February 2013 - Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church

The monthly newsletter of
Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
Volume 11, Number 2
3149 Glen Carlyn Road
Falls Church, VA 22041
I WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO TAKE A MOMENT to reminisce on the day that you took
your child for the 40-day blessing. This was a day of great joy. This was the day
you introduced your child to the world. You did what scripture says you should do.
In Leviticus 12:6, we read, “When the days of her purification are completed, for a
son or for a daughter, she shall bring to the priest at the doorway of the tent of
meeting a one year old lamb for a burnt offering and a young pigeon or turtle dove
for a sin offering.”
That is the reason that, on February 2, 40 days after the birth of Christ, we celebrate the feast of the presentation of Christ in the Temple. When Jesus was forty
days old, Mary and Joseph took Him to the Temple in Jerusalem. They were not
wealthy, so they took two turtle doves with them to offer as a sacrifice at the Temple. As they arrived at the Temple, Mary and Joseph were met by a very old man
named Simeon. He was a holy man and was noted as a very intelligent scholar.
Simeon spent much time studying about the prophets of Israel. It was during his
studies that he learned of the coming of the Messiah. The Jewish people were waiting for the Messiah to come and deliver Israel from their conquerors. From that
time on, Simeon spent his time praying for the Messiah to come. He spent many
years in prayer. Finally, while Simeon was praying he heard the voice of God. God
promised Simeon that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. We can read
the entire account in Luke 2:22-29.
On the fortieth day, your child is brought to the Temple to be churched, that is, to
begin attending church. The child is brought by the mother, who has already been
cleansed and washed, accompanied by the intended sponsor at the Baptism. Standing together with the mother, child, and sponsor before the doors of the nave of the
church, the priest recites two prayers. The first prayer is for the mother:
O Lord God, whoever draws near for the salvation of the human race, come also to this
Your servant (Name), and through the prayers of Your venerable Priesthood account her
worthy to find refuge in Your holy Catholic Church, to obtain entrance into the Temple of
Your Glory, and worthy also to partake of the Precious Body and Blood of Your Christ. In
the fulfillment of the forty days, wash away from her every transgression, voluntary and
involuntary, so that accounted worthy to enter Your holy Temple, she may glorify with us
Your All; Holy Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, both now and
ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Then, the prayer for the child:
O Lord our God, Who on the fortieth day was brought as a child into the Temple of the
Law by Mary, the Virgin Bride and Your holy Mother, and was carried in the arms of the
righteous Symeon, do You also, Sovereign Master All-Powerful, bless this presented babe
that it may appear before You, the Creator of all things. And do You increase in him (her)
every good work acceptable to You, removing from him (her) every opposing might by the
sign of the likeness of Your Cross; for You are He Who guards infants, O Lord. So that,
(Continued on page 12, column 1)
Apokreatiko Glendi .............. 8
Bookstore ....................... 10
Book Review ...................... 7
Calendar ........................... 9
Catechetical School .............. 4
Church Duty Roster ........... 12
Community Pot Luck Dinner .. 10
Daughters of Penelope ........ 10
Directory......................... 13
GMU OCF ...................... 10
GOYA (ages 13-18) ............. 4
GRACE ............................ 7
Greek Article/School ............ 5
Missions and Outreach .......... 6
Parish Council .................... 3
Philoptochos..................... 10
Registry ............................ 4
Safeway e-Scrip ................ 12
Silent Prayer .................... 10
Stewardship ............ 11, 14-15
Women’s Book Club .......... 10
. . . AND MORE!
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey
Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
3149 Glen Carlyn Road
Falls Church, VA 22041
703-671-1515 phone
703-671-1385 facsimile
Rev. Protopresbyter Konstantinos A. Pavlakos, Proistamenos
571-213-1109 cell
703-239-2627 home
Anna Vassilopoulos, Assistant Financial Officer
Sophia Tsangali, Secretary/Teacher
Roberto Medina-Valdez, Maintenance Supervisor
Theodoros Theocharis, Information Technology
Jim Stoucker, President
Maria Wills, Vice President
Bill Polizos, Secretary
George Moshos, Treasurer
Art Dimopoulos, Legal Counsel
Kelly Alexis
Andrea Ballard
Chris Christou
Dr. John Demakis
Peter Karounos
Nick Larigakis
Costas Mavromatakis 571-344-3634
Mallamo Mavromatakis703-830-0224
Bill Porter
Dr. George Silis
Daphne Vaccarello
Maria Vargas
Adult Bible Study (Saturdays)
Adult Bible Study (Sundays)
Adult Catechetical (Sunday) School
Youth Catechetical (Sunday) School
Greek School
PAIDEIA Bilingual Preschool
Gregory McKinney
Bill Polizos
Bill Polizos
Christian Demeter, Principal
Sophia Tsangali, Principal
Pantelis Psoras
Acolyte Captains
AHEPA #438 (P. Derzis)
Book Reviews
Choirs (Adult and Junior)
Daughters of Penelope Helle #283
GOYA (ages 13-18)
Greek Dance
Greek School Auxiliary
HOPE (ages 7 and under)
JOY (ages 8-12)
Listserv (email list)
Missions and Outreach
Parish Committees, List of
Safeway eScrip
Women’s Book Club
YAL (Young Adult League)
Anastasios Galatis, Najy Issa, and Daniel McKinney
Angelo Toutsi
Christopher and Frances Kalavritinos
Gregory McKinney
John Doulis
Jane Moore, President
Presv. Pauline Pavlakos
Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
Gregory McKinney
Tiffani Wills, President
Fr. Costa Pavlakos
Aris and Anna Yortzidis
Elena Lagos, President
Toula Christou
Tina Papamichael, Director
Presv. Pauline Pavlakos
Dr. John Demakis
Eleni Kanakos, President
James Loizou, Protopsaltis
Elvira Garnett
Presv. Pauline Pavlakos
Fay Mpras
I AM DEEPLY HONORED to again have the opportunity to serve as your Parish Council President. 2012 was a
very good year for our Parish and, with God’s blessings, 2013 will be even better! My fellow Executive Committee members (Maria Wills, Vice President; George Moshos, Treasurer; Bill Polizos, Secretary; and Art
Dimopoulos, Legal Counsel) are excited at the prospects the new year affords us. Our entire Parish Council
looks forward to serving our community and we pledge to always act in your best interests.
Last month, the theme of my letter was “the journey continues” with emphasis on such major initiatives as
Stewardship, church maintenance priorities, and other programs that lay ahead. This month, I thought it might
be useful to get a little more granular and give you a glimpse into some specific areas that are being addressed
as a means of improving services to our community. For example, we are extremely proud of our educational
programs, but rather than rest on our laurels, we are always seeking methods to improve our capabilities in
these areas:
1. Enrollment procedures for our schools are currently under review and we anticipate a new, streamlined, pre-enrollment process to be in place for our schools before the next school year begins in
September. This will not only eliminate chaos and confusion on the first day of classes, but enable
our schools to more effectively plan for adequate staffing and class sizes.
2. As I mentioned last month, we are currently exploring the possibility of establishing a Kindergarten for our community. Our Paideia Preschool parents are very supportive and provide a “built
in” pipeline of students that will help make such a venture successful. We have identified key strategic assets to assist us with curriculum and other important matters, including making the necessary overtures to Fairfax County regarding zoning issues. Admittedly, we have numerous issues to
address and achieving this objective may not occur in 2013 given bureaucratic hurdles involved,
but I thought it important to mention this so everyone might appreciate our focus and the lengths
we are willing to go to in order to fulfill the educational needs of our community.
3. We are actively exploring technological improvements for our students, teachers and parents that
will enable us to improve communications between all parties while also helping us address long
standing educational issues. One such issue begging for a solution will allow Greek School students whose parents do not speak Greek to get help with their homework using an exciting new
Distance Learning capability that will enable them to receive real time help and assistance from
our teaching staff from the comfort of their homes at designated times simply by accessing a webbased teleconferencing system we anticipate providing. Such a capability will be in place by next
September if all goes well.
These are only a few of the areas being addressed by your Parish Council. And while “more on this later” can
certainly be applied to everything I’ve mentioned above, I hope this little glimpse into just one very vital area
of our community gives you all an appreciation for the fact that 2013 is shaping up to be a very busy, productive and successful year. With your support, prayers and God's help, we look forward to making everything
discussed above—and much more—a reality.
Jim Stoucker, President, Parish Council
grades (the seventh through the twelfth grades) will spend
half of each class period learning about Orthodox Church
music. We are most fortunate to have Mr. John Doulis
help our youth focus on the music that is such a vital part
of our Orthodox Church services. Mr. Doulis is developing a youth choir so please contact him at jdoulis@aol.com
for more information.
On February 3, all of our classes will focus on Godparent Sunday. On that day, we are hopeful that those Godparents who can come to our Sunday School with their
Godchild will do so. We would like for the Godparent(s)
to meet their Godchild’s Sunday School teacher and attend
Divine Liturgy with their Godchild. During the Sunday
School hour (9:30am-10:30am). Godparents can first meet
their Godchild’s teacher and then attend the adult Bible
Study class. We will have available a person to take a
photo of any Godparent who wishes to have a picture
snapped with his/her Godchild.
During this month of February, we shall endeavor to
encourage as many of our young people as possible to participate in the 2013 St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival. During our local program, the Catechetical (Sunday)
School students, Grades One through Twelve, will not
only hear the presentations of our contestants but will also
add to the event with short class contributions. Stay tuned
to announcements in DOXA and the Sunday Bulletin. We
are seeking a volunteer steward to Chair our event but in
the meantime, any student or parent who wishes to receive
detailed information or ask questions about the Oratorical
Festival may contact Mr. Christian Demeter, the Catechetical (Sunday) School Director or Ms. Sophia Tsangali,
Principal of the Greek School.
