty-printer first.)
All the information about schema objects accessed by the query is encoded in a single nested record on the
same line. For example, the audit log for an INSERT ... SELECT statement records that a select operation
occurs on the source table and an insert operation occurs on the destination table. The audit log for a query
against a view records the base table accessed by the view, or multiple base tables in the case of a view that
includes a join query. Every Impala operation that corresponds to a SQL statement is recorded in the audit logs,
whether the operation succeeds or fails. Impala records more information for a successful operation than for a
failed one, because an unauthorized query is stopped immediately, before all the query planning is completed.
Impala records more information for a successful operation than for a failed one, because an unauthorized query
is stopped immediately, before all the query planning is completed.
The information logged for each query includes:
• Client session state:
– Session ID
– User name
– Network address of the client connection
• SQL statement details:
Query ID
Statement Type - DML, DDL, and so on
SQL statement text
Execution start time, in local time
Execution Status - Details on any errors that were encountered
Target Catalog Objects:
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Impala Security Configuration
– Object Type - Table, View, or Database
– Fully qualified object name
– Privilege - How the object is being used (SELECT, INSERT, CREATE, and so on)
Which Operations Are Audited
The kinds of SQL queries represented in the audit log are:
• Queries that are prevented due to lack of authorization.
• Queries that Impala can analyze and parse to determine that they are authorized. The audit data is recorded
immediately after Impala finishes its analysis, before the query is actually executed.
The audit log does not contain entries for queries that could not be parsed and analyzed. For example, a query
that fails due to a syntax error is not recorded in the audit log. The audit log also does not contain queries that
fail due to a reference to a table that does not exist, if you would be authorized to access the table if it did exist.
Certain statements in the impala-shell interpreter, such as CONNECT, PROFILE, SET, and QUIT, do not correspond
to actual SQL queries, and these statements are not reflected in the audit log.
Reviewing the Audit Logs
You typically do not review the audit logs in raw form. The Cloudera Manager agent periodically transfers the
log information into a back-end database where it can be examined in consolidated form. See the Cloudera
Navigator documentation for details.
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Hive Security Configuration
Hive Security Configuration
Here is a summary of the status of Hive security in CDH 5:
• Sentry enables role-based, fine-grained authorization for HiveServer2. See Configuring Sentry on page 39.
• HiveServer2 supports authentication of the Thrift client using Kerberos or user/password validation backed
by LDAP. For configuration instructions, see HiveServer2 Security Configuration.
• Earlier versions of HiveServer do not support Kerberos authentication for clients. However, the Hive
MetaStoreServer does support Kerberos authentication for Thrift clients. For configuration instructions, see
Hive MetaStoreServer Security Configuration.
See also: Using Hive to Run Queries on a Secure HBase Server on page 114
HiveServer2 Security Configuration
HiveServer2 supports authentication of the Thrift client using either of these methods:
• Kerberos authentication
• LDAP authentication
If Kerberos authentication is used, authentication is supported between the Thrift client and HiveServer2, and
between HiveServer2 and secure HDFS. If LDAP authentication is used, authentication is supported only between
the Thrift client and HiveServer2.
Enabling Kerberos Authentication for HiveServer2
If you configure HiveServer2 to use Kerberos authentication, HiveServer2 acquires a Kerberos ticket during
start-up. HiveServer2 requires a principal and keytab file specified in the configuration. The client applications
(for example JDBC or Beeline) must get a valid Kerberos ticket before initiating a connection to HiveServer2.
Configuring HiveServer2 for Kerberos-Secured Clusters
To enable Kerberos Authentication for HiveServer2, add the following properties in the
/etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml file:
• The _HOST@YOUR-REALM.COM value in the example above is the Kerberos principal for the host where
HiveServer2 is running. The special string _HOST in the properties is replaced at run-time by the fully-qualified
domain name of the host machine where the daemon is running. This requires that reverse DNS is properly
working on all the hosts configured this way. Replace YOUR-REALM.COM with the name of the Kerberos realm
your Hadoop cluster is in.
• The /etc/hive/conf/hive.keytab value in the example above is a keytab file for that principal.
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Hive Security Configuration
If you configure HiveServer2 to use both Kerberos authentication and secure impersonation, JDBC clients and
Beeline can specify an alternate session user. If these clients have proxy user privileges, HiveServer2 will
impersonate the alternate user instead of the one connecting. The alternate user can be specified by the JDBC
connection string proxyUser=userName
Configuring JDBC Clients for Kerberos Authentication with HiveServer2
JDBC-based clients must include principal=<hive.server2.authentication.principal> in the JDBC
connection string. For example:
String url =
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
where hive is the principal configured in hive-site.xml and HiveServer2Host is the host where HiveServer2
is running.
For ODBC Clients, refer the Cloudera ODBC Driver for Apache Hive documentation.
Using Beeline to Connect to a Secure HiveServer2
Use the following command to start beeline and connect to a secure running HiveServer2 process. In this
example, the HiveServer2 process is running on localhost at port 10000:
$ /usr/lib/hive/bin/beeline
beeline> !connect
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default>
For more information about the Beeline CLI, see Using the Beeline CLI.
Encrypted Communication with Client Drivers
With Kerberos or LDAP authentication enabled, traffic between the Hive JDBC or ODBC drivers and HiveServer2
can be encrypted which allows you to preserve data integrity (using checksums to validate message integrity)
and confidentiality (by encrypting messages). This can be enabled by setting the
hive.server2.thrift.sasl.qop property in hive-site.xml. For example,
<description>Sasl QOP value; one of 'auth', 'auth-int' and 'auth-conf'</description>
Valid settings for the value field are:
• auth: Authentication only (default)
• auth-int: Authentication with integrity protection
• auth-conf: Authentication with confidentiality protection
Configuring Encrypted Client/Server Communication for non-Kerberos HiveServer2 Connections
For non-Kerberos connections, you can configure Secure Socket Layer (SSL) communication between HiveServer2
and clients.
• To enable server side support, add the following configuration parameters to hive-site.xml:
<description>enable/disable SSL </description>
108 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Hive Security Configuration
<description>path to keystore file</description>
<description>keystore password</description>
• The keystore must contain the server's certificate.
• The JDBC client must add the following properties in the connection URL when connecting to a HiveServer2
using SSL:
• Make sure one of the following is true:
• Either: sslTrustStore points to the trust store file containing the server's certificate; for example:
• or: the Trust Store arguments are set using the Java system properties
and; for example:
java \
MyClass jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default;ssl=true
For more information on using self-signed certificates and the Trust Store, see the Oracle Java SE keytool page.
Using LDAP Username/Password Authentication with HiveServer2
As an alternative to Kerberos authentication, you can configure HiveServer2 to use user and password validation
backed by LDAP. In this case, the client sends a user name and password during the connection initiation.
HiveServer2 validates these credentials using an external LDAP service.
You can enable LDAP Authentication with HiveServer2 using Active Directory or OpenLDAP.
Important: When using LDAP username/password authentication with HiveServer2, make sure you
have enabled encrypted communication between HiveServer2 and its client drivers to avoid sending
cleartext passwords. For instructions, see Encrypted Communication with Client Drivers on page 108.
Also see Configuring LDAPS Authentication with HiveServer2 on page 110.
Enabling LDAP Authentication with HiveServer2 using Active Directory
To enable the LDAP mode of authentication using Active Directory, include the following properties in the
hive-site.xml file:
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Hive Security Configuration
• The LDAP_URL value is the access URL for your LDAP server. For example, ldap://
Enabling LDAP Authentication with HiveServer2 using OpenLDAP
To enable the LDAP mode of authentication using OpenLDAP, include the following properties in the
hive-site.xml file:
• The LDAP_URL value is the access URL for your LDAP server.
• The LDAP_BaseDN value is the base LDAP DN for your LDAP server. For example,
Configuring JDBC Clients for LDAP Authentication with HiveServer2
The JDBC client needs to use a connection URL as shown below. JDBC-based clients must include user=LDAP_Userid;password=LDAP_Password in the JDBC connection string.
For example:
String url = "jdbc:hive2://node1:10000/default;user=LDAP_Userid;password=LDAP_Password"
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
where the LDAP_Userid value is the user id and LDAP_Password is the password of the client user.
For ODBC Clients, refer the Cloudera ODBC Driver for Apache Hive documentation.
Configuring LDAPS Authentication with HiveServer2
HiveServer2 supports LDAP username/password authentication for clients. Clients send LDAP credentials to
HiveServer2 which in turn verifies them with the configured LDAP provider such as OpenLDAP or Microsoft's
Active Directory. Most vendors now support LDAPS (LDAP over SSL), an authentication protocol that uses SSL
to encrypt communication between the LDAP service and its client (in this case, HiveServer2) to avoid sending
LDAP credentials in cleartext.
Perform the following steps to configure the LDAPS service with HiveServer2:
• Import either the LDAP server issuing Certificate Authority's SSL certificate into a local truststore, or import
the SSL server certificate for a specific trust. If you import the CA certificate, HiveServer2 will trust any server
with a certificate issued by the LDAP server's CA. If you only import the SSL certificate for a specific trust,
HiveServer2 will trust only that server. In both cases, the SSL certificate must be imported on to the same
host as HiveServer2. Please refer the keytool documentation for more details.
110 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Hive Security Configuration
• Make sure the truststore file is readable by the hive user.
• Set the hive.server2.authentication.ldap.url configuration property in hive-site.xml to the LDAPS
URL. For example, ldaps://
Note: The URL scheme should be ldaps and not ldap.
• Set the environment variable HADOOP_OPTS as follows:
For clusters managed by Cloudera Manager, go to the Hive service and select Configuration > View and Edit.
Under the HiveServer2 category, go to the Advanced section and set the HiveServer2 Environment Safety
Valve property.
• Restart HiveServer2.
Pluggable Authentication
Pluggable authentication allows you to provide a custom authentication provider for HiveServer2.
To enable pluggable authentication:
1. Set the following properties in /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml:
<description>Client authentication types.
NONE: no authentication check
LDAP: LDAP/AD based authentication
KERBEROS: Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication
CUSTOM: Custom authentication provider
(Use with property hive.server2.custom.authentication.class)
Custom authentication class. Used when property
'hive.server2.authentication' is set to 'CUSTOM'. Provided class
must be a proper implementation of the interface
org.apache.hive.service.auth.PasswdAuthenticationProvider. HiveServer2
will call its Authenticate(user, passed) method to authenticate requests.
The implementation may optionally extend the Hadoop's
org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured class to grab Hive's Configuration object.
2. Make the class available in the CLASSPATH of HiveServer2.
Trusted Delegation with HiveServer2
HiveServer2 determines the identity of the connecting user from the underlying authentication subsystem
(Kerberos or LDAP). Any new session started for this connection runs on behalf of this connecting user. If the
server is configured to proxy the user at the Hadoop level, then all MapReduce jobs and HDFS accesses will be
performed with the identity of the connecting user. If Apache Sentry is configured, then this connecting userid
can also be used to verify access rights to underlying tables, views and so on.
In CDH 4.5, a connecting user (for example, hue) with Hadoop-level superuser privileges, can request an alternate
user for the given session. HiveServer2 will check if the connecting user has Hadoop-level privileges to proxy
the requested userid (for example, bob). If it does, then the new session will be run on behalf of the alternate
user, bob, requested by connecting user, hue.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 111
Hive Security Configuration
To specify an alternate user for new connections, the JDBC client needs to add the
hive.server2.proxy.user=<alternate_user_id> property to the JDBC connection URL. Note that the
connecting user needs to have Hadoop-level proxy privileges over the alternate user. For example, if user hue
requests access to run a session as user bob, the JDBC connection string should be as follows:
# Login as super user Hue
kinit hue -k -t hue.keytab hue@MY-REALM.COM
# Connect using following JDBC connection string
HiveServer2 Impersonation
Note: This is not the recommended method to implement HiveServer2 impersonation. Cloudera
recommends you use Sentry to implement this instead.
Impersonation support in HiveServer2 allows users to execute queries and access HDFS files as the connected
user rather than the super user who started the HiveServer2 daemon. Impersonation allows admins to enforce
an access policy at the file level using HDFS file and directory permissions.
To enable impersonation in HiveServer2:
1. Add the following property to the /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml file and set the value to true. (The
default value is false.)
