Congratulations Classes of 2013 - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox

The Voice of the Greek Community
MAY/JUN 2013 1
VOL. 73 • NO. 533
MAY/JUN 2013
Our Vision: With the Grace of God, to provide a loving and caring Community where all belong to Christ,
through worship, sacramental life, everyday spiritual discipline, sanctification, education, witness and fellowship.
Classes of 2013
Greek School
Sunday School
Preschool Classes
Our Mission
Our Mission is to
become faithful
followers of Christ
and thus active Greek
Orthodox Christians
by accepting and
submitting to the Will
of our Lord so that we
may realize salvation
and enter into the
Kingdom of God.
Remarks from Father Michael.......................................... 3
Message from the President George Karres .................... 4
Our Spiritual Training by Father Tommy .......................... 6
Class of 2013 Graduates .................................................. 8
Choir News ..................................................................... 13
Greek School News......................................................... 14
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MAY/JUN 2013
A Message From The Editor
Hello Again,
Summer Time and Vacation Time have arrived and we
at the Voice want to congratulate the 2013 High School
Seniors, Greek School 6th Graders, and our Preschoolers
on there graduations.
On Sunday May 19, 2013, a Special Assembly was
held at the Father “C” hall to decide on a course of action
regarding the Cathedral and courtyard renovations. The
assembly voted to proceed with option A, which consisted
of renovating the basement of the Cathedral for elevator
accessibility and renovating the countyard. The IRRC
continues to work diligently towards this project and
looks forward to continuing and maintaining the vision
of our Agia Triada.
On a different note, I ask myself the question of why is this publication of the Voice
important to our community? The Voice goes back from 1947 and it is our timeline
of the churches events printed forever. Things you will find on the churches website
comes and goes, it serves more for information for upcoming events, and what is
posted today or 6 months from now will be erased for new events. Technology can
be a good or bad thing, in this age of email. Sometimes people can take things the
wrong way. Personally, I believe in talking with people, getting to know them, and
making them feel special. To me email is only good to send out information and I
feel as if the Voice will carry our church events forever.
Finally, we want to wish Jimmy
Demopoulos all our best. Jimmy will be
going back to school in England. Here
at Holy Trinity, Jimmy served as Youth
Director and Building Manager. We
are very proud of you and wish you all
the best.
Until next time,
Be Safe,
Angelo Pete Politis
The Voice of the Greek Community
Voice Editorial and Business Staff
Voice Committee Members:
Angelo Pete Politis, Editor; Effie
Dounis, Despina Kaltsounis, Stephanie
Kaltsounis, Lucy Zapsas, George
Contributing Writers
Fr. Michael Varvarelis, Dean of the
Fr. Tommy Vlahos, Priest – Religious
George Karres - P.C. Presidents Message
Ministry Writers:
Diane Christides – Sunday School
Larry Peroulas – Greek School
Maria Kleto – Preschool
Toni Karnazes – Philoptochos
Olga Yamalis – Choir News
Cathy Chicklistas – Forever Young
Tom Ganatsios – GOSA
Georgia Georgoulakos – Around
Charlotte Town
Johnny Couchell – Athletic Program
Jimmy Demopoulos – GOYA-HOPE/JOY
Loula Kontoulas – Heritage Preservation
Gloria Kontoulas – Education, Culture
and Youth Diakonia, Around Charlotte
Helen Beleos – Community Profiles
Andrew Karras – Spiritual
Dr. Taki Hondros – Health
George Politis – Professional Services
– Daughters of Penelope
N. Markos Kontos – AHEPA
Number of Parish Families – 875
Rev. Fr. Michael Varvarelis, Dean
of the Cathedral; Mrs. Helen Karras,
Office Manager/Secretary; Angelo
Tatsis, Building Assistant; Jimmy
Demopoulos, Youth Director/Building
Supervisor; Mr. Larry Peroulas, Greek
School Director; Mrs. Maria Kleto and
Cindy Balatsias, Preschool Directors;
Lucy Zapsas Choir Director; Toni
Karnazes, First Sevice Choir Director;
Irina Monzolevskaya, Organist; George
Politis, Effie Fotopoulos, Sunday School
2013 Parish Council:
George Karres, President; John
Karagiannis, Vice President; George
Andrews, Treasurer; Spero Koufaliotis,
Assistant Treasurer; John Tsumas,
Secretary; Peter Thomopoulos, Assistant
Secretary; Dr. Takie Hondros, Member;
Dino Pappas, Member; Margaret Nixon,
Member; Caleb Russell, Member; Angelo
Kefalas, Member; Dimitri Dounis,
Member; Jimmy Georgiou, Member;
George Limbanovnos, Member; Angelo
Spero, Member.
Cathedral Foundation:
Harry Stathopoulos, Chairman; , Nickolas
Ballas Vice-Chairman; Mathew Karres,
Secretary; Chris Karres Tresurer; Nick
Kantsios, Assistant Sec./Tres; George
Watson, Nick Nixon, Members.
H o l y Tr i n i t y G re e k O r t h o d o x
Cathedral bi-monthly publication is
published 6 times per year. Church
Telephone: 704/334-4771; Preschool:
Check out the latest news and photos on the web
w w w. h t g o . o r g
The Voice of the Greek Community
MAY/JUN 2013 3 both smoke and say bad words?” Ah, these kids
do make some “naive” questions and they expect,
you see, answers.
Let us not resent if tomorrow our children are
paying us back in the same way. So you should not
kid yourself. Either we should be consistent and
true or let us stop playing the roles of “parents”
and “teachers”.
The philosopher Seneca says: “the quickest and
most effective way to get to the heart of the child
is not by the teachings but your bright example.”
2. Affection. Everyone is in thirst for it.
Affection renews us. We are calm. We feel
confident and full. This affection is needed by
the child for the reasons that we mentioned
earlier and he thirsts to have it at home from his
parents as he grows. If the child has no affection,
then he feels disadvantaged and frightened and
that something is missing. There is a finding in
psychology that when affection is missing from the
child, the child feels inferior; the child is evolving
immaturely and not normally; then, the child is
seeking to be emotionally fulfilled with many
other unorthodox ways. So we have tragedies of
anarchism, nervous break-downs, homosexuality
and other perversions which have their basis in
lacking of completeness of the emotional world.
3. Discussion-Dialogue. The child always
is deprived and fights to gain what he needs then
this helps him to mature. “He becomes a man.”
Without privations and hardships, no one will
grow to become a responsible human being. The
“pain” cultivates man. The abundance destroys
him. Let us beware of this point if we want our
children to progress in life.
5. Game. The child grows up with toys and
games. They say that the child is expressing and
evolving himself with the game. Many people
have the idea that the game is pointless and lost
hours and even damaging the child! Though no
other way can cultivate and form the child as it
happens while playing. That is why Holy Trinity
supports and encourages the Youth to be part of
our athletic program. With the game, the parent is
by Father Michael Varvarelis
able to see the whole character of the child because
Dean of the Cathedral
it is manifested unrestrained during the game.
This provides the opportunity and the possibility
Parents and Child
to the parents with the manner and the kind and
There is no more difficult “art” than to research man
the means of the game to pass on to their child the
and, more particularly, the child. Generally, the inner
essential ideas and the most important principles
world of man is hard to diagnose. This is because
in life. Conversely, we may destroy our children
the psychology and mentality of every era and every
as it happens with the war games. We like to say
geographical area is different from the previous era and
that the video games do not help. If we wish to
of another geographic area.
succeed one hundred percent in the raising of our
Let us approach the relationship of the parent with the
children, then we need to find the correct way to
child and, in this approach, let us emphasize the need
play with them.
to regard the child with honor. Let us emphasize that
6. Closing these remarks on the relationship
no parent can succeed by looking from a distance. As
between parents and children, I would like
a parent, you must sacrifice your ego, your time,
your rest, your entertainment and even sometimes “Daddy, why did you tell me to say on the phone that you’re to emphasize that our children are the most
your work to make, God willing, a “good” child.
not here, and you are here?” “Mom, why does daddy tell me precious gifts from God to parents. This
What does a child need from the parent? The that I should not smoke and I should not say bad words, but translates the unending responsibility we
child needs to see an example, receive love, you both smoke and say bad words?” Ah, these kids do make have for our children. But let us admit the
joy and blessing that the children bring
affection, kindness and to have access to toys and
some “naive” questions and they expect, you see, answers.
to our lives. There is no greater treasure
games. The child wants conversation, dialogue and
in the world than a child. If the children
approach. Lastly, discipline has to have a place in
missing from the world, then the world
the life of the child.
wants to talk, to communicate, and trust. The
would be missing, as well. The singing would be
secret to open the child’s heart is for the parent to
1. The example of the parents counts greatly
have sincerity when talking with him. If we are not
to the formation of the character of the child.