We are all looking forward to this month of February.
There is much to learn about God and our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ, and there are many exciting activities that
will take place.
GOYA (ages 13-18)
GOYA WILL PARTICIPATE in the Saints Constantine and
Helen, Richmond Basketball Tournament on February 2-3
and the Saint Nicholas, Baltimore Tournament on February 9-10. GOYA has church duty on Sunday, February 17,
as well as a meeting following the second liturgy. Eleni
Voudouris is the GOYA Captain and Epistle Reader.
Announcing the 2013 St. John Chrysostom
Oratorical Festival. Your help is needed.
The 2013 Oratorical Festival Season has begun across the
country, and the children and young adults of Saint
Katherine Greek Orthodox Church are invited to participate.
The Oratorical Festival challenges our children and
young adults to delve into the rich heritage of the Orthodox Faith as each participant is rewarded though their
enrichment in faith and in development of writing and
public speaking skills.
The topics, tips, and bibliography are available at the
Department of Religious Education website at http://
Our parish will conduct its festival in the Spring and
we need volunteers to help prepare for and conduct the
festival. In particular, we need someone to chair the festival. To volunteer, please contact either Christian Demeter at 703-534-5669 or Ray Vazquez at 703-723-7424.
Elizabeth Karamanis (January 6)
John George De Haven Hadgopoulos (December 28)
Vasilios Spiridon Kavarligos (December 28)
Maria E. Chresohos (December 29)
Andreas Alevromagiros (January 5, Loudoun County)
Helen Derzis (January 24)
May their memory be eternal.
Najy Issa, Altar Boy Captain and GOYAn, is offering free tutoring for students,
elementary through high school, in the following subjects: Sciences, Math, History .
Contact Najy at 703-655-9144 or Najy.Issa@gmail.com.
Σοφία Δ. Τσαγκάλη
με λαχτάρα την άλλη μεγάλη γιορτή, το Πάσχα! Γι’ αυτό
και προετοιμαζόμαστε κατά την διάρκεια της Μεγάλης
Τεσσαρακοστής να το προϋπαντήσουμε με περισσότερη
προσευχή, νηστεία και μετάνοια.
Θα ασχοληθούμε μόνο με το θέμα της προσευχής, που
για να το εξερευνήσουμε ευρύτατα, χρειαζόμαστε πολύ
χρόνο. Πολλές φορές έχουμε διαβάσει κι έχουμε μιλήσει
για το θέμα της προσευχής, επειδή είναι βασικό και
σημαντικό στη ζωή μας. Όλοι πρέπει να προσευχόμαστε.
Γιατί η προσευχή είναι, όπως την ονόμασαν, «το
ισχυρότατο όπλο των ισχυροτέρων στρατιωτών του
Χριστού» και αλλού πάλι, είναι «η κλεις των ουρανίων
πυλών». Οι πιστοί, σ’ όλους τους αιώνες, βρίσκουν
καταφύγιο στην προσευχή. Με την προσευχή η ζωή του
ανθρώπου γεμίζει από την ευλογία του Θεού. Δεν
μπορούμε όμως σήμερα να καλύψουμε όλο το θέμα της
προσευχής, αλλά απλά θα επικεντρώσουμε το θέμα σε δύο
μόνο πλευρές του, που όλοι μπορούμε να καταλάβουμε και
να εφαρμόσουμε.
Την πρώτη, ίσως την βρούμε στον Ευαγγελιστή Ματθαίο,
κεφάλαιο 15, στίχοι 21 μέχρι 28, στην Χαναναία δηλαδή
γυναίκα, που εκεί βλέπουμε την μεγάλη επιμονή της στην
προσευχή. Οφείλουμε δηλαδή να επιμένουμε στις
προσευχές μας. Με επιμονή να ζητάμε απ΄τον Θεό πολλές
φορές το αίτημά μας. Και τότε θα το πετυχαίνουμε, αρκεί
να είναι θεάρεστο και προς το συμφέρον μας. Έτσι έκανε η
Χαναναία και ενίκησε, όπως αλλού και ο τυφλός του
Θα καταλάβουμε καλύτερα, γιατί πρέπει να επιμένουμε,
αν σκεφτούμε, γιατί ο Θεός δεν απαντάει αμέσως στις
προσευχές μας και εμείς νομίζουμε ότι δεν τις ακούει.
Αυτό φαίνεται καθαρά στο θαύμα. Δεν απαντάει
«μακροθυμών» για το καλό του προσευχομένου. Το δε
καλό είναι να αποδειχτεί η πίστη μας στον Θεό. Η επιμονή
μας στην προσευχή προϋποθέτει την πίστη μας, γιατί ο
Θεός έχει την δύναμη και μπορεί να μας δώσει το
ποθούμενο. Αυτή η πίστη, που αποδεικνύεται με την
επιμονή μας στην προσευχή, ανοίγει τα θησαυροφυλάκια
του Θεού για να μας δώσει ό,τι έχουμε ανάγκη. Επί πλέον,
πρέπει να αποδειχτεί και η υπομονή μας στις βουλές Του,
για να γίνει πιο θερμή η επιθυμία της ψυχής μας για το
ζητούμενο. Όλα αυτά, αν διαβάσουμε την Ευαγγελική
περικοπή, έγιναν με την Χαναναία, έτσι, ώστε ο Κύριος να
πει με θαυμασμό, «Μεγάλη σου η πίστις»! Κατ’ αυτόν τον
τρόπο η σιωπή του Θεού κάνει φωτεινότερη την ψυχή μας,
κάνοντάς μας άξιους να δεχτούμε το ζητούμενο. Όταν
επιμένουμε έτσι, το λαβαίνουμε. Θα έρθει δηλαδή στην
κατάλληλη ώρα ο Κύριος και θα μας χαρίσει «υπέρ εκ
περισσού» τα ζητούμενα. Και η διαβεβαίωση του Κυρίου,
«Ποιήσει την εκδίκησιν αυτών εν τάχει».
Ίσως καταλάβουμε την άλλη πλευρά, αναφερόμενοι στις
δύο λέξεις του αποστόλου Παύλου: «Αδιαλείπτως
προσεύχεσθε». Αυτό σημαίνει ότι πρέπει να διατελούμε σε
συνεχή επαφή με τον Θεό, ακόμη και όταν δεν στεκόμαστε
(Continued on page 13, column 2)
ΠΕΡΑΣΕ ΚΙ ΟΛΑΣ ΕΝΑΣ ΜΗΝΑΣ απ’ τον καινούργιο χρόνο
που έγινε κι αυτός παρελθόν. Στο σχολείο μας, όπως
συμβαίνει και σε κάθε πνευματικό και εκπαιδευτικό
ίδρυμα, εργαζόμαστε για να αξιοποιήσουμε όσο το δυνατόν
καλύτερα και αποτελεσματικότερα τον χρόνο. Και
συγκεκριμένα για τους μαθητές μας αυτό που ενδιαφέρει
πιο πολύ είναι η ιδιαιτερότητα του σχολείου. Να
αξιοποιήσουμε δηλαδή κατά τον καλύτερο δυνατό τρόπο
τον χρόνο μας διαβάζοντας και μαθαίνοντας Ελληνικά με
ευχάριστη θέληση και διάθεση είτε βρισκόμαστε στην
αίθουσα διδασκαλίας είτε στο σπίτι.
Ευχαριστούμε τους γονείς που ήρθαν στο σχολείο τον
περασμένο μήνα και συζήτησαν με τους δασκάλους την
πρόοδο των παιδιών τους. Στον μήνα Ιανουάριο, όπως κάθε
χρόνο, δίνουμε έμφαση στη γιορτή των Τριών Ιεραρχών,
των Πολιούχων Αγίων των Ελληνικών γραμμάτων, που
γιορτάσαμε στις τάξεις, αλλά και με Αρτοκλασία στην
εκκλησία στις 27 Ιανουαρίου. Ο Φεβρουάριος συνήθως
είναι ταυτισμένος με τις προετοιμασίες για το Αποκρεάτικο
Γλέντι, που, επειδή φέτος το Πάσχα είναι στις 5 Μαϊου, το
Αποκρεάτικο Γλέντι θα γίνει στις 9 Μαρτίου και όχι τον
Φεβρουάριο, όπως συνηθιζόταν. Όλοι οφείλουμε να το
υποστηρίξουμε, είναι για τα παιδιά μας, αλλά εκτός από την
ψυχαγωγία που προσφέρει, ενισχύει οικονομικά το σχολείο
(Continued on page 13, column 2)
ONE MONTH OF THE NEW YEAR has already passed. As in
every spiritual and educational institution, we try to make
good and effective use of time in every possible way. We
are most concerned with the learning of the Greek language, civilization, tradition in class and home, with a
pleasant mood and will.
In February, we will focus on the preparations of the
Apokreatiko Glendi, scheduled for Saturday, March 9.
We hope to see all of you! We will have a great time, just
before entering into the Great Lent! The Three Hierarchs
celebration by Prometheas will take place February 1,
8:00pm at Saint George in Bethesda. The Ellinomathia
certificates will be given to our students February 3, 2:00
p.m. at the Greek Embassy. Congratulations to our students who passed with success the 2012 Comprehensive
Examinations in Modern Greek of the Archdiocese. They
are: Efthalia Gazia Alpos, Barbara Brewster, Dimitra
Christodoulides, Nicholas Papafil, and Demetra Sarantis!
Και εις ανώτερα!
