「脳研究」分野 グループ共同研究実施報告書 [研究分野

財団法人 東京都医学研究機構 東京都精神医学総合研究所
(フリガナ) イケダ
池 田
和 隆
所属機関所在地 〒156-8585 東京都世田谷区上北沢2-1-8
連絡先 TEL:03-3304-5701
(英文)Neural mechanisms mediating reward and anhedonia
財団法人 東京都医学研究機構 東京都精神医学総合研究所・分子精神医学研究チーム
池田 和隆
財団法人 東京都医学研究機構
山本 秀子
財団法人 東京都医学研究機構
笠井 慎也
財団法人 東京都医学研究機構
高松 幸雄
財団法人 東京都医学研究機構
萩野 洋子
財団法人 東京都医学研究機構
大谷 保和
財団法人 東京都医学研究機構
西澤 大輔
財団法人 東京都医学研究機構
小林 徹
岩田 健
財団法人 東京都医学研究機構
繁田 悦宏
財団法人 東京都医学研究機構
塩月 寛美
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego
Athina Markou
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego
Assistant Project Scientist
Svetlana Semenova
平成17年 4月
6.研究の概要,成果及び意義(1000 字)
阻害剤(SSRI)の 1 つであるフルオキセチンを条件付けと嗜好性試験の前に投与することで、消失する事が明
らかになった(Takamatsu Y, Yamamoto H, Ogai Y, Hagino Y, Markou A, Ikeda K (2006) Fluoxetine as a
potential pharmacotherapy for methamphetamine dependence: studies in mice. Ann N Y Acad Sci
1074:295-302)。また、この研究成果を基に、他の SSRI であるパロキセチンとフルボキサミンについて、
を持たないことを見出した(Takamatsu Y, Yamamoto H, Hagino Y, Markou A, Ikeda K, The selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitor paroxetine, but not fluvoxamine, decreases methamphetamine conditioned
place preference in mice. Ann N Y Acad Sci in press)。メタンフェタミンは日米において広く乱用されて
米国側研究者の Dr. Athina Markou は、本共同研究の実施期間中に、スクリップス研究所(准教授)か
1. Takamatsu Y, Yamamoto H, Ogai Y, Hagino Y, Markou A, Ikeda K (2006) Fluoxetine as
a potential pharmacotherapy for methamphetamine dependence: studies in mice. Ann N Y
Acad Sci 1074:295-302.
2. Takamatsu Y, Yamamoto H, Hagino Y, Markou A, Ikeda K, The selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitor paroxetine, but not fluvoxamine, decreases methamphetamine
conditioned place preference in mice. Ann N Y Acad Sci in press
Fluoxetine as a Potential
Pharmacotherapy for Methamphetamine
Studies in Mice
a Division of Psychobiology, Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry, Tokyo 156-8585, Japan
b Department
of Molecular and Integrative Neuroscience, The Scripps Research
Institute, La Jolla, California 92037, USA
ABSTRACT: The monoamine transporters are the main targets of psychostimulant drugs, including methamphetamine (METH) and cocaine.
Interestingly, the rewarding effects of cocaine are retained in dopamine
transporter (DAT) knockout (KO) mice, while serotonin transporter
(SERT) and DAT double KO mice do not exhibit conditioned place preference (CPP) to cocaine. These data suggest that SERT inhibition decreases the rewarding effects of psychostimulants. To further test this
hypothesis, in the present study, we investigated the effects of intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of 20 mg/kg fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), on 2 mg/kg METH (i.p.) CPP and locomotor
sensitization to 1 mg/kg METH (i.p.) in C57BL/6J mice. Fluoxetine treatment before both the conditioning and preference tests abolished METH
CPP. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that METH CPP
tended to be lower in mice pretreated with fluoxetine before the preference test than in control mice pretreated with saline before the preference
test. Furthermore, pretreatment with fluoxetine had inhibitory effects on
METH-induced locomotor sensitization. These results suggest that fluoxetine, a widely used medication for depression, may be also a useful
tool for treating METH dependence.
KEYWORDS: methamphetamine; fluoxetine; conditioned place preference; locomotor activity; sensitization; mice
Address for correspondence: Kazutaka Ikeda, Division of Psychobiology, Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry, 2-1-8 Kamikitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156-8585, Japan. Voice: +81-3-3304-5701, ext. 508;
fax: +81-3-3329-8035.
e-mail: ikedak@prit.go.jp
C 2006 New York Academy of Sciences.