It is worthwhile to make the greatest sacrifices for the
honest, the dialogue is doomed to fail. We need to
Don’t we all become discouraged when we expect
These sacrifices should have a way, a system,
talk to our child with honesty, then you will gain
other things from a person that we believe in and
particularly truthfulness. They should have
confidence, you become friends, you open doors
we find something different? Have we thought of
We should, as parents, love our children
and widen horizons. Then, parents and children
the deadly frustration that is felt by a child when
«look after us” but we, as parents, to
will trust each other. If we admit our faults, then
he sees his parents arguing, cursing at each other
we open the path for our child to feel closer with us.
or physically abusing? Also, when the parents
Therefore, while it is an enormous responsibility to be
say lies and when they are unfair? When they
4. We care for our children to have them all
the moral satisfaction is such that justifies their
defame ... The same happens to the child when
in abundance. We hear parents complain: “I kill
Thus, we as parents provide to the children
these things are happening with other persons
myself to offer everything to my child (my children)
social environment and professional
who are his educators, teachers, coaches, etc...
who does not understand anything. My child is
children will elaborate and create
So, in today’s society we should not be surprised
naughty, neglectful, and shameless and makes
with the gifts that each one
because the child is a liar, thief, lazy, untamed
a fuss. What should I do? We in our days had
good parent loves, cares
and other negative aspects that we, in reality,
nothing. We attended school barefoot and hungry
offered to him by “our example”. For instance, I
...” Let us pay attention of what we are saying as
present some questions from these small “naive”
parents. We outline accurately with the words
May the Lord bless, guide, inspire and protect all the
children.” Daddy, why did you tell me to say on
above the way of maturation and responsibility. parents and all the children.
the phone that you’re not here, and you are here?”
Because our children are not deprived of anything
With love in Christ,
“Mom, why does daddy tell me that I should not
and since they have all in abundance, this is
Fr. Michael Varvarelis
smoke and I should not say bad words, but you
exactly the reason that destroys them. Whoever
Remarks From
Father Michael
Οι Γονείς καί τό Παιδί
Δέν υπάρχει δυσκολότερη «τέχνη» από τό νά
ερευνάς τόν άνθρωπο καί ιδιαίτερα τό παιδί.
Γενικά ο ψυχικός κόσμος τού ανθρώπου είναι
δύσκολα νά διαγνωστεί. Αυτό συμβαίνει γιατί
η ψυχολογία καί η νοοτροπία κάθε εποχής
αλλά καί κάθε γεωγραφικής περιοχής είναι
διαφορετική από τήν προηγούμενη εποχή καί
από τήν άλλη γεωγραφική περιοχή.
Ας πλησιάσουμε τήν σχέση τών γονέων μέ τό
παιδί τονίζοντας στήν προσέγγιση τήν ανάγκη
τής «συγκατάβασης» τών γονέων πρός τό παιδί.
Ας υπογραμμίσουμε ότι κανένας γονέας δέν
μπορεί νά πετύχει «αφ΄υψηλού». Πρέπει σάν
γονεύς νά θυσιάσεις τό εγώ σου, τόν χρόνο
σου, τήν ανάπαυσή σου, τή διασκέδασή σου
ακόμα μερικές φορές καί τήν εργασία σου γιά
νά προσφέρεις καί νά φτιάξεις άν θέλει ο Θεός
σωστό παιδί.
Τί χρειάζεται τό παιδί από τόν γονέα; Θέλει
νά βλέπει παράδειγμα, νά δέχεται αγάπη,
στοργή, χάδι, νά έχει πρόσβαση στό παιγνίδι. Τό
παιδί θέλει κουβέντα, διάλογο καί πλησίασμα.
Επίσης θέση έχει στή ζωή του παιδού καί ή
παιδαγωγική τιμωρία.
1. Τό παράδειγμα εκ μέρους τών γονέων
μετρά τά μέγιστα στόν σχηματισμό τού
χαρακτήρος τού παιδιού. Ολοι μας πόσο
απογοητευόμαστε, όταν άλλα περιμέναμε
από ένα άνθρωπο, στόν οποίο πιστεύαμε,
καί άλλα είδαμε; Σκεφθήκαμε τήν θανάσιμη
απογοήτευση πού νοιώθει τό παιδί όταν
βλέπει τούς γονείς νά μαλώνουν, νά
αλληλοϋβρίζονται, νά χτυπιούνται; Νά λέγουν
ψέματα. Νά αδικούν. Νά συκοφαντούν...
Τό ίδιο συμβαίνει στό παιδί όταν αυτά τά
βλέπει καί σέ άλλους παιδαγωγούς του.
Ετσι στήν κοινωνία σήμερα δέν θά πρέπει
νά απορούμε γιατί τό παιδί είναι ψεύτης,
κλέφτης, τεμπέλης, ατίθασος καί άλλα
αρνητικά στοιχεία πού μέ τό παράδειγμα μας
τό φορτώσαμε. Γιά παράδειγμα αναφέρω
μερικά ερωτήματα τών μικρών «αφελών»
παιδιών. «Μπαμπά, γιατί μου είπες νά πώ
Fr. Michael Continued on page 5
MAY/JUN 2013
The Voice of the Greek Community
The President’s Message
by George Karres
Parish Council
Dear Parishioners,
Welcome and I hope everyone is
having a wonderful summer! On behalf
of the Parish Council and myself we
wanted to wish everyone a safe summer
while you are vacationing, visiting family
or staying in Charlotte. The summer has
been extremely busy at the Church, with
graduation of our preschool children,
graduation of our high school senior
class, soccer playoffs and championship
games, a spectacular Vacation Bible
School program, and let’s not forget all
the preparations for the festival. I would
like to express my gracious gratitude to
all those that have been involved with
making this an excellent year for our
Furthermore, I ask for your continued
support in your Stewardship Program.
Thus far we have experienced great
success in the Stewardship Program.
Remember the goal is to become “Festival
Free”. In doing so we would be able
to use the proceeds from the Festival
for capital improvements, repairs and
renovations and not a means of paying
our bills. Please do not forget to complete
your Stewardship Pledge Card and return
it to the office.
With the community’s continued
love, support and understanding, the
Improvements Repairs and Renovations
Committee is continually reviewing our
facilities and identifying items that are
in need of being repaired or replaced,
I would like to reach out to you, the
community, for your support in donating
to the Building Fund. In giving to
the Building Fund, you are investing
in your Church, Holy Trinity Greek
Orthodox Cathedral. This will ensure our
continued growth at 600 East Boulevard
for future generations.
Please remember that it is again time to
begin preparations for the Festival. In the
coming weeks and months we need your
help. Please make every effort to help
support your community. Make time
in your schedules to help at the festival
with your talents. Look for preparation
schedules in the bi-weekly bulletin and
remember, without you our Festival
would not be a success.
As always, the Parish Council and
I are always here to listen and discuss
your suggestions and ideas in making our
Church a safer and more enjoyable place
for future generations.
I Remain Respectfully Yours in Christ,
George Theodore Karres
Parish Council President
www.htgo.orgVisit today!
Πώς νά...καταστρέψετε
αποτελεσματικά τό
παιδί σας!
Από μικρό νά μήν τού αρνείστε
τίποτα. Δίνετέ του ό,τι επιθυμεί,
ότι, ζητάει, ιδίως όταν πεισματώνει
καί κλαίει. Ετσι θά μεγαλώσει
καί θά πιστεύει πώς οι άλλοι τού
οφείλουν τά πάντα, πώς έχει μόνο
Οταν αρχίσει νά ξεστομίζει
βρισιές, εσείς νά γελάτε. Ετσι θά
τού δώσετε νά καταλάβει ότι είναι
πολύ έξυπνο!