Important Dates
February 1 The Three Hierarchs and the Greek Letters
Celebration by Prometheas, at Saint George,
Bethesda, MD, 8:00pm
February 2 Teachers’ Meeting, 1:30pm
February 3 Godparents’ Sunday
Ellinomathia Certificates at the Greek Embassy, 2:00pm
March 9
Apokreatiko Glendi, 5:00pm
Meeting. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February
19 at 7:00pm.
OCMC Benefit Dinner. Our fifth annual OCMC Benefit
Dinner will take place on Saturday, March 2 at Saint Luke
Orthodox Church in McLean. Please support this important
event. All proceeds will go to the OCMC and our missionaries around the world. Without events such as this, we
would be unable to keep our missionaries in the field. PanOrthodox Vespers will start at 5:00pm, hors d’oeuvres at
6:00pm, and dinner at 7:00pm. Fr. John Parker, the newly
appointed Director of Missions and Evangelism for the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), will be our main
speaker. He has been on several mission trips with the
OCMC. The title of his presentation is Here I Am Lord,
Send Me! How Every Christian Can Accept the Great
Commission.” For more information, contact Gregory
McKinney(steward1310@gmail.com), Betty Slanta
(slanta@verizon.net), or Skip Mersereau
(jwmster@gmail.com). Tickets are $55 for adults, $30 for
children under 18, and free for children under the age of 6.
Mission Teams. The OCMC will be sending 13 teams to
eight different countries in 2013. The teams usually have
10-12 members from all over the United States. Each mission lasts about three weeks. Each team is unique and may
emphasize teaching, construction, evangelism, health care,
or youth outreach. Please consider being a short-term missionary. Saint Katherine has sent several short-term missionaries to such places as Tanzania, South Korea, Alaska,
Guatemala, and Brazil. Be a missionary!! Our community
will help you. Go to the OCMC website at OCMC.org or
contact Dr. John Demakis at demakis8831@gmail.com for
a list of the 2013 teams.
Update from Tanzania. Our Missionary in Tanzania,
Maria Roeber sent in the following report:
Had a quiet Christmas here in Bukoba, but we did celebrate
with a hierarchical Divine Liturgy served by His Eminence
Metropolitan Jeronymos of Happy New Year to you all! I hope
that you all enjoyed a blessed Nativity. We Mwanza. My
Christmas present was that I received my Tanzanian nursing
license, so I am starting to work as a nurse in the health center!
My administrative duties have been almost entirely handed over
to Tanzanian staff, which is a real blessing to see. I am also
hoping to do some volunteer work in the local government hospital's maternity ward soon. There is much for me to learn
about tropical medicine and about how to be a nurse in Tanzania, and I look forward to sharing my new discoveries and insights with you in the coming months. God bless you and thank
you for your continued prayers for the mission here!
Romania: Floyd Franz Family
Tanzania: Ms. Maria Roeber, the Hargrave Family,
Ms. Felice Stewart
Habitat for Humanity. Join a team. We were hoping to
have another program in West Virginia, but the Habitat
directors of West Virginia have changed and this has caused
some delay. However, good news!! Our sister parish, Saint
George Greek Orthodox Church of Bethesda, MD is planning a program with the Georgetown, Delaware branch of
Habitat for Humanity March 24-28 and they need more
volunteers. They have invited us to join their group. If you
would like to join their group, contact Kathy Hallas at 301325-0716 or katherine_i_hallas@mcpsmd.org if you are
Mission Walk on the National Mall. We are planning a
Walk for Missions on the National Mall. The walk is
planned for the fall of 2013. Joseph and Carolyn Perez are
chairing the committee to plan this event. More details will
be shared as they become available.
OCAMPR Conference. We are pleased to announce that
the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion (OCAMPR) has decided to have their
annual meeting at Saint Katherine on November 1 and 2.
This will coincide with the feast day SS. Kosmas and
Damianos. The topic is The Clinical and Pastoral Care of
the Aging Patient. The keynote speaker will be His Grace,
Bishop John, an auxiliary Bishop for the Antiochian Diocese of Worcester, MA. Bishop John holds a Doctor of
Ministry degree in Pastoral Care from Pittsburgh Theology
School and a Master of Divinity from St. Vladimir’s Seminary. Parts of the meeting will be open to the public. We
hope to be able to have a Health Fair during the meeting.
More details to follow, but save the dates.
Visit by Homeless Shelter’s director. Mr. Thomas Nichols,
the director of Bailey’s Crossroads Homeless Shelter,
spoke at our last Missions meeting. He thanked us for the
250 hygiene and survival kits that were put together with
our entire community in late December. He also thanked us
for our monthly visit to feed the homeless at the shelter and
bringing in clothes on a weekly basis.
Feed the Homeless schedule. Our church organization
cooked for and served dinner to the homeless as follows:
Daughters of Penelope on February 26, Adult Bible Class
Please keep our Orthodox missionaries in your prayers. in March and April, and Paideia Preschool on April 12.
Below are the names of our Orthodox missionaries sent out Greek School will serve lunch on April 13 and Vacation
Bible Camp will serve on June 27. Thanks to all our orby the OCMC. Please keep them in your prayers.
a. Albania: Ms. Anastasia Barsdale, The Bando Family, ganizations for helping in this important ministry.
Clothing and toiletries collections. We continue to collect
the Hoppe Family
and used (clean) clothing and toiletries for the shelter.
b. Guatemala: The Rev. Chakos Family
is a collection bin in the foyer of our community
c. Kenya: the Colburn Family, Ms. Christina Semon
d. Mongolia:Mr. Kurt Bringerud, Monk Job
(Continued on page 13, column 2)
Gregory McKinney
Words of Life. Fr. George Dimopoulos. Llewllyn &
McKane, Inc. 2008. 156 pages. Paperback.
The Church Year (Celebration of Faith, Vol. 2). Fr. Alexander Schmemann. St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 1997.
162 pages. Paperback.
This month’s books both express two concepts: 1) recapturing the beauty and centrality of the Church year in our
lives, and 2) as Christ speaks to those who have “ears to
hear,” preparing ourselves prior to liturgy and the feast
days of the Church.
Words of Life is a compilation of Fr. Dimopoulos’ sermons arranged according to the liturgical year and themed
by the Gospel reading for that Sunday or feast day. He
makes the book’s purpose clear in the introduction:
It is the exhortation and warm admonition of St. Chrysostomos
to the lay people to prepare themselves on Saturday night for
the next day, in order to hear the Scriptural readings, and not
to go unprepared on Sunday. This book will help in the same
The 53 short chapters reflect the mind of a warm and
humble man concerned with guiding his flock through the
challenges of daily life. They read like the sermons that
they are, written in a straight-forward and clear voice and
chock full of scriptural references. Autographed copies are
available in our bookstore.
It’s a different story for The Church Year, as the book
has been allowed to go out of print. Part of the reason is
that there are numerous dated references to Soviet Russia
and the situation of the Church there. However, there is
much much more in the slim book; keep an eye out for it
in religious and used bookstores.
Part I is a short group of essays examining the spirit of
celebration within Orthodoxy and focusing on Pascha, the
root of all our joy. Why focus on Church life as celebration? Fr. Schmemann says:
And this is exacting the meaning of the feast: … man liberating
himself from a life chained solely to necessity and unbreakable
law. … man does not simply rest, he celebrates. And this is
why … through man in celebration, that one best appreciates
the meaning of various faiths and worldviews. Put another
way, “Tell me what you celebrate, and I will tell you who you
are … (p. 17)
Part II tells us who we are in light of our feasts, featuring
23 essays based on important feast days across the church
year. Of the feast that falls on February 2, he says:
I have seen the child, who brings the world so much divine
love and who gives himself to me. Nothing is feared, nothing
is unknown, all is now peace, thanksgiving and love. This is
(Continued in next column)
Stephanie J. DeMartino
We all grieve differently
Some grieve quietly
Solemn in their grief not wanting
To show their pain
While some are loud
Letting the pain out for all to see and then beginning
The long battle of healing
Some hold their grief in for so long
That eventually it eats at them
Causing them to misdirect it
In different ways unknowingly pointing
The pain of loss toward others not wanting of it or deserving
When instead they should be letting go and moving on
Grief is not a friend
For it makes one angry, sad, exhausted, and confused
Grief is an unwanted guest for it stays for a long, long,
Seemingly never wanting to leave
Once in a while it will allow some peace but for only a
brief time span
It would rather curl its black tentacles around and keep
you in its grip forever
And then one day you realize you're starting to feel a
little better
As the seasons change so do we
In time we shall heal
You start to get back into your routine and realize grief
is finally
Packing up to end its long overstayed visit
For it was a long process this visit from grief
Each day gets a little better
Keep on moving
Stay busy
One day, grief is finally gone
Until the next time it is required to visit again
Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church offers a grief
support group, GRACE (Grief Recovery: Accepting,
Coping, and Evolving). For further information, please
call Fr. Costa Pavlakos at 703-671-1515. Thank you to
Maria Papageorgiou for these monthly contributions.
(Continued from previous column)
what the [Presentation of our Lord in the Temple] brings (p.
Fr. G. Dimopoulos (+ 2012) was a graduate of the Halki
Theological Seminary. He served in churches in Turkey, Greece,
Canada, and the United States, teaching at St. Tikhon’s and
Savonarola Seminaries in Pennsylvania.
Fr A. Schmemann (+ 1983) was dean and professor of Liturgical Theology at St.Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
5pm - 11 pm
$40 per adult*
$15 per child (4-13)*
Buffet Dinner, Dancing, Games, and More!
Huge raffle, prizes for best costume, dance contest
. . . many more surprises!
This fun family event is open to the entire community!