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1074: 295–302 (2006). doi: 10.1196/annals.1369.026
Methamphetamine (METH) is widely abused in the world.1 Especially in
Japan, the number of people arrested for METH possession or use is approximately 100 times more than those arrested for cocaine or cannabis. Further,
METH frequently induces psychotic states with symptoms similar to those
seen in schizophrenia of the paranoid type.2 Such psychotic states are mainly
treated in hospitals resulting in large medical costs. Thus, there is great need for
the discovery of new medications for METH abuse,3 as the current treatments
are primarily oriented toward the treatment of psychosis with no treatments
available to prevent relapse to METH abuse.
Dopamine transporters (DAT) are the main targets for METH and cocaine. However, mice lacking the DAT show preference for cocaine4 and
self-administer cocaine.5 Interestingly, heterozygous and homozygous serotonin transporter (SERT) knockout (KO) mice that also have a homozygous
KO of the DAT do not exhibit cocaine place preference.6 Further, findings
indicated that extracellular dopamine concentration increases after cocaine
administration in the striatum of DAT KO mice but not of DAT/SERT double
KO mice.7 Taken together, these reports suggest that SERT inhibition may
decrease METH and cocaine place preference.
In the present study, we tested this hypothesis by assessing whether fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) with the trade name of
Prozac, reduces METH place preference and sensitization to the locomotor
activating effects of METH.
Male C57BL/6J mice (8–10 weeks old) were purchased from CLEA Japan,
Inc. (Tokyo, Japan) and were housed for 1–2 weeks before the experiments were
begun in an animal facility maintained at 24 ± 1◦ C and 50% relative humidity
under a 12/12 h light/dark cycle with lights on at 8:00 AM and off at 8:00
PM. Food and water were available ad libitum. The experimental procedures
and housing conditions were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and
Use Committee of the Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry, and all animals were
cared for and treated humanely in accordance with our institutional animal
experimentation guidelines.
Conditioned Place Preference (CPP) Test
The conditioned place preference (CPP) test was carried out according to
the method of Hoffman and Beninger8 with some modifications. For this test,
we used a two-compartment Plexiglas chamber (Neuroscience Inc., Osaka,
Japan), one compartment was black with a smooth floor and the other was of
the same dimensions, but white with a textured floor. This two-compartment
chamber was placed in a sound- and light-attenuated box under conditions of
dim illumination (about 40 lx). There was no significant difference between
time spent in the black compartment and time spent in the white compartment
on day 2 of testing (see below), indicating that there was no preference for
either side under the present conditions before conditioning. As described
previously,9 we selected a counterbalanced protocol in order to nullify each
mouse’s initial compartment preference.
On day 1, the mice (n = 15∼16 per group) were allowed to freely explore the
two compartments for 15 min. On day 2, again the mice were allowed to explore
the two compartments freely for 15 min, and the time spent in each compartment and the number of transitions between compartments were measured.
Then, conditioning sessions were conducted once daily for 4 consecutive days
(days 5–8). Mice were intraperitoneally (i.p.) injected with METH (2 mg/kg)
and immediately confined to the black or white compartment for 50 min on
day 5. On day 6, the mice were injected with saline and immediately confined
to the opposite compartment for 50 min. On days 7 and 8, the same conditioning as on days 5 and 6 was repeated. Fluoxetine (20 mg/kg i.p.) or saline
was injected 60 min before METH or saline treatment. On day 9, the mice
were pretreated with saline or fluoxetine (20 mg/kg). Sixty minutes later, the
mice were allowed to freely explore the two compartments for 15 min without
METH injection, and the time spent in each compartment and the number of
transitions between compartments were measured (see FIG. 1 for a diagram
of the experimental design). The CPP score was designated as the time spent
FIGURE 1. (A) Depiction of the experimental design. Four mouse groups were treated
with saline or fluoxetine during the conditioning phase and the CPP test phase. (B) Abolishment of METH CPP by fluoxetine pretreatment. The CPP score was designated as the time
spent in the METH-paired compartment minus the time spent in the same compartment in
the preconditioning phase. There was significant CPP in the S-S, F-S, and S-F groups, but
not when fluoxetine was administered before both the conditioning phase and the CPP test
phase (F-F) (within-group paired t-tests, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001, ∗ P < 0.05, NS: not significant
[P > 0.05]). The CPP scores were expressed as means ± the standard error of the mean
in the METH-paired compartment on day 9 minus the time spent in the same
compartment in the preconditioning phase on day 2.