Μήν τού λέτε ποτέ: «Αυτό
είναι κακό!» Ετσι λένε μόνο τά
παλιά μυαλά. Οταν αργότερα θά
συναντήσει στή ζωή τού δυσκολίες
καί θά υποστεί τό κακό, τότε θά
έχει τή βεβαιότητα πώς η κοινωνία
είναι πού τό αδικεί.
Μαζεύετε εσείς ό,τι παρατάει
εδώ κι εκεί – βιβλία, ρούχα,
παπούτσια...Μήν τού πείτε ποτέ:
«Μάζεψέ τα, βάλ΄ τα στή θέση
τους.» Ετσι θά πιστέψει πώς η
μάνα είναι δούλα του, καί πώς
γιά όλα είναι υπεύθυνοι πάντα οι
Αφήστε το νά βλέπει τά πάντα
(προπαντός στήν τηλεόραση) καί
νά διαβάζει τά πάντα, χωρίς ποτέ
νά τό καθοδηγείτε. Τό παιδί σας
είναι ατσίδα καί ξέρει νά διακρίνει!
Η μόρφωσή του θά γίνει έτσι πολύ
Μήν τού δίνετε καμιά
πνευματική αγωγή. Νά
κοροϊδεύετε μπροστά του τήν
πίστη, τήν Εκκλησία, τούς παπάδες
καί εκείνους πού τούς ακολουθούν.
Οταν τό παιδί μεγαλώσει, «θά
διαλέξει από μόνο του».
Δίνετέ του μπόλικο χαρτζιλίκι
γιά νά μή νιώθει κατώτερο από
τούς άλλους καί «νά μή στερηθεί
ό,τι στερηθήκατε εσείς». Οταν
μεγαλώσει, θά είναι βέβαιο πώς
τήν αξία στόν άνθρωπο τή δίνει τό
χρήμα, αδιάφορο πώς αποκτήθηκε.
Μήν τού λέτε ποτέ: «Κάνε
αυτό» ή «Μήν κάνεις εκείνο»,
γιατί έτσι τό καταπιέζετε, δέν
σέβεστε τήν ελευθερία του καί
τήν προσωπικότητά του. Μπορεί
μάλιστα νά τού δημιουργήσετε
καί...ψυχικά τραύματα! Οταν
μεγαλώσει, θά νομίζει πώς η ζωή
είναι μόνο νά διατάζεις, ποτέ νά
Νά τσακώνεστε, νά βρίζεστε,
νά προσβάλλετε ο ένας τόν άλλον
μπροστά του χωρίς ντροπή. (Μήν
ανησυχείτε, έτσι δέν θά τού
δημιουργήσετε ψυχικά τραύματα!).
Αργότερα, όταν παντρευτεί, θά τού
φαίνεται φυσικό νά κάνει τά ίδια.
Οταν αρχίσει νά μπλέκεται
στά δίχτυα τού ερωτισμού καί
τής φιληδονίας, εσείς κλείστε τά
μάτια σας. Μήν τού μιλήσετε,
μήν τό καθοδηγήσετε, μήν τό
συμβουλέψετε. Αφήστε το νά
βγάλει τά μάτια του, αφού «αυτό
είναι φυσιολογικό».
Νά παίρνετε πάντα τό μέρος
του μπροστά στούς δασκάλους καί
τούς γείτονες. Μήν πιστεύετε ποτέ
ότι «τό αγγελούδι σας» μπορεί νά
κάνει αναποδιές καί ατιμίες. Να
βρύσετε εκείνους πού φιλικά καί
καλοπροαίρετα σάς αναφέρουν
κάτι σχετικό. Είναι συκοφάντες καί
Οταν θά πάτε στό αστυνομικό
τμήμα, όπου τό μάζεψαν γιατί
έκλεψε η γιατί πήρε ναρκωτικά,
φωνάξτε δυνατά μπροστά σέ όλους
ότι είναι ένα παλιόπαιδο, ένας
αλήτης, ότι θυσιαστήκατε γιά τό
καλό του αλλά δέν μπορέσατε ποτέ
νά τό συμμαζέψετε. Ετσι έσείς θά
βγείτε καθαροί.
Ετοιμαστείτε γιά μιά ζωή γεμάτη
πόνο καί τύψεις. Θά τήν έχετε.
(Διασκευή από τά Γαλλικά)
704-621-2628 Cell
The Voice of the Greek Community
MAY/JUN 2013 5
καί κάνει φασαρία. Τί νά κάνω γιαυτά;
Εμείς στίς μέρες μας δέν είχαμε τίποτα από
αυτά. Πηγαίναμε σχολείο ξυπόλητοι καί
Ας προσέξουμε σάν γονείς τί λέμε.
Περιγράφουμε ουσιαστικά με τα παρπάνω
λόγια μας τόν τρόπο ωρίμανσης καί
υπενθυνότητος. Τό ότι τά παιδιά μας δέν
στερούνται τίποτε καί τά έχουν όλα άφθονα,
αυτό τούς κατέστρεψε. Οποιος στερείται καί
παλεύει τότε ωριμάζει. «Γίνεται άνθρωπος».
Χωρίς στερήσεις καί κακουχίες κανένας δέν
γίνεται άνθρωπος. Ο «πόνος» καλλιεργεί τόν
άνθρωπο. Η αφθονία τόν καταστρέφει. Ας τό
προσέξουμε αυτό τό σημείο άμα θέλουμε τά
παιδιά μας νά προκόψουν.
5. Παιχνίδι. Τό παιδί μεγαλώνει μέ τό
παιχνίδι. Λένε τό παιδί εκφράζεται καί
εξελίσσεται μέ τό παιχνίδι. Πολλοί νομίζουν
τά πολεμικά παιχνίδια. Δεν συνιστούμε τα
παιχνίδια Video. Αν θέλουμε να πετύχουμε
στό τηλέφωνο, πώς δέν είσαι εδώ, αφού
εκατό τοίς εκατό στήν αγωγή τών παιδιών νά
είσαι;» «Μαμά, γιατί μού λέει ο μπαμπάς,
παίζουμε μέ τά παιδιά μας.
πώς δέν πρέπει νά καπνίζω καί νά λέω κακά
6. Κλείνοντας αυτές τίς αναφορές γιά
λόγια, αφού καί σείς καπνίζετε καί λέτε
τήν σχέση γονέων καί παιδιών θά ήθελα νά
κακά λόγια;» Αχ, αυτά τά παιδιά κάνουν
τονίσω ότι τά παιδιά μας είναι τό ακριβότερο
κάτι «αφελείς» ερωτήσεις, πού περιμένουν,
δώρο τού Θεού σέ μάς τούς γονείς. Αυτό
βλέπετε, καί απαντήσεις.
σημαίνει καί τήν απεριόριστη ευθύνη
Ας μή μάς κακοφαίνεται, λοιπόν, όταν αύριο
πού έχομε γιά τά παιδιά μας. Ομως άς
τά παιδιά μας μάς πληρώνουν μέ τό ίδιο
ομολογήσουμε τήν χαρά καί τήν ευλογία πού
νόμισμα. Ετσι θά πρέπει νά μή γελιόμαστε. Η
μάς προσφέρουν στή ζωή τά παιδιά μας. Δέν
θά πρέπει νά είμαστε συνεπείς καί αληθινοί ή
υπάρχει μεγαλύτερος θησαυρός από τό παιδί
νά σταματήσουμνε νά παίζουμε τούς «γονείς»
στόν κόσμο. Αν έλειπαν τά παιδιά θά έλειπε ο
καί τούς «δασκάλους».
κόσμος. Θά έλειπε τό τραγούδι.
Ο σοφός Σενέκας λέγει: «ο πιό σύντομος καί
Αξίζει νά κάνουμε τίς μεγαλύτερες θυσίες
αποτελεσματικός δρόμος γιά νά φτάσεις στήν
γιά τό παιδί. Αυτές οι θυσίες πρέπει νά έχουν
καρδιά τού παιδιού δέν είναι οι διδασκαλίες
τρόπο, σύστημα καί κυρίως αληθινότητα. Νά
αλλά τό φωτεινό παράδειγμά σου.»
έχουν αληθινή αγάπη. Θά πρέπει εμείς οι
2. Στοργή. Ολοι τήν
γονείς νά αγαπούμε τά
διψούμε. Η στοργή μας
«Μπαμπά, γιατί μου είπες νά πώ στό τηλέφωνο, πώς δέν είσαι εδώ, αφού είσαι;» παιδιά μας όχι «γιά νά μάς
ανανεώνει. Ηρεμούμε.