*Tickets sold in person and online
Go to Eventbrite.com “Apokreatiko Glendi”
For more info, contact:
Elena Lagos (703-241-1176 or pedakia@aol.com)
Sophia Tsangali (703-671-1515)
12:00pm Seniors’ Valentines Day Luncheon
Adult Greek School
6:00pm Intermediate
7:30pm Advanced
7:30pm Choir
6pm Conversational Greek Adult Greek School
7pm Greek Folk Dance
6:00pm Intermediate
7:30pm Basketball (G.S.
7:30pm Advanced
and Paidiea Parents)
7:30pm Choir
10:00am Silent Prayer
10:30am Wmn’s Book Club
6pm Conversational Greek
7pm Greek Folk Dance
7:30pm Basketball (G.S.
and Paidiea Parents)
7:30pm Parish Council
12pm Deadline for
March DOXA
6pm Conversational Greek Adult Greek School
7pm Greek Folk Dance
6:00pm Intermediate
7:30pm Basketball (G.S.
7:30pm Advanced
and Paidiea Parents)
7:30pm Choir
10:00am Silent Prayer
Adult Greek School
10:30am Wmn’s Book Club 6:00pm Intermediate
3:00pm GMU OCF
7:30pm Advanced
6pm Conversational Greek 7:30pm Choir
7pm Greek Folk Dance
7:30pm Basketball (G.S.
and Paidiea Parents)
5:00pm Greek School
5:00pm Greek School
7:00pm Community
Pot Luck Dinner
and Presentation on
5:00pm Greek School
5:00pm Greek School
Please check the online calendar, http://saint-katherines.org/calendar, for the most current information.
24 16th Sunday of Luke
8:00am Divine Liturgy
5:00pm Greek School
9:30am Orthros and Cate- Tutoring Class
chetical Schools
10:30am Divine Liturgy
DOP Feeding the Homeless at Bailey’s X-Roads
Adult Greek School
6:00pm Introductory II
7:30pm Introductory I
Adult Greek School
6:00pm Introductory II
7:30pm Introductory I
7:00pm Missions Meeting
17 17th Sunday of Matthew 18 President’s Day
8:00am Divine Liturgy
(Office Closed)
9:30am Orthros and Catechetical Schools
10:30am Divine Liturgy
GOYA Church Duty
Adult Greek School
6:00pm Introductory II
7:30pm Introductory I
7:00pm Missions Meeting
10 16th Sunday of Matthew 11
8:00am Divine Liturgy
5:00pm Greek School
9:30am Orthros and Cate- Tutoring Class
7:30pm Deuteri Deutera
chetical Schools
10:30am Divine Liturgy
Adult Greek School
6:00pm Introductory II
7:30pm Introductory I
3 15th Sunday of Matthew 4
5:00pm Greek School
Godparent Sunday
8:00am Divine Liturgy
Tutoring Class
9:30am Orthros and Catechetical Schools
10:30am Divine Liturgy
9:30am Greek School
9:30am Challenge Liturgy at Saint George
9:30am Greek School
St. Nicholas, Baltimore
Basketball Tournament
9:30am Greek School
1:30pm Greek School
Teachers’ Meeting
2 Presentation of Our Lord
9:30am Orthros
10:30am Divine Liturgy
SS. C&H, Richmond
Basketball Tourney
9:30am Greek School
1:30pm GS Tchrs’ Mtg.
PHILOPTOCHOS (by Eleni Kanakos, President)
ON BEHALF OF THE PHILOPTOHOS, I would like to thank
our community for the generous donations made to Saint
Basil’s Academy. Your contributions make a significant
difference in the lives of these children.
Our annual Valentine's Day Luncheon will be held on
Thursday, February 21, 12:00pm, in the Meletis Charuhas
Hall. Everyone is welcome! The chairwomen are Evdoxia
Mitchell, Eleni Papastergiou, Andrea Ballard, Elvira Garnett, and Kathy Cavallo. Thank you in advance for all
your hard work in preparation for this event. The new
Philoptohos directory will be distributed at the luncheon.
To reserve your seat for the Valentine's Day Luncheon,
please contact Evdoxia Mitchell at 703-256-4115 or me,
Eleni Kanakos, at 703-938-8360. I hope to see you all
A friendly reminder to send in your 2013 dues if you
haven’t already done so. And, as always, thank you kindly
for your support!
center after the Liturgy. We carry a wide assortment of
Orthodox books, icons, and other items to enrich your
spiritual life. Saint Katherine Bookstore is an outreach
ministry of Saint Katherine Church. We try to be open
most Sundays after each Liturgy. If you need to visit the
bookstore during the week, please contact the church secretary, Ms. Sophia Tsangali, at 703-671-1515. We thank
you for your support of our ministry.
WE HAVE JUST STARTED the first 32 pages of our new
book, Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo and it is for sale
in our church bookstore. We will meet on February 6 and
20 from 10:30am until noon in the second room to the
right of our church office. We meet every other Wednesday and take a break during the summer. I’m sure we will
have some interesting discussions with this book that deals
with the subject of near-death experiences. If you would
like to experience our book club, this is the perfect opportunity since our current book is only 155 pages and is a
New York Times bestseller. Fellowship and spiritual
growth are our goals. We also have a silent prayer session
for all who seek some extra peace in our sometimes hectic
lives from 10:00am to 10:25am. If you have any questions, please email faympras@gmail.com or call 703-8655776.
Fr. Costas will meet with students at George Mason University for Orthodox Christian Fellowship
on Wednesday, February 6, 3:00pm by the bookstore in the Johnson Center.
DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE (by Jane Moore, Pres.)
The Ric Edelman Financial Seminar that Helle Chapter cosponsored with the the AHEPA #438 Peter N. Derzis
Chapter in January was a great success. We had two wonderful financial planners who gave us lots of great financial information and advice as well as answering many of
our questions. Helle Chapter would like to thank all our
AHEPA Brothers for helping to make this event such a
success. Also in January, Helle Chapter welcomed two
new ladies to our Sisterhood: Eula Balis and Linda
Taousakis. In February, the Helle Sisters will be attending
our District #3 Mid-Year Workshop in Richmond on Saturday February 9. It is a one-day event, and we are organizing a carpool from Saint Katherine. If you would like to
attend, please call Jane Kalomatis Moore (540-847-2215)
(jmoore24@csc.com). We are also going to be cooking
and feeding the residents at the Bailey’s Crossroads Homeless Shelter on Tuesday, February 26. We need your support! If you can help us either prepare, deliver, or serve
the meals, please call Kathy Cavallo (703-978-1539)
(kcavallo1@aol.com). And, it’s that time of year again!
Our Fashions Around The Tea Tables is being planned for
Sunday, May 19. So ladies, get your creativity going! It
promises to be a wonderful event! Our next meeting will
be held on Sunday, February 10, following the 2nd Liturgy. We will meet in the large classroom in the MeletisCharuhas Center. From all the Sisters in Helle Chapter
#283, best wishes to you!
Friday, February 8, 7:00pm
The church will provide drinks and dessert.
You should bring a main dish
(enough to feed your family, plus one).
Join us in fellowship as a
community and make new friends!
We will have a presentation on Miracles.
See you there!
RSVP to frcostas@stkchurch.com
or 703-671-1515 by Monday, February 4,
so we have an idea of how much to buy.
Χριστέ μoυ,
Εσύ που έγινες άνθρωπος για την σωτηρία μας, Εσύ που μεγάλωσες και ανετράφεις μέσα σε μία άγια και ευλογημένη
οικογένεια, ευλόγησε και την δική μας οικογένεια. Έλα να κατοικήσεις μέσα στην καρδιά μας. Σε παρακαλούμε να γίνεις
Εσύ ο κηδεμών και ο σύντροφός μας, ο καλός σύμβουλος και διδάσκαλος, βοηθός και γιατρός των ασθενειών μας.
Χάρισέ μας την ομόνοια, την ειρήνη, την αγάπη, την αμοιβαία ανοχή, την μακροθυμία, την ενότητα, την υπομονή και
πάσα αρετή. Χάρισέ μας τα πλούσια αγαθά Σου, τα πνευματικά και τα υλικά. Αξίωσέ μας ημέρα και νύχτα να Σε
δοξάζουμε, να Σε ευλογούμε, να Σε ευχαριστούμε με καρδιά γεμάτη ευγνωμοσύνη.
Διαφύλαξε την οικογένειά μας από κάθε αμαρτία και από κάθε πονηρή πράξη.
Προστάτευσέ μας από κάθε βέλος με το οποίο επιδιώκει να μας χτυπήσει ο εχθρός και από κάθε σκοτεινή και εχθρική
Να περιορίζεται το άγχος, το τρέξιμο, οι εκνευρισμοί, οι φωνές, οι διαπληκτισμοί και να μην γίνονται η αιτία να
μειώνουν την χαρά και την ευτυχία μέσα στην οικογένεια.
Να έχουμε μεγαλύτερη εμπιστοσύνη σε Σένα γιατί πάνω από τις δικές μας ανθρώπινες προσπάθειες και θυσίες βρίσκεσαι
Εσύ που μας καθοδηγείς.
Σου εναποθέτουμε με Πίστη τα θέματά μας με την ελπίδα ότι θα προστατεύεις την οικογένειά μας και θα της χαρίζεις
μαζί με τα απαραίτητα επίγεια αγαθά και την χαρά της Βασιλείας Σου.
Οδήγησέ μας σε επικοδομητικές συγκεντρώσεις, σε κύκλους που μεταδίδουν γνώσεις της χριστιανικής αλήθειας, σε
ευκαιρίες πνευματικού καταρτισμού και ψυχικής μορφώσεως.
Η οικογένειά μας να έχει γερά θεμέλια, έδαφος στερεό, ώστε τίποτα να μην μπορεί να την σαλεύσει.