<description>Enable user impersonation for HiveServer2</description>
2. In HDFS or MapReduce configurations, add the following property to the core-site.xml file:
See also File System Permissions.
Securing the Hive Metastore
Note: This is not the recommended method to protect the Hive Metastore. Cloudera recommends
you use Sentry to implement this instead.
To prevent users from accessing the Hive metastore and the Hive metastore database using any method other
than through HiveServer2, the following actions are recommended:
• Add a firewall rule on the metastore service host to allow access to the metastore port only from the
HiveServer2 host. You can do this using iptables.
• Grant access to the metastore database only from the metastore service host. This is specified for MySQL
112 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Hive Security Configuration
where MetaStoreHost is the host where the metastore service is running.
• Make sure users who are not admins cannot log on to the host on which HiveServer2 runs.
Disabling the Hive Security Configuration
Hive's security related metadata is stored in the configuration file hive-site.xml. The following sections
describe how to disable security for the Hive service.
Disable Client/Server Authentication
To disable client/server authentication, set hive.server2.authentication to NONE. For example,
Client authentication types.
NONE: no authentication check
LDAP: LDAP/AD based authentication
KERBEROS: Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication
CUSTOM: Custom authentication provider
(Use with property hive.server2.custom.authentication.class)
Disable Hive Metastore security
To disable Hive Metastore security, perform the following steps:
• Set the hive.metastore.sasl.enabled property to false in all configurations, the metastore service side
as well as for all clients of the metastore. For example, these might include HiveServer2, Impala, Pig and so
• Remove or comment the following parameters in hive-site.xml for the metastore service. Note that this
is a server-only change.
– hive.metastore.kerberos.keytab.file
– hive.metastore.kerberos.principal
Disable Underlying Hadoop Security
If you also want to disable the underlying Hadoop security, remove or comment out the following parameters
in hive-site.xml.
• hive.server2.authentication.kerberos.keytab
• hive.server2.authentication.kerberos.principal
Hive Metastore Server Security Configuration
This section describes how to configure security for the Hive metastore server. If you are using
HiveServer2, see HiveServer2 Security Configuration.
Here is a summary of Hive metastore server security in CDH 5:
• No additional configuration is required to run Hive on top of a security-enabled Hadoop cluster in standalone
mode using a local or embedded metastore.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 113
Hive Security Configuration
• HiveServer does not support Kerberos authentication for clients. While it is possible to run HiveServer with
a secured Hadoop cluster, doing so creates a security hole since HiveServer does not authenticate the Thrift
clients that connect to it. Instead, you can use HiveServer2 HiveServer2 Security Configuration.
• The Hive metastore server supports Kerberos authentication for Thrift clients. For example, you can configure
a standalone Hive metastore server instance to force clients to authenticate with Kerberos by setting the
following properties in the hive-site.xml configuration file used by the metastore server:
<description>If true, the metastore thrift interface will be secured with SASL.
Clients must authenticate with Kerberos.</description>
<description>The path to the Kerberos Keytab file containing the metastore thrift
server's service principal.</description>
<description>The service principal for the metastore thrift server. The special
string _HOST will be replaced automatically with the correct host
The values shown above for the hive.metastore.kerberos.keytab.file and
hive.metastore.kerberos.principal properties are examples which you will need to replace
with the appropriate values for your cluster. Also note that the Hive keytab file should have its
access permissions set to 600 and be owned by the same account that is used to run the Metastore
server, which is the hive user by default.
• Requests to access the metadata are fulfilled by the Hive metastore impersonating the requesting user. This
includes read access to the list of databases, tables, properties of each table such as their HDFS location, file
type and so on. You can restrict access to the Hive metastore service by allowing it to impersonate only a
subset of Kerberos users. This can be done by setting the hadoop.proxyuser.hive.groups property in
core-site.xml on the Hive metastore host.
For example, if you want to give the hive user permission to impersonate members of groups hive and
In this example, the Hive metastore can impersonate users belonging to only the hive and user1 groups.
Connection requests from users not belonging to these groups will be rejected.
Using Hive to Run Queries on a Secure HBase Server
To use Hive to run queries on a secure HBase Server, you must set the following HIVE_OPTS environment variable:
env HIVE_OPTS="-hiveconf -hiveconf
hbase.rpc.engine=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.SecureRpcEngine -hiveconf
hbase.master.kerberos.principal=hbase/_HOST@YOUR-REALM.COM -hiveconf
114 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Hive Security Configuration
hbase.regionserver.kerberos.principal=hbase/_HOST@YOUR-REALM.COM -hiveconf
hbase.zookeeper.quorum=zookeeper1,zookeeper2,zookeeper3" hive
• You replace YOUR-REALM with the name of your Kerberos realm
• You replace zookeeper1,zookeeper2,zookeeper3 with the names of your ZooKeeper servers. The
hbase.zookeeper.quorum property is configured in the hbase-site.xml file.
• The special string _HOST is replaced at run-time by the fully-qualified domain name of the host machine
where the HBase Master or Region Server is running. This requires that reverse DNS is properly working on
all the hosts configured this way.
In the following, _HOST is the name of the host where the HBase Master is running:
-hiveconf hbase.master.kerberos.principal=hbase/_HOST@YOUR-REALM.COM
In the following, _HOST is the host name of the HBase Region Server that the application is connecting to:
-hiveconf hbase.regionserver.kerberos.principal=hbase/_HOST@YOUR-REALM.COM
You can also set the HIVE_OPTS environment variable in your shell profile.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 115
HCatalog Security Configuration
HCatalog Security Configuration
This section describes how to configure HCatalog in CDH 5 with Kerberos security in a Hadoop cluster:
Before You Start on page 117
Step 1: Create the HTTP keytab file on page 117
Step 2: Configure WebHCat to Use Security on page 117
Step 3: Create Proxy Users on page 118
Step 4: Verify the Configuration on page 118
For more information about HCatalog see Installing and Using HCatalog.
Before You Start
Secure Web HCatalog requires a running remote Hive metastore service configured in secure mode. See Hive
MetaStoreServer Security Configuration for instructions. Running secure WebHCat with an embedded repository
is not supported.
Step 1: Create the HTTP keytab file
You need to create a keytab file for WebHCat. Follow these steps:
1. Create the file:
kadmin: addprinc -randkey HTTP/
kadmin: xst -k HTTP.keytab HTTP/
2. Move the file into the WebHCat configuration directory and restrict its access exclusively to the hcatalog
$ mv HTTP.keytab /etc/webhcat/conf/
$ chown hcatalog /etc/webhcat/conf/HTTP.keytab
$ chmod 400 /etc/webhcat/conf/HTTP.keytab
Step 2: Configure WebHCat to Use Security
Create or edit the WebHCat configuration file webhcat-site.xml in the configuration directory and set following
Any random value
Example configuration:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 117
HCatalog Security Configuration
Step 3: Create Proxy Users
WebHCat needs access to your NameNode in order to work properly, and so you must configure Hadoop to allow
impersonation from the hcatalog user. To do this, edit your core-site.xml configuration file and set the
hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.hosts and hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.groups properties to specify the hosts from
which HCatalog can do the impersonation and what users can be impersonated. You can use the value * for
Example configuration:
Step 4: Verify the Configuration
After restarting WebHcat you can verify that it is working by using curl (you may need to run kinit first):
$ curl --negotiate -i -u :
118 | CDH 5 Security Guide
ZooKeeper Security Configuration
ZooKeeper Security Configuration
This section describes how to configure ZooKeeper in CDH 5 to enable Kerberos security:
• Configuring the ZooKeeper Server to Support Kerberos Security on page 119
• Configuring the ZooKeeper Client Shell to Support Kerberos Security on page 120
• Verifying the Configuration on page 120
Prior to enabling ZooKeeper to work with Kerberos security on your cluster, make sure you first review
the requirements in Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5.
Configuring the ZooKeeper Server to Support Kerberos Security
It is strongly recommended that you ensure a properly functioning ZooKeeper ensemble prior to
enabling security. See ZooKeeper Installation.
1. Create a service principal for the ZooKeeper server using the syntax:
zookeeper/<>@<YOUR-REALM>. This principal is used to authenticate the
ZooKeeper server with the Hadoop cluster. where: is the host where the
ZooKeeper server is running YOUR-REALM is the name of your Kerberos realm.
kadmin: addprinc -randkey zookeeper/
2. Create a keytab file for the ZooKeeper server.
$ kadmin
kadmin: xst -k zookeeper.keytab zookeeper/
3. Copy the zookeeper.keytab file to the ZooKeeper configuration directory on the ZooKeeper server host.
For a package installation, the ZooKeeper configuration directory is /etc/zookeeper/conf/. For a tar ball
installation, the ZooKeeper configuration directory is <EXPANDED_DIR>/conf. The owner of the
zookeeper.keytab file should be the zookeeper user and the file should have owner-only read permissions.
4. Add the following lines to the ZooKeeper configuration file zoo.cfg:
5. Set up the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) by creating a jaas.conf file in the ZooKeeper
configuration directory containing the following settings. Make sure that you substitute as appropriate.
Server { required
CDH 5 Security Guide | 119
ZooKeeper Security Configuration
6. Add the following setting to the java.env file located in the ZooKeeper configuration directory. (Create the
file if it does not already exist.)
export JVMFLAGS=""
7. If you have multiple ZooKeeper servers in the ensemble, repeat steps 1 through 6 above for each ZooKeeper
server. When you create each new Zookeeper Server keytab file in step 2, you can overwrite the previous
keytab file and use the same name (zookeeper.keytab) to maintain consistency across the ZooKeeper
servers in the ensemble. The difference in the keytab files will be the hostname where each server is running.
8. Restart the ZooKeeper server to have the configuration changes take effect. For instructions, see ZooKeeper
Configuring the ZooKeeper Client Shell to Support Kerberos Security
1. If you want to use the ZooKeeper client shell zookeeper-client with Kerberos authentication, create a
principal using the syntax: zkcli@<YOUR-REALM>. This principal is used to authenticate the ZooKeeper client
shell to the ZooKeeper service. where: YOUR-REALM is the name of your Kerberos realm.
kadmin: addprinc -randkey zkcli@YOUR-REALM.COM
2. Create a keytab file for the ZooKeeper client shell.
$ kadmin
kadmin: xst -norandkey -k zkcli.keytab zkcli@YOUR-REALM.COM
Some versions of kadmin do not support the -norandkey option in the command above. If your
version does not, you can omit it from the command. Note that doing so will result in a new
password being generated every time you export a keytab, which will invalidate previously-exported
3. Set up JAAS in the configuration directory on the host where the ZooKeeper client shell is running. For a
package installation, the configuration directory is /etc/zookeeper/conf/. For a tar ball installation, the
configuration directory is <EXPANDED_DIR>/conf. Create a jaas.conf file containing the following settings:
Client { required
4. Add the following setting to the java.env file located in the configuration directory. (Create the file if it does
not already exist.)
export JVMFLAGS=""
Verifying the Configuration
1. Make sure that you have restarted the ZooKeeper cluster with Kerberos enabled, as described above.
120 | CDH 5 Security Guide
ZooKeeper Security Configuration
2. Start the client (where the hostname is the name of a ZooKeeper server):
zookeeper-client -server hostname:port
3. Create a protected znode from within the ZooKeeper CLI. Make sure that you substitute YOUR-REALM as
create /znode1 znode1data sasl:zkcli@{{YOUR-REALM}}:cdwra
4. Verify the znode is created and the ACL is set correctly:
getAcl /znode1
The results from getAcl should show that the proper scheme and permissions were applied to the znode.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 121
Search Security Configuration
Search Security Configuration
This section describes how to configure Search in CDH 5 to enable Kerberos security and Sentry.
Configuring Search to Use Kerberos
Cloudera Search supports Kerberos authentication. All necessary packages are installed when you install Search.
To enable Kerberos, create principals and keytabs and then modify default configurations.
The following instructions only apply to configuring Kerberos in an unmanaged environment. Kerberos
configuration is automatically handled by Cloudera Manager if you are using Search in a Cloudera managed
To create principals and keytabs
Repeat this process on all Solr server nodes.
1. Create a Solr service user principal using the syntax: solr/<>@<YOUR-REALM>.
This principal is used to authenticate with the Hadoop cluster. where: is
the host where the Solr server is running YOUR-REALM is the name of your Kerberos realm.