«Μαμά, γιατί μού λέει ο μπαμπάς, πώς δέν πρέπει νά καπνίζω καί νά λέω κακά κοιτάξουν» αλλά γιά νά τά
Νοιώθουμε σίγουροι καί
λόγια, αφού καί σείς καπνίζετε καί λέτε κακά λόγια;» Αχ, αυτά τά παιδιά κάνουν κάτι κοιτάξουμε εμείς.
γεμάτοι. Αυτή τήν στοργή
Ετσι ενώ είναι τεράστιες
«αφελείς» ερωτήσεις, πού περιμένουν, βλέπετε, καί απαντήσεις.
τήν έχει ανάγκη τό παιδί
οι ευθύνες τών γονέων γιά
γι’ αυτά πού αναφέραμε
τά παιδιά όμως ή ηθική ικανοποίηση είναι
καί τήν διψά νά τήν έχει στό σπίτι του από
τό παιχνίδι άσκοπο, χαμένες ώρες καί
τέτοια πού δικαιώνει τίς θυσίες τους. Ετσι
τούς γονείς του καθώς μεγαλώνει. Αμα
επιζήμιες!! Αλλά τό παιδί διαμορφώνεται μέ
εμείς οι γονείς τούς προσφέρουμε τό όραμα
δέν έχει τή στοργή τό παιδί τότε νοιώθει
τό παιχνίδι όσο μέ κανένα άλλο μέσο. Γι’ αυτό γιά οικογενειακή, κοινωνική καί επαγγελματική
λειψό, μειονεκτικό, φοβισμένο. Αποτελεί
και εμείς εδώ στήν Αγία Τριάδα προσπαθούμε προοπτική καί τά παιδιά μας τό επεξεργάζονται
διαπίστωση τής ψυχολογίας ότι όπου λείπει
να έχουμε προγράμματα αθλητισμού γιά τα
σύμφωνα μέ τά χαρίσματα πού τό καθένα έχει.
η στοργή από τό παιδί, τό παιδί μειονεκτεί.
παιδιά μας.
Ο αληθινός άνθρωπος καί ο καλός γονεύς
Εξελίσσεται ανώριμα καί ανώμαλα. Ζητάει
Μέ τό παιχνίδι βλέπει ο γονεύς όλο τόν
αγαπά, προσέχει καί θυσιάζεται γιά τό παιδί.
νά καλυφθεί συναισθηματικά μέ χίλιους
χαρακτήρα τού παιδιού γιατί εκδηλώνεται
Εύχομαι ο παντοδύναμος θεός νά ευλογεί,
δυό άλλους ανορθοδόξους τρόπους... Ετσι
ασυγκράτητα. Ετσι προσφέρεται η ευκαιρία
νά κατευθύνει, νά εμπνέει καί νά προστατεύει
έχουμε δράματα αναρχισμού, νευρώσεων,
καί η δυνατότητα στούς γονείς μέ τόν τρόπο
όλους τούς γονείς καί όλα τά παιδιά.
ομοφυλοφιλίας καί άλλων διαστροφών πού
καί τό είδος καί τά μέσα τού παιχνιδιού νά
έχουν τήν έδρα τους στήν έλλειψη πληρότητας
Μέ αγάπη εν Χριστώ,
περάσουν τίς ουσιαστικές ιδέες καί τά υψηλά
τού συναισθηματικού κόσμου.
ιδανικά στό παιδί. Αντίστροφα μπορούν νά
π. Μιχαήλ Βαρβαρέλης
3. Συζήτηση – διάλογος. Πάντα τό
καταστρέψουμε τά παιδιά όπως γίνεται μέ
παιδί θέλει νά μιλά, νά επικοινωνεί, νά
εμπιστεύεται. Τό μυστικό γιά
νά ανοίξει τήν καρδιά του στόν
γονέα του είναι νά υπάρχει
ειλικρίνεια όταν μιλάμε
μαζί του. Αν δέν είμαστε
ειλικρινείς ο διάλογος είναι
καταδικασμένος νά ναυαγίσει.
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σφάλματά μας ανοίγουμε τόν
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Michelle Pavl akos
Μιλάμε Ελληνικά
4. Φροντίζουμε γιά τά
For more information on what
store manager and graduate gemologist
παιδιά μας νά τά έχουν όλα μέ
is offered at Brownlee as well as
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Park Road Shopping Center
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πού παραπονούνται: «Εγώ
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Hours: M-F 10-7, Sat. 10-6
όλα καί τό παιδί μου (τά παιδιά
μου) δέν καταλαβαίνει τίποτε.
Είναι άτακτος, αμελής, αναιδής
Fr. Michael Continued from page 3
MAY/JUN 2013
By Fr. Tommy D. Vlahos
The fond spirit of exercise prevails
everywhere today. For this reason there
are many stadiums, gymnasiums, and
sports grounds where people exercise
and struggle every day. They exercise
and are trained for something good. They
either want to take part in the games
where they hope to win and receive the
wreath of victory or to build a beautiful
and strong body.
But there are others, older in age,
who exercise their body with different
exercises, or with mountain climbing,
or with rowing or walking, to keep their
health, or to acquire it, because health is
really a great wealth for man.
Thus for the young and the aged
people, the purpose is the glory of the
world and the good health of the body. In
a few words, the people have two benefits
which are not stable. And this because
the crown of victory is something that
wears out and the names of the victors
are soon forgotten, also the health is
disturbed many times, or it is preserved
as much as the person is alive. Therefore
all the athletes benefit temporarily.
The Apostle Paul points out to his
student, Timothy, another exercise which
benefits the body and the soul – spiritual
exercise. St. Paul writes: “Exercise
yourself in piety. Exercise and accustom
yourself in the continuous exercise of
the pious and holy life.” He writes in
continuity the reason. “Because bodily
exercise is beneficial for a while and
piety is beneficial for all, to the body
and the soul and this because it promises
possessions and rewards. For bodily
exercise profits a little but godliness is
profitable for all things, having promise
of the life that is now and for that which
is to come (2 Tim 4:8).
St. Paul orders this order, inspired by
The Voice of the Greek Community
God, to all of us and today he tells each
one of us: “Exercise yourself for piety.”
St. Paul summons all the Christians, and
us, to exercise ourselves continuously in
piety. He tells us to exercise ourselves
continuously “for faith clean and life
proper,” to hold our faith to God pure
and to have a holy life. For us to have
a life as God wants. To strive, without
interruption, against the evil men for God
with whatever sacrifices are necessary.
And these feats of our life are very many.
We must exercise our soul in the
faith. The faith which is the basis and
the foundation of our spiritual life on
earth. There is need of exercises for us
to maintain our Orthodox faith. And this
because mistrustful and envious enemies
today would like to falsify and change
it. But there are others who go astray,
who left from the right faith and they pay
attention to people who are possessed by
a spirit of errors and in teaching which are
inspired by demons. They pay attention
to people who lie with hypocrisy and
have their conscience cauterized and
unconscious (Tim 4:1-2).
We should resist all these. We should
not let them influence us. We must
send away everything that is related to
unfaithfulness, and with incredulity.
We should try to live with absolute
confidence in God and we should feel
Him everywhere and always as Heavenly
We should exercise ourselves, our
soul, with the prayer. We should force
ourselves to love and to get used to prayer
and to glorify and thank God. For this,
much exercise is needed. Practice so that
we will never omit the duty of prayer. We
must thrust aside all the obstacles and we
should pray every day, without stopping,
as it happens with our breathing.
We should exercise ourselves in
meekness. Let us not forget that the
anger and the rage are passions of our
soul. Many times they spread inside us
and it is impossible for us to smother
them and because we are not trained in
the sovereignty of ourselves. We cannot
restrain ourselves.
We must exercise ourselves in real
Christian love. For us to get used to
endure the injustice and persecutions,
to tolerate the mistakes of others, to do
charity and works of mission and all these
for the glory of God.
Then spiritual exercises are needed for
us every day and this for us to conquer
our passions and to acquire Christian
virtues. For all of these, the one we
need the most is the grace of God. Let
us appeal for them. Let us resemble St.