Ζητούμε να μας βοηθήσεις να καλλιεργούμε στην ζωή μας την σωφροσύνη, την ηθική ακεραιότητα, την καθαρότητα.
Να καλλιεργούμε την σωστή κοινωνικότητα. Να ενδιαφερόμαστε για τις ανάγκες και για τα προβλήματα της κοινωνίας.
Να εκδηλώνουμε όχι τυπικά αλλά ειλικρινά την χαρά μας στα ευχάριστα γεγονότα των φίλων μας. Να συμμετέχουμε με
αγάπη εξ ίσου και στα λυπηρά γεγονότα των συνανθρώπων μας όταν είναι βυθισμένοι είς το πένθος, στους πονεμένους
όταν ο θάνατος άρπαξε απο την αγκαλιά τους ένα προσφιλές μέλος. Να προσφέρουμε την προσευχή, την παράκληση, την
ενίσχυση , την ανακούφιση , την συμπόνοια και έμπρακτα να βοηθάμε τους συνανθρώπους μας.
Να γινόμαστε παρήγοροι των πονεμένων, των αρρώστων, των ορφανών, των χηρών.
Στις δύσκολες στιγμές των πειρασμών και των εξάρσεων να συγχωρούμε ο ένας τον άλλον. Να βαστάζουμε “αλλήλων τα
βάρη” όπως επισημαίνει και ο Ιωάννης ο Δαμασκηνός. Επειδή δεν υπάρχει άνθρωπος χωρίς ελαττώματα, η σχολαστική
επίκριση των παραπτωμάτων των άλλων δεν βοηθάει αλλά, η αλληλοσυμπλήρωση και αλληλοδιόρθωση των μελών της
Σε ευχαριστούμε Χριστέ μου, γιατί η οικογένεια αποτελεί μίαν από τις πλέον θαυμαστές ενέργειες του Θεού προς την
σωτηρία των ανθρώπων. Όπως αναφέρουν οι Πατέρες είναι “οδός” η οποία οδηγεί τα μέλη της εις την βασιλείαν των
Σε ευχαριστούμε που ο νόμος Σου είναι σπλαχνικός ακι ευεργετικός. Αποβλέπει εις το να κάνει τον άνθρωπο ευτυχή και
μακάριο. “Εγώ ήλθον εβεβαίωσεν ο Κύριος, ίνα ζωήν έχωσι οι άνθρωποι και περισσόν έχωσιν”. (Ιωάν. ι ΄10). ΄Οσοι
πιστεύουν εις εμέ να έχουν όχι απλώς στοιχεία ζωής, πλούτου ζωής, αλλά ζωή που να πλημμυρίζει το εσωτερικόν των και
να αισθάνωνται άρρητον ευφροσύνη και αγαλλίασιν!
Χριστέ μου, σε Σένα στηρίζουμε την οικογένειά μας και Σε παρακαλούμε έλα να γίνεις Εσύ ο νοικοκύρης του σπιτιού
μας! Αμήν.
Stewardship is based on the fact that all that we have and all that we are comes from God. We commit ourselves
to stewardship as a way of thanking God for all His blessings—returning to Him a portion of the time, talent, and
treasure He has given us. Good stewardship of time means we share some the 168 hours in a week with God and
caring for others. Good stewardship of talent means we identify our talents and use them to glorify God and help
other people. Good stewardship of treasure means we give a portion of our income to the Church and other
charities. During the year 2013, we ask that everyone consider fulfilling their stewardship on weekly basis. This
will allow our church to better plan activities and expenses.
I (my family) pledge(s) $_______ per week of financial stewardship to Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church.
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________________________
Telephone and email address: __________________________________________________________________
February 3, 2013 8:00am
Andrea Ballard, Captain Peter Karounos
Kelly Alexis Costas Mavromatakis
Chris Christou George Moshos
Art Dimopoulos
February 10, 2013 8:00am
Dr. George Silis, Captain Daphne Vaccarello
Kelly Alexis Maria Vargas
Andrea Ballard Maria Wills
Jim Stoucker
February 17, 2013 8:00am
C. Mavromatakis, Captain Bill Porter
Andrea Ballard Dr. George Silis
George Moshos Daphne Vaccarello
Bill Polizos
February 24, 2013 8:00am
Maria Wills, Captain George Moshos
Art Dimopoulos Bill Polizos
Peter Karounos Bill Porter
Costas Mavromatakis
February 3, 2013 9:30am
Dr. John Demakis, Captain (4 volunteers)
Mallamo Mavromatakis
Bill Polizos
Bill Porter
February 10, 2013 9:30am
Chris Christou, Captain (4 volunteers)
Dr. John Demakis
Peter Karounos
Nick Larigakis
February 17, 2013 9:30am
Jim Stoucker, Captain Eleni Voudouris, GOYA
Mallamo Mavromatakis Capt. and Epistle Reader,
Maria Vargas plus 5 other GOYAns.
Maria Wills
February 24, 2013 9:30am
Kelly Alexis, Captain (4 volunteers)
Dr. John Demakis
Jim Stoucker
Maria Vargas
(Continued from page 1)
accounted worthy of holy Baptism, he (she) may obtain the
portion of Your Elect of the Kingdom, being protected with us
by the Grace of the Holy Consubstantial and Undivided Trinity. For unto You do we send up Glory, Honor and Worship,
with Your Eternal Father and Your All; Holy, Good and Lifecreating Spirit, both now and ever, and to the ages of ages.
The priest then takes the child into his hands and proceeds to the altar saying, “The servant of God is churched
in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We end
this blessing service reiterating the words of Saint Simeon
when he took the baby Jesus in his arms and said, “Lord,
now let Your servant go in peace according to Your promise, because my eyes have seen Your salvation which you
have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to
bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory to your people Israel.” Now that you, the parents, did as the scripture
told you, the next step was the Sacrament of Baptism.
I invite every one of you to come to church on Sunday,
February 3, Godparent Sunday, with your children and
their Godparent. I invite all of you who were chrismated to
come to church with your sponsor. Come to church together on that day to celebrate Godparent Sunday!
Yours in Christ,
P.S. Please come to the Community Pot Luck Dinner on
Friday, February 8 at 7:00pm. A special presentation on
Miracles will be given.
Stop by our table, after both liturgies or you can fill out the
form below and put it in the offering basket, to register your
card for the Safeway program benefitting our church. For more
information, contact Elvira Garnett at villa45@hotmail.com or
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Safeway Card #______________________________________
First and Last Name __________________________________
Address ____________________________________________
Home Phone # ______________________________________
Hellenic Society Promotheas invites you to two presentations at
Saint George Church, 7701 Bradley Blvd, Bethesda, 20817.
On February 1, 8:00pm, a presentation by Dr. James Skedros,
Professor of Byzantine Studies at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox
School of Theology, on St. Basil the Great and the Creation of a
Christian Hellenism and, on February 15, a presentation by
Despina Skenderis-Fourniades, Editor of Mediterranean Quarterly Journal and long-time Promotheas board member, on Our
Asia Minor Heritage. The lectures will be in English and receptions will follow.
PLEASE CONSIDER LISTING your profession or business on
our church website. Please fill out the order form, available at http://www.saint-katherines.org/about_us/
misc_forms, in its entirety. If you choose to list only your
profession, please fill out that portion only. If you choose
to list your business, please fill out that portion only. The
cost per year is $25 for a professional listing and $100 for
a business listing. The directory is online at http://
www.saint-katherines.org/about_us/business-andprofessional-directory. You may choose to renew your
listing automatically for the next year by checking the box
on the order form. If you are paying by credit card, your
card will be charged for the renewal on or about January
1, 2014. If you are paying with cash or by check, you will
be contacted prior to your renewal date. Credit card payments may be made on the church website via PayPal. All
listings will be reviewed and acceptance will be determined at the discretion of the Business Directory Committee. A printed version of the directory will be distributed
annually with listing additions available quarterly.
Below are samples of how your listing will appear on
our website.
George Pappas
Electrical Engineer
Places of Worship
Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
3149 Glen Carlyn Road, Falls Church, VA 22041
Remember, you can go to www.saint-katherines.org/
about_us/misc_forms for an order form and to www.saintkatherines.org/about_us/business-and-professionaldirectory to view the directory.
We look forward to receiving your listing!
(Continued from page 5, column 1)
σε προσευχή τις τακτικές μας ώρες, που συνήθως
προσευχόμαστε πρωί και βράδυ. Με άλλα λόγια να μην
συναντιόμαστε με τον Θεό μόνο πρωί και βράδυ, αλλά πιο
συχνά. π.χ. Στο αυτοκίνητό μας, πηγαίνοντας στην δουλειά
μας, μπορούμε ενδόμυχα να πούμε δυο λόγια προσευχής.
Θυμόμαστε μια ευεργεσία, αμέσως μπορούμε να πούμε ένα
«Δόξα σοι ο Θεός». Κάνουμε μία διακοπή από την εργασία
μας, μπορούμε να ζητήσουμε τον Θεό να μας φωτίσει στο
έργο μας. Κοιτάζοντας ένα ηλιοβασίλεμα, μία ανατολή, σ’
ένα περίπατο στο δάσος, γενικώς παρατηρώντας την
όμορφη φύση, τα μεγαλεία του Θεού, να συνηθίσουμε να
υψώνουμε την ψυχή μας και να δοξάζουμε τον Θεό με
προσευχή, μέ λόγια, με ύμνο. Σε ένα κίνδυνο, σε μιά θλίψη
επίσης μπορούμε να προσευχηθούμε. Σ’ ένα πειρασμό ή σε
μιά πτώση πάλι μπορούμε να πούμε: «Θεέ μου, συγχώρησέ
με». Σε ιεραποστολή επίσης ζητάμε την θεία ενίσχυση.