Locomotor Activity
METH-induced locomotor activity was examined in mice (n = 15∼16 per
group) injected with METH (1 mg/kg i.p.) seven times every other day, for
a total of seven injections over 13 consecutive days. Mice were placed at the
center of the test chamber (250 mm in diameter and 270 mm in height; Muromachi Kikai Co., Tokyo, Japan) and allowed to freely explore the chamber for
120 min. Then, fluoxetine (20 mg/kg) or saline was injected i.p. and the mice
were placed in the locomotor activity chamber immediately afterwards. Sixty
minutes later, METH was injected i.p. and locomotor activity was assessed for
60 min after the METH administration by using an infrared activity monitor.
Methamphetamine hydrochloride was purchased from Dainippon Pharmaceutical (Osaka, Japan), and fluoxetine hydrochloride was purchased from
Sigma (St. Louis, MO, USA). All drugs were dissolved in saline. Drugs and
vehicle were administered (i.p.) in a volume of 0.1 mL/10 g of body weight.
Statistical Analyses
For the CPP data, the time that the mice spent in the METH-paired compartment before and after conditioning were compared with within-group paired
t-tests for each group. The CPP scores of mice pretreated with fluoxetine or
saline in the conditioning phase and CPP test phase were subjected to a twoway analysis of variance (ANOVA). Locomotor activity was subjected to a
two-way mixed-design ANOVA followed by post hoc comparisons with the
Scheffe test.
Effects of Fluoxetine on the METH CPP
Mice pretreated with saline in the conditioning phase and the CPP test phase
(S-S) spent significantly longer time in the METH-paired compartment after
conditioning than before conditioning (df = 14, t = −4.262, P = 0.0008)
(FIG. 1). The mice pretreated with fluoxetine (20 mg/kg) in the conditioning
phase or the CPP test phase (F-S and S-F) also showed significant METH
CPP (df = 14, t = −2.739, P = 0.0160; df = 14, t = −2.400, P = 0.0309,
respectively), although the CPP scores were lower than that of S-S group. Mice
pretreated with fluoxetine (20 mg/kg) in the conditioning phase and the CPP
test phase (F-F) did not show METH-CPP (df = 14, t = −1.073, P = 0.3015).
Furthermore, the two-way ANOVA revealed that fluoxetine pretreatment in
the CPP test phase resulted in a trend toward a decrease of the CPP score
when compared to mice treated with saline before the CPP test phase (F 1,56 =
3.857, P = 0.0545). There was no statistically significant interaction between
the factors fluoxetine/saline for the conditioning phase and CPP test phase
(F 1,56 < 0.0001, P = 0.9972). Fluoxetine pretreatment had no significant
effects on number of transitions between the compartments (data not shown).
Effects of Fluoxetine on METH-Induced Locomotor Sensitization
Fluoxetine (20 mg/kg) or saline was injected 60 min before METH (1 mg/kg)
administration every other day when METH was administered. We selected this
fluoxetine dose because the number of transitions between compartments in the
CPP test was not altered by this dose of fluoxetine, indicating no significant
influence of fluoxetine itself on locomotor activity at this dose. Locomotor
activity during the 60-min period immediately after METH administration was
analyzed using a two-way mixed-design ANOVA (FIG. 2). The administration
of METH led to sensitization to the locomotor activating effects of METH as
FIGURE 2. Locomotor activity after METH injection in mice pretreated with either
fluoxetine or saline. Locomotor activity was measured by infrared activity counters. Locomotor activity of mice pretreated with fluoxetine was significantly lower than that of
mice pretreated with saline. The locomotor activity counts were expressed as mean ± SEM
∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗ P < 0.01.
reflected by a main effect of Day (F 6,29 = 41.542, P < 0.0001). Further, there
was a main effect of fluoxetine indicating that fluoxetine inhibited locomotor
activity (F 1,29 = 6.696, P = 0.0149) at this test. Finally, there was also a
statistically significant interaction effect reflecting the fact that pretreatment
with fluoxetine had inhibitory effects on locomotor sensitization (interaction
between the factor METH and the factor pretreatment; F 6,29 = 4.851, P =
0.0001). The post hoc comparisons revealed that the locomotor activity of mice
pretreated with fluoxetine was significantly lower than that of mice pretreated
with saline on days 7, 11, and 13.
