2016 年度 須磨学園高等学校入学試験 学力検査問題 英 語 (注 意) 解答用紙は、この問題冊子の中央にはさんであります。まず、解答用紙を取り出して、 受験番号を記入しなさい。 1.すべての問題を解答すること。 2.解答はすべて解答用紙に記入すること。記入方法を誤ると得点にならないので、十分 に注意すること。 3.検査終了後、解答用紙のみ提出し、問題冊子は各自持ち帰ること。 ※この冊子は再生紙・大豆インクを使用しています。 ( 余 白 ) ―1― リスニングテスト このテストは、 (A)と(B)の2題あります。英文は(A)、 (B)とも2度放送されます。 いずれも放送中にメモをとってもかまいません。 (A)(1) 、(2) 、 (3)の会話をそれぞれ2度放送します。 会話中のブザー音の部分に最も適するものを、Ⓐ、Ⓑ、Ⓒの中から1つ選び、記号 で答えなさい。問題番号の後の〔 〕にはそれぞれの会話の場面が記されています。 (1) 〔学校で〕 Ⓐ enjoy Ⓑ fun Ⓒ happy Ⓑ Where will you Ⓒ What can you (2) 〔観光地で〕 Ⓐ When do you (3) 〔台所で〕 Ⓐ I called my mother on the bus ! Ⓑ I met a friend on the bus ! Ⓒ I forgot my bag on the bus ! (B) 英文を2度放送します。よく聞いて、次の(1)~(5)の英文が、放送された英文の 内容に一致していれば○、一致していなければ×で答えなさい。 (1) Lions in Africa can live without water for two months. (2) All zoos around the world have a few lions. (3) Only male lions have manes. (4) A lion will usually kill between ten and twenty large animals to eat every year. (5) Over one hundred years ago, a British man was killed by lions. ―1― 1 次の英文を読んで後の問いに答えなさい。(*の語句には注が付いています) Most twins who grew up together are very close. John and James Fuller are [ live ] together, and 79-year-old * identical twins. They have always( A ) ( 1 )still do. They wear *identical clothes and work together, too. ( 2 )They think it is funny that people can’ t tell John from James. In fact, they like to confuse people. Sometimes John tells people he is James, and sometimes James tells people he is John. Identical twins like the Fullers are very unusual in the United States. Out of every 1,000 births, there are only four pairs of identical twins. Naturally, most people are very( )( )them. Scientists want to know about twins, too. Do twins feel the same pain? Do they think the same *thoughts? Scientists understand how twins are born. Now, they want to know why many identical twins make similar choices even when they don’ t live near each other. For example, Jim Springer and Jim Lewis are identical twins. They were separated when they were only four months old. [ meet ] The two Jims grew up in different families and had no chance( B ) [ surprise ] for 39 years. When they finally met, they discovered some( C ) *similarities between them. Both men were( D ) [ marry ]twice. Their first wives were named Linda and their second wives were both named Betty! Both twins named their first sons Allan, drove blue *Chevrolets, and had dogs named Toy. Are all these facts *coincidences, or are they *biological? ( 3 )Scientists want to know what influences our *personality. They study pairs of identical twins who grew up in different *surroundings, like Jim Springer and Jim Lewis. Thanks to these twins, scientists can understand the *connection between environment and *biology. *Researchers at the University of Minnesota studied 350 sets of identical twins who did not grow up together. They discovered many similarities in their personalities. Scientists believe that personality *characteristics such as *friendliness, *shyness, and *fears are not a result of environment. These characteristics are probably *inherited. ―2― Some twins say that they can feel when their twin is in pain or in trouble. Twins also seem to be closer and more open to each other’ s thoughts and feelings than other brothers and sisters. For example, Donald and Louis Keith are close in this way. The Keiths are identical twins. Donald says that when he *concentrates very hard, Louis always calls him. Scientists continue to study identical twins because they are *uncertain about them and have many questions. For example, they are still *unsure about the connection between environment and personality. They want to know: can twins [ speak ]? Can one twin really feel another really communicate without( E ) twin’ s pain? Perhaps with more research, scientists will find the answers. 