$ kadmin
kadmin: addprinc -randkey solr/
2. Create a HTTP service user principal using the syntax:
HTTP/<>@<YOUR-REALM>. This principal is used to authenticate user
requests coming to the Solr web-services. where: is the host where the
Solr server is running YOUR-REALM is the name of your Kerberos realm.
kadmin: addprinc -randkey HTTP/
The HTTP/ component of the HTTP service user principal must be upper case as shown in the
syntax and example above.
3. Create keytab files with both principals.
kadmin: xst -norandkey -k solr.keytab solr/ \
4. Test that credentials in the merged keytab file work. For example:
$ klist -e -k -t solr.keytab
5. Copy the solr.keytab file to the Solr configuration directory. The owner of the solr.keytab file should be
the solr user and the file should have owner-only read permissions.
To modify default configurations
Repeat this process on all Solr server nodes.
1. Ensure that the following properties appear in /etc/default/solr and that they are uncommented. Modify
these properties to match your environment. The relevant properties to be uncommented and modified are:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 123
Search Security Configuration
Note: Modify the values for these properties to match your environment. For example, the
principal instance and Kerberos realm for your environment. That is often different from
2. If using applications that use the solrj library, set up the Java Authentication and Authorization Service
a. Create a jaas.conf file in the Solr configuration directory containing the following settings. This file and
its location must match the SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_JAAS_CONF value. Make sure that you substitute a
value for principal that matches your particular environment.
Client { required
3. To use short principal names:
• For Search 1.x: Appendix C - Configuring the Mapping from Kerberos Principals to Short Names in the
CDH 4 Security Guide.
• For Search included with CDH 5: Configuring the Mapping from Kerberos Principals to Short Names in the
CDH 5 Security Guide.
Using Kerberos
The process of enabling Solr clients to authenticate with a secure Solr is specific to the client. This section
• Using Kerberos and curl
• Using solrctl
• Configuring SolrJ Library Usage
This enables technologies including:
• Command line solutions
• Java applications
• The MapReduceIndexerTool
• Configuring Flume Morphline Solr Sink Usage
Secure Solr requires that the CDH components that it interacts with are also secure. Secure Solr interacts with
HDFS, ZooKeeper and optionally HBase, MapReduce, and Flume. See the CDH 5 Security Guide or the CDH 4
Security Guide for more information.
Using Kerberos and curl
You can use Kerberos authentication with clients such as curl. To use curl, begin by acquiring valid Kerberos
credentials and then execute the desired command. For example, you might use commands similar to the
$ kinit -kt username.keytab username
$ curl --negotiate -u: foo:bar http://solrserver:8983/solr/
124 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Search Security Configuration
Note: Depending on the tool used to connect, additional arguments may be required. For example,
with curl, --negotiate and -u are required. The username and password specified with -u is not
actually checked because Kerberos is used. As a result, any value such as foo:bar or even just : is
acceptable. While any value can be provided for -u, note that the option is required. Omitting -u
results in a 401 Unauthorized error, even though the -u value is not actually used.
Using solrctl
If you are using solrctl to manage your deployment in an environment that requires Kerberos authentication,
you must have valid Kerberos credentials, which you can get using kinit. For more information on solrctl,
see Solrctl Reference.
Configuring SolrJ Library Usage
If using applications that use the solrj library, begin by establishing a Java Authentication and Authorization
Service (JAAS) configuration file.
Create a JAAS file:
• If you have already used kinit to get credentials, you can have the client use those credentials. In such a
case, modify your jaas-client.conf file to appear as follows:
Client { required
where user/<YOUR-REALM> is replaced with your credentials.
• You want the client application to authenticate using a keytab you specify:
Client { required
where /path/to/keytab/user.keytab is the keytab file you wish to use and
user/<YOUR-REALM> is the principal in that keytab you wish to use.
Use the JAAS file to enable solutions:
• Command line solutions
Set the property when invoking the program. For example, if you were using a a jar, you might use:
java -jar app.jar
• Java applications
Set the Java system property For example, if the JAAS configuration
file is located on the filesystem as /home/user/jaas-client.conf. The Java system property must be set to point to this file. Setting a Java system property can
be done programmatically, for example using a call such as:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 125
Search Security Configuration
• The MapReduceIndexerTool
The MapReduceIndexerTool uses SolrJ to pass the JAAS configuration file. Using the MapReduceIndexerTool
in a secure environment requires the use of the HADOOP_OPTS variable to specify the JAAS configuration file.
For example, you might issue a command such as the following:
hadoop jar MapReduceIndexerTool
Configuring Flume Morphline Solr Sink Usage
Repeat this process on all Flume nodes:
1. If you have not created a keytab file, do so now at /etc/flume-ng/conf/flume.keytab. This file should
contain the service principal flume/<>@<YOUR-REALM>. See the CDH 5
Security Guide for more information.
2. Create a JAAS configuration file for flume at /etc/flume-ng/conf/jaas-client.conf. The file should
appear as follows:
Client { required
3. Add the flume JAAS configuration to the JAVA_OPTS in /etc/flume-ng/conf/ For example,
you might change:
Configuring Sentry for Search
Sentry enables role-based, fine-grained authorization for Cloudera Search. Follow the instructions below to
configure Sentry under CDH 4.5 or later or CDH 5. Sentry is included in the Search installation.
Note: Sentry for Search depends on Kerberos authentication. For additional information on using
Kerberos with Search, see Configuring Search to Use Kerberos and Using Kerberos.
Note that this document is for configuring Sentry for Cloudera Search. To download or install other versions of
Sentry for other services, see:
• Setting Up Search Authorization with Sentry for instructions for using Cloudera Manager to install and
configure Hive Authorization with Sentry.
• Impala Security for instructions on using Impala with Sentry.
• Sentry Installation to install the version of Sentry that was provided with CDH 4.
• Sentry Installation to install the version of Sentry that was provided with CDH 5.
126 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Search Security Configuration
Roles and Privileges
Sentry uses a role-based privilege model. A role is a set of rules for accessing a given Solr collection. Access to
each collection is governed by privileges: Query, Update, or All (*).
For example, a rule for the Query privilege on collection logs would be formulated as follows:
A role can contain multiple such rules, separated by commas. For example the engineer_role might contain
the Query privilege for hive_logs and hbase_logs collections, and the Update privilege for the current_bugs
collection. You would specify this as follows:
engineer_role = collection=hive_logs->action=Query, collection=hbase_logs->action=Query,
Users and Groups
• A user is an entity that is permitted by the Kerberos authentication system to access the Search service.
• A group connects the authentication system with the authorization system. It is a set of one or more users
who have been granted one or more authorization roles. Sentry allows a set of roles to be configured for a
• A configured group provider determines a user’s affiliation with a group. The current release supports
HDFS-backed groups and locally configured groups. For example,
dev_ops = dev_role, ops_role
Here the group dev_ops is granted the roles dev_role and ops_role. The members of this group can complete
searches that are allowed by these roles.
User to Group Mapping
You can configure Sentry to use either Hadoop groups or groups defined in the policy file.
Important: You can use either Hadoop groups or local groups, but not both at the same time. Use
local groups if you want to do a quick proof-of-concept. For production, use Hadoop groups.
To configure Hadoop groups:
Set the sentry.provider property in sentry-site.xml to
Note: Note that, by default, this uses local shell groups. See the Group Mapping section of the HDFS
Permissions Guide for more information.
To configure local groups:
1. Define local groups in a [users] section of the Sentry Configuration File, sentry-site.xml. For example:
user1 = group1, group2, group3
user2 = group2, group3
2. In sentry-site.xml, set search.sentry.provider as follows:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 127
Search Security Configuration
Setup and Configuration
This release of Sentry stores the configuration as well as privilege policies in files. The sentry-site.xml file
contains configuration options such as privilege policy file location. The policy file contains the privileges and
groups. It has a .ini file format and should be stored on HDFS.
Sentry is automatically installed when you install Cloudera Search for CDH or Cloudera Search 1.1.0 or later.
Policy File
The sections that follow contain notes on creating and maintaining the policy file.
Warning: An invalid configuration disables all authorization while logging an exception.
Storing the Policy File
Considerations for storing the policy file(s) include:
1. Replication count - Because the file is read for each query, you should increase this; 10 is a reasonable value.
2. Updating the file - Updates to the file are only reflected when the Solr process is restarted.
Defining Roles
Keep in mind that role definitions are not cumulative; the newer definition replaces the older one. For example,
the following results in role1 having privilege2, not privilege1 and privilege2.
role1 = privilege1
role1 = privilege2
Sample Configuration
This section provides a sample configuration.
Note: Sentry with CDH Search does not support multiple policy files. Other implementations of Sentry
such as Sentry for Hive do support different policy files for different databases, but Sentry for CDH
Search has no such support for multiple policies.
Policy File
The following is an example of a CDH Search policy file. The sentry-provider.ini would exist in an HDFS
location such as hdfs://ha-nn-uri/user/solr/sentry/sentry-provider.ini.
Note: Use separate policy files for each Sentry-enabled service. Using one file for multiple services
results in each service failing on the other services' entries. For example, with a combined Hive and
Search file, Search would fail on Hive entries and Hive would fail on Search entries.
# Assigns each Hadoop group to its set of roles
engineer = engineer_role
ops = ops_role
dev_ops = engineer_role, ops_role
128 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Search Security Configuration
hbase_admin = hbase_admin_role
# The following grants all access to source_code.
# "collection = source_code" can also be used as syntactic
# sugar for "collection = source_code->action=*"
engineer_role = collection = source_code->action=*
# The following imply more restricted access.
ops_role = collection = hive_logs->action=Query
dev_ops_role = collection = hbase_logs->action=Query
#give hbase_admin_role the ability to create/delete/modify the hbase_logs collection
hbase_admin_role = collection=admin->action=*, collection=hbase_logs->action=*
Sentry Configuration File
The following is an example of a sentry-site.xml file.
<!-If the HDFS configuration files (core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml)
pointed to by SOLR_HDFS_CONFIG in /etc/default/solr
point to HDFS, the path will be in HDFS;
alternatively you could specify a full path,
Enabling Sentry in Cloudera Search for CDH 5
To enabling Sentry is achieved by adding two properties to /etc/default/solr. If your Search installation is
managed by Cloudera Manager, then these properties are added automatically. If your Search installation is not
managed by Cloudera Manager, you must make these changes yourself. The variable
SOLR_AUTHORIZATION_SENTRY_SITE specifies the path to sentry-site.xml. The variable
SOLR_AUTHORIZATION_SUPERUSER specifies the first part of SOLR_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL. This is solr for the
majority of users, as solr is the default. Settings are of the form:
To enable sentry index-authorization checking on a new collection, the instancedir for the collection must use
a modified version of solrconfig.xml with Sentry integration. The command solrctl instancedir
--generate generates two versions of solrconfig.xml: the standard solrconfig.xml without sentry
integration, and the sentry-integrated version called To use the sentry-integrated
version, replace solrconfig.xml with before creating the instancedir.
If you have an existing collection using the standard solrconfig.xml called "foo" and an instancedir of the
same name, perform the following steps:
# generate a fresh instancedir
solrctl instancedir --generate foosecure
# download the existing instancedir from ZK into subdirectory "foo"
CDH 5 Security Guide | 129
Search Security Configuration
solrctl instancedir --get foo foo
# replace the existing solrconfig.xml with the sentry-enabled one
cp foosecure/conf/ foo/conf/solrconfig.xml
# update the instancedir in ZK
solrctl instancedir --update foo foo
# reload the collection
solrctl collection --reload foo
If you have an existing collection using a version of solrconfig.xml that you have modified, contact Support
for assistance.
Enabling Secure Impersonation
Secure Impersonation is a feature that allows a user to make requests as another user in a secure way. For
example, to allow the following impersonations:
• User "hue" can make requests as any user from any host.
• User "foo" can make requests as any member of group "bar", from "host1" or "host2".
Configure the following properties in /etc/default/solr:
SOLR_SECURITY_ALLOWED_PROXYUSERS lists all of the users allowed to impersonate. For a user x in
connect from in order to impersonate, and SOLR_SECURITY_PROXYUSERS_x_GROUPS lists the groups that the
users is allowed to impersonate members of. Both GROUPS and HOSTS support the wildcard * and both GROUPS
and HOSTS must be defined for a specific user.
