Evolution of anti-filarial therapeutics: An overview

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Evolution of anti-filarial therapeutics: An overview
Department of Biochemistry, Government Medical College, Jam-
mu, 180002, India ; 2Department of Biochemistry, Mahatma Gandhi
Institute of Medical Sciences & JB Tropical Disease Research
Centre, Sevagram, Wardha, 442 102, India ; 3Department of Biochemistry, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences & JB
Tropical Disease Research Centre, Sevagram, Wardha, 442 102,
India; 4Department of Biochemistry, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of
Medical Sciences & JB Tropical Disease Research Centre,
Sevagram, Wardha, 442 102, India
07 April 2015
Accepted 29 May 2015
Introduction and Historical Overview
Lymphatic filariasis (LF) has been documented from
ancient times, and its symptoms were first recorded in the
16th century, during early explorations of Asia and Africa.
It is a parasitic disease caused by the filarial worms, Brugia malayi, Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia timori; otherwise known as “elephantiasis” [1]. It is spread by mosquito vectors that mainly afflict people of tropical and
subtropical countries. LF is considered the highest
amongst the world’s diseases that causes severe disability
and disfiguration. It threatens one fifth of the world’s
Human Lymphatic Filariasis is a parasitic disease which
threatens one fifth of the world’s population. Since the
last century, Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) has almost been
the sole antifilarial drug. Due to side effects and possible
resistance of filarial parasite to DEC, a large number of
new molecular targets have been proposed as antifilarial
drug candidates - as mandated by WHO,. The discovery
of Wolbachia endobacteria in filarial species has provided a promising target in chemotherapy. Anti-rickettsial
agents like tetracycline, doxycycline, and ciprofloxacin
have been shown to deplete Wolbachia from the worms.
Apart from a direct antibiotic effect, these drugs may
generate oxidative stress. This result, along with supported evidence suggests that oxidative impact might provide
a formidable prowess against the filarial parasite. However, owing to the reported antioxidant armament of this
parasite, a more plausible apoptotic effect might be contemplated that may explain subtle link with oxidative
rationale. Herbal medicines have stood the test of time
for their safety, efficacy and cultural acceptability. With
the possible development of pro-oxidant effects with
anti-oxidants like flavonoids, it can be presumed that
plants and materials that are rich in flavonoids might be
exploited for and used as oxidative stress mediators
against filarial parasites. Moreover, exploiting and extrapolating a possible relation of shikimate metabolism, a
relatively new role of flavonoid as an apoptosis inducer
through anti-folate rationale could be envisaged. Experimental evidence in favour of such apoptotic mechanisms
are to be considered for a unique anti-parasitic drug designing concept that has been put forward.
population - almost equal to that affected by malaria involving approximately 73 countries, yet it has been considered a less significant disease. This probably is the reason for its unfortunate tag of ‘neglected tropical disease’.
Lymphatic filariasis
New targets
Novel rationale
According to World Health Organization (WHO), as of
2012, an estimated 1.4 billion people are at risk of contracting LF [2].
At present, there are over 120 million infected individuals, and above 40 million of them have been disfigured
and severely debilitated by the disease. Therefore, WHO
Correspondence to: Dr Kalyan Goswami
Email: goswamikln@gmail.com
has recognized human lymphatic filariasis as one of the
thirteen diseases in its tropical disease research (TDR)
scheme highlighting the huge disease burden leading to
5.9 million DALYs and consequently launched the Global
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Programme for Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis
ing depolarization and muscle paralysis possibly due to
(GPELF). Accordingly, lymphatic filariasis has been se-
the hyper-polarizing effect of the piperazine moiety and
lected for elimination as a public health problem by the
causes the dislocation of the parasite from the normal hab-
year 2020 [3]. Towards this end, the ‘International Task
itats in the host [6]. It has also been reported that the drug
Force for Disease Eradication’ has identified filariasis as
produces alterations in the microfilarial surface mem-
one of six major infectious diseases and emphasized a
branes, thereby rendering them more prone to destruction
serious increase in the development of novel drugs.