注 *identical twins:一卵性双生児 *identical:まったく同じ *thought:考え *similarity:類似点 *Chevrolet:シボレー(車の名前) *coincidence:偶然の一致 *biological:生物学的な *personality:性格 *surroundings:環境 *connection:つながり *biology:生物学 *researcher:研究者 *characteristic:特徴 *friendliness:友好的であること *shyness:内気さ *fear:恐怖 *inherited:遺伝的な *concentrate:集中する *uncertain:はっきり知らない *unsure:不確かな 問1 次の[ 1 ] 、 [ 2 ]それぞれの中に下線部の発音が、他と異なるものが1つずつ あります。番号で答えなさい。 [1] ① funny ② communicate ③ such ④ trouble [2] ① only ② know ③ born ④ both 問2 (A)~(E)の[ ]内の動詞を、不定詞・動名詞・分詞などの正しい形に 変えなさい。 問3 下線部 (1) の表す内容として最も適切なものを下から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 ① 彼らは動かないままである。 ② 彼らは静かに暮らしている。 ③ 彼らはさらに長生きする。 ④ 彼らは今でも一緒に暮らしている。 ―3― 問4 下線部(2) 、 (3)の意味として最も適切なものを下からそれぞれ1つ選び、 番号で答えなさい。 (2) ① 人々がジェイムズからジョンにそれを伝えられないのはおかしいと、彼らは 思っている。 ② 人々がジェイムズからジョンを離すことはできないのはおかしいと、彼らは 思っている。 ③ 人々がジェイムズとジョンの区別がつかないのはおかしいと、彼らは思っている。 ④ それがおもしろすぎてジェイムズからジョンに言うことができないと、彼らは 思っている。 (3) ① 科学者は我々の性格がどんな結果を生み出すのかを知りたがっている。 ② 科学者は我々の性格に何が影響を与えるのかを知りたがっている。 ③ 科学者は我々の性格の違いがどんな影響を与えるのかを知りたがっている。 ④ 科学者は我々の性格が何に影響を与えるのかを知りたがっている。 問5 二重下線部が次の意味になるように( )に入る最も適切な英語をそれぞれ 1語ずつ書きなさい。 「もちろん、ほとんどの人々は彼らにとても興味を持っている。」 問6 本文の内容に一致するものを下から2つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 ① There are many identical twins in the United States. ② Though the two Jims didn’ t live together, they had some similarities. ③ Now scientists believe that there is a strong connection between environment and personality. ④ No twins can feel when their twins have some trouble. ⑤ When Donald calls Louis, Donald concentrates very hard. ⑥ Scientists have still many questions about identical twins. ―4― ( 余 白 ) ―5― 2 次の英文を読んで後の問いに答えなさい。(*の語句には注が付いています) ( A = Andrew[ Announcer ], M= Monica, F = Fred, H = Hannah, D = Damian, L = Lisa ) s time for Ask the Expert . Our *expert this week is Monica Jessop. A : Now it’ She has worked at many top UK universities. Good to have you on the program, Monica. M: Thanks, Andrew. A : So, Monica, our first question comes from Fred. F : Thanks, Andrew. Monica, does the media *reflect what we think or does the media control what we think? M: Ah, the *eternal question, Fred. People once said that the most powerful person in the country was the newspaper *editor because he decided what went on the front page and decided what was important and what wasn’ t. ( a ) , the Internet has had an impact. Now, anyone can create news. With the camera in our smartphones we can record a video of an event, upload it to the Internet and people all over the world can see it. A lot of sites are bringing news( b ) from the people who are experiencing it. So in answer to your question, ( c )the media controls what we think *to some extent, we are now able to use the media to reflect what we think. A : OK, thanks, Monica. Thanks for that question, Fred. Now we have Damian. Hi, Damian. What’ s your question? D : You talked about how the Internet has changed news, Monica. How else has the Internet changed the world of media? s introduced a lot of new words to our language. Who heard of M: Well,( d )it’ “microblogging”before the Internet? But more( e ) , I believe the Internet has made media more *interactive. Every *article has reader comments, and every concert is *reviewed on Twitter. *Unfortunately, I think the Internet has also made us more separate from each other. We’ re all watching and listening to 1 things. Everyone watched the same thing on TV and talked about ―6― it the next day at work or school. In 1986, the *top-rated TV show got 30 million viewers. Twenty-five years later the top-rated show got less than half that number. We just don’ t share the same experience any more. We watch and listen to 1 things. A : OK, thanks, Monica, and thanks, Damian for that question. We have only time for one more question from Lisa. L : Hi, Monica. s your question? M: Hi, Lisa. What’ re having a hard time. L : Well, you talked about newspapers earlier. I hear they’ Will we still read newspapers in the future? M: Most countries have seen a drop in newspaper *circulation in the last few years. [ newspapers / to / is / survive / for / much harder / it ] . The problem is not just the loss of readers. In the US, newspapers make almost 90% of their money from *advertising. When circulation drops, fewer people want to pay much money for advertising. A : OK, thanks, Monica. Thanks for taking part in Ask the Expert. 注 *expert:専門家 *reflect:~を反映する *eternal:永遠の *editor:編集者 *to some extent:ある程度 *interactive:双方向の *article:記事 *review:批評する *unfortunately:残念なことに *top-rated:人気のある *circulation:発行部数 *advertising:広告 問1 ( a )~( e )に入れるのに最も適切なものを下から選び、番号で答えなさい。 ただし、それぞれ1度しか使えないものとします。なお文頭に来る語も小文字にして あります。 ① directly ② importantly ③ of course ④ however ⑤ while 問 2 文 の 流 れ か ら 考 え て、 文 中 の 2 つ の 1 に 入 る 最 も 適 切 な 英 語 1 語 を 書きなさい。ただし、本文中にない単語とします。 ―7― 問3 文の流れから考えて、[ ]内の語句を並べかえ、正しい英文を完成しなさい。 ただし、文頭に来る語も小文字にしてあります。 問4 二重下線部が表す意味として最も適切なものを下から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 ① 問題は、決して読者が失ったものではない。 ② 問題は、読者が失ったものだけではない。 ③ 問題は、決して読者を失ったことではない。 ④ 問題は、読者を失ったことだけではない。 問5 次の各文が本文の内容に一致していれば○、一致していなければ×で答えなさい。 ① Monica has taught at many top universities in the US. ② Monica says that the most powerful person in the country is the newspaper editor. ③ Monica says that many new words have come from the Internet. ④ Monica says that the top-rated TV show got less than 15,000,000 viewers in 2011. ⑤ Monica thinks that everything brought us by the Internet is good. ―8― ( 余 白 ) ―9― 3 旅行代理店で、どの航空チケットを購入するのか客が店員と話をしています。 下記の表を参考に( ① )~( ⑤ )に入る最も適切な英語1語を書きなさい。 ただし、本文中にない単語とします。(*の語句には注が付いています) A: Hello. What can I do for you? B: Hello. I am planning to go to New Zealand this September, and want to decide the flight plan. A: Certainly. There are several ways to reach *Auckland. I think Plan A is good because if you take a direct flight, you don’ t have to( ① )planes. B: But Plan A is too( ② ), so I cannot choose this. s very cheap. A: Then how about Plan D? It’ B: Well, I think the flight time is a little too long, and I do not want to wait so many hours at the airport( ③ )Flight Number 980 and 206. A: But look at Plan C. The flight time of Plan D is three hours( ④ )than Plan C. s still a very long flight for me. I hope that the flight time is under B: Well, it’ fifteen hours. Isn’ t there any other plan? s another good one. This may match your needs. The flight time is less A: Here’ than fifteen hours, and the *transit time is( ⑤ )as long as Plan D. The price is of course under 250,000 yen. ve