Note: Cloudera Manager has its own management of secure impersonation for Hue. To add additional
users for Secure Impersonation, use the environment variable safety value for Solr to set the
environment variables as above. Be sure to include "hue" in SOLR_SECURITY_ALLOWED_PROXYUSERS
if you want to use secure impersonation for hue.
Debugging Failed Sentry Authorization Requests
Sentry logs all facts that lead up to authorization decisions at the debug level. If you do not understand why
Sentry is denying access, the best way to debug is to temporarily turn on debug logging:
• In Cloudera Manager, add to the logging settings for your service
through the corresponding Logging Safety Valve field for the Impala, Hive Server 2, or Solr Server services.
• On systems not managed by Cloudera Manager, add to the file on each host in the cluster, in the appropriate configuration directory for each service.
Specifically, look for exceptions and messages such as:
FilePermission server..., RequestPermission server...., result [true|false]
which indicate each evaluation Sentry makes. The FilePermission is from the policy file, while
RequestPermission is the privilege required for the query. A RequestPermission will iterate over all appropriate
FilePermission settings until a match is found. If no matching privilege is found, Sentry returns false indicating
“Access Denied”.
130 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Search Security Configuration
Appendix: Authorization Privilege Model for Search
The tables below refer to the request handlers defined in the generated If you are
not using this configuration file, the below may not apply.
admin is a special collection in sentry used to represent administrative actions. A non-administrative request
may only require privileges on the collection on which the request is being performed. This is called collection1
in this appendix. An administrative request may require privileges on both the admin collection and collection1.
This is denoted as admin, collection1 in the tables below.
Table 7: Privilege table for non-administrative request handlers
Request Handler
Required Privilege
Collections that Require Privilege
Table 8: Privilege table for collections admin actions
Collection Action
Required Privilege
Collections that Require Privilege
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
Note: "collection1" here
refers to the name of the
alias, not the underlying
collection(s). For example,
CDH 5 Security Guide | 131
Search Security Configuration
Collection Action
Required Privilege
Collections that Require Privilege
admin, collection1
Note: "collection1" here
refers to the name of the
alias, not the underlying
collection(s). For example,
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
Table 9: Privilege table for core admin actions
Collection Action
Required Privilege
Collections that Require Privilege
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
admin, collection1
Table 10: Privilege table for Info and AdminHandlers
Request Handler
Required Privilege
Collections that Require Privilege
132 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Search Security Configuration
Request Handler
Required Privilege
Collections that Require Privilege
CDH 5 Security Guide | 133
FUSE - Mountable HDFS Security Configuration
FUSE - Mountable HDFS Security Configuration
This section describes how to use FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) and CDH with Kerberos security on your
Hadoop cluster. FUSE enables you to mount HDFS, which makes HDFS files accessible just as if they were UNIX
To use FUSE and CDH with Kerberos security, follow these guidelines:
• For each HDFS user, make sure that there is a UNIX user with the same name. If there isn't, some files in the
FUSE mount point will appear to be owned by a non-existent user. Although this is harmless, it can cause
• When using Kerberos authentication, users must run kinit before accessing the FUSE mount point. Failure
to do this will result in I/O errors when the user attempts to access the mount point. For security reasons,
it is not possible to list the files in the mount point without first running kinit.
• When a user runs kinit, all processes that run as that user can use the Kerberos credentials. It is not
necessary to run kinit in the same shell as the process accessing the FUSE mount point.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 135
Sqoop, Pig, and Whirr Security Support Status
Sqoop, Pig, and Whirr Security Support Status
Here is a summary of the status of security in the other CDH 5 components:
• Sqoop 1 and Pig support security with no configuration required.
• Sqoop 2 and Whirr do not support security in CDH 5.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 137
Configuring Encrypted Shuffle, Encrypted Web UIs, and Encrypted HDFS Transport
Configuring Encrypted Shuffle, Encrypted Web UIs, and Encrypted
HDFS Transport
This section describes how to configure encrypted shuffle, encrypted Web UIs, and encrypted HDFS transports:
• Encrypted Shuffle and Encrypted Web UIs on page 139
• HDFS Encrypted Transport on page 145
Encrypted Shuffle and Encrypted Web UIs
Now that you've enabled Kerberos, which provides for strong authentication, you can optionally enable network
encryption if you so desire. CDH 5 supports the Encrypted Shuffle and Encrypted Web UIs feature that allows
encryption of the MapReduce shuffle and web server ports using HTTPS with optional client authentication (also
known as bi-directional HTTPS, or HTTPS with client certificates). It includes:
• Hadoop configuration setting for toggling the shuffle between HTTP and HTTPS.
• Hadoop configuration setting for toggling the Web UIs to use either HTTP or HTTPS.
• Hadoop configuration settings for specifying the keystore and truststore properties (location, type, passwords)
that are used by the shuffle service, web server UIs and the reducers tasks that fetch shuffle data.
• A way to re-read truststores across the cluster (when a node is added or removed).
CDH 5 supports Encrypted Shuffle for both MRv1 and MRv2 (YARN), with common configuration properties used
for both versions. The only configuration difference is in the parameters used to enable the features:
• For MRv1, setting the hadoop.ssl.enabled parameter in the core-site.xml file enables both the Encrypted
Shuffle and the Encrypted Web UIs. In other words, the encryption toggling is coupled for the two features.
• For MRv2, setting the hadoop.ssl.enabled parameter enables the Encrypted Web UI feature; setting the
mapreduce.shuffle.ssl.enabled parameter in the mapred-site.xml file enables the Encrypted Shuffle
feature. =
All other configuration properties apply to both the Encrypted Shuffle and Encrypted Web UI functionality.
When the Encrypted Web UI feature is enabled, all Web UIs for Hadoop components are served over HTTPS. If
you configure the systems to require client certificates, browsers must be configured with the appropriate client
certificates in order to access the Web UIs.
When the Web UIs are served over HTTPS, you must specify https:// as the protocol; there is no
redirection from http://. If you attempt to access an HTTPS resource over HTTP, your browser will
probably show an empty screen with no warning.
Most components that run on top of MapReduce automatically use Encrypted Shuffle when it is configured.
Configuring Encrypted Shuffle and Encrypted Web UIs
To configure Encrypted Shuffle and Encrypted Web UIs, set the appropriate property/value pairs in the following:
core-site.xml enables these features and defines the implementation
mapred-site.xml enables Encrypted Shuffle for MRv2
ssl-server.xml stores keystone and truststore settings for the server
ssl-client.xml stores keystone and truststore settings for the client
CDH 5 Security Guide | 139
Configuring Encrypted Shuffle, Encrypted Web UIs, and Encrypted HDFS Transport
core-site.xml Properties
To configure encrypted shuffle, set the following properties in the core-site.xml files of all nodes in the cluster:
Default Value
For MRv1, setting this value to true
enables both the Encrypted Shuffle
and the Encrypted Web UI features.
For MRv2, this property only enables
the Encrypted WebUI; Encrypted
Shuffle is enabled with a property in
the mapred-site.xml file as
described below.
hadoop.ssl.require.client.cert false
When this property is set to true,
client certificates are required for all
shuffle operations and all browsers
used to access Web UIs.
Cloudera recommends that this be
set to false. See Client Certificates
on page 144.
hadoop.ssl.hostname.verifier DEFAULT
The hostname verifier to provide for
HttpsURLConnections. Valid values
hadoop.ssl.keystores.factory.class org.apache.hadoop
The KeyStoresFactory
implementation to use.
Resource file from which ssl server
keystore information is extracted.
This file is looked up in the
classpath; typically it should be in
the /etc/hadoop/conf/ directory.
Resource file from which ssl server
keystore information is extracted.
This file is looked up in the
classpath; typically it should be in
the /etc/hadoop/conf/ directory.
All these properties should be marked as final in the cluster configuration files.
140 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Encrypted Shuffle, Encrypted Web UIs, and Encrypted HDFS Transport
The cluster should be configured to use the Linux Task Controller in MRv1 and Linux container executor in MRv2
to run job tasks so that they are prevented from reading the server keystore information and gaining access to
the shuffle server certificates. Refer to Appendix B - Information about Other Hadoop Security Programs for
more information.
mapred-site.xml Property (MRv2 only)
To enable Encrypted Shuffle for MRv2, set the following property in the mapred-site.xml file on every node in
the cluster:
Default Value
mapreduce.shuffle.ssl.enabled false
If this property is set to true,
encrypted shuffle is enabled. If this
property is not specified, it defaults
to the value of
hadoop.ssl.enabled. This value
can be false when
hadoop.ssl.enabled is true but
can not be true when
hadoop.ssl.enabled is false
This property should be marked as final in the cluster configuration files.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 141
Configuring Encrypted Shuffle, Encrypted Web UIs, and Encrypted HDFS Transport
Keystore and Truststore Settings
FileBasedKeyStoresFactory is the only KeyStoresFactory that is currently implemented. It uses properties
in the ssl-server.xml and ssl-client.xml files to configure the keystores and truststores.
ssl-server.xml (Shuffle server and Web UI) Configuration
Use the following settings to configure the keystores and truststores in the ssl-server.xml file.
The ssl-server.xml should be owned by the hdfs or mapred Hadoop system user, belong to the
hadoop group, and it should have 440 permissions. Regular users should not belong to the hadoop
Default Value
Keystore file type
ssl.server.keystore.location NONE
Keystore file location. The mapred user should own
this file and have exclusive read access to it.
ssl.server.keystore.password NONE
Keystore file password
ssl.server.keystore.keypassword NONE
Key password
Truststore file type
ssl.server.truststore.location NONE
Truststore file location. The mapred user should
own this file and have exclusive read access to it.
ssl.server.truststore.password NONE
Truststore file password
ssl.server.truststore.reload.interval 10000
Truststore reload interval, in milliseconds
<!-- Server Certificate Store -->
<!-- Server Trust Store -->
142 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Encrypted Shuffle, Encrypted Web UIs, and Encrypted HDFS Transport
ssl-client.xml (Reducer/Fetcher) Configuration
Use the following settings to configure the keystores and truststores in the ssl-client.xml file. This file should
be owned by the mapred user for MRv1 and by the yarn user for MRv2; the file permissions should be 444 (read
access for all users).
Default Value
Keystore file type
ssl.client.keystore.location NONE
Keystore file location. The mapred user
should own this file and it should have
default permissions.
ssl.client.keystore.password NONE
Keystore file password
ssl.client.keystore.keypassword NONE
Key password
Truststore file type
ssl.client.truststore.location NONE
Truststore file location. The mapred user
should own this file and it should have
default permissions.
ssl.client.truststore.password NONE
Truststore file password
ssl.client.truststore.reload.interval 10000
Truststore reload interval, in milliseconds
<!-- Client certificate Store -->
CDH 5 Security Guide | 143
Configuring Encrypted Shuffle, Encrypted Web UIs, and Encrypted HDFS Transport
<!-- Client Trust Store -->
Activating Encrypted Shuffle
When you have made the above configuration changes, activate Encrypted Shuffle by re-starting all TaskTrackers
in MRv1 and all NodeManagers in YARN.
Encrypted shuffle has a significant performance impact. You should benchmark this before
implementing it in production. In many cases, one or more additional are needed to maintain
Client Certificates
Client Certificates are supported but they do not guarantee that the client is a reducer task for the job. The Client
Certificate keystore file that contains the private key must be readable by all users who submit jobs to the
cluster, which means that a rogue job could read those keystore files and use the client certificates in them to
establish a secure connection with a Shuffle server. The JobToken mechanism that the Hadoop environment
provides is a better protector of the data; each job uses its own JobToken to retrieve only the shuffle data that
belongs to it. Unless the rogue job has a proper JobToken, it cannot retrieve Shuffle data from the Shuffle server.
If your certificates are signed by a certificate authority (CA), you must include the complete chain of
CA certificates in the keystore that has the server's key.
Reloading Truststores
By default, each truststore reloads its configuration every 10 seconds. If a new truststore file is copied over the
old one, it is re-read, and its certificates replace the old ones. This mechanism is useful for adding or removing
nodes from the cluster, or for adding or removing trusted clients. In these cases, the client, TaskTracker or
NodeManager certificate is added to (or removed from) all the truststore files in the system, and the new
configuration is picked up without requiring that the TaskTracker in MRv1 and NodeManager in YARN daemons
are restarted.
144 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Configuring Encrypted Shuffle, Encrypted Web UIs, and Encrypted HDFS Transport
The keystores are not automatically reloaded. To change a keystore for a TaskTracker in MRv1 or a
NodeManager in YARN, you must restart the TaskTracker or NodeManager daemon.