Augustine who was praying and saying:
“Lord, cover and safeguard my soul with
your divine help. Cover it, Lord, so that
it can fight against the evil and exercise
spiritual strife. And give your help for
it to fight and win over the enemy of its
salvation.” AMEN.
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NC, died Sunday, June 23, 2013, at
his residence. He was born August 24,
1935 in Athens Greece a son of the late
Panagiotis and Constantina Doudoumis. John came to the United States in
1967 and worked in several restaurants
in Charlotte, retiring from the Barbeque
King on Wilkinson Boulevard after
many years. Mr. Doudoumis was also
member of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral since arriving in Charlotte in 1967. In addition to his parents,
Mr. Doudoumis was preceded in death
by his wife, Helen in 2007. Surviving
are his son, Pete Doudoumis of Charlotte, NC; brother, Kosta Doudoumis,
of Athens, Greece; brother-in-law, Bill
Pistolis and wife, Vicki; sisters-in-law,
Frances and Christina Pistolis all of
Charlotte, NC and many nieces and
nephews. The Trisagion and funeral
service was held 11:00 AM Wednesday, June 26, 2013, at Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Cathedral. Interment
followed the service in Evergreen
Cemetery. Pallbearers for the service
were Kenny Karris, George M. Pistolis, Chris and Nick Pistolis, John
Katsoudis, A.C. Nakos and George
S. Pistolis. Memorials may be made
to the Building Fund at Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 600 East
Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28203. Arrangements were in the care of Hankins
& Whittington Funeral Service, 1111
East Blvd., Charlotte, NC. Please share
condolences online at
John Doudoumis
Mr. Doudoumis, 77, of Charlotte,
From a small age do not deny the
child anything. Give to him whatever
he desires or asks for, especially when
he persists and cries. This is how he will
grow and believe that others owe him
everything and he only has rights.
When he begins to say insults, you can
laugh. This will let him understand that
he is very clever!
Do not ever tell him: “This is bad!”
That is old-fashioned to say things
like that. When later he will encounter
difficulties in life and suffer evil, then
he will have the certainty that society is
at fault.
You collect whatever he drops here and
there - books, clothes, shoes ... Do not
ever tell him: “Collect them, put them in
place.” So he will believe that his mother
is his slave, and that everyone else is
responsible for all.
Allow him to see everything (especially
on TV) and read everything without ever
instructing him. Your child is sharp and
knows how to discern! His education will
be so very broad!
Do not give him any spiritual
instructions. Make fun of the faith in front
of him, the Church, priests and those who
follow them. When the child grows up,
“he will choose his own Church.”
Give him plenty of pocket money in
order for him not to feel inferior to others
and “not be deprived of what you had
been deprived of.” So when he grows up,
he will be certain to know that the worth
of a man is from money, no matter how
it was obtained.
Do not ever tell him: “Do this” or
“Do not do that” because he will feel
oppressed, you don’t respect his freedom
and his personality. It may even cause
him to be... traumatized! When he grows
up, he will think that life is only to order
everyone around, never to listen.
You should squabble, swear, and insult
each other in front of him without shame.
(Do not worry, that way you will not
create psychological traumas to him).
Later, when he gets married, he would
feel that it is natural to do the same.
When he begins to tangle in the nets of
eroticism and sexuality, you close your
eyes. Do not talk to him, not to instruct,
not to advise. Let him do everything
(have sex, do immoral acts), since “this
is normal”.
Always take his side in front of teachers
and neighbors. Do not ever believe that
my “little angel” can do anything wrong
and disgraceful. Curse those who, as your
friends and well-intentioned persons, say
something relevant. They are slanderers
and jealous.
When you go to the police station,
where he has been arrested because he
stole or because he took drugs, shout in
front of everyone that he is a brat, a bum
and that you sacrificed for his good but
you never could get him to behave. So
that way you’ll go clean.
Get ready for a life full of pain and
remorse. You will have it.
(Adapted from French)
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C o n g ra t u
Class of
Serafim “Mike” Konstantinos
Providence High School
Achievements: During Mike’s
four years of High School, he was
involved in Spanish club, Key club,
FBLA, Honor society, High school
Soccer team and club soccer teams,
Dental internship with Sautter
Dentistry, Medical internship
with Presbyterian Hospital
Matthews-Explorers Program of
Charlotte Mecklenburg schools.
Volunteering for Habitat for
Humanity, Loaves & Fishes, Second
Harvest Food Bank, Soup Kitchen
of Charlotte, and Ronald McDonald
House, and for Hawkfest at
Elizabeth Lane Elementary School
and McKee Road Elementary
School’s Jamborees. Active Church
member, GOYA (6th-12th), Yiasou
Greek Festival volunteer, dancer
(k-12th), GOYA, WYR(9th-12th) and
Holy Trinity’s Basketball team in
the IFBL. Mike was also given
Scholarships to Wingate and East
Carolina University. Mike enjoys
playing sports like soccer and
basketball. He also enjoys the
outdoors, Bow & Arrow, Skeet &
Target shooting, Hunting, Fishing,
Jet Skiing and being with his
College/Future Plans: Mike will
attend UNC-Charlotte, with plans
to major in Biology/Pre-Dental.
Stathes Kotsokalis
South Mecklenburg High School
Achievements: Works at Harris
College/Future Plans: CPCC Automotive Technology
Paul Jimmy Katopodis
South Point High School
Achievements: Beta Club; National
Honor Society; National Vocational
Honor Society; DECA business club
Vice President; DECA proficiency
at state competition; Interact Club;
Special Olympics Volunteer; GOYA
College/Future Plans: Appalachian
State University; Major – Business
Aspen Bailey Copsis
Providence High
Achievements: A/B Honor Roll,
Interactive Club and a member of
the National Society of High School
Scholars. She was a competitive
gymnast thru freshman year winning
numerous medals. She was an active
GOYA member and a dancer in both
the Yiasou Festivals and Hellenic
Dance Festivals.
College/Future Plans: Aspen will be
attending UNC-Charlotte but has not
decided on a major.
Evan Collins
Ardrey Kell High School
Achievements: Graduated from
Ardrey Kell High School as a National
Honor Society member. This summer
he went to Greece with family and,
while he was there, he visited Fidakia,
Karpenissi, and Santorini.
College/Future Plans: He is
attending NC State in the fall as a
computer science engineering major.
f 2013
James Serafim Kleitches
Charlotte Country Day School
Gabrielle Marie Stavropoulos
Charlotte Catholic High School
Achievements: played field hockey
and lacrosse; in National Honors
Society; in Latin Club; VP of suicide
awareness & prevention club; High
Honors all of high school; co-lead a
girl scout troop
College/Future Plans: North
Carolina State University;
anthropology major
Achievements: National
Honor Society, Varsity Baseball,
Varsity Football, Chamber Choir,
Technology Club, All-State Football
College/Future Plans: Jimmy
will attend Washington and
Lee University and will also be
playing football there. His Major is
undecided at this point.
Serafim Andreas Galatas
Myers Park High School
Achievements: Serafim “Sammy”
Andreas Galatas is graduating from
Myers Park High School. He was
involved in extracurricular activities
including GOYA. He enjoys long
boarding and drawing. Serafim has
been working at Chick-fil-a for 3 years
and is now a Team Leader.
College/Future Plans: Serafim
will be attending Central Piedmont
Community College for 2 years to
obtain an Associates Degree and
transferring to the University of North
Carolina at Charlotte.
Yanni Costantinos Papadopoulos
Pine Lake Preparatory Charter
Achievements: Sports – Soccer,
Tennis and Swim team throughout
High School and is involved in
referring soccer. Yanni was in Habitat
for Humanity, a GOYA member,
danced for the Yiassou Festival and
HDF. He graduated Greek School first
in his class. Yanni has passed the third
level of Ellinomathia Exam.
College/Future Plans: UNC
Wilmington; Major – Economics & PreLaw; Plans on attending Law School at
Stanford and becoming a Corporate
Evan Thomas Bakis
Providence High School
Achievements: Four years cross
country runner; member of German
Club for two years; member of French
Club for two years; Carolinas Medical
Center teen volunteer; member of
GOYA, church basketball team and
Greek Festival dancer; CPR/Lifeguard
certified and lifeguard for three years
College/Future Plans: East Carolina
University; major is still undecided
Phil Mantis
East Mecklenburg High School
Achievements: Participated:
Holy Trinity basketball team; Yiasou
Festival dance troupe; Active GOYA
member; Graduated from Greek
School; Played 4 years for AAU –
(Amateur Athletic Union) started as
shooting guard.