by host defence mechanisms [7]. However, the most
In the first decade of the present century, quinine, meth-
popular postulate as reported earlier considers DEC to
ylene blue, thymol and atoxyl stood in the foreground as
mediate in vivo microfilaricidal activity in conjunction
the best anti-parasitic agents of the time. In 1910, antimo-
with the host immune system [8]. Such an effect might
ny preparations were used by Thiroux and antimony tar-
trigger inflammatory responses leading to a possible pro-
tarate by Bahr. Since that time a large number of sub-
oxidative environment. Therefore, this mechanism appears
stances have been tried with varied level of success. Later,
to be endowed with the possible macrophage mediated
more systematic comparative tests by the British Guiana
oxidative onslaught. Plausibly, the observed apparent lack
Filariasis Commission showed that preparations of anti-
of effect of DEC in vitro provides additional support to
mony were more promising than others although it was far
this rationale. Interestingly, of late, it is reported that on in
from satisfactory. In the later part of the second decade of
vitro cultures, filarial parasite can undergo apoptosis on
the last century, several works showed the microfilaricidal
treatment with DEC; however, such apoptotic change
action of various preparations like bisnene (urea com-
alone was not found to be sufficient to induce parasitic
pound of para-amino-phenyl bismic acid), antimosan,
killing [9]. The significance of this evidence will be dis-
stibosan, neo-stibosan, stiburea, novostiburea, antimony
cussed below in detail in the light of the certain experi-
sulphur compound, mercurochrome and plasmochin
mental evidence. The standard dose of DEC is 6 mg/kg,
which are now of historical interest. During World War II,
which is to be given in three divided doses after food over
an estimated 15,000 servicemen in South-Pacific acquired
a period of 10-14 days, which reduces microfilaremia lev-
acute lymphatic filariasis from exposure to B. malayi and
els by approximately 80-90% in several days. Sensitivity
W. bancrofti [4]. The most significant breakthrough in the
to DEC may be expected to be low in endemic areas due
form of a non-toxic piperazine molecule, Diethylcarbam-
to prolonged usage. However, as of now, the reason of
azine (DEC) by Hewitt et al using the cultured rat filarial
such resistance is yet uncertain [10]. A lack of suitable
parasite litomosoides-carnii came in 1947 [5]. DEC was
known targets for DEC to facilitate the evaluation for
then found to be active against human filariasis, and it
DEC resistance in humans further compounded this pre-
rapidly became a popular oral chemotherapeutic agent to
dicament. With advances in research and consequent de-
combat most forms of human filariasis because of its
velopment of our knowledge-base of filarial biochemistry,
chemical stability and since then, DEC has been enjoying
a large number of new molecular targets are being pro-
the status of the almost sole antifilarial drug.
posed for antifilarial drug development. The addition of
ivermectin and albendazole as newer antifilarial therapeu-
The Current Scenario and its Evolution
tics as well as the revelation of novel aspects of DEC ac-
DEC (1–diethylcarbamyl–4- methyl piperazine) is the
tion contributed towards a major breakthrough. The
drug of choice available at present in treating human lym-
mechanisms by which ivermectin and albendazole achieve
phatic filariasis caused by W. bancrofti and B. malayi.
parasite destruction have been well studied in non-filarial
This is used in the form of dihydrogen citrate under the
organisms. However, the reason for selectivity of ivermec-
brand names of Hetrazan, Banocide and Notezine. It caus-
tin only against Mf, and not adult worms is yet to be elu-
es rapid clearance of microfilariae of W. bancrofti and B.
cidated [11]. Albendazole selectively targets tubulin of the
malayi from the blood of humans. The mechanism of ac-
parasite, leading to defects in the fertilization process.
tion is largely obscure and it is believed that it probably
Filamentation temperature-sensitive protein Z (Ftsz),
activates muscle cholinergic receptors in the worm, caus-
which is involved in cell division of the Wolbachia para-
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site, appears to have functional homology with β-tubulin
WHO/TDR expert meetings [16]. Proof-of-principle of the
gene. Therefore albendazole might have dual targets; FtsZ
symbiosis between filarial Wolbachia and their host has
in Wolbachia and β-tubulin in W. bancrofti [12]. Drug
been demonstrated in animal models by depleting the en-
resistance is also observed with both of these antibiotics.
dosymbionts from filarial parasites using antibiotics [17].