Τελειώνοντας, στο «αδιαλείπτως προσεύχεσθε» υπάγεται
και κάθε πνευματική απασχόληση του νου μας. π.χ. Όταν
σκεπτόμαστε τον Θεό, το θέλημά Του, όταν μελετούμε την
Αγία Γραφή και άλλα ιερά βιβλία, όταν ακούμε ένα
κήρυγμα, όταν αγαλλιάζει η ψυχή μας από το μάθημα του
Είναι καιρός πλέον να αφήσουμε να ζυμωθεί η προσευχή
με την ζωή μας. Όπως είπαμε θα το πετύχουμε με την
επιμονή και την αδιάλειπτη προσευχή.
Ας εξασκήσουμε λοιπόν τον εαυτό μας περισσότερο στην
προσευχή και θα δούμε πλούσιους τους καρπούς στην ζωή
(Continued from page 5, column 2)
και τα προγράμματά του, διαιωνίζοντας την Ελληνική
γλώσσα, τον πολιτισμό, την παράδοση. Κατά συνέπεια και
την εκκλησία μας, αφού τα παιδιά μας θα αποτελέσουν
τους αυριανούς οικογενειάρχες και την αυριανή ΕλληνοΑμερικανική-Ορθόδοξη κοινωνία. Η γιορτή των Τριών
Ιεραρχών του Προμηθέα θα γίνει στον Άγιο Γεώργιο,
Βethesda, Maryland την 1η Φεβρουαρίου, 8:00 μ.μ., η δε
απονομή των πιστοποιητικών Ελληνομάθειας στις 3
Φεβρουαρίου, 2:00 μ.μ., στην Ελληνική Πρεσβεία.
Ευχαριστούμε τον Δρα. Αντώνιο Μαρμαρινό και τους
συναδέλφους εκπαιδευτικούς του Γραφείου Εκπαίδευσης
της Ελληνικής Πρεσβείας για το διαφωτιστικό
επιμορφωτικό Σεμινάριο που μας χάρισαν στις 19
Θερμά Συγχαρητήρια στους μαθητές μας που πέρασαν με
επιτυχία τα 2012 Comprehensive Examinations in Modern
Greek της Αρχιεπισκοπής: Ευθαλία Γαζία Άλπου, Βαρβάρα
Brewster, Νικόλαος Papafil, Δήμητρα Σαράντη, Δήμητρα
Χριστοδουλίδη. Και εις ανώτερα!
(Continued from page 6)
center. They are in special need of warm winter clothing—
coats, scarves, gloves, hats, etc. A big thanks to members
of our Missions and Outreach Committee for taking the
clothes and toiletries to the Shelter every week.
SHOWN BELOW is a list of families and individuals who participated in the 2012 Saint Katherine Stewardship Program.
Thank you for responding to the needs of our church.
If you have not yet sent you 2013 pledge, please complete the stewardship form on page 11 and return it to the
Church Office as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may pledge online today at www.saint-katherines.org/
stewardship. Your church and community depend on your stewardship commitment.
Any questions? Please contact Anna Vassilopoulos at avassilopoulos@stkchurch.com or 703-671-1515.
M/M Evangelos Abatzis
Donald and Irenelee Adams
Media Adrikos
Mr Frank Agnos
M/M John Agnos
Dr/Mrs James Alatis
M/M Tony Alexis
M/M Dimitri Alexson
M/M Peter Aliferis
M/M Elias Alpos
Hiyam Amireh
M/M James Anagnos
M/M Larry Anagnos
M/M Anastasios Anastasiou
Ms Helen Anderson
M/M John Andre
Mr Alexandros Andreou
M/M Paul Anson
M/M Tasie Anton
Mrs Voula Antonaiou
M/M Antonios Antonis
Mr Nick Antonopoulos
M/M George Apostolou
Mr Pericles Apostolou
Dr/Mrs Nicholas Argerson
Mr James Argodale
M/M Nektarios Athanasiou
M/M Michael Bakatsias
Mrs Panagiota Bakatsias
Mrs Carole Balides
Capt/Mrs James Ballard
M/M James Ballis
M/M Konstantinos Balos
M/M Andreas Baltatzis
Mr Richard Bambacus
Dr/Dr George Banks
Mrs Sophie Barfield
Mrs Hope Bazaco
M/M Thomas Bean
M/M Tom Beck
Dr Dean Bellas
M/M Cosmos Bells
Mrs Irene Bells
M/M Matthew Benard
M/M Brad Bennink
M/M George Bilidas
M/M Adam Birnbaum
Mr Lambros Bisbikis and
Mrs Georgia Siozios
Ms Kelly Bletsis
Mr Bokis & Mrs Papadopoulou-Bokis
Mr Basil Boobas
Mrs Eleni Boosalis and Mr Cary Scott
M/M George Boosalis
M/M Peter Boosalis
M/M Jeff Borst
Mrs Barbara Bosworth
Ms Beth Botsis
M/M Theodore Bousbouras
Mrs Stella Brackman
M/M Scott Bravi
M/M Lewis Brickates
M/M John Broening
M/M Theodoros Brotsis
M/M David Buddendeck
Mr Dennis Burke
Mrs Theresa Burrage
M/M Bryan Burton
M/M Elias Burton
M/M John Calamos
Col/Mrs Paul Calbos
M/M Edward Cameron
M/M Michael Campbell, Jr
Mrs Catherine Speleos Canard
Mrs Gisella Caparell
M/M John Capetanakis
M/M Aggie Capsalis
M/M Manuel Capsalis
Mrs Mandy Caras
Ms Daniela Carcani
M/M Thomas Cardamone, Jr
M/M Alexander Carr
M/M Todd Carr
Ms Olympia Carranza
Dr/Mrs Dumitru Carstea
M/M Adam Caskey
Mrs Katherine Cavallo
Mrs Anna Chaconas
M/M Christopher Chaconas
Mr Paul Chaconas
Mrs Georgia Chakeris
M/M Pete Chambers
M/M Demetris Charalambous
M/M George Charuhas
Mr Telly Charuhas
Miss Antonia Chelpon
M/M Constantine Chelpon
Miss Ekaterina Chelpon
M/M Harry Chelpon
Mr Mikhail Chelpon
Rev/Presv Theodore Chelpon
Mr Eddie Cheris
M/M Louis Cherpes
M/M Mark Cherpes
Mr/Ms Peter Cherpes
M/M Emmanuel Chiaparas
M/M Herve Chignon
Mrs Emerald Chiotakis
M/M John Chipouras
M/M Louis Cholakis
Ms Afrodite Christ
M/M George Christacos
Dr Nicole Christacos
M/M Stavros Christacos
Dr/Mrs Joseph Christodoulide
M/M Constantis Christofi
Mrs Eugenia Christofi and
Mr Carlos Arias
Dr Andrew Christopher
M/M Aristotle Christou
M/M Chris Christou
M/M Christos Christou
M/M Paul Christou
M/M Athanasios Chronis
Miss Ljiljana Ciric
Mrs Mirjana Ciric
M/M Nick Colic
Mr Constantine Constant
Mrs Froso Constant
Dr/Mrs James Constantine
Mrs Ileana Constantinescu
Dr George Contis
Ms Constance Contompasis
Col/Mrs Harry Contos
Mrs Argery Cooke
Ms Christine Cope
Mrs Anastasia Copeland
Dr Susan Coronis
M/M Gus Costas
M/M Adamantios Coulouris
M/M Gus Coutlakis
Mrs Galatia Cowan
Adm/Mrs Robert Cowley
Mrs Betty Craten
Mr Michael Dakes
M/M Stephen Dakes
Mrs Theodosia Dampier
Ms Elena Danigelis
M/M Ivan Danzig
Dr/Mrs Nicholas Darzenta
Mr Lycurgus Davey
M/M Michael Davey
Ms Dorothea Davidian
Dr/Dr Elias Debbas
Mr Apostolos Dedes and
Mrs Eva Tzanavara
M/M James Dehart
M/M John Delta
Dr/Mrs John Demakis
Mrs Antoinette Demeres
M/M Christian Demeter
M/M Demetrios Demetriou
Ms Elpida Demetriou
M/M Lambros Demetriou
M/M Peter Demetriou
Ms Venetia Demson
Mrs Helen Derzis