College/Future Plans: Will be
attending CPCC and transferring to
a Junior college, where he hopes
to play basketball. His goal is to
follow his passion for basketball
and for it to lead him in his career
Class of 2013
Vickie Erin Poulimenos
Weddington High School
Haralambos M. Pistiolis “Harris”
Weddington High School
Achievements: While attending
Weddington High School, Harris
was a four-year A/B Honor Roll
student and was inducted into
the National Honor Society,
where he served as Treasurer
during his senior year. Harris was
also involved with the following
organizations during his high
school years: Student Athlete
Honor Society, National Society of
High School Scholars, WHOS Club,
Key Club, DECA, International Club,
senior class student government
representative and the Men’s
Varsity Soccer team. As Captain
of the Weddington Warriors Men’s
soccer team during his senior
year, Harris helped lead his team
to Weddington’s first ever 3A
Conference Championship title.
In addition to high school soccer,
Harris has played club soccer for
Charlotte Soccer Academy and
WCWAA. He was selected to
the NC ODP team, where he was
invited to attend region camp at
the University of Alabama and has
continued to share his passion for
soccer by coaching and mentoring
younger soccer teams as well as
working as a referee for NCYSA.
Harris was presented with the
Scholar-Athlete Team award by the
NCHSAA and is also the recipient of
several WHS Excelsior awards. He
is also a two-time National Science
Olympiad winner, medaling in
both the Sumo-Bots (Robotics)
and Trajectory events. He has
participated in the Yiasou Greek
Festival dancing program and
worked with Habitat for Humanity
and the Union County Humane
Society. Harris enjoys spending
quality time with family and
College/Future Plans: Harris will
be attending UNCC and plans on
double majoring in Operations
Management and Finance with a
minor in Statistics.
Ioannis Demetrios Margiotis
Ardrey Kell High School
Achievements: Yianni Margiotis
is the son of Jimmy and Maria
Margiotis and is a graduate of Ardrey
Kell High School on June 8th, 2013.
Yianni was an active member in the
Interact Club and DECA club. He
was a recipient for the Knights of
Action Award for his completion of
100 hours of community service.
His athletic involvement included
the Cross Country team both his
junior and senior year. Yianni was
actively involved in numerous
Church activities, such as graduating
from Greek School, Sunday School,
volunteering with Vacation Church
Camp. He also served in the altar and
is the Head Altar boy. Yianni was very
involved with GOYA. He served as
President his senior year. He played
on the Church basketball team since
3rd grade. He also volunteers as an
assistant coach for a basketball team.
He has danced in the Greek Festival
since kindergarten and danced 3
years in the Hellenic Dance Festival
competition. He participated in the
Winter Youth Rally since 7th grade and
his senior year he received the St.
Basil Award. Yianni also participated
in the Oratorical Festival for five years
and was a finalist for three years.
His senior year he was awarded the
Archangel Michael Award for his
active participation in the church.
Yianni is also a member of the
fraternity, The Sons of Pericles.
College/Future Plans: Yianni has
decided to attend the University of
North Carolina at Charlotte and plans
to major in Biology and continue to
receive a doctoral degree in Dentistry.
Achievements: Yearbook
Staff- Member (10th), Editor
(11th), Editor-in-Chief (12th);
Student Government- Secretary
(9th), Representative (10th, 11th),
Senior Class Vice-President (12th);
Prom Committee- 11th; National
Honor Society- Member (11th),
Secretary (12th); Spanish National
Honor Society- (12th); Beta
Konstandinos Moutogiannis
Club- (10th-12th); Key Club- (9thMyers Park High School
12th); Future Business Leaders
Achievements: Konstandinos
of America Club- (12th); GOYAMoutogiannis, son of Nick and
Representative (9th-12th); Hellenic
Loula Moutogiannis is a senior at
Greek Dancer- (Yiasou Greek
Myers Park High School and will be
Festival and HDF Competition
graduating with the class of 2013.
9th-12th); Cross-Country Team- (9thAt Myers Park High School, Kosta
12th); Women’s Golf Team- (12th);
was able to maintain a GPA of 4.83
Athletic Letters- three; Academic
and enjoyed subjects such as AP
Letters- (9th-12th); Honor Roll- (9thBiology, AP Physics, AP Calculus,
12th); Volunteering- (completed
and AP Economics while also being
over 100 hours of service per
a continuous A honor roll student.
year since 9th grade) – visited
Kosta enjoyed spending his time
local elementary schools with
helping and tutoring other students
underprivileged students, Ronald
while also taking part as an altar
McDonald House of Charlotte,
boy at church, volunteering in many
nursing homes, community litter
organizations such as Holy Angels,
cleanups, Operation Christmas
as well as working at Harris Teeter.
Child, Habitat for Humanity, The
Some of the many extra-curricular
Battered Women’s Shelter of Union
activities Kosta participated in were
County, Dress a Girl Around the
Science Olympiad, Health Occupation World, various community walks
Students of America, Physics club,
and fundraisers including Run to
Robotics club, Football, and Boxing.
Honor, Crop Walk, March of Dimes,
In these academic competitions, Kosta and Pennies for Patients; Workwas able to place in the top ten in
College/Future Plans: Vickie
College/Future Plans: Future plans
plans to major in Business
for Kosta include obtaining a degree
Administration (Management)
in Mechanical Engineering
and minor in Anthropology. She
has currently not decided which
university she will be attending.
The Voice of the Greek Community
Philoptochos By Toni Karnazes
Ahh, summer! No worries, no
schedules. Total relaxation. I hope you
were able to kick off your shoes, put
your feet up, and enjoy some lazy days
with loved ones. In a few short weeks it
will be back to a more structured routine.
With that comes the final summer fling,
our annual Yiasou Festival. Preparations
are already underway. The ladies of
Philoptochos have been busy preparing
pans of pastries for all to enjoy. Please
join us as we pack the sweet treats on
Sunday and Monday, September 1-2.
Any time you can contribute will be
greatly appreciated.
Philoptochos chapter, Agia Elpis,
will celebrate its Nameday this year on
Sunday, September 22. We will begin
the day with the Divine Liturgy and
Artoclasia. Afterwards, a luncheon will
follow at Stack’s Kitchen in Matthews,
NC. Please join us in fellowship as we
celebrate this important day.
The first general meeting of our
chapter is scheduled for Tuesday, October
8. We will have a brief presentation on
the needs of the elderly by a guest
speaker. Following, we need your help
to “make” lap blankets to fulfill our
Chapter Challenge. As you may be
aware, our chapter was selected as a
recipient of the Chapter Challenge at
the 2012 Clergy-Laity Conference. Our
charge was to develop a service project
for the local community. A committee
was formed and has established the
“TLC Blanket of Hope” as our
Chapter Challenge service project. The
blankets we make will be distributed
to the elderly and children within the
Charlotte area. More information will be
provided at the general meeting. Please
make plans to attend this very important
meeting and join us as we implement our
IS REQUIRED! Your loving heart and
caring hands are the only necessities for
this worthwhile activity.
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MAY/JUN 2013 11 GOYA News By Jimmy Demopoulos
Summer has arrived for the youth.
School is out, ready for summer vacation,
starting summer jobs and yet we still
are keeping our youth program active.
To start off the summer, our annual
Vacation Bible School took place and
had over 120 participants and over 40
Goyan volunteers! Many thanks to the
volunteers, as they did a tremendous
job working with the young campers,
teaching and understanding the 12 feast
days of our Lord. I know the campers had
a great time as most of them kept saying
on Friday, “Is this really the last day?” A
huge thank you to the parent volunteers
and volunteer coordinators for making
this successful! Without you, this would
not happen, so we thank you very much!
The Hope/Joy and Goya plan to have
an activity in July where the Goyans
will either go to Carowinds or the US
National Whitewater Center. The Hope/
Joy has an activity planned at Hellenic
Park. St. Stephens Summer camp is also
planned for the Goyans on July 14-20
with 17 attendants. We wish the Goyans
a safe trip.