Resistance to albendazole appears to be associated with a
The effects were very similar in models using different
loss of high affinity receptors, resulting from nucleotide
filarial species. Since antibiotic treatment had no effect on
changes, predominantly in the TUB1 gene. Studies of
filarial species devoid of Wolbachia endobacteria, such as
ivermectin on the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans show
Acanthocheilonema viteae, Wolbachia appears to be the
that simultaneous mutation of three genes (avr-14, avr-15,
target of antibiotic therapy for effective antifilarial effect
and glc-1) that encode glutamate-gated chloride channel
[18]. Immuno-histochemical studies have shown the de-
(GluCl) of ɑ-type subunits confers a high-level resistance
pletion of Wolbachia from the worms in animals infected
to the drug [13]. There is insufficient evidence to confirm
with filarial nematodes using anti-rickettsial antibiotics
or refute that albendazole co-administered with DEC or
like tetracycline, azithromycin and rifampicin [19]. Partial
ivermectin is more effective than DEC or ivermectin alone
activity is also seen with ciprofloxacin, erythromycin and
in clearing microfilariae or killing adult worms. There are
chloramphenicol [20]. In several nematode infections,
inconsistent reports regarding the effect of albendazole
these antibiotics have numerous effects on worm growth
with ivermectin on microfilaraemia. Now, there is a need
and development; worm fertility (particularly female
of further active research and meta-analysis on the effect
worm embryogenesis) and worm survival, suggesting that
of albendazole against the adult and larval stage of filarial
prolonged treatment can be detrimental to worms. In ani-
parasites, alone and in combination with other antifilarial
mals infected with aposymbiotic Acanthocheilonema vi-
drugs [14]. Ivermectin kills microfilariae only and can be
teae (A. viteae) worms, which do not carry these bacteria,
given as a single dose of 400 mg/kg. Although ivermectin
similar long-term antibiotic treatment had no effect on
leads to rapid clearance of microfilariae (Mf), sustained
worm biology and development suggesting that this bacte-
reductions in six months or longer after treatment are
ria plays a very important role in the growth and reproduc-
equivalent or better with single 6 mg/kg dose of DEC.
tion of the filarial worms that harbour them. Interestingly,
Ivermectin can also be used with DEC as a single dose
in addition to anti-wolbachia properties, tetracycline
that gives a more rapid clearance of microfilariae and re-
markedly affected the normal embryogenesis profiles by
currence is delayed. However, there is limitation in its use
causing the damage and degeneration of intrauterine em-
in lymphatic filariasis and Loa loa co-infection cases [15].
bryos of the parasite [21]. Polymerase chain reaction
Side effects of ivermectin are similar to that of DEC with
(PCR) assay also confirmed the clearance of Wolbachia
additional neurotoxicity. Albendazole in combination with
DNA after prolonged antibiotic therapy. The reduction or
ivermectin is more effective in clearing microfilariae than
clearance of bacterial specific hsp60 and Wolbachia sur-
ivermectin alone. For almost 30 years, it has been known
that filarial nematodes contain endosymbiotic bacteria.