The reload interval is controlled by the ssl.client.truststore.reload.interval and
ssl.server.truststore.reload.interval configuration properties in the ssl-client.xml and
ssl-server.xml files described above.
Enable debugging only for troubleshooting, and then only for jobs running on small amounts of data.
Debugging is very verbose and slows jobs down significantly.
To enable SSL debugging in the reducers, set in the
property; for example:
You can do this on a per-job basis, or by means of a cluster-wide setting in mapred-site.xml.
To set this property in TaskTrackersfor MRv1, set it in
To set this property in NodeManagers for YARN, set it in
HDFS Encrypted Transport
HDFS Encrypted Transport allows encryption of all HDFS data sent over the network.
To enable encryption, proceed as follows:
1. Enable the Hadoop Security using Kerberos, following these instructions.
2. Set the optional RPC encryption by setting to "privacy" in the core-site.xml
file in both client and server configurations.
If RPC encryption is not enabled, transmission of other HDFS data is also insecure.
3. Set to true in the hdfs-site.xml file on all server systems.
4. Restart all daemons.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 145
Integrating Hadoop Security with Active Directory
Integrating Hadoop Security with Active Directory
One of the ramifications of enabling security on a Hadoop cluster is that every user who interacts with the
cluster must have a Kerberos principal configured. For organizations that use Active Directory to manage user
accounts, it can be onerous to create corresponding user accounts for each user in an MIT Kerberos realm.
Fortunately, it is possible to integrate Active Directory with Hadoop's security features.
To configure Hadoop to use Active Directory:
1. Run an MIT Kerberos KDC and realm local to the cluster and create all service principals in this realm.
2. Set up one-way cross-realm trust from this realm to the Active Directory realm. Using this method, there is
no need to create service principals in Active Directory, but Active Directory principals (users) can be
authenticated to Hadoop. See Configuring a Local MIT Kerberos Realm to Trust Active Directory on page 147.
Cloudera strongly recommends the method above because:
• It requires minimal configuration in Active Directory.
• It is comparatively easy to script the creation of many principals and keytabs. A principal and keytab must
be created for every daemon in the cluster, and in a large cluster this can be extremely onerous to do directly
in Active Directory.
• There is no need to involve central Active Directory administrators in order to get service principals created.
• It allows for incremental configuration. The Hadoop administrator can completely configure and verify the
functionality the cluster independently of integrating with Active Directory.
• It can serve to shield the corporate Active Directory server(s) from the many machines in a Hadoop cluster
all requesting Kerberos tickets simultaneously. During cluster start-up, Hadoop will effectively be acting as
a distributed denial of service attack on the central Active Directory server, which could adversely affect the
performance of the Active Directory server.
Configuring a Local MIT Kerberos Realm to Trust Active Directory
On the Active Directory Server
Note: Run these commands on every domain controller that is advertising itself for the Active Directory
domain (and every domain controller that is promoted subsequently).
1. Type the following command to specify the local MIT KDC host name (for example, and local realm (for example,
2. Type the following command to add the local realm trust to Active Directory:
3. Type the following command to set the proper encryption type:
On Windows 2003 RC2:
ktpass /MITRealmName YOUR-LOCAL-REALM.COMPANY.COM /TrustEncryp <enc_type>
CDH 5 Security Guide | 147
Integrating Hadoop Security with Active Directory
On Windows 2008:
ksetup /SetEncTypeAttr YOUR-LOCAL-REALM.COMPANY.COM <enc_type>
where the <enc_type> parameter specifies AES, DES, or RC4 encryption. Refer to the documentation for your
version of Windows Active Directory to find the <enc_type> parameter string to use.
Make sure the encryption type you specify is supported on both your version of Windows Active
Directory and your version of MIT Kerberos.
On the MIT KDC server
Type the following command in the kadmin.local or kadmin shell to add the cross-realm krbtgt principal. Use
the same password you used in the netdom command on the Active Directory Server.
kadmin: addprinc -e "<enc_type_list>"
where the <enc_type_list> parameter specifies the types of encryption this cross-realm krbtgt principal will
support: either AES, DES, or RC4 encryption. You can specify multiple encryption types using the parameter in
the command above, what's important is that at least one of the encryption types corresponds to the encryption
type found in the tickets granted by the KDC in the remote realm. For example:
kadmin: addprinc -e "rc4-hmac:normal des3-hmac-sha1:normal"
The cross-realm krbtgt principal that you add in this step must have at least one entry that uses the same
encryption type as the tickets that are issued by the remote KDC. If no entries have the same encryption
type, then the problem you will see is that authenticating as a principal in the local realm will allow you to
successfully run Hadoop commands, but authenticating as a principal in the remote realm will not allow you
to run Hadoop commands.
On all of the cluster machines
1. Verify that both Kerberos realms are configured on all of the cluster boxes. Note that the default realm and
the domain realm should remain set as the MIT Kerberos realm which is local to the cluster.
kdc =
admin_server =
default_domain =
kdc =
admin_server =
default_domain =
2. To properly translate principal names from the Active Directory realm into local names within Hadoop, you
must configure the setting in the core-site.xml file on all of the
cluster machines. The following example translates all principal names with the realm
148 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Integrating Hadoop Security with Active Directory
AD-REALM.CORP.FOO.COM into the first component of the principal name only. It also preserves the standard
translation for the default realm (the cluster realm).
For more information about name mapping rules, see: Configuring the Mapping from Kerberos Principals to
Short Names
CDH 5 Security Guide | 149
Integrating Hadoop Security with Alternate Authentication
Integrating Hadoop Security with Alternate Authentication
One of the ramifications of enabling security on a Hadoop cluster is that every user who interacts with the
cluster must have a Kerberos principal configured. For some of the services, specifically Oozie and Hadoop (for
example, JobTracker and TaskTracker), it can be convenient to run a mixed form of authentication where Kerberos
authentication is used for API or command line access while some other form of authentication (for example,
SSO and LDAP) is used for accessing Web UIs. Using an alternate authentication deployment is considered an
advanced topic because only a partial implementation is provided in this release: you will have to implement
some of the code yourself.
The following instructions assume you have already performed the installation and configuration
steps in Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5.
Proceed as follows:
• Step 1: Configure the AuthenticationFilter to use Kerberos on page 151
• Step 2: Creating an AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler Subclass on page 151
• Step 3: Enabling Your AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler Subclass on page 152
See also the Example Implementation for Oozie on page 153.
Step 1: Configure the AuthenticationFilter to use Kerberos
First, you must do all of the steps in the Server Side Configuration section of the Hadoop Auth, Java HTTP SPNEGO
Documentation to configure AuthenticationFilter to use Kerberos. You must configure
AuthenticationFilter to use Kerberos before doing the steps below.
Step 2: Creating an AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler Subclass
An AuthenticationHandler is installed on the server-side to handle authenticating clients and creating an
1. Subclass the class
(in the hadoop-auth package).
2. When a client sends a request, the authenticate method will be called. For browsers,
AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler will call the alternateAuthenticate method, which is what you
need to implement to interact with the desired authentication mechanism. For non-browsers,
AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler will follow the Kerberos SPNEGO sequence (this is provided for you).
3. The alternateAuthenticate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
method in your subclass should following these rules:
4. Return null if the authentication is still in progress; the response object can be used to interact with the
5. Throw an AuthenticationException if the authentication failed.
6. Return an AuthenticationToken if the authentication completed successfully.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 151
Integrating Hadoop Security with Alternate Authentication
Step 3: Enabling Your AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler Subclass
You can enable the alternate authentication on Hadoop Web UIs, Oozie Web UIs, or both. You will need to include
a JAR containing your subclass on the classpath of Hadoop and/or Oozie. All Kerberos-related configuration
properties will still apply.
Step 3a: Enabling Your AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler Subclass on Hadoop Web UIs
1. Stop Hadoop by running the following command on every node in your cluster (as root):
$ for x in `cd /etc/init.d ; ls hadoop-*` ; do sudo service $x stop ; done
2. Set the following property in core-site.xml, where is the classname of your subclass:
3. (Optional) You can also specify which user-agents you do not want to be considered as browsers by setting
the following property as required (default value is shown). Note that all Java-based programs (such as
Hadoop client) will use java as their user-agent.
4. Copy the JAR containing your subclass into /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/.
5. Start Hadoop by running the following command:
$ for x in `cd /etc/init.d ; ls hadoop-*` ; do sudo service $x start ; done
Step 3b: Enabling Your AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler Subclass on Oozie Web UI
These instructions assume you have already performed the installation and configuration steps in
Oozie Security Configuration.
1. Stop the Oozie Server:
sudo /sbin/service oozie stop
2. Set the following property in oozie-site.xml, where is the classname of your subclass:
152 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Integrating Hadoop Security with Alternate Authentication
3. (Optional) You can also specify which user-agents you do not want to be considered as browsers by setting
the following property as required (default value is shown). Note that all Java-based programs (such as
Hadoop client) will use java as their user-agent.
4. Copy the JAR containing your subclass into /var/lib/oozie.
5. Start the Oozie Server:
sudo /sbin/service oozie start
Example Implementation for Oozie
The example implementation is NOT SECURE. Its purpose is to be as simple as possible, as an example
of how to write your own AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler subclass.
It should NOT be used in a production environment
An example implementation of AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler is included (though not built by default)
with Oozie. Also included is a simple Login Server with two implementations. The first one will authenticate any
user who is using a username and password that are identical, such as foo:foo. The second one can be configured
against an LDAP server to use LDAP for authentication.
You can read comprehensive documentation on the example at Creating Custom Authentication.
If you installed Oozie from the CDH packages and are deploying oozie-login.war alongside
oozie.war, you will also need to run the following commands after you copy the oozie-login.war
file to /usr/lib/oozie/oozie-server (if using YARN or /usr/lib/oozie/oozie-server-0.20
if using MRv1) because it won't automatically be expanded:
jar xvf oozie-login.war
mkdir oozie-login
mv META-INF oozie-login/
mv WEB-INF oozie-login/
CDH 5 Security Guide | 153
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
This Troubleshooting appendix contains sample Kerberos configuration files, krb5.conf and kdc.conf for your
reference. It also has solutions to potential problems you might face when configuring a secure cluster:
• Sample Kerberos Configuration files: krb5.conf, kdc.conf, kadm5.acl
• Problem 1: Running any Hadoop command fails after enabling security.
• Problem 2: Java is unable to read the Kerberos credentials cache created by versions of MIT Kerberos 1.8.1
or higher.
• Problem 3: Incorrect permission
• Problem 4: A cluster fails to run jobs after security is enabled.
• Problem 5: The NameNode does not start and KrbException Messages (906) and (31) are displayed.
• Problem 6: The NameNode starts but clients cannot connect to it and error message contains enctype code
• (MRv1 Only) Problem 7: Jobs won't run and TaskTracker is unable to create a local mapred directory.
• (MRv1 Only) Problem 8: Jobs won't run and TaskTracker is unable to create a Hadoop logs directory.
• Problem 9: After you enable cross-realm trust, you can run Hadoop commands in the local realm but not in
the remote realm.
• mapred.local.dir> (MRv1 Only) Problem 10: Jobs won't run and can't access files in mapred.local.dir.
• Problem 11: Users are unable to obtain credentials when running Hadoop jobs or commands.
• Problem 12: Request is a replay exceptions in the logs. on page 164
Sample Kerberos Configuration files: krb5.conf, kdc.conf, kadm5.acl
Sample kdc.conf:
kdc_ports = 88
kdc_tcp_ports = 88
#master_key_type = aes256-cts
max_renewable_life = 7d 0h 0m 0s
acl_file = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
dict_file = /usr/share/dict/words
admin_keytab = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab
# note that aes256 is ONLY supported in Active Directory in a domain / forrest operating
at a 2008 or greater functional level.