Fluoxetine abolished METH CPP and significantly reduced sensitization
to the locomotor activating effects of METH in the present study. The abolishment of METH CPP by fluoxetine pretreatment suggests that fluoxetine
reduces preference for contextual stimuli previously associated with METH,
while the inhibition of sensitization to METH-induced locomotor activation
by fluoxetine indicates that fluoxetine may be a useful tool for preventing sensitization to some of the effects of METH, such as psychosis that is often seen
after repeated use of high METH doses.
There are three candidate mechanisms possibly mediating the inhibitory effects of fluoxetine on behaviors relating to METH dependence: (a) increase
of basal extracellular serotonin concentration due to inhibition of SERT by
fluoxetine, (b) blockade by fluoxetine of the actions of METH on SERT, and
(c) actions of fluoxetine on molecules other than SERT. The first mechanism
is supported by a report that inhibition of monoamine oxydase A, a major serotonin metabolizer, reduces METH-induced hyperlocomotion.10 Secondly, the
blockade of the actions of METH on the SERT by fluoxetine may reduce the
toxicity induced by METH. METH induces reverse flow of dopamine and serotonin through DAT and SERT, respectively, and leads to toxicity after entering
into the cytoplasm.11 Thus, fluoxetine may protect the SERT from the actions
of METH and thus reduces both the behavioral and toxic effects of METH. This
second possibility is supported by reports that the METH-induced decrease in
tryptophan hydroxylase activity is attenuated by fluoxetine.12,13 Finally, recent
studies have shown that fluoxetine modulates the function of several ion channels and receptors, such as G protein-activated inwardly rectifying K+ (GIRK)
channels,14 voltage-gated Ca2+ , Na+ and K+ channels,15–21 Cl− channels,22
5-HT2C23 and 5-HT3 receptors,24 and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.25,26
Thus, the actions of fluoxetine on these molecules, besides the actions on the
SERT, may mediate the inhibitory effects of fluoxetine on METH dependence.
Reduced cocaine self-administration in mice lacking the GIRK2 or GIRK3
subunit27 supports this third possibility that fluoxetine inhibits METH dependence through inhibition of the GIRK channels.
In conclusion, we found that fluoxetine, a widely used medication for depression, inhibited both METH CPP and sensitization to METH-induced locomotor
activation in mice. Although further preclinical studies are needed to elucidate
the mechanisms underlying these inhibitory effects of fluoxetine on processed
relating to METH dependence, it appears worthwhile to investigate the clinical
effects of fluoxetine on METH abuse.
We are grateful to Dr. Keiko Matsuoka for animal care, and Kazuya Tawara
and Akira Sato for technical assistance. This work was supported by a research
grant (17025054) from the MEXT of Japan, and by grants (H17-pharmaco-001,
H16-iyaku-029, H15-kou-3–03) from the MHLW of Japan. AM was supported
by a USA National Institute on Drug Abuse grant (R01 DA11946).
World Drug Report 2005. Oxford University Press. New York, NY.
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The Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Paroxetine, but not Fluvoxamine, Decreases
Methamphetamine Conditioned Place Preference in Mice
Running title: Paroxetine, but not fluvoxamine, decreases methamphetamine CPP
Division of Psychobiology, Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry, Tokyo 156-8585, Japan.
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of California San Diego, La Jolla,
California 92093-0603, USA
Address for correspondence: Kazutaka Ikeda, Division of Psychobiology, Tokyo Institute of
Psychiatry, 2-1-8 Kamikitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156-8585, Japan. Voice: +81-3-3304-5701,
ext. 508; fax: +81-3-3329-8035; e-mail: ikedak@prit.go.jp
ABSTRACT: Monoamine transporters are the main targets of methamphetamine (METH).
Recently, we showed that fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI),
decreased METH conditioned place preference (CPP), suggesting that serotonin
transporter (SERT) inhibition reduces the rewarding effects of METH.