histochemical staining indicated the absence or clearance
These endo-bacteria are found in the hypodermis of male
of Wolbachia in treated worms [22]. These antibiotics
and female worms, and in the larval, embryo and oocyte
were effective in reducing the filarial larval molt (from L3
stages. Recently, these endosymbionts were classified to
to L4) and their development in vitro. For doxycycline,
be of the genus Wolbachia, a genus of bacteria which are
the first clinical trials were done in people having oncho-
common endosymbionts of arthropods. Wolbachia can be
cerciasis infections. A 6 week course of regular doxycy-
used as a drug target and thus holds great promise towards
cline treatment (100 mg/day) depleted Wolbachia in
therapeutic options available for filariasis treatment. In
worms and caused extensive degeneration of embryos
general, the discovery of Wolbachia endobacteria in filari-
after 4 months post treatment. The worms became sterile
al species has provided a new promising target for the
after the loss of Wolbachia, with fewer or no microfilare-
chemotherapy of human filariasis, as emphasized in recent
mia in affected patients. Doxycycline fulfils the role for a
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new antifilarial therapy because it produces sterility, kills
cently, Shakotak (Streblus asper) a well-known ayurvedic
adult worms in lymphatic filariasis and prevents or lessens
drug has been considered for clinical trial in lymphatic
adverse reactions due to the rapid killing of Mf by stand-
filariasis; its stem bark is reported to be effective against
ard microfilaricidal drugs. Wolbachia-targeting antibiotics
lymphedema, chyluria and other manifestation of filaria-
may improve compliance with mass treatment pro-
sis. It was reported from clinical trial about the tolerability
grammes by reducing side-effects that may result from the
and efficacy of daflon, a micronized purified flavonoid
release of intact bacteria and Wolbachia products from
fraction (MPFF), in filarial lymphedema cases. As a
dying nematodes. Apart from typical antibiotic effects,
phlebotonic, daflon reduces capillary permeability and has
these drugs (anti wolbachia) like tetracycline, ciprofloxa-
an anti-lipidemic effect. No significant adverse reaction
cin and doxycycline, were tested for anti-filarial activity
during the entire treatment period in terms of haematolog-
against Brugia malayi microfilariae; the results suggested
ical or biochemical parameters was recorded [25]. This
that oxidative damage might be crucial for the antifilarial
demonstrates that daflon (500 mg, twice a day for 90
effect and thereby emphasized exploration of targeted
days) is well tolerated, safe and can be used up to 90 days
oxidative effect towards the design of novel drug candi-
in patients with filarial lymphedema. The drug is effica-
dates [23]. Therefore, the discovery of endosymbiotic
cious as reflected by a significant reduction in oedema.
bacteria infecting most species of filarial nematodes that
Despite the important addition to our knowledge of newer
are pathogenic to humans has opened exciting new ave-
molecules with antifilarial activity, none has developed
nues of research into the pathogenesis of filarial infec-
fruitfully as a macrofilaricidal drug due to their sustaina-
tions. With the advent of bioinformatics along with the
ble antifilarial activity and/or high toxicity. This warrants
public domain access of genomic and proteomic database
the need for developing an effective and safe drug to kill
of the parasite and its endosymbionts, further insight into
or permanently sterilize the adult worms. A major issue
the Wolbachia–nematode relationship would be possible
regarding the traditional herbal drugs is the lack of scien-
which might open up process for development of new
tific validity. Of late AYUSH, a governmental initiative to
therapeutic approaches to tackle these menacing parasitic
integrate and promote such traditional therapeutics to the
scientific area, has provided a significant boost in this
area. In our study, extracts of Butea monosperma Linn
Recent advances in drug therapy and pharmaco-
(Palas roots and Leaves), Vitex negundo Linn. (Nirgundi
logical research in the area
roots) and of Aegle marmelos Corr (Beal Leaves) were
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently de-
analysed for their antifilarial activity that showed signifi-
fined and stressed on research for exploration and scien-
cant pharmacological effect in vitro [26]. Flavonoids/ pol-
tific validation of traditional medicine (including herbal
yphenols such as vitexin, vitexicarpin etc. in Vitex negun-
drugs) that have been in existence often for several centu-
do Linn., coumarin in Aegle marmelos Corr., gallic acid in
ries, before the development and spread of modern medi-
butea monosperma Linn, are the major active ingredient of
cine and are still in use today. Herbal medicines are being
these extracts [27, 28]. Owing to a known plausible para-
used by about 80% of the world population primarily in
doxical pro-oxidative prowess posed by the rather conven-
the developing countries for primary health care. They are
tional antioxidants like flavonoid as a conditional effect
well known and acceptable for their efficacy, safety and
[29], a putative oxidative rationale might be surmised in
cultural acceptability. The chemical constituents of them
such pharmacological response. Evidence in support of
are a part of the physiological functions of living flora and
this view has also been recorded by our earlier work [30].
