JCS日本語学校のきまり School Regulations

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・ 登下校は Quarry St に面する校門ゲートを利用してください。
・ 校門ゲートは9時20分に開きますが、教員のいない教室に生徒だけを入らせないようにお願いします。
授業は幼児部は 12 時 10 分、小学部は 12 時 15 分に終了しますのでお迎えが遅れないよう、また幼児部は登下
現地校との契約上、校門は 12 時 30 分厳守で閉めますので、授業後は速やかに下校してください。
・ 机、椅子、ホワイトボード以外の現地校のものには触らないように注意して下さい。
・ ホール上階に行く階段、校庭ホール側階段は立入禁止です。(ホールの上階は警報アラームがセットされて
校庭の青いゴミ箱や教室内のゴミ箱は現地校用のゴミ箱です。ゴミを捨てる場合は JCS 専用ゴミ箱(通常
袋へ入れるよう 心がけましょう。壁も汚さないよう気をつけて下さい。
・ 生徒は校庭のトイレを利用して下さい。校内のトイレは大人用です。
・ 校舎、校庭では立入り禁止の場所に入らないよう、お気をつけて下さい。(傾斜地や校庭の植え込み、ホー
・ エレベーターは使用禁止です。ベビーカーをご使用の方も面倒ですが階段をご利用下さい。
・ アレルギーを持つ生徒が在学していますので、おやつにピーナツ類の持参は禁止です。
つ けた場合は、キャンティーン前の落し物置き場に保管されている場合もございますので、翌週にそちらも
ア ポイントメントを取り、受取はご本人に平日直接学校へ行っていただきます。
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School Regulations
School hours
All parents and students are to use the gate on Quarry Street.
The gate will open at 9:20am. However please do not leave a student in a classroom unless a teacher is present.
All students must be in their classroom between 9:20am and 9:30am. Class will commence at 9:30am sharp.
Please do not be late for the start as the latecomer will disturb the teacher and the classmates.
The car park and the gate on Wattle Street are reserved for teachers, committee members and parents on roster.
Kindergarten classes finish at 12:10pm. Primary classes finish at 12:15pm. Please be on time for your children’s
pick up. Kindergarten class students need to be signed in/out by parents.
The gate on Quarry Street must be closed at 12:30pm in accordance with the Ultimo Public School contract, so
please exit the premises promptly.
Please show your ID card at the school gate.
Use of School
Do not touch school property in classrooms apart from desks, chairs and whiteboard.
Walk in hallways or classrooms. Please do not run.
Do not go up the staircases to the Ultimo PS administration office. (The area above the school hall is alarmed.)
Use allocated JCS rubbish bin (usually located near stairs). The blue Ultimo PS bins and the bins inside the
classrooms are not for JCS students.
Do not eat in hallways or classrooms. When you see rubbish in the school or in the courtyard, please pick it up and
put in the allocated rubbish bins.
All students are to use outdoor toilets. All toilets in the school buildings are for adult use only.
Do not enter any prohibited areas. (slope behind the fence, the borders and above the hall etc)
If you have smaller children who do not attend JCS School, please watch over them and ensure they do not touch
the school property or students’ art works.
Emergency exits are only to be used in case of emergency.
Please do not use the lifts. Even parents with prams are not allowed to use them.
Peanut products are prohibited at school, due to increased numbers of student with nuts allergies.
If you and your children are able to speak Japanese, please speak Japanese in the school.
When we find things left behind, we keep them in the storage room. They might still be in lost property if found by
Ultimo PS. If you left something valuable, contact the committee. The committee will contact Ultimo PS and you
can pick it up on weekdays.
Students are not allowed to use musical devices, electronic games, mobile phones or scooters in the school.