To further test
this hypothesis, in the present study we investigated the effects of additional SSRIs,
paroxetine and fluvoxamine, on METH CPP in C57BL/6J mice.
In the CPP test,
pretreatment with 20 mg/kg paroxetine abolished the CPP for METH, whereas
pretreatment with 100 mg/kg fluvoxamine prior to administration of METH failed to
inhibit METH CPP.
These results suggest that paroxetine, a medication widely used to
treat depression, may be a useful tool for treating METH dependence.
Further, these data
suggest that molecules other than the SERT [such as G protein-activated inwardly
rectifying K+ (GIRK) channels] whose activities are modulated by paroxetine and
fluoxetine, but not by fluvoxamine, are involved in reducing METH CPP by paroxetine and
KEYWORDS: methamphetamine; paroxetine; fluvoxamine; serotonin transporter;
conditioned place preference; mice
Methamphetamine (METH) is abused in worldwide.1 In Japan, the number of people
arrested for METH possession or use is approximately 100 times higher than those arrested for
cocaine, opioids, or cannabis.
Further, METH frequently induces psychotic states with
symptoms similar to those seen in paranoid schizophrenia.2 Such psychotic states are treated
primarily in hospitals resulting in high medical costs.
Thus, there is great need for the
discovery of new medications for METH abuse3 because the current treatments are mostly
oriented toward the treatment of psychosis with no treatments available to prevent relapse to
METH abuse.
The dopamine transporter (DAT) is the main target for METH and cocaine. However,
mice lacking the DAT show conditioned place preference (CPP) to cocaine4 and self-administer
cocaine.5 Interestingly, heterozygous and homozygous serotonin transporter (SERT) knockout
mice that also have a homozygous knockout of the DAT do not exhibit cocaine CPP.6 Cocaine
administration leads to increases in extracellular dopamine concentration in the striatum of DAT
knockout mice but not of DAT/SERT double knockout mice.7
Taken together, these reports
suggest that SERT inhibition may decrease METH and cocaine CPP.
Recently, we showed that fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI),
abolished METH CPP when METH was administered during both the development and
expression phases of the CPP procedure, supporting the hypothesis that SERT inhibition
decreased the rewarding effects of METH.8 To further test this hypothesis, in the present study
we investigated the effects of the SSRIs paroxetine (Paxil®) and fluvoxamine (Lubox® or
Depromel®) on METH CPP.
Male C57BL/6J mice (8-10 weeks old) were purchased from CLEA Japan, Inc. (Tokyo,
Japan) and were housed for 1-2 weeks before the experiments began in an animal facility
maintained at 22 ± 2˚C and 55 ± 5% relative humidity under a 12/12 h light/dark cycle with
lights on at 8:00 am. Food and water were available ad libitum.
All behavioral testing was
conducted during the light phase. The experimental procedures and housing conditions were
approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the Tokyo Institute of
Psychiatry, and all animals were cared for and treated humanely in accordance with our
institutional animal experimentation guidelines.
Conditioned Place Preference (CPP) Test
The CPP test was performed according to the method of Hoffman and Beninger9 with
some modifications.
We used a two-compartment Plexiglas chamber (Neuroscience Inc., Osaka,
One compartment (17.5 × 15 × 17.5 cm: width × length × height) was black with a
smooth floor, and the other compartment was of the same dimensions, but with a white textured
This two-compartment chamber was located in a sound- and light-attenuated box under
conditions of dim illumination (approximately 40 lux) to reduce bias toward either
compartment.10 Mice were assigned randomly to the treatment groups (see below).
On Day 1, the mice (n = 14-26 per group) were allowed to freely explore the two
compartments for 15 min.
On Day 2, the mice again were allowed to explore the two
compartments freely for 15 min, and the time spent in each compartment and the number of
transitions between compartments were measured. Conditioning sessions then were conducted
once daily for 4 consecutive days (Days 5-8). For the Day 5 conditioning session, mice were
intraperitoneally (i.p.) injected with saline or SSRI (20 mg/kg paroxetine or 100 mg/kg
fluvoxamine) 60 min before injection with METH (2 mg/kg, i.p.).
Immediately after METH
administration, mice were confined to the black or white compartment for 50 min.
On Day 6,
the mice were pretreated with the same solution (saline or SSRI, i.p.) 60 min before a saline
injection. Immediately after the saline injection, mice were confined to the opposite
compartment for 50 min.