M/M James DeSatnick
Mrs Mary Diakides
Miss Alexandra Diapoulis
M/M Nicholas Diapoulis
Ms Georgia Dimitras
M/M Alexios Dimopoulos
M/M Arthur Dimopoulos
Dr/Mrs Harry Dinella
Mr Stephen Dinos and
Dr Evie Cavros
Mr James Dishaw
DOP Helle #283
Mr Nicholas Dopuch
M/M John Doulis
Mr/Dr Steven Doulis
Mr Gregory Drake
Ms Mary Drakoulis
M/M Stavros Drosos
M/M Demetrios Droumbani
Ms Michaela Duta
Mrs Angeliki Economopoulos and
Derek Bills
Mrs Nicolitsa Economou
Mr Paul Economou
Mrs Catherine Edgington
M/M Christos Elefantis
M/M Michael Emanuel
M/M James Eskinzes
M/M Christopher Euripides
M/M Emmanouel Fattahi
Mr Ferssizidis and
Mrs Ferssizidis Zorba
Ms Rosemary Filou
M/M Samuel Fischer
M/M Dennis Floros
Mr George Floros
M/M Nicholaos Floros
M/M Pete Floros
Ms Anna Flossos
Ms Ioanna Flossos
M/M Stephanos Flossos
Mrs Dianne Kavros Fogarty
Ms Despina Foster
M/M Spiros Fotelargias
M/M Vasilios Fotinos
Mrs Vasiliki Fotopoulous
M/M James Francis
M/M Stephen Francis
Mr Demetrios Gadonas
M/M Dimitrios Gadonas
Mr William Galanis
M/M Demetrios Galatis
M/M Richard Gamble
Ltc/ Mrs Dennis Garbis
M/M John Garbis
Ms Korinna Garbis
M/M Martin Gardner
M/M David Garnett
Mrs Effie Gasparis
M/M Nicholas Gasparis
M/M Chris Gavras
Mrs Aspasia Georgatos
M/M Evans George
M/M George Georgeadis
Mrs Angelina Georgelas
Ms Mary Georghiou
M/M Frank Gerow, Jr
Mrs Helen Gianelos
M/M George Giatas
Mrs Helen Glekas
Mrs Eleni Goldsmith
M/M Arthur Gomez
M/M Dimitrios Goranitis
Mr Ioannis Goranitis
M/M Chad Gorman
M/M Christos Gougoufkas
Ms Areti Gourzis
M/M John Gouvis
M/M Peter Gouvis
M/M John Granville
M/M George Greanias
Ms Joanna Greig
M/M Spiro Grivas
M/M Mark Gull
M/M Michael Haddad
Mrs Christina Kehayia Hadigian
M/M Andreas Hadjichristodoulou
Ms Hera- Maria Hadjidamianou
Ms Thecla Hadjidamianou
Mr Menbere Haile
M/M John Hall
M/M Donald Halstead
M/M Leonidas Hantzopoulos
Mrs Antigone Harocopos
Mrs Maria Hatzikonstantinou
Ms Diane Gatsis Havinga
M/M Karl Hickson
Ms Georgia Higley
M/M Dimitrios Hios
Mr Bill Hittle
M/M John Hittle
M/M Everet Hoeg
M/M Bryan Holloway
Mrs Agoritsa Holmes
Mr Steve Hondros
M/M Keith Horenstein
M/M James Howard
Ms Alissa Iatridis
Mrs Eftihia Ioannidou
Mrs Hariklia Ioannou
M/M Iacovos Ioannou
Mr Clinton Irby
M/M James Jatras
M/M Scott Jemison
Mr James Jeweler
M/M John Jeweler
Ms Kim Johnson
M/M Timothy Johnson
Dr Subir Jossan and
Mrs Eleni Boosalis
M/M Tom Jouvanis
Mr Benjamin Jurado and
Mrs Smaragda Strifas
Mr Christ Kacoyannakis and
Mrs Nancy Thompson
Mrs Irene Kakaviatos
Mr Kalamatianos & Mrs Adamopoulos
M/M James Kalaris
Mr Mark Kalaris
M/M Christopher Kalavritinos
Mrs Maria Kalis
Mr Michael Kalis
Mr Nicholas Kalis
M/M Tim Kalyvas
Ms Christina Kanakis
M/M Tom Kanakos
Mr Constan Kanellos
Mr John Kapelos and
Mrs Niki Viglas
M/M George Kapetanakis
Mrs Konstantina Kapetanakis
Ms Joanna Kappas
M/M Bill Kapsidelis
Mrs Koula Karabelas
M/M William Karabelas
M/M Harry Karageorge
Mr Ntinos Karaiskos
Ms Persephoni Karakosta
M/M Dimitrios Karamanis
M/M John Karamanis
Mrs Helen Karambelas
M/M Nick Karanikas
Mrs Lula Karas
M/M Peter Karounos
Ms Maria Katradis and
Mr Costantino Panayides
M/M Harry Katrivanos
M/M Anthony Katsakis
M/M Stavros Katsakos
Mr/Dr Efthimios Katsapis
M/M Dean Katsikes
M/M George Kavarligos
M/M George Kavros
M/M Michael Kavros
Mrs Anne Kaylor
Ms Susan Kaylor
Dr Alexandra Kazakis
M/M George Kehaiov
M/M Anastasios Kehayias
M/M Nicholas Kikis
M/M Michael Kiklis
M/M John Kiriakou
M/M Chris Kiros
M/M Mike Kiros
M/M Thomas Kiszka
Mrs Anastasia Kitsantas and
Mr Stephen Willett
M/M Andreas Kokkinis
M/M Demitrios Kokkinis
M/M Costas Kolas
M/M Steven kolias
M/M Nickolaos Kollas
M/M Konstantinos Kollias
M/M Alexandros Kolovos
Mr Nicholas Kolovos
M/M Peter Kolovos
Mrs Barbara Koltos
Ms Penelope Koltos
M/M George Konstas
M/M Panos Konstas
M/M George Kontzias
Mrs Sousana Kontzias
Mr Vitali Kopylov
M/M Dionisios Korkos
M/M Nektarios Koronis
M/M Christos Kosmakos
M/M George Kosmakos
Miss Sofia Kosmetatos
M/M Ted Kosturos
Ms Kim Kostyal
M/M Konstantinos Koukides
M/M John Koukis
Mrs Danae Koulizakis
Mrs Marika Koumanelis
M/M George Koumarianos
Mrs Paraskeve Koumarianos
Mr Teddy Koumarianos
M/M Stanley Koussis
Mrs Maria Koustenis
Ms Georgia Koutsaris
M/M Angelo Koutsoupias
M/M Gregoris Kozakos
Miss Panagiota Kozakos
Ms Christine Krithades
M/M Anastasios Kudurogianis
Mr Evangelos Kudurogianis
M/M Peter Kulic
M/M Ken Kunec
M/M John Kushner
Ms Christina Kutschenreuter
Dr/Mrs Andy Kydes
Mrs Alike Lagos
M/M Nicholas Lagos
Mrs Maria Laliotis
M/M Thomas Lallas
M/M Basil Lambropoulos
M/M Sheldon Lampert
M/M Arthur Lampros
M/M Michael Lampros
M/M Frank Landry, III
Mr Nicholas Larigakis
M/M Vassilios Lekkas
M/M Spiro Lekoudis
Ms Nicole Leontsinis
Mr Nick Liappis
M/M Theodosios Liappis
M/M Konstantinos Liatsos
Mrs Bessie Ligelis
Ms Elaine Ligelis
Ms Tina Ligelis
M/M Angelo Linardakis
Mrs Georgia Lindroth
Mr Logman and
Mrs Katsenes Logman
M/M James Loisou
M/M James Loizou
Mrs Koula Lolos
M/M Michael Loulakis
M/M George Louvis
M/M Kenneth Loveless
M/M Robert Lower
Mrs Patricia Lyristis
M/M Allen Lyubinsky
Mr Joseph Macekura
Ms Maria Makredes
Mrs Aspasia Makrigiorgos
M/M Nikolaos Makrigiorgos
M/M Vasilios Makrigiorgos
M/M Peter Malek
Miss Gaye Mallis
Mark and Mary Mallus
Ms Rebecca Malone and
Mr George Ralis
M/M Ryan Maloney
Dr Thomas Mandes
M/M Frank Manno
Dr/Mrs Spiros Manolas
M/M George Manoleras
Mr Nagi Mansour
Mr Tamer Mansour
M/M Constantinos Mantziaras
Ms Catherine Marinis-Yaqub
M/M Peter Markakos
M/M Peter Marketos
M/M James Marko
M/M John Markogiannakis
Ms Antigoni Markou
Mrs Anne Masters
M/M John Masterson, Jr.