# aes256 requires that you download and deploy the JCE Policy files for your JDK release
level to provide
# strong java encryption extension levels like AES256. Make sure to match based on the
encryption configured within AD for
# cross realm auth, note that RC4 = arcfour when comparing windows and linux enctypes
supported_enctypes = aes256-cts:normal aes128-cts:normal des3-hmac-sha1:normal
arcfour-hmac:normal des-hmac-sha1:normal des-cbc-md5:normal des-cbc-crc:normal
default_principal_flags = +renewable
Sample krb5.conf:
default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM
CDH 5 Security Guide | 155
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
dns_lookup_realm = false
dns_lookup_kdc = false
ticket_lifetime = 24h
renew_lifetime = 7d
forwardable = true
udp_preference_limit = 1
# uncomment the following if AD cross realm auth is ONLY providing DES encrypted tickets
# allow-weak-crypto = true
kdc =
kdc =
admin_server =
admin_server =
default_domain =
kdc =
admin_server =
default_domain =
# The domain_realm is critical for mapping your host domain names to the kerberos realms
# that are servicing them. Make sure the lowercase left hand portion indicates any
domains or subdomains
# that will be related to the kerberos REALM on the right hand side of the expression.
REALMs will
# always be UPPERCASE. For example, if your actual DNS domain was but your
kerberos REALM is
# EXAMPLE.COM then you would have,
[domain_realm] = EXAMPLE.COM
# AD domains and realms are usually the same = AD-REALM.EXAMPLE.COM = AD-REALM.EXAMPLE.COM
Sample kadm5.acl:
*/admin@HADOOP.COM *
Problem 1: Running any Hadoop command fails after enabling security.
A user must have a valid Kerberos ticket in order to interact with a secure Hadoop cluster. Running any Hadoop
command (such as hadoop fs -ls) will fail if you do not have a valid Kerberos ticket in your credentials cache.
If you do not have a valid ticket, you will receive an error such as:
11/01/04 12:08:12 WARN ipc.Client: Exception encountered while connecting to the server
156 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism
level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)]
Bad connection to FS. command aborted. exception: Call to nn-host/ failed
on local exception: GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: No
valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)]
You can examine the Kerberos tickets currently in your credentials cache by running the klist command. You
can obtain a ticket by running the kinit command and either specifying a keytab file containing credentials, or
entering the password for your principal.
Problem 2: Java is unable to read the Kerberos credentials cache created
by versions of MIT Kerberos 1.8.1 or higher.
If you are running MIT Kerberos 1.8.1 or higher, the following error will occur when you attempt to interact with
the Hadoop cluster, even after successfully obtaining a Kerberos ticket using kinit:
11/01/04 12:08:12 WARN ipc.Client: Exception encountered while connecting to the server
GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism
level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)]
Bad connection to FS. command aborted. exception: Call to nn-host/ failed
on local exception: GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: No
valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)]
Because of a change 1 in the format in which MIT Kerberos writes its credentials cache, there is a bug 2 in the
Oracle JDK 6 Update 26 and earlier that causes Java to be unable to read the Kerberos credentials cache created
by versions of MIT Kerberos 1.8.1 or higher. Kerberos 1.8.1 is the default in Ubuntu Lucid and later releases and
Debian Squeeze and later releases. (On RHEL and CentOS, an older version of MIT Kerberos which does not have
this issue, is the default.)
Footnotes: 1 MIT Kerberos change: 2 Report of bug in
Oracle JDK 6 Update 26 and earlier:
If you encounter this problem, you can work around it by running kinit -R after running kinit initially to obtain
credentials. Doing so will cause the ticket to be renewed, and the credentials cache rewritten in a format which
Java can read. To illustrate this:
$ klist
klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000)
$ hadoop fs -ls
11/01/04 13:15:51 WARN ipc.Client: Exception encountered while connecting to the server
GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism
level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)]
Bad connection to FS. command aborted. exception: Call to nn-host/ failed
on local exception: GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: No
valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)]
$ kinit
Password for atm@YOUR-REALM.COM:
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: atm@YOUR-REALM.COM
CDH 5 Security Guide | 157
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
Valid starting
Service principal
01/04/11 13:19:31 01/04/11 23:19:31 krbtgt/YOUR-REALM.COM@YOUR-REALM.COM
renew until 01/05/11 13:19:30
$ hadoop fs -ls
11/01/04 13:15:59 WARN ipc.Client: Exception encountered while connecting to the server
GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism
level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)]
Bad connection to FS. command aborted. exception: Call to nn-host/ failed
on local exception: GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: No
valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)]
$ kinit -R
$ hadoop fs -ls
Found 6 items
drwx------ atm atm
0 2011-01-02 16:16 /user/atm/.staging
This workaround for Problem 2 requires the initial ticket to be renewable. Note that whether or not
you can obtain renewable tickets is dependent upon a KDC-wide setting, as well as a per-principal
setting for both the principal in question and the Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) service principal for the
realm. A non-renewable ticket will have the same values for its "valid starting" and "renew until"
times. If the initial ticket is not renewable, the following error message is displayed when attempting
to renew the ticket:
kinit: Ticket expired while renewing credentials
Problem 3: Incorrect permission
An error such as the following example is displayed if the user running one of the Hadoop daemons has a umask
of 0002, instead of 0022: Incorrect permission for
expected: rwxr-xr-x, while actual: rwxrwxr-x
at org.apache.hadoop.util.DiskChecker.checkPermission(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.DiskChecker.checkDir(
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster.startDataNodes(
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster.<init>(
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster.<init>(
158 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.ProgramDriver.driver(
at org.apache.hadoop.test.AllTestDriver.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar.main(
Make sure that the umask for hdfs and mapred is 0022.
Problem 4: A cluster fails to run jobs after security is enabled.
A cluster that was previously configured to not use security may fail to run jobs for certain users on certain
TaskTrackers (MRv1) or NodeManagers (YARN) after security is enabled:
1. A cluster is at some point in time configured without security enabled. 2. A user X runs some jobs on the
cluster, which creates a local user directory on each TaskTracker or NodeManager. 3. Security is enabled on the
cluster. 4. User X tries to run jobs on the cluster, and the local user directory on (potentially a subset of) the
TaskTrackers or NodeManagers is owned by the wrong user or has overly-permissive permissions.
The bug is that after step 2, the local user directory on the TaskTracker or NodeManager should be cleaned up,
but isn't.
If you're encountering this problem, you may see errors in the TaskTracker or NodeManager logs. The following
example is for a TaskTracker on MRv1:
10/11/03 01:29:55 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id : attempt_201011021321_0004_m_000011_0,
Status : FAILED
Error initializing attempt_201011021321_0004_m_000011_0: org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell$ExitCodeException:
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LinuxTaskController.runCommand(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.localizeJob(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.startNewTask(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker$
Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell$ExitCodeException:
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.runCommand(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell$ShellCommandExecutor.execute(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LinuxTaskController.runCommand(
... 5 more
Delete the mapred.local.dir or yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs directories for that user across the cluster.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 159
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
Problem 5: The NameNode does not start and KrbException Messages
(906) and (31) are displayed.
When you attempt to start the NameNode, a login failure occurs. This failure prevents the NameNode from
starting and the following KrbException messages are displayed:
Caused by: KrbException: Integrity check on decrypted field failed (31) PREAUTH_FAILED}}
Caused by: KrbException: Identifier doesn't match expected value (906)
These KrbException error messages are displayed only if you enable debugging output. See Appendix
D - Enabling Debugging Output for the Sun Kerberos Classes.
Although there are several possible problems that can cause these two KrbException error messages to display,
here are some actions you can take to solve the most likely problems:
• If you are using CentOS/Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6 or later, or Ubuntu, which use AES-256 encryption by
default for tickets, you must install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction
Policy File on all cluster and Hadoop user machines. For information about how to verify the type of encryption
used in your cluster, see Step 3: If you are Using AES-256 Encryption, install the JCE Policy File on page 20.
Alternatively, you can change your kdc.conf or krb5.conf to not use AES-256 by removing
aes256-cts:normal from the supported_enctypes field of the kdc.conf or krb5.conf file. Note that
after changing the kdc.conf file, you'll need to restart both the KDC and the kadmin server for those changes
to take affect. You may also need to recreate or change the password of the relevant principals, including
potentially the TGT principal (krbtgt/REALM@REALM).
• In the [realms] section of your kdc.conf file, in the realm corresponding to HADOOP.LOCALDOMAIN, add (or
replace if it's already present) the following variable:
supported_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1:normal arcfour-hmac:normal des-hmac-sha1:normal
des-cbc-md5:normal des-cbc-crc:normal des-cbc-crc:v4 des-cbc-crc:afs3
• Recreate the hdfs keytab file and mapred keytab file using the -norandkey option in the xst command (for
details, see Step 4: Create and Deploy the Kerberos Principals and Keytab Files on page 21).
kadmin.local: xst -norandkey -k hdfs.keytab hdfs/
kadmin.local: xst -norandkey -k mapred.keytab mapred/
160 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
Problem 6: The NameNode starts but clients cannot connect to it and error
message contains enctype code 18.
The NameNode keytab file does not have an AES256 entry, but client tickets do contain an AES256 entry. The
NameNode starts but clients cannot connect to it. The error message doesn't refer to "AES256", but does contain
an enctype code "18".
Make sure the "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy File" is installed or
remove aes256-cts:normal from the supported_enctypes field of the kdc.conf or krb5.conf file. For more
information, see the first suggested solution above for Problem 5.
For more information about the Kerberos encryption types, see
(MRv1 Only) Problem 7: Jobs won't run and TaskTracker is unable to create
a local mapred directory.
The TaskTracker log contains the following error message:
11/08/17 14:44:06 INFO mapred.TaskController: main : user is atm
11/08/17 14:44:06 INFO mapred.TaskController: Failed to create directory
/var/log/hadoop/cache/mapred/mapred/local1/taskTracker/atm - No such file or directory
11/08/17 14:44:06 WARN mapred.TaskTracker: Exception while localization Job initialization failed (20)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker$
at Method)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.initializeJob(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.localizeJob(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.startNewTask(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker$
Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell$ExitCodeException:
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.runCommand(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell$ShellCommandExecutor.execute(
... 8 more
Make sure the value specified for mapred.local.dir is identical in mapred-site.xml and taskcontroller.cfg.
If the values are different, the error message above is returned.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 161
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
(MRv1 Only) Problem 8: Jobs won't run and TaskTracker is unable to create
a Hadoop logs directory.
The TaskTracker log contains an error message similar to the following :
11/08/17 14:48:23 INFO mapred.TaskController: Failed to create directory
- No such file or directory
11/08/17 14:48:23 WARN mapred.TaskTracker: Exception while localization Job initialization failed (255)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker$
at Method)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.initializeJob(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.localizeJob(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.startNewTask(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker$
Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell$ExitCodeException:
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.runCommand(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell$ShellCommandExecutor.execute(
... 8 more
In MRv1, the default value specified for hadoop.log.dir in mapred-site.xml is
/var/log/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce. The path must be owned and be writable by the mapred user. If you
change the default value specified for hadoop.log.dir, make sure the value is identical in mapred-site.xml
and taskcontroller.cfg. If the values are different, the error message above is returned.
Problem 9: After you enable cross-realm trust, you can run Hadoop
commands in the local realm but not in the remote realm.
After you enable cross-realm trust, authenticating as a principal in the local realm will allow you to successfully
run Hadoop commands, but authenticating as a principal in the remote realm will not allow you to run Hadoop
commands. The most common cause of this problem is that the principals in the two realms either don't have
the same encryption type, or the cross-realm principals in the two realms don't have the same password. This
issue manifests itself because you are able to get Ticket Granting Tickets (TGTs) from both the local and remote
realms, but you are unable to get a service ticket to allow the principals in the local and remote realms to
communicate with each other.
162 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
On the local MIT KDC server host, type the following command in the kadmin.local or kadmin shell to add the
cross-realm krbtgt principal:
kadmin: addprinc -e "<enc_type_list>"
where the <enc_type_list> parameter specifies the types of encryption this cross-realm krbtgt principal will
support: AES, DES, or RC4 encryption. You can specify multiple encryption types using the parameter in the
command above, what's important is that at least one of the encryption types parameters corresponds to the
encryption type found in the tickets granted by the KDC in the remote realm. For example:
kadmin: addprinc -e "aes256-cts:normal rc4-hmac:normal des3-hmac-sha1:normal"
(MRv1 Only) Problem 10: Jobs won't run and can't access files in
mapred.local.dir .
The TaskTracker log contains the following error message:
WARN org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker: Exception while localization Job initialization failed (1)
1. Add the mapred user to the mapred and hadoop groups on all hosts.
2. Restart all TaskTrackers.
Problem 11: Users are unable to obtain credentials when running Hadoop
jobs or commands.