On Days 7 and 8, the same conditioning as on Days 5 and 6 was
repeated. On Day 9, the mice were pretreated with saline or SSRI (20 mg/kg paroxetine or 100
mg/kg fluvoxamine, i.p.), and 60 min later were allowed to freely explore the two compartments
for 15 min without METH injection. The time spent in each compartment and the number of
transitions between compartments were measured.
In summary, there were a total of eight
groups in this experiment corresponding to the four pretreatments (paroxetine, fluvoxamine,
saline; there were two saline groups that were run concurrently with the paroxetine and
fluvoxamine groups) and the two phases of the experiment during which they were pretreated
with the drug (conditioning days 5-8 or test day 9). The CPP score was defined as the time
spent in the drug-paired compartment during the CPP test phase (Day 9) minus the time spent in
the same compartment during the preconditioning exploratory phase (Day 2). The transition
score was defined as the number of transitions during the CPP test phase (Day 9) minus the
number of transitions during the preconditioning exploratory phase (Day 2).
Methamphetamine hydrochloride was purchased from Dainippon Pharmaceutical
(Osaka, Japan).
Paroxetine maleate and fluvoxamine maleate were purchased from Sigma (St.
Louis, MO, USA) and TOCRIS (Hung Road, Bristol, UK), respectively. All drugs were
dissolved in saline.
Drugs and vehicle were administered i.p. in a volume of 0.1 ml/10 g body
All drug doses are reported as salt.
Statistical Analyses
The CPP and transition scores of mice pretreated with saline or SSRI during the
conditioning and CPP test phases were subjected to a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
The ANOVA had two between-subjects factors, each with two levels (saline/SSRI pretreatment
in the conditioning phase and saline/SSRI pretreatment in the CPP test phase).
Two separate
ANOVAs were conducted on the paroxetine and fluvoxamine data. Similar ANOVAs were
conducted on the transition scores. The CPP scores from the paroxetine experiment were
subjected to a one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc comparisons with the Scheffe test.
this ANOVA, there were four levels corresponding to the four treatment conditions (saline in
both the conditioning and the CPP test phases, pretreatment with paroxetine only in the
conditioning phase, pretreatment with paroxetine only in the CPP test phase, pretreatment with
paroxetine in both the conditioning and the CPP test phases).
For the CPP data, the durations of
time that the mice spent in the METH-paired compartment before and after conditioning were
compared using paired t-tests for each group.
For the transition data, the number of transitions
between the METH-paired compartment and the saline-paired compartment before and after
conditioning were compared using paired t-tests for each group.
The level of significance was
set at 0.05.
Effects of Paroxetine on METH CPP
The two-way ANOVA revealed that mice treated with paroxetine during the test phase
exhibited decreased CPP scores compared to mice treated with saline during the test phase (F1,72
= 7.888, P < 0.01), whereas mice treated with paroxetine during the conditioning phase did not
differ significantly from mice treated with saline during the test phase in the CPP score [F1,72 =
1.704, not significant (n.s.); FIG. 1A].
There was no statistically significant interaction between
the factor saline/paroxetine during the conditioning phase and the factor saline/paroxetine during
the CPP test phase (F1,72 = 0.1690, n.s.), indicating that the important factor was treatment with
paroxetine during the expression phase of the experiment. In addition, a one-way ANOVA on
the CPP scores was conducted on data for all four groups. The ANOVA showed a significant
difference in the CPP scores among these four groups (F3,72 = 3.940, P < 0.05).
The Scheffe
post hoc test showed that the CPP score of the paroxetine/paroxetine group was significantly
lower than that of the saline/saline group (P < 0.05).
Paired t-tests were conducted to compare
the duration of time before and after conditioning for each of the four groups (FIG. 1B).
Whereas the saline/saline and paroxetine/saline groups spent significantly more time in the
METH-paired compartment after conditioning than before conditioning (saline/saline: n = 23, df
= 22, t = -6.050, P < 0.001; paroxetine/saline: n = 15, df = 14, t = -2.884, P < 0.05), the
saline/paroxetine and paroxetine/paroxetine groups did not show METH CPP (saline/paroxetine:
n = 15, df = 14, t = -2.033, n.s.; paroxetine/paroxetine: n = 23, df = 22, t = -0.908, n.s.).
