Villages of Kensington - Parkwood Residents Association

Presented by Suzanne Bowler,
With Rachel Gall and Arlene
To Learn More About Us:
See our website and Facebook:
To contact any of our officers or Board members:
Go to our website and click on the “CONTACT US” tab.
What is a Village?
• Community grass-roots
• Non-profit
• Volunteer driven
• Neighbors helping neighbors
• Unique to each community’s needs
• Range from 1 street to a whole county
Villages become a Movement
 Started in 2002 in Beacon Hill, Boston
 Now: 150 nationwide, Netherlands, UK, and Australia.
 Washington Area most prominent in country
 MC has 23 Villages: only county w/Village Coordinator
 Substantial support locally and nationally
Why are Villages so Popular?
 Enable seniors to “age in place”
 Get essential services and referrals
 Make new friends-no longer alone
 UC Berkeley study: substantial benefits
Our Mission
Build and sustain a supportive, diverse, and
intergenerational network of neighbors helping
neighbors to be engaged in their community
throughout their lives.
Our goal is to serve people of all ages in all
Kensington communities.
VoK Services based on Preliminary
Survey Results include:
 Transportation
 Computer/electronic assistance
 Home maintenance/handyman
 Baby-sitting or after school care
 Yard maintenance/snow
Social/Educational Activities based on
Preliminary Survey Results Include:
 Exercise, e.g., group walks
 Lectures/classes
 Book clubs/discussion groups
 Social gatherings (e.g., coffees, lunches,
potluck dinners)
Progress toward Opening
for Business
 Formed a Steering Committee
 Established Board of Directors with
 Finalized ByLaws
 Gained 501c3 (non-profit) status
 Exhibited at Day of the Book; Kensington
Labor Day Festival
Other Accomplishments
 Formed partnerships
 Attended Village
 50+ Kensington
residents ready to
 Plan to open next
Spring/early Summer
Questions & Answers
Come and Join Us!
 We’d love to have you in our
Village and share its benefits
with you
 Parkwood would be an
invaluable addition to our
 We’ll keep you updated on
our progress
To Learn More About Us:
See our website and Facebook:
To contact any of our officers or Board members:
Go to our website and click on the “CONTACT US” tab.