As many of you know, I am leaving at
the en d of July. I would like to say thank
you to everyone who supported Holy
Trinity and its youth program. We are a
very fortunate community to have such
vibrant offerings and services available. It
is a privilege not just to have worked here
for the last year and half but to be part of
this community. The youth program has
been built to a point where it has not been
in a long time. It is organized, activities
are available for all to participate in, and
we have done such a great job building
that up. I would like to thank everyone
who has been a part of that from the
bottom of my heart. I would like to
thank Fr. Michael, Parish Council, Helen
Karras, Frances Zogzas, and Angelo
Tatsis for giving me the opportunity to
lead this program and I will forever be
grateful. Also, I would like to give Kenny
Raeford and Oli Perez a huge thank you
for their hard work and effort to ensure
Holy Trinity is a clean and safe place. I
will miss everyone and keep all of you
in my heart.
MAY/JUN 2013
The Voice of the Greek Community
PreSchool By Preschool staFF
Whooose in
the News at
the Preschool?
It is hard to believe that the school year
is over. We had a great year and have
enjoyed watching our preschool children
learn and grow. May and June were busy
months at the preschool wrapping up
the end of school year and preparing for
graduation. The Graduation and End of
Year Celebration was a moment for our
children to shine. All of our preschool
children did a wonderful job singing a
medley of songs and it was enjoyed by
all. We are very proud of them! It was
also a time to honor our largest ever
graduating class…25 graduates. We wish
them much success as they prepare to
move on to kindergarten and we will miss
them. We were also fortunate to have a
wondful group of parents and appreciate
all that they have done for the staff and
the preschool. To all of our preschool
children and their families, we love you,
we thank you and may God always bless
you. Have a wonder summer!
A huge “Thank You” goes to the
family of Margaret Kambas, who earlier
this year made a very generous donation
to the preschool in her memory. Miss
Kambas always had a special place in
her heart for children. Throughout the
years, she would always remember the
preschool by donating items to be used
for crafts and other various activities. It
is with fond memories that we remember
Miss Kambas and feel privileged to
be given this opportunity to honor her
memory. Again we thank the family of
Miss Kambas and truly appreciate their
generosity. May Her Memory Be Eternal.
Teacher’s Corner:
M-F 4’s – The Little Explorers
Xristos Anesti everyone! We hope
you had a wonderful Easter and are
excited to get back to school. In May,
we had a wide variety of things to learn
about. We covered the ocean and sea
life, Ancient Egypt and Medieval Times,
music, as well as outer space. Some
activities include a space walk, making
a clock and an incredible bulging water
experiment! The children also made a
special surprise for their much loved
Mothers. Throughout the month we sang
Xristos Anesti, practiced our “end of the
year” songs, then finally, graduation!
M-F’ 4’s – The Shining Stars
“Christos Anesti” to everyone. Our
year has come to a close and our “Shining
Stars” are glowing at their brightest. May,
was a full month. Our world (land’s and
oceans), our solar system, policemen and
personal safety, and Ancient Greece were
among our themes this month. We even
had our own “Olympic Games”. We also
talked about the Resurrection of Christ
and heard a special Easter story – “The
Three Trees”. Our mothers were invited
to “Muffins for Moms” day to show how
much they mean to us. Our class has been
a joy to teach this year. All of our students
have grown tremendously. Mrs. Athina,
Ms. Mimi and Mrs. Mahe wish you
all a wonderful summer and continued
success as you enter Kindergarten this
MWF 3’s – The Faithful Fish
Hard to believe the school year has
ended. Our Faithful Fish have learned a
lot and grown so much before our eyes
in the little time we have shared together.
In May, our students had the opportunity
to celebrate with their friends an Easter
Egg Hunt and Party and had our annual
Muffins for Moms. Some themes we
discussed include Oceans and Sea Life,
Water Safety, Mother’s Day and Flowers.
We wrapped up alphabets learning the
two Greek letters remaining Ψ and Ω,
as well as the last of our English letters
W, X, Y and Z. We introduced the
color purple and the cross shape. June
was dedicated to review of our letters,
numbers, colors, and shapes, as well as
popular concepts and themes discussed
throughout the year. Over these two
months, we shared our favorite and
some of today's most popular books with
your little ones. It has been an absolute
pleasure getting to know your little ones
and teaching them. They have definitely
found special places in our hearts and
we just love watching them continue to
blossom in our program and community
here at Holy Trinity.
TTH 2’s – The Leaping Frogs
We welcomed May, the month of
flowers with many exciting crafts and
activities. Spring was in the air and
summer soon followed. We were busy
reviewing our colors, shapes, numbers,
and alphabet. We discussed God’s little
creatures that come in all shapes and
sizes. We explored the wonders of the
ocean and sea life and the little critters
that inhabit it. We were thrilled to be
hosting “Muffins for Mom” honoring all of
you special mother’s and grandmother’s!
In June, the children were very busy
learning our graduation songs which they
could not wait to perform for you. We
discussed hot weather, summer safety,
and “Father’s Day.” This concluded our
wonderful year of learning. We wish you
all a very safe and restful summer with
your families. Καλό Καλοκαίρι!
PRESCHOOLER – Part 1: “Our
School Day”
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The Voice of the Greek Community
MAY/JUN 2013 13
Choir News By olGa yaMalis
HTC was privileged to host the annual
meeting of the National Forum of Greek
Orthodox Church Musicians on July
11-13, 2013. The National Forum is the
Archdiocesan ministry in charge of the
growth, preservation, and recognition of
church musicians. They are the liaison
between the church musicians and the
Archdiocese. The National Forum
supports the adult choirs, chanters, youth
choirs and the clergy in all matters relating
to Liturgical music. The Forum gathers
every year to review current practices
and develop plans for future endeavors
and projects. The Forum consists of
dedicated and committed choir directors
or choir members from all of the choir
federations within our Archdiocese.
This year’s meeting was attended by
individuals from the Direct Archdiocesan
District and the Metropolises of Atlanta,
Boston, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, New
Jersey, Pittsburgh and San Francisco.
Delegates to the 2013 Annual Meeting of
the National Forum of Greek Orthodox
Church Musicians
Father Michael kicked off the
meeting on Thursday, July 11, by
celebrating Divine Liturgy with all of
the attendees, performing a memorial
service for recently-deceased members
of the National Forum, and presenting
a workshop on the various services
and observances used in our Church
for those who have passed away. Two
days of intense meetings followed,
during which many of the delegates’
concerns were addressed and good
ideas/best practices were shared among
the attendees. Thursday’s dinner was a
wonderful buffet cruise on Lake Norman,
which everyone seemed to enjoy. On
Saturday, July 13, we proceeded to St.
Nektarios where Father Seraphim offered
a demonstration of the electronic chanter
stands used there. Many of the National
Forum members then stayed over to join
the HTC choir in celebrating the Divine
Liturgy on Sunday, July 14. One of those
present was Dean Limberakis of Boston,
MA, whose Liturgical composition
we chanted that day. This is the same
arrangement that was sung during our
choir conference last July. The sounds
from the loft that Sunday morning were
absolutely uplifting and inspiring, as
National Forum members tend to be
fabulous singers (as well as outstanding
sight-readers)! All of the attendees
were so grateful to the HTC community
Since 1974
for hosting this year’s meeting. Many
thanks to Father Michael, the Parish
Council and our HTC Choir Director and
National Chairman Maria Keritsis addressing the congregation on July 14.
Southeastern Choir Federation President,
Lucy Zapsas, for making this important
gathering possible.
Several of the HTC choir members
are preparing to head south on July 2528 to attend the 37th Annual Conference
of the Southeastern Federation of
Greek Orthodox Choirs and Musicians
(SFGOCM) to be hosted by St. John
the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church of
Tampa, FL. More details to follow on
this exhilarating annual event.
In addition, after the annual choir
conference in Tampa, the HTC choirs
will be preparing for our 2013 Yiasou
Greek Festival program in September.
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MAY/JUN 2013
The Voice of the Greek Community
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Ο Διευθυντής του Ελληνικού Σχολείου Αγίας Τριάδος και
υπεύθυνος του Εξεταστικού Κέντρου Ελληνομάθειας Αγίας Τριάδος,
Ελευθ. Περούλας, εκφράζει, εκ μέρους όλων των εκπαιδευτικών του
Ελληνικού Σχολείου Αγίας Τριάδος και της Ακαδημίας Σωκράτη εγκάρδια
συγχαρητήρια στους επιτυχόντες στις επίσημες εξετάσεις ελληνομάθειας
του Ελληνικού Υπουργείου Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων.