This error occurs because the ticket message is too large for the default UDP protocol. An error message similar
to the following may be displayed:
13/01/15 17:44:48 DEBUG ipc.Client: Exception encountered while connecting to the server
GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism
level: Fail to create credential.
(63) - No service creds)]
Force Kerberos to use TCP instead of UDP by adding the following parameter to libdefaults in the krb5.conf
file on the client(s) where the problem is occurring.
udp_preference_limit = 1
More Info About the udp_preference_limit Property
CDH 5 Security Guide | 163
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
When sending a message to the KDC, the library will try using TCP before UDP if the size of the ticket message
is larger than the setting specified for the udp_preference_limit property. If the ticket message is smaller
than udp_preference_limit setting, then UDP will be tried before TCP. Regardless of the size, both protocols
will be tried if the first attempt fails.
Problem 12: Request
is a replay
exceptions in the logs.
Symptom: The following exception shows up in the logs for one or more of the Hadoop daemons:
2013-02-28 22:49:03,152 INFO ipc.Server ( - IPC Server listener
on 8020: readAndProcess threw exception GSS initiate
failed [Caused by GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism l GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: Failure
unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Request is a replay (34))]
at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server$Connection.saslReadAndProcess(
at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server$Connection.readAndProcess(
at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server$Listener.doRead(
at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server$Listener$
Caused by: GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Request
is a replay (34))
... 4 more
Caused by: KrbException: Request is a replay (34)
... 7 more
In addition, this problem can manifest itself as performance issues for all clients in the cluster, including dropped
connections, timeouts attempting to make RPC calls, and so on.
Likely causes:
• Multiple services in the cluster are using the same kerberos principal. All secure clients that run on multiple
machines should use unique kerberos principals for each machine. For example, rather than connecting as
a service principal myservice@EXAMPLE.COM, services should have per-host principals such as
• Clocks not in synch: All hosts should run NTP so that clocks are kept in synch between clients and servers.
164 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Appendix B - Information about Other Hadoop Security Programs
Appendix B - Information about Other Hadoop Security Programs
This section contains information about the following programs:
• MRv1 and YARN: A binary called jsvc that is in the bigtop-jsvc package and installed in either
/usr/lib/bigtop-utils/jsvc or /usr/libexec/bigtop-utils/jsvc depending on the particular Linux
flavor. See MRv1 and YARN: The jsvc Program on page 165.
• MRv1 Only: A setuid binary called task-controller that is in the hadoop-0.20-mapreduce package and
installed in either /usr/lib/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce/sbin/Linux-amd64-64/task-controller or
/usr/lib/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce/sbin/Linux-i386-32/task-controller. See MRv1 Only: The Linux
TaskController Program on page 165.
• YARN only: A setuid binary called container-executor that is in the hadoop-yarn package and installed
in /usr/lib/hadoop-yarn/bin/container-executor. See YARN Only: The Linux Container Executor
Program on page 165.
MRv1 and YARN: The jsvc Program
The jsvc (more info) program is used to start the DataNode listening on low port numbers. Its entry point is
the SecureDataNodeStarter class, which implements the Daemon interface that jsvc expects. jsvc is run
as root, and calls the SecureDataNodeStarter.init(...) method while running as root. Once the
SecureDataNodeStarter class has finished initializing, jsvc sets the effective UID to be the hdfs user, and
then calls SecureDataNodeStarter.start(...). SecureDataNodeStarter then calls the regular DataNode
entry point, passing in a reference to the privileged resources it previously obtained.
MRv1 Only: The Linux TaskController Program
The task-controller program, which is used on MRv1 only, allows the TaskTracker to run tasks under the
Unix account of the user who submitted the job in the first place. It is a setuid binary that must have a very
specific set of permissions and ownership in order to function correctly. In particular, it must:
Be owned by root
Be owned by a group that contains only the user running the MapReduce daemons
Be setuid
Be group readable and executable
This corresponds to the ownership root:mapred and the permissions 4754.
Here is the output of ls on a correctly-configured Task-controller:
-rwsr-xr-- 1 root mapred 30888 Mar 18 13:03 task-controller
The TaskTracker will check for this configuration on start up, and fail to start if the Task-controller is not configured
YARN Only: The Linux Container Executor Program
The container-executor program, which is used on YARN only and supported on GNU/Linux only, runs the
containers as the user who submitted the application. It requires all user accounts to be created on the cluster
nodes where the containers are launched. It uses a setuid executable that is included in the Hadoop distribution.
The NodeManager uses this executable to launch and kill containers. The setuid executable switches to the user
who has submitted the application and launches or kills the containers. For maximum security, this executor
sets up restricted permissions and user/group ownership of local files and directories used by the containers
CDH 5 Security Guide | 165
Appendix B - Information about Other Hadoop Security Programs
such as the shared objects, jars, intermediate files, log files, and so on. As a result, only the application owner
and NodeManager can access any of the local files/directories including those localized as part of the distributed
The container-executor program must have a very specific set of permissions and ownership in order to
function correctly. In particular, it must:
Be owned by root
Be owned by a group that contains only the user running the YARN daemons
Be setuid
Be group readable and executable
This corresponds to the ownership root:yarn and the permissions 6050.
---Sr-s--- 1 root yarn 91886 2012-04-01 19:54 container-executor
166 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Appendix C - Configuring the Mapping from Kerberos Principals to Short Names
Appendix C - Configuring the Mapping from Kerberos Principals
to Short Names
You configure the mapping from Kerberos principals to short names in the
property setting in the core-site.xml file. Kerberos has this support natively, and Hadoop's implementation
reuses Kerberos's configuration language to specify the mapping.
A mapping consists of a set of rules that are evaluated in the order listed in the property. The first rule that matches a principal name is used to map that
principal name to a short name. Any later rules in the list that match the same principal name are ignored.
You specify the mapping rules on separate lines in the property as follows:
RULE:[<principal translation>](<acceptance filter>)<short name substitution>
RULE:[<principal translation>](<acceptance filter>)<short name substitution>
Mapping Rule Syntax
To specify a mapping rule, use the prefix string RULE: followed by three sections—principal translation, acceptance
filter, and short name substitution—described in more detail below. The syntax of a mapping rule is:
RULE:[<principal translation>](<acceptance filter>)<short name substitution>
Principal Translation
The first section of a rule, <principal translation>, performs the matching of the principal name to the rule.
If there is a match, the principal translation also does the initial translation of the principal name to a short
name. In the <principal translation> section, you specify the number of components in the principal name
and the pattern you want to use to translate those principal component(s) and realm into a short name. In
Kerberos terminology, a principal name is a set of components separated by slash ("/") characters.
The principal translation is composed of two parts that are both specified within "[ ]" using the following syntax:
[<number of components in principal name>:<initial specification of short name>]
<number of components in principal name> – This first part specifies the number of components in the principal
name (not including the realm) and must be 1 or 2. A value of 1 specifies principal names that have a single
component (for example, hdfs), and 2 specifies principal names that have two components (for example,
hdfs/ A principal name that has only one component will only match
single-component rules, and a principal name that has two components will only match two-component rules.
<initial specification of short name> – This second part specifies a pattern for translating the principal
component(s) and the realm into a short name. The variable $0 translates the realm, $1 translates the first
component, and $2 translates the second component.
Here are some examples of principal translation sections. These examples use atm@YOUR-REALM.COM and
atm/ as principal name inputs:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 167
Appendix C - Configuring the Mapping from Kerberos Principals to Short Names
This Principal Translates
atm@YOUR-REALM.COM into atm/ into
this short name
this short name
Rule does not match1
Rule does not match1
Rule does not match1
[2:$1/$2@$0] Rule does not match
Rule does not match2
Rule does not match
Rule does not match2
Rule does not match because there are two components in principal name
Rule does not match because there is one component in principal name atm@YOUR-REALM.COM
Acceptance Filter
The second section of a rule, (<acceptance filter>), matches the translated short name from the principal
translation (that is, the output from the first section). The acceptance filter is specified in "( )" characters and is
a standard regular expression. A rule matches only if the specified regular expression matches the entire
translated short name from the principal translation. That is, there's an implied ^ at the beginning of the pattern
and an implied $ at the end.
Short Name Substitution
The third and final section of a rule is the (<short name substitution>). If there is a match in the second
section, the acceptance filter, the (<short name substitution>) section does a final translation of the short
name from the first section. This translation is a sed replacement expression (s/.../.../g) that translates
the short name from the first section into the final short name string. The short name substitution section is
optional. In many cases, it is sufficient to use the first two sections only.
Example Rules
Suppose all of your service principals are either of the form
App.service-name/ or
App.service-name@YOUR-REALM.COM, and you want to map these to the short name string service-name.
To do this, your rule set would be:
The first $1 in each rule is a reference to the first component of the full principal name, and the second $1 is a
regular expression back-reference to text that is matched by (.*).
168 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Appendix C - Configuring the Mapping from Kerberos Principals to Short Names
Default Rule
You can specify an optional default rule called DEFAULT (see example above). The default rule reduces a principal
name down to its first component only. For example, the default rule reduces the principal names
atm@YOUR-REALM.COM or atm/ down to atm, assuming that
the default domain is YOUR-REALM.COM.
The default rule applies only if the principal is in the default realm.
If a principal name does not match any of the specified rules, the mapping for that principal name will fail.
Testing Mapping Rules
You can test mapping rules for a long principal name by running:
$ hadoop name1 name2 name3
CDH 5 Security Guide | 169
Appendix D - Enabling Debugging Output for the Sun Kerberos Classes
Appendix D - Enabling Debugging Output for the Sun Kerberos
Initially getting a secure Hadoop cluster configured properly can be tricky, especially for those who are not yet
familiar with Kerberos. To help with this, it can be useful to enable debugging output for the Sun Kerberos
classes. To do so, set the HADOOP_OPTS environment variable to the following:
CDH 5 Security Guide | 171
Appendix E - Task-controller and Container-executor Error Codes
Appendix E - Task-controller and Container-executor Error Codes
The task-controller and container-executor programs are setuid binaries that Hadoop uses internally to
run tasks under the Unix account of the user who submitted the job. For more information about these programs,
see Appendix B - Information about Other Hadoop Security Programs.
When you set up a secure cluster for the first time and debug problems with it, the task-controller or
container-executor may encounter errors. These programs communicate these errors to the TaskTracker or
NodeManager daemon via numeric error codes which will appear in the TaskTracker or NodeManager logs
respectively (/var/log/hadoop-mapreduce or /var/log/hadoop-yarn). The following sections list the
possible numeric error codes with descriptions of what they mean:
• MRv1 ONLY: Task-controller Error Codes on page 173
• YARN ONLY: Container-executor Error Codes on page 175
MRv1 ONLY: Task-controller Error Codes
The following table applies to the task-controller in MRv1.
• Incorrect number of arguments provided for
the given task-controller command
• Failure to initialize the job localizer
The user passed to the task-controller does not
The task-controller does not recognize the
command it was asked to execute.
SUPER_USER_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_RUN_TASKS The user passed to the task-controller was the
super user.
The passed TaskTracker root does not match the
configured TaskTracker root
(mapred.local.dir), or does not exist.
Either could not read the local groups database,
or could not set UID or GID
The task-controller could not execute the task
launcher script.
The task-controller could not kill the task it was
The PID passed to the task-controller was
negative or 0.
The task-controller couldn't resolve the path of
the task launcher script file.
RELATIVE_PATH_COMPONENTS_IN_FILE_PATH The path to the task launcher script file contains
relative components (for example, "..").
CDH 5 Security Guide | 173
Appendix E - Task-controller and Container-executor Error Codes
The task-controller didn't have permission to stat
a file it needed to check the ownership of.
A file which the task-controller must change the
ownership of has the wrong the ownership.
The mapred.local.dir is not configured, could
not be read by the task-controller, or could not
have its ownership secured.
The task-controller couldn't get, stat, or secure
the job directory or job working working directory.
The task-controller could not find or could not
change the ownership of the task log directory
to the passed user.
The hadoop.log.dir is not configured.
The task-controller couldn't determine the job
directory path or the task launcher script path.
Couldn't get a unique value for, stat, or the local
distributed cache directory.
Couldn't get, stat, or secure the per-user task
tracker directory.