finally found the right one. Good. I’ ll take Plan B if I can get a B: Right. We’ seat. ll check it right away. A: Glad to hear that! I’ 注 *Auckland:オークランド(ニュージーランドの都市) *transit:乗り継ぎの Flight Plan Direct/ Non-Direct Fare (yen) Flight Time (hours) Transit Transit Time City or Country (hours) A direct 278,000 12 ― ― 623 B non-direct 223,000 13 Shanghai 3 115 : Narita→Shanghai 173 : Shanghai→Auckland C non-direct 215,000 20 Singapore 7 543 : Narita→Singapore 619 : Singapore→Auckland D non-direct 199,000 17 Hong Kong 6 980 : Narita→Hong Kong 206 : Hong Kong→Auckland ― 10 ― Flight Number 4 次の対話文において、下線を引いた語句の中で、最も強く発音するものを①~④ からそれぞれ1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 (1) A:Would you like some coffee? B:I’ d ① like to ② have some ③ tea, ④ please. (2) A:Who did Mary come to Japan with? B:① She came ② here ③ alone ④ last month. (3) A:Can you see a big house on the hill? B:Yes. ① Whose ② house ③ is ④ it ? (4) A:How can I go to the city library from here? B:① Take ② a bus ③ in front of ④ the station. (5) A:Do you know where Ken has gone? B:I ① hear he ② went on ③ a trip to ④ Australia. ― 11 ― 5 次の各文で、下線部①~④に誤りがあればその番号を答えなさい。誤りがなければ、 ⑤で答えなさい。 (1) Last week I ① went swimming ② to the sea ③ with my friends and ④ had a very good time. (2) My father ① always get up ② very early ③ in the morning ④ on weekdays. (3) We were ① spoken by a man ② on the street ③ when we were ④ taking a walk. (4) I ① went to Kyoto ② this summer, ③ but my sister ④ has never been there. (5) Jane ① came late for the meeting ② last night. ③ We were waited ④ for an hour. ― 12 ― 6 次の各文の( )に入れるのに最も適切なものを①~④からそれぞれ1つ選び、 番号で答えなさい。 (1) A:How did you go to Nara ? B:We went there( )our father’ s car. ① by ② on ③ in ④ at (2) A:Is September( )month of the year ? B:Yes, it is. ① the eightth ② the ninth ③ the eighth ④ the nineth (3) A:How do you like( )you are staying in? B:I like it very much. I’ m having a good time. ① the city ② a city ③ cities ④ the cities (4) A:I haven’ t heard from my son for two months. B:Don’ t worry. People often say,“ ( ) .” ① No news is good news ② No news are good news ③ All news is good news ④ All news are good news (5) A:Would you like to have dinner with me next Saturday ? B:I’ d love to. What time( )we meet ? ① will ② must ③ may ④ shall ― 13 ― 7 次の( )内の語句を日本文の意味に合うように並べかえなさい。そのとき ( )内で3番目と6番目に来る語句の番号を答えなさい。ただし、文頭に来る語 も小文字にしてあります。 (1) あなたは、彼女が何時にロンドンに向けて出発するとおっしゃいましたか。 ( ① did ② say ③ leave ④ she ⑤ what time ⑥ was going to ⑦ for ⑧ you )London ? (2) 人が私のことをどう思おうが、私の知ったことではない。 I ( ① of ② other ③ care ④ people ⑤ what ⑥ don’ t ⑦ me ⑧ think ) . (3) コーヒーを一杯飲めばきっと目が覚めますよ。 I’ m ( ① a cup ② you ③ coffee ④ wake ⑤ of ⑥ up ⑦ will ⑧ sure ) . (4) 地球温暖化は私たちが話し合うべき最も重要な問題の一つです。 Global warming is ( ① have to ② problems ③ talk about ④ of ⑤ the most ⑥ we ⑦ one ⑧ important ) . (5) 読みかけの本を読み終わらないうちに、新しい本を読み出してはいけません。 You must not start reading a ( ① book ② you ③ finishing ④ new ⑤ reading ⑥ before ⑦ are ⑧ the one ) . ― 14 ― ( 余 白 ) ― 15 ― ( 余 白 ) ― 16 ― ( 余 白 ) ― 17 ― 受 2016年度 須磨学園高等学校入学試験 学力検査 験 番 号 英 語 解 答 用 紙 (注意 )※ 印の欄には記 入しないこと。 リスニングテスト解答欄 1 (A)(1) (2) (3) (B)(1) (2) (3) 問1 [1] [2] (A) 問2 (D) (4) (B) ※ (5) (C) (E) 問3 問4 (2) (3) ( ) 問5( ) ※ 問6 2 問1 a b c d e ② ③ ④ ⑤ 問2 問3 問4 問5 ① 3 ① ② ④ ⑤ ※ ③ ※ 4 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 5 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 7 (1) 3番目 6番目 (2) 3番目 6番目 (3) 3番目 6番目 (4) 3番目 6番目 (5) 3番目 ※ ※ ※ 6番目 ※ 得 点 ※