Ευχόμαστε και εις ανώτερα, κάθε επιτυχία στις ακαδημαϊκές τους
σπουδές, επαγγελματική επιτυχία και
κοινωνική καταξίωση. Η διεξαγωγή των
εξετάσεων έγινε στους εκπαιδευτικούς
χώρους της Ακαδημίας Σωκράτη, της
οποίας 33
μαθητές πήραν μέρος στις εξετάσεις για
πρώτη φορά φέτος.
Τα Πιστοποιητικά Ελληνομάθειας
στους επιτυχόντες θα απονεμηθούν,
όπως κάθε
χρόνο, κατά τη διάρκεια της μεγάλης
διπλής τρανής γιορτής των Τριών
Ιεραρχών και των Ελληνικών Γραμμάτων,
η οποία θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο τέλος
Ιανουαρίου 2014. Ελάτε όλοι να γιορτάσουμε μαζί και να τιμήσουμε τους
επιτυχόντες. Τους αξίζει!
The Voice of the Greek Community
2 0 1 3
Κανονικό Πρόγραμμα
(με αλφαβητική σειρά)
Πρόγραμμα Προφορικής Επικοινωνίας
(με αλφαβητική σειρά)
Κανονικό Πρόγραμμα
MAY/JUN 2013 15 του Κοινοτικού Συμβουλίου κ. Ιωάννης
Καρύγιαννης, η πρόεδρος του Συλλόγου Γονέων
και Διδασκάλων, κ. Παν. Διζέ, ο διευθυντής
και οι εκπαιδευτικοί του σχολείου καθώς
και εκπρόσωπος του τοπικού Τμήματος της
ΑΧΕΠΑ. Δεκάδες μαθητές βραβεύθηκαν γιατί
άλλοι γιατί δεν
είχαν καμία
απουσία και
μερικοί γιατί
Μαθητές χωρίς καμία απουσία
καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια του
αγώνες της
σχολικού έτους 2012-2013.
εκδήλωσης που πραγματοποίησε και φέτος
το σχολείο μας. Αξίζουν θερμά συγχαρητήρια
Πρόγραμμα Προφορικής Επικοινωνίας
Ευχόμαστε στους απόφοιτους και σε όλους
τους μαθητές του Ελληνικού Σχολείου
του Καθεδρικού Ναού Αγίας Τριάδος
Καλό Καλοκαίρι!
θεάρεστους στόχους τους.
Θερμά συγχαρητήρια στους γονείς τους για
τις θυσίες που έκαναν όλα αυτά τα χρόνια
για να διατηρήσουν τα βλαστάρια τους την
ελληνική τους συνείδηση και να νιώθουν στη
ζωή τους ιδιαίτερα υπερήφανα για την ελληνική
τους καταγωγή και την ελληνορθόδοξη πίστη
Γι’ αυτό δεν πρέπει να λείψει κανένα
Ελληνόπουλο φέτος από το Ελληνικό
μας Σχολείο. Είναι χρέος όλων μας να
προσπαθήσουμε με κάθε θυσία να μάθουν
τα παιδιά μας την πλουσιότερη γλώσσα του
κόσμου, τη γλώσσα των Ευαγγελίων μας,
την μητέρα των γλωσσών... την ελληνική μας
Και όχι μόνον!
Να τους μεταλαμπαδεύσουμε τις
αξεπέραστες αξίες του λαμπρού μας
πολιτισμού, της ένδοξης ιστορίας μας, των
ελληνοχριστιανικών μας ιδεωδών και της
ελληνοχριστιανικής μας κληρονομιάς.
ΣΧΟΛΙΚΟ ΕΤΟΣ 2012-2013
Πάει κι Αυτός ο Χρόνος! Καλό Καλοκαίρι
Με επιτυχία τελείωσε άλλη μια χρονιά στο
ελληνικό μας σχολείο. Οι μαθητές, η διεύθυνση,
το εκπαιδευτικό προσωπικό και ο Σύλλογος
Γονέων και Διδασκάλων εύχονται σε όλους τους
μαθητές και γονείς τους καλό καλοκαίρι και
χαρούμενες διακοπές.
Τη σχολική γιορτή αποφοίτησης που έγινε
την Τρίτη, 21 Μαΐου 2013 τίμησε με την
παρουσία του και ευλόγησε ο προϊστάμενος του
Καθεδρικού μας Ναού π. Μιχαήλ Βαρβαρέλης,
ο οποίος στη συνέχεια μίλησε στους μαθητές
ενθαρρύνοντάς τους και παροτρύνοντάς τους
να συνεχίσουν την εκμάθηση της ελληνικής
γλώσσας, να είναι υπερήφανοι για την ελληνική
τους κληρονομιά και ο Χριστός να φωτίζει τις
ψυχές τους και να καθοδηγεί τις πράξεις τους.
Τα θερμά τους συγχαρητήρια προς τους
μαθητές εξέφρασαν επίσης ο πρόεδρος
Μαθητές με τις καλύτερες πτυχιακές
εργασίες “Η Γενέτειρα των Γονέων μου”.
σε όλους τους μαθητές και ιδιαίτερα στους
μαθητές της έκτης τάξης που παρουσίασαν
εξαιρετικές πτυχιακές εργασίες με θέμα «Η
γενέτειρα των Προγόνων μου»..
Στη συνέχεια, οι μαθητές όλων των άλλων
τάξεων απάγγειλαν ποιήματα, τραγούδησαν
αποχαιρετιστήρια τραγούδια και χόρεψαν
ελληνικούς παραδοσιακούς χορούς. Ήταν μια
όμορφη και λαμπρή εκδήλωση που θα μείνει
αξέχαστη σε όλους μας.
Τέλος, μετά την εκδήλωση και προς τιμήν
των αποφοίτων προσφέρθηκε από τους γονείς
τους και τις άοκνες κυρίες του Συλλόγου Γονέων
και Διδασκάλων ένα θαυμάσιο δείπνο. Κατά
τη διάρκεια της εκδήλωσης αυτής δόθηκε η
ευκαιρία στους απόφοιτους να μιλήσουν για
τη ζωή τους και τα πλεονεκτήματα που τους
πρόσφερε η ελληνική τους εκπαίδευση επί
επτά ολόκληρα χρόνια. Όλοι οι απόφοιτοι είχαν
την ευκαιρία να ευχαριστήσουν τους γονείς
τους, τους εκπαιδευτικούς και τους ιερείς
Γενική άποψη της αίθουσας της εκδήλωσης
Αριστούχοι μαθητές απ’ όλες τις τάξεις.
που όλα αυτά τα χρόνια ήταν δίπλα τους και
που κόπιασαν για τα παιδιά να πετύχουν τους
Οι Μαθητές του Ελληνικού Σχολείου
η Διεύθυνση, οι Εκπαιδευτικοί
Εκφράζουμε τις θερμότατες ευχαριστίες μας
ως ελάχιστο δείγμα αναγνώρισης και ευγνωμοσύνης,
στην Τριαντάφυλλη Καπερώνη
για το αξιόλογο χρηματικό ποσό που πρόσφερε στους
κορυφαίους απόφοιτους του Ελληνικού μας Σχολείου
στο τοπικό Τμήμα της ΑΧΕΠΑ
για το Βραβείο Αριστείας και το αντίστοιχο χρηματικό
ποσό που πρόσφερε στην κορυφαία αριστούχο απόφοιτο
στο Σύλλογο Γονέων και Διδασκάλων
για τα χρηματικά βραβεία που πρόσφερε στους μαθητές
με τις καλύτερες πτυχιακές εργασίες
Είθε οι θεάρεστες αυτές πράξεις τους να αποτελέσουν παράδειγμα
προς μίμηση και για άλλους για να συνεχίσει το σχολείο μας
με επιτυχία το αξιόλογο δημιουργικό έργο που επιτελεί.
Perpetuation of our Hellenic
Heritage and Culture.
In appreciation of the language
in which all the books of the New
Testament have been written, the
language in which the Theology,
Dogmas, and Canons of our
Christian Church have been
expressed, the language of our
immigrant parents and grandparents
we proudly are committed to
perpetuate and promote through the
Greek School, lectures, celebrations,
and other appropriate ways.
Make the HeritageChoice
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