The task-controller couldn't concatenate two
paths, most likely because it ran out of memory.
The task-controller binary does not have the
correct permissions set. See Appendix B Information about Other Hadoop Security
The task-controller could not find or could not
change the ownership of the job log directory to
the passed user.
The taskcontroller.cfg file is missing, malformed,
or has incorrect permissions.
Unknown Error
There are several causes for this error. Some
common causes are:
• There are user accounts on your cluster that
have a user ID less than the value specified
for the property in the
taskcontroller.cfg file. The default value
is 1000 which is appropriate on Ubuntu
systems, but may not be valid for your
operating system. For information about
setting in the
taskcontroller.cfg file, see this step.
174 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Appendix E - Task-controller and Container-executor Error Codes
• Jobs won't run and the TaskTracker is unable
to create a Hadoop logs directory. For more
information, see (MRv1 Only) Problem 8: Jobs
won't run and TaskTracker is unable to create
a Hadoop logs directory. on page 162.
• This error is often caused by previous errors;
look earlier in the log file for possible causes.
YARN ONLY: Container-executor Error Codes
The following table applies to the container-executor in YARN.
• Incorrect number of arguments provided for
the given task-controller command
• Failure to initialize the container localizer
The user passed to the task-controller does not
The container-executor does not recognize the
command it was asked to execute.
The passed NodeManager root does not match
the configured NodeManager root
(yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs), or does not
Either could not read the local groups database,
or could not set UID or GID
The container-executor could not execute the
container launcher script.
The container-executor could not signal the
container it was passed.
The PID passed to the container-executor was
negative or 0.
The container-executor couldn't allocate enough
memory while reading the container-executor.cfg
file, or while getting the paths for the container
launcher script or credentials files.
Couldn't get, stat, or secure the per-user node
manager directory.
The container-executor couldn't concatenate two
paths, most likely because it ran out of memory.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 175
Appendix E - Task-controller and Container-executor Error Codes
The container-executor binary does not have the
correct permissions set. See Appendix B Information about Other Hadoop Security
The container-executor.cfg file is missing,
malformed, or has incorrect permissions.
Could not set the session ID of the forked
Failed to write the value of the PID of the
launched container to the PID file of the
Unknown Error
There are several causes for this error. Some
common causes are:
• There are user accounts on your cluster that
have a user ID less than the value specified
for the property in the
container-executor.cfg file. The default
value is 1000 which is appropriate on Ubuntu
systems, but may not be valid for your
operating system. For information about
setting in the
container-executor.cfg file, see this step.
• This error is often caused by previous errors;
look earlier in the log file for possible causes.
176 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Appendix F - Using kadmin to Create Kerberos Keytab Files
Appendix F - Using kadmin to Create Kerberos Keytab Files
If your version of Kerberos does not support the Kerberos -norandkey option in the xst command, or if you
must use kadmin because you cannot use kadmin.local, then you can use the following procedure to create
Kerberos keytab files. Using the -norandkey option when creating keytabs is optional and a convenience, but
it is not required.
For both MRv1 and YARN deployments: On every machine in your cluster, there must be a keytab file
for the hdfs user and a keytab file for the mapred user. The hdfs keytab file must contain entries for
the hdfs principal and an HTTP principal, and the mapred keytab file must contain entries for the
mapred principal and an HTTP principal. On each respective machine, the HTTP principal will be the
same in both keytab files.
In addition, for YARN deployments only: On every machine in your cluster, there must be a keytab file
for the yarn user. The yarn keytab file must contain entries for the yarn principal and an HTTP
principal. On each respective machine, the HTTP principal in the yarn keytab file will be the same as
the HTTP principal in the hdfs and mapred keytab files.
For instructions, see To create the Kerberos keytab files on page 177.
These instructions illustrate an example of creating keytab files for MIT Kerberos. If you are using
another version of Kerberos, refer to your Kerberos documentation for instructions. You can use either
kadmin or kadmin.local to run these commands.
To create the Kerberos keytab files
Do the following steps for every host in your cluster, replacing the in the
commands with the fully qualified domain name of each host:
1. Create the hdfs keytab file, which contains an entry for the hdfs principal. This keytab file is used for the
NameNode, Secondary NameNode, and DataNodes.
$ kadmin
kadmin: xst -k hdfs-unmerged.keytab hdfs/
2. Create the mapred keytab file, which contains an entry for the mapred principal. If you are using MRv1, the
mapred keytab file is used for the JobTracker and TaskTrackers. If you are using YARN, the mapred keytab
file is used for the MapReduce Job History Server.
xst -k mapred-unmerged.keytab mapred/
3. YARN only: Create the yarn keytab file, which contains an entry for the yarn principal. This keytab file is
used for the ResourceManager and NodeManager.
xst -k yarn-unmerged.keytab yarn/
4. Create the http keytab file, which contains an entry for the HTTP principal.
xst -k http.keytab HTTP/
CDH 5 Security Guide | 177
Appendix F - Using kadmin to Create Kerberos Keytab Files
5. Use the ktutil command to merge the previously-created keytabs:
$ ktutil
rkt hdfs-unmerged.keytab
rkt http.keytab
wkt hdfs.keytab
rkt mapred-unmerged.keytab
rkt http.keytab
wkt mapred.keytab
rkt yarn-unmerged.keytab
rkt http.keytab
wkt yarn.keytab
This procedure creates three new files: hdfs.keytab, mapred.keytab and yarn.keytab. These files contain
entries for the hdfs and HTTP principals, the mapred and HTTP principals, and the yarn and HTTP principals
6. Use klist to display the keytab file entries. For example, a correctly-created hdfs keytab file should look
something like this:
$ klist -e -k -t hdfs.keytab
Keytab name: WRFILE:hdfs.keytab
slot KVNO Principal
---- ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------1
HTTP/ (DES cbc mode with
HTTP/ (Triple DES cbc mode
with HMAC/sha1)
hdfs/ (DES cbc mode with
hdfs/ (Triple DES cbc mode
with HMAC/sha1)
7. To verify that you have performed the merge procedure correctly, make sure you can obtain credentials as
both the hdfs and HTTP principals using the single merged keytab:
$ kinit -k -t hdfs.keytab hdfs/
$ kinit -k -t hdfs.keytab HTTP/
If either of these commands fails with an error message such as "kinit: Key table entry not found
while getting initial credentials", then something has gone wrong during the merge procedure. Go
back to step 1 of this document and verify that you performed all the steps correctly.
8. To continue the procedure of configuring Hadoop security in CDH 5, follow the instructions in the section To
deploy the Kerberos keytab files.
178 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Appendix G - Setting Up a Gateway Node to Restrict Access
Appendix G - Setting Up a Gateway Node to Restrict Access
Use the instructions that follow to set up and use a Hadoop cluster that is entirely firewalled off from outside
access; the only exception will be one node which will act as a gateway. Client machines can access the cluster
through the gateway via the REST API.
HttpFS will be used to allow REST access to HDFS, and Oozie will allow REST access for submitting and monitoring
Installing and Configuring the Firewall and Gateway
Follow these steps:
Choose a cluster node to be the gateway machine
Install and configure the Oozie server by following the standard directions starting here: Installing Oozie
Install HttpFS.
Start the Oozie server:
$ sudo service oozie start
5. Start the HttpFS server:
$ sudo service hadoop-httpfs start
6. Configure firewalls.
Block all access from outside the cluster.
• The gateway node should have ports 11000 (oozie) and 14000 (hadoop-httpfs) open.
• Optionally, to maintain access to the Web UIs for the cluster's JobTrackers, NameNodes, etc., open their
HTTP ports: see Ports Used by Components of CDH 5.
7. Optionally configure authentication in simple mode (default) or using Kerberos. See HttpFS Security
Configuration on page 75 to configure Kerberos for HttpFS and Oozie Security Configuration on page 69 to
configure Kerberos for Oozie.
8. Optionally encrypt communication via HTTPS for Oozie by following these directions.
Accessing HDFS
With the Hadoop client:
All of the standard hadoop fs commands will work; just make sure to specify -fs webhdfs://HOSTNAME:14000.
For example (where GATEWAYHOST is the hostname of the gateway machine):
$ hadoop fs -fs webhdfs://GATEWAYHOST:14000 -cat /user/me/myfile.txt
Hello World!
Without the Hadoop client:
You can run all of the standard hadoop fs commands by using the WebHDFS REST API and any program that
can do GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests; for example:
$ curl "http://GATEWAYHOST:14000/webhdfs/v1/user/me/myfile.txt?op=OPEN&"
Hello World!
CDH 5 Security Guide | 179
Appendix G - Setting Up a Gateway Node to Restrict Access
Important: The parameter is valid only if security is disabled. In a secure cluster, you must
a initiate a valid Kerberos session.
In general, the command will look like this:
$ curl "http://GATEWAYHOST/webhdfs/v1/PATH?[]op=…"
You can find a full explanation of the commands in the WebHDFS REST API documentation.
Submitting and Monitoring Jobs
The Oozie REST API currently supports direct submission of MapReduce, Pig, and Hive jobs; Oozie will automatically
create a workflow with a single action. For any other action types, or to execute anything more complicated than
a single job, you will need to create an actual workflow. Any required files (e.g. JAR files, input data, etc.) must
already exist on HDFS; if they don't, you can use HttpFS to upload the files.
With the Oozie client:
All of the standard Oozie commands will work. You can find a full explanation of the commands in the
documentation for the command-line utilities.
Without the Oozie client:
You can run all of the standard Oozie commands by using the REST API and any program that can do GET, PUT,
and POST requests. You can find a full explanation of the commands in the Oozie Web Services API
180 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Appendix H - Using a Web Browser to Access an URL Protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO
Appendix H - Using a Web Browser to Access an URL Protected
by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO
To access an URL protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO, use the following instructions for the browser you are
To configure Mozilla Firefox:
1. Open the low level Firefox configuration page by loading the about:config page.
2. In the Search text box, enter: network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris
3. Double-click the network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris preference and enter the hostname or the
domain of the web server that is protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO. Separate multiple domains and
hostnames with a comma.
4. Click OK.
To configure Internet Explorer:
Follow the instructions given below to configure Internet Explorer to access URLs protected by
Configuring the Local Intranet Domain
Open Internet Explorer and click the Settings "gear" icon in the top-right corner. Select Internet options.
Select the Security tab.
Select the Local Intranet zone and click the Sites button.
Make sure that the first two options, Include all local (intranet) sites not listed in other zones and Include
all sites that bypass the proxy server are checked.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 181
Appendix H - Using a Web Browser to Access an URL Protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO
5. Click Advanced and add the names of the domains that are protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO, one at a
time, to the list of websites. For example, Click Close.
6. Click OK to save your configuration changes.
Configuring Intranet Authentication
1. Click the Settings "gear" icon in the top-right corner. Select Internet options.
2. Select the Security tab.
3. Select the Local Intranet zone and click the Custom level... button to open the Security Settings - Local
Intranet Zone dialog box.
4. Scroll down to the User Authentication options and select Automatic logon only in Intranet zone.
5. Click OK to save these changes.
Verifying Proxy Settings
182 | CDH 5 Security Guide
Appendix H - Using a Web Browser to Access an URL Protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO
You need to perform the following steps only if you have a proxy server already enabled.
Click the Settings "gear" icon in the top-right corner. Select Internet options.
Select the Connections tab and click LAN Settings.
Verify that the proxy server Address and Port number settings are correct.
Click Advanced to open the Proxy Settings dialog box.
Add the Kerberos-protected domains to the Exceptions field.
Click OK to save any changes.
To configure Google Chrome:
If you are using Windows, no configuration changes are needed for Google Chrome.
On MacOS or Linux, add the --auth-server-whitelist parameter to the google-chrome command. For
example, to run Chrome from a Linux prompt, run the google-chrome command as follows,
> google-chrome --auth-server-whitelist = "hostname/domain"
CDH 5 Security Guide | 183
Appendix I - Configuring LDAP Group Mappings
Appendix I - Configuring LDAP Group Mappings
To Set up LDAP (AD) group mappings for Hadoop, add the following properties to the core-site.xml on the
Ensure all your services are registered users in LDAP.
Note: In addition:
• If you are using Sentry with Hive, you will also need to add these properties on the HiveServer2
• If you are using Sentry with Impala, add these properties on all hosts
See Users and Groups in Sentry for more information.
CDH 5 Security Guide | 185