hence they are believed to have better compatibility with
This study, along with our study results, implicating oxi-
the human body. There are descriptions in ayurvedic liter-
dative mechanism with certain antibiotics suggests the
ature regarding the medicinal properties of Acoras cal-
feasibility of oxidative rationale. Remarkably, the most
almus, Deodar, Boerrhavia diffusa, Plumbago zeylanica /
popular mechanism of action of DEC entails oxidative
rosea, and Terminalea chebula in elephantiasis [24]. Re-
assault by the cells recruited to elicit inflammatory response as a key mediator of antimicrobial effect [31].
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However, when considering the report of formidable anti-
Concluding remarks
oxidant repertoire of the filarial parasite [32], whether
Given the enormous socioeconomic encumber associated
such oxidative mechanisms might be directly implicated
with this menacing parasitic infection, inflicting the de-
in the anti-filarial effect remains questionable. In a major
veloping world coupled with its so-called tag of ‘neglect-
relief of such intriguing dilemma, our earlier work estab-
ed tropical disease’, human lymphatic filariasis is a peren-
lished the significance of possible apoptotic effector
nial problem which perpetually erodes the quality of life
mechanisms by an apparent synergistic impact with H2O2
and is definitely a formidable challenge to the social de-
+ DEC combination [33]. Quite remarkably earlier evi-
velopment setting in a vicious cycle. This gloom further
dence already showed the way in favour of an apoptotic
continues due to poor research initiative and infrastructure
mechanism by DEC in vitro [34]; although this failed to
in these countries. A challenge is also posed by the rela-
show filaricidal effect. However, our work managed to
tive paucity of parasitic material and the requisite animal
demonstrate such impact through synergism with H2O2, a
model to gather experimental evidence. However, a defi-
recognized oxidant as well as apoptotic inducer. Moreo-
nite silver lining has come up in the form of remarkable
ver, our study recorded that this remarkable synergism is
advances in bioinformatics and access to genomic and
not entirely reverted by standard antioxidants suggesting
proteomic databases. This new age scientific revolution
apoptotic response rather than simple oxidative effect
will definitely provide an edge to steer the evolution of
[33]. As such, oxidative stress is implicated in apoptosis
therapeutics of such parasitic disease towards a finishing
induction [35]; hence, the observed synergism not only
line for eliminating this disease.
mirrored the effect of two apoptotic inducers working in
tandem, but also coupled the apoptotic effector response
Conflict of Interest
with the oxidative rationale. Another important revelation
We declare that we have no conflict of interest.
comes from the fact that polyphenols / flavonoids are derivatives from shikimate pathways which are also respon-
sible for other important derivatives like folates. There-
All authors would like to thank the DBT, India for funds
fore, owing to structural resemblance, an inhibitory role of
to support the project “Maintenance of Repository for
folate metabolic pathway by the flavonoids or its structur-
Filarial Parasites and Reagents” and Sneha Hande would
al analogues is quite presumable. Certain flavonoids actu-
like to thank to University Grant Commission (UGC),
ally showed antiparasitic effects in vitro. A few of them
India for fellowship.
also tested successfully in animal model as well [36]. In
fact there is evidence supporting flavonoids from green
tea to show significant DHFR inhibition and, more interestingly, that leads to apoptosis [37]. Present work is un-
derway with tea extract in our lab and the results are high-
ly promising (unpublished observation). Our study with
such synthetic compounds which are proposed DHFR
inhibitors recorded a marked pharmacological impact and
also validated the folate metabolic hindrance through reversal experiments [38]. Subsequent work also managed
to record evidence of apoptosis [39]. Very recently our
work with silver nanoparticles recorded convincing evidence of anti-filarial effect through apoptosis [40].
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