Paroxetine pretreatment had no significant effects on the transition scores compared to the
saline/saline treatment group (data not shown).
Effects of Fluvoxamine on the METH CPP
The two-way ANOVA revealed that both the factor saline/fluvoxamine pretreatment
during the conditioning phase and the factor saline/fluvoxamine pretreatment during the CPP test
phase had no effects on CPP scores (conditioning phase: F1,68 = 0.045, n.s.; CPP test phase: F1,68
= 3.016, n.s.; FIG. 2A).
There was no statistically significant interaction between the two
factors (F1,68 = 0.066, n.s.).
Paired t-tests were conducted to compare the duration of time
before and after conditioning for each of the four groups.
All four groups spent significantly
more time in the METH-paired compartment after conditioning than before conditioning
(saline/saline: n = 26, df = 25, t = -4.541, P < 0.001; saline/fluvoxamine: n = 14, df = 13, t =
-2.983, P < 0.05; fluvoxamine/saline: n = 18, df = 17, t = -3.949, P < 0.01;
fluvoxamine/fluvoxamine: n = 14, df = 13, t = -2.757, P < 0.05).
The two-way ANOVA revealed that both fluvoxamine pretreatment during the
conditioning phase and during the CPP test phase significantly decreased transition scores
(conditioning phase: F1,68 = 24.321, P < 0.001; CPP test phase: F1,68 = 10.292, P < 0.01; FIG. 2B).
There was no statistically significant interaction between the two factors (F1,68 = 0.007, n.s.).
Paired t-tests were conducted to compare the number of transitions before and after conditioning
for each of the four groups.
The S-S group showed no significant differences in the number of
transitions before and after conditioning (n = 26, df = 25, t = -1.213, n.s.). However, mice
pretreated with fluvoxamine (saline/fluvoxamine, fluvoxamine/saline, fluvoxamine/fluvoxamine)
showed significant decreases in the number of transitions after conditioning (saline/fluvoxamine:
n = 14, df = 13, t = 3.829, P < 0.01; fluvoxamine/saline: n = 18, df = 17, t = 5.520, P < 0.001;
fluvoxamine/fluvoxamine: n = 14, df = 13, t = 6.025, P < 0.001).
In the present study, we showed that paroxetine, a widely used medication for treating
depression, inhibited METH CPP in mice, similar to the results we reported previously with
fluoxetine.8 No significant effects of paroxetine on transition scores suggest that the effects of
paroxetine on METH CPP are not due to changes in locomotor activity but due to reduction of
METH reward and conditioned reward by paroxetine.
Based on these findings, it appears
worthwhile to investigate the clinical effects of paroxetine on METH abuse.
other SSRI tested here, fluvoxamine, did not affect METH CPP.
By contrast, the
These data demonstrate that
there are differences in the effects of SSRIs on METH CPP, suggesting the possibility that
molecules other than the SERT are involved in the inhibition of METH CPP by paroxetine and
fluoxetine reported here and in our previous study.8
In addition to SERT inhibition, paroxetine inhibits the function of muscarinic
cholinergic receptors,11 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors,12 volume-related anion channels,13
membrane steroid transporters,14 and nitric oxide synthase.15 Recently, Kobayashi and
colleagues16 reported that paroxetine also inhibits the function of G protein-activated inwardly
rectifying K+ (GIRK) channels.
It is intriguing that paroxetine and fluoxetine, but not
fluvoxamine, inhibit GIRK channels.16, 17, 18
Various G protein-coupled receptors (such as M2
muscarinic, α2 adrenergic, D2 dopaminergic, 5-HT1A, opioid, nociceptin/orphanin FQ, and A1
adenosine) activate GIRK channels19, 20, 21, 22 through the direct action of G protein subunits.23
In addition, GIRK channels are activated by ethanol independently of G protein-coupled
signaling pathways.24, 25 Activation of GIRK channels leads to membrane hyperpolarization.19
These channels play an important role in the inhibitory regulation of neuronal excitability.
Thus, modulators of GIRK channel activity may affect many brain functions.
Kobayashi and
colleagues26 also have reported that ifenprodil, a cerebral vasodilator which inhibits morphine
CPP,27 also inhibits the function of GIRK channels.