Mrs Stasia Mastorakis
Mr George Mastromichalis and
Ms Andrea Kallas
Mr Constantinos Mavromatakis
M/M Georgios Mavromatakis
M/M Gregory McKinney
Ms Joanna Meadows
M/M David Mentis
M/M Peter Mentis
Ms Emily Merkel
Mr/Ms Gary Michel
M/M Peter Michos
M/M Brett Miller
Ms Melissa Mimidis
M/M Yannos Misitzis
Mrs Evdoxia Mitchell
M/M Louis Mitchell
M/M Constantine Monis
Mr Scott Mooney and
Mrs Eleanor Galifianakis
Ms Jane Moore
M/M William Moore
M/M George Moratis
M/M Christopher Morin
Mrs Paraskevi Morlock
M/M Ralph Morris
M/M Robert Morrison
M/M Georgios Moschoglou
M/M John Moschopoulos
Mr Stylianos Moschou and
Mrs Efthymia Rapti
Mrs Anna Moshos
Mr George Moshos
M/M Gus Moshos
M/M James Moshos
Ms Tina Moshos
M/M Nickolaos Moustakas
Maj/Mrs Matthew Mowery
Mr/Dr Michael Mpras
M/M Nicholas Mpras
Ms Mary Mullekom
M/M Kenneth Myers
M/M Nicholas Myseros
Mrs Mitzi Natsios
Dr Peter Neff
Mrs Iro Nestoros
Mrs Erma Nettles
Mr Paul Neubelt
M/M Veldon Newtson
M/M Demetrios Nicholakos
Ms Panagiota Nicholakos
Ms Virginia Nicolaidis
M/M George Nicopoulos
Mr/Ms Clayton Nightingale
Mr Greg Nightingale
M/M Nicolas Nitis
Mrs Eugenia Nobes
Dr/Mrs Constantine Nonas
Ms Anna Noussis
Mrs Catalina Novac and
Mr Igor Bosjnak
Mr Edwhar Nunez and
Mrs Maria Anastasiou
Mrs Roula Oktay
M/M George Opacic
M/M Crysilios Orphanides
Mr Evan Owen and
Dr Joanna Athanasopoulos
M/M Anthony Pagonis
M/M Kyriakos Pagonis
Mrs Jean Panagakos
Mrs Vanna Panagoulias
M/M Nickolas Panteleos
M/M Chris Papachristos
M/M Alex Papadopoulos
Mr Panagiotis Papadopoulos
Mr Nicholas Papafil
Mrs Maria Papageorgiou
Capt/Mrs Michael Papageorgiou
Dr E.C. Papailias
Mrs Anastasia Papalios
M/M Nicholas Papaloizou
Ms Crystallo Papamichael
Ms Daphne Papamichael
Mrs Mamie Papamichael
M/M George Papantoniou
M/M Pete Papantoniou
Dr/Mrs Alexander Papas
M/M George Papas
M/M Panayiotis Papasavva
M/M Gus Papathanasiou
M/M Dennis Papathanasopoulos
M/M Athanasios Pappas
Dr/Dr Chris Pappas
Dr/Mrs Sam Pappas
M/M Jim Paras
M/M Dimitrios Paraskevopoulos
M/M Haralabos Paraskevopoulos
M/M Michael Parrish
M/M Charalambos Pashiardis
M/M Christos Passakos
Ms Alexandra Pattaras
M/M Matthew Paulson
Mr Andrew Pavlakos
Mr Christopher Pavlakos
Rev/Presv Costas Pavlakos
M/M Pavel Pekarsky
M/M Nick Pekatos
Mr Thomas Pellicane
M/M Ted Pelonis
M/M Patrick Pennella
Mrs Katherine Pergola
M/M Andreas Pericli
Mrs Kathy Pesavento
M/M John Petalas
M/M George Petris
Col/Mrs Daniel Peyser
Mrs Catherine Phass
Dr/Mrs Dean Phass
Mrs Loiza Pieri
Mr Cristos Pieri
Mrs Androula Pikrallidas
M/M Kostas Pikrallidas
Mr Dean Pilarinos
Mrs Frances Pilarinos
M/M Joseph Pishioneri
M/M Nicholas Ploutis
M/M Nick Ploutis
Mr Jerry Pnevmatikatos
M/M Bill Polizos
M/M John Polizos
M/M Spyridon Polyzos
M/M Manolis Ponirakis
Mr John Pors
M/M William Porter, Jr
Mr Pete Poulos
Mrs Anastasia Pratt
Ms Marija Privitera
Mrs Sylvia Psarakis
M/M Nicholas Psaros
M/M Anthony Quebral
M/M Ryan Quick
M/M Mitchel Raftelis
M/M Frank Rajendra
Dr/Mrs Demosthenes T. Rantis
M/M Theofanis Rantis
M/M Kevin Reinhardt
Mr Peter Retsinas
Mrs Kathy Rice
Dr/Mrs Jerry Rich
M/M Ronnie Rinaldi
M/M George Roiniotis
Mr Spiro Roiniotis and
Ms Julia Young
M/M Gregory Romanias
M/M Douglas Rosenburg
M/M Basil Rousos
M/M Emanuel Rouvelas
Mr Aaron J. Rusnak and
Mileva Sturgis
Mrs Evangelia Sabbarese
M/M Leonidas Sakell
M/M Anastasios Sakkas
M/M William Salavantis
Ms Stephanie Samergedes
Mrs Aspasia Sapountzis
Mr Sarakinis and Ms Aloupis
Mrs Xenia Sarantis
M/M Jim Saris
Ms Alexandra Sarris
Ms Christina Sarris
M/M George Sarris
M/M Michael Sarris
M/M Milton Sarris
Mr Nicholas Sarris
Mr Tom Sarris
M/M George Jr Sauter
Mrs Kaliope Sauter
Ms Elena Sava
Ms Vanessa Savas
Mrs Katherine Scourby
Ms Alisha Scruggs
Mrs Ann Sedor
Mr Andrew Sessions
M/M John Seward
Mr Tasos Sgardelis
Mr Jon Sheldon and
Mrs Tina Papamichael
Mr Eric Shiflett and
Ms Lilyanna Peyser
M/M Panos Siatis
Mr Perry Siatis
M/M George Sifakis
Mr Tellis Sigros
Dr George Silis
M/M Panagiotis Silis
Mr Thomas Silis
M/M Darrel Simmons
M/M John Smaragdis
M/M Eleftherios Smirniotopoulos
M/M Andrew Smith
Mr Christos Snear and
Mrs Dawn Terminella
Mr Frank Sofocleous
Mr Michael Sofocleous
M/M James Soiles
M/M Alex Solomos
M/M Gregory Soter
M/M Michael Soteriou
M/M John Souliotis
M/M Chris Soves
M/M Harry Spanos
Ms Helen J. Spanos
M/M John Spanos
Ms Stella Spathopoulos
M/M Dennis Spirides
M/M James Spirides
M/M Haralabos Spyridakis
M/M Eleftherios Spyridis
M/M Nicholas Spyros
St Katherine Preschool
M/M Louis Stack
Mrs Vasiliki B. Stafilatos
Ms Panorea Stalter
M/M Nick Stames
M/M John Stamos
M/M Apostolos Stamoulas
Mrs Maria Stamoulas and
Mr Basil Koudelis
Ms Stephanie Stanga
Mrs Helen Stassinos
M/M Odysseus Stassinos
M/M Peter Stathis
M/M George Stathopoulos
Dr/Dr William Steele
Miss Mary Stefanou
M/M Peter Stefanou
M/M Demetrios Stergiou
Mr/Ms Ken Stewart
M/M James Stoucker
Dr/Mrs Tom Stoumbos
Mr Clifford Stouts
M/M Evangelos Stoyas
Mr Ioannis Stratakis
Rev/Mrs Milan Sturgis
M/M Tommie Summers
M/M Gus Svolis
Ms Maria Swanson
M/M Marcus Talbott
M/M Alexander Taousakis
M/M Panagiotis Taousakis
M/M Kevin Tate
M/M Pierre Tavoularis
Mrs Mary Tetradis
Ms Vassiliki Theocharakou
Mr Ted Theocharis
M/M Leonidas Theodorakoglou
M/M Athanasios Theodoropoulos
M/M Craig Thomas
M/M James Thomas
M/M Gene Thornton
Mrs Andromachi Timotheou
Mr Alexandros Tombras
Mr Andrew Tompros
Tony's Home Improvement, Inc.
M/M Jackson Toof
Dr/Mrs John Topping
M/M Philip Toumazatos
Mr Angelo Toutsi
Mr Thomas Toutsi
Mr Christakis Trahili
Dr/Mrs Michael Trahos
Mrs Fotini Trikaliotis
M/M Basil Trikas
Mr Paul Tripathi and
Mrs Chrysanthe Gaitatzes
Dr/Mrs Basil Tripsas
Mr Matthew Trogdon
Ms Sophia Tsangali
Mrs Demetra Tsantes
Dr/Mrs Michael Tsapos
Mrs Angelika Tsatsakis
M/M George Tsempales
M/M Thomas Tsianakas
M/M Vassilios Tsiglifis
Mrs Anna Tsimbidis
Mrs Helen Tsintolas
M/M Constantine Tsoukatos
Mr Athanasios Tsounis and
Mrs Mary Kalpos
M/M Constantine Tzafolias
M/M Themis Tzamarias
M/M Craig Underhill
Mrs Marie Unkle
M/M Thomas Vaccarello
Ms Ann Vaffis
Dr/Mrs Charles Valases
Mr Peter Vamvakaris
Col/Mrs Nicholas Vamvakias
Ms Catherine Vangellow
M/M Christopher Vargas
M/M Stratis Varlas
Ms Christine Varoutsos
Hon/Mrs George Varoutsos
Mrs Olga Varoutsos
M/M Stefan Vasilis
M/M Constantine Vassilopoulos
M/M George Vassilopoulos
M/M Stelios Vatikiotis
Mr Tasos Vatikiotis
M/M Ramon Vazquez
M/M George Veletsis
M/M Stavros Veletsis
Col/Mrs James Velezis
M/M Chris Velisaris
M/M Pete Veltsistas
M/M Larry Visos
Mr John A. Vlachos
Mrs Stephanie Vlahakos and
Mr Omer Esiner
M. Volakis
M/M Demetris Voudouris
M/M Emmanuel Vouvakis
Mrs Nausika Vouvalis
M/M Sakellarios Vouvalis
M/M Jim Vricos
M/M George Vroustouris
M/M Colin Waitt
Rev Christos Wallace
M/M Pavlos Washburn
Mrs Galatia Whittemore
M/M Charles L. Wigle
Mr Carter Wilkinson and
Mrs Andrea Gevas
M/M Donald Wills
Mrs Deatra Wood
Mr Keith Wooldridge
Mr Jack Wuerker and
Mrs Effie Triarhos
M/M Constantine Xanthaky
Mr Peter Xefteris
Mrs Elaine Xenos
Mrs Aliki Xepapas
Ms Antonia Xereas
M/M Panagioti Xereas
Mrs Kathryn Xidon
Pres Athena Yachnis
M/M Chris Yianilos
Mr Jason Yianilos
M/M Aris Yortzidis
M/M Nicholaos Zacharatos
M/M Elias Zarkadoulas
Miss Athena Zavolas
M/M Manuel Zavolas
M/M Nicholas Zavolas
M/M Stratis Zervos
Capt Christos Zirps
M/M John Ziu
M/M Mihail Ziu
M/M Athanasios Zuppas
M/M Peter Zuppas
Lord Our God, if during this day I have sinned, whether in word or deed or thought, forgive me all; for you are good and love mankind. Grant me peaceful and undisturbed
sleep and deliver me from all influence and temptation of the evil one. Raise me up again
in proper time that I may glorify you; for you are blessed, + with your Only-Begotten
Son and your All-Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
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