Morgan and colleagues28 demonstrated
that GIRK channel knockout mice exhibited dramatically reduced intravenous
self-administration of cocaine. In the present study, we found that paroxetine and fluoxetine,
but not fluvoxamine, inhibited METH CPP.
These findings, together with the previous findings,
suggest that the inhibition of GIRK channels by paroxetine or fluoxetine may be involved in the
inhibition of METH CPP by these drugs.
Fluvoxamine administration (60 mg/kg) leads to a significant decrease in spontaneous
locomotor activity.29 Consistent with this observation, significant decreases in transition scores
were observed in all of the 100 mg/kg fluvoxamine-treated groups compared to the
saline/saline-treated group in the present study. The number of transitions of the
fluvoxamine/fluvoxamine treated group during the CPP test phase (101.4 ± 85.3, mean ± SEM)
was the smallest among the four groups in this experiment, but more than 100 transitions
indicated adequate locomotion to reveal potential differences in CPP.
The lack of effect of
fluvoxamine on CPP for methamphetamine is likely to reflect a lack of effect of fluvoxamine on
the rewarding effects of METH rather than being a nonspecific effect of fluvoxamine.
We found that paroxetine, but not fluvoxamine, inhibited METH CPP in mice.
Although further preclinical studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying these
inhibitory effects of paroxetine on processes relating to METH dependence, it appears
worthwhile to investigate the clinical effects of paroxetine on METH abuse.
The present results
suggest that molecules other than the SERT (such as GIRK channels) are involved in the
inhibition of METH CPP by paroxetine and fluoxetine.
We are grateful to Dr. Yasukazu Ogai for statistics instruction, Dr. Keiko Matsuoka for
animal care, Yukiko Sakaki and Akira Sato for technical assistance, and Michael Arends for
editorial assistance. This work was supported by a research grant (17025054) from the MEXT
of Japan, by grants (H17-pharmaco-001, H16-iyaku-029, H18-shitei-3) from the MHLW of
Japan, and by Japan-U.S. Brain Research Cooperative Program grant from JSPS.
supported by a USA National Institute on Drug Abuse grant (R01 DA11946).
AM was
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Figure legends
FIGURE 1. Effects of paroxetine on CPP for METH in mice. (A) Reduction of METH CPP by
paroxetine (Px) pretreatment.
Mice were pretreated with saline (S) in both the conditioning and
CPP test phases (S-S), paroxetine only in the CPP test phase (S-Px), paroxetine only in the
conditioning phase (Px-S), and paroxetine in both the conditioning and the CPP test phases
The CPP score was defined as the time spent in the drug-paired compartment during
the CPP test phase (Day 9) minus the time spent in the same compartment during the
preconditioning phase (Day 2).
The CPP score of the Px-Px group was significantly lower than
that of the S-S group (#P < 0.05).
(B) Comparison of time spent in the conditioned
compartment before and after conditioning in the four groups. There was a significant CPP in
the S-S and Px-S groups, but not in the S-Px and Px-Px groups (when paroxetine was
administered in the CPP test phase). ***P < 0.001, *P < 0.05, ns: not significant (P > 0.05).
FIGURE 2. Effects of fluvoxamine on CPP for METH and on transitions between compartments.
(A) Lack of a significant effect of fluvoxamine (Fv) on METH CPP.
Mice were pretreated with
saline in both the conditioning and the CPP test phases (S-S), fluvoxamine only in the CPP test
phase (S-Fv), fluvoxamine only in the conditioning phase (Fv-S), and fluvoxamine in both the
conditioning and the CPP test phases (Fv-Fv). There was a significant CPP in all groups.
Fluvoxamine pretreatment in the conditioning phase and/or the CPP test phase failed to inhibit
METH CPP (pre- and post-conditioning preference test results were analyzed with paired t-tests,
***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05).
by fluvoxamine pretreatment.
(B) Decreases in transitions between the compartments
There were significant decreases in transitions in the S-Fv, Fv-S,
and Fv-Fv groups, but not in the S-S group [number of transitions in the pre- and
post-conditioning phases was analyzed with paired t-tests, ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, ns: not
significant (P > 0.05)].
The transition score was defined as the number of transitions during the
CPP test phase (Day 9) minus the number of transitions during the preconditioning phase (Day
A) 250
CPP score (s)
Time spent in
METH-paired compartment (s)
A) 250
CPP score (s)
Transition score (number)
B) 150