Vol. 2, No. 1 - American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

A Synopsis of Allergy and
Asthma Literature,
Resulting from an Unbiased,
Comprehensive Review of
Seventeen Major Medical Journals.
A P u b l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n C o l l e g e o f A l l e r g y, A s t h m a & I m m u n o l o g y
Volume 2, Number 1
January-February 2000
Study Defines Distinct
Inflammatory Subtypes of Severe Asthma
number of different mechanisms may contribute to
the development of severe, corticosteroid (CS)dependent asthma. Postulated factors include increased
neutrophil numbers and airway remodeling. This study
sought to identify distinct subtypes of severe asthma,
including their structural, physiologic, and clinical
characteristics. Thirty-four patients with severe,
refractory, CS-dependent asthma were studied. All
underwent a thorough evaluation, including endobronchial biopsy and lavage with assays for tryptase and
histamine, pulmonary function testing, allergy testing,
clinical history, and immunohistochemical assays of tissue cell types and subbasement membrane thickness.
Two inflammatory groups were identified,
based on the presence or absence of eosinophils.
Eosinophils were nearly absent in 14 patients, classified
as eosinophil negative. The remaining 20 patients, clas-
sified as eosinophil positive, also had increased levels of
CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ lymphocytes, mast cells, and
macrophages. Subbasement membrane thickness was
also greater in the eosinophil-positive group, who had
been intubated significantly more times than the
eosinophil-negative group. Both groups had persistently high neutrophil levels.
This study is the first to demonstrate two distinct pathologic types of severe, refractory asthma:
eosinophil-positive and eosinophil-negative phenotypes.
The eosinophil-positive group not only has high levels of
“classic” eosinophilic inflammation, but also elevated
numbers of CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ T cells. Although
lacking the classic inflammatory features, the
eosinophil-negative group has very similar clinical and
physiologic characteristics. The structural changes
associated with these pathologic subtypes may lead to
differences in physiology and patient clinical status.
COMMENT: This unique study is the first to define two
distinct pathologic subtypes within the phenotype вћ¤вћ¤
1 Study Defines Distinct Inflammatory Subtypes of Severe Asthma
2 Breast-Feeding Reduces Asthma and Atopy Risk in Young Children
7 “Skeeter Syndrome” Describes Local Allergic Reactions to
Mosquito Bites
8 Allergen Levels Vary by Season and Housing Type
2 Are Fungi Really Playing A Pathogenetic Role in Chronic Sinusitis?
8 Role of Chlamydia pneumoniae in Asthma and COPD Reviewed
3 Immunotherapy Reduces Skin Mast Cell Numbers
3 Studies Show Efficacy of Asthma Medications with Non-CFC Propellants
4 Updated Review on Asthma Immunotherapy
4 ACAAI Issues Minimum Standards for Skin Test Results and
Immunotherapy Labeling
4 Brief Updates in Pulmonary Disease Presented
8 Asthma Self-Management Program Does Not Improve Outcomes Over
Usual Care
9 Asthma Deaths Associated with Frequent Symptoms, Chances
for Intervention
9 Mometasone and Budesonide Have No Short-Term Growth Effects
10 Acute Asthma Associated With Increased Eotaxin Levels
5 Salmeterol Reduces Bronchial Eosinophils in Asthma
5 Low Humidity Helps to Control Dust Mites
6 Premenstrual Asthma Attacks Linked to Increased Leukotriene Levels
6 Methacholine Dose, Not Concentration, Determines Bronchial Response
10 Childhood Cat Exposure Reduces the Adult Sensitization Rate
11 Oral Contraceptives Block Perimenstrual Changes in
Cytokine Balance
11 Fluconazole Is Effective in Trichophyton-Sensitized Asthma Patients
6 Subclinical Allergen Doses Produce Eosinophil and
Bronchial Responses
11 Role of Neutrophilic Inflammation in Severe, Persistent
Asthma Studied
7 Monosensitized Children Are at Risk of Polysensitization Over Time
12 Pregnant Women Receive Suboptimal Asthma Treatment
Supported by an educational grant from Pfizer U.S. Pharmaceuticals and UCB Pharma.
January-February 2000 ~ ALLERGYWATCHв„ў
Page 2
Emil J. Bardana, Jr., M.D.
Portland, OR
Anthony Montanaro, M.D.
Portland, OR
Michael S. Blaiss, M.D.
Memphis, TN
Joann Blessing-Moore, M.D.
Palo Alto, CA
James R. Bonner, M.D.
Birmingham, AL
Richard J. Morris, M.D.
Minneapolis, MN
Jay M. Portnoy, M.D.
Kansas City, MO
Stephen A. Tilles, M.D.
Portland, OR
Susan Rudd-Wynn, M.D.
Fort Worth, TX
The following journals have been selected as
the primary focus of review in the preparation of materials within “AllergyWatch™”.
• Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
• Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
• American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care
• Chest
• Clinical Experimental Allergy
• Allergy
• International Archives of Allergy and
• Annals of Internal Medicine
• Pediatrics
• Thorax
• Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
• New England Journal of Medicine
• Lancet
• British Medical Journal
• American Journal of Medicine
• Mayo Clinic Proceedings
“AllergyWatch™” is an official publication and
a registered trademark of The American College
of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology and is published six times per year in one volume.
Subscrition rates - U.S., Individual $90.00
Outside the U.S.: $115.00, Residents, Fellows,
Students within the U.S.: $60.00, outside the
U.S., add $18.00, bulk subscription pricing
available upon request of the publisher. Send
subscription inquiries to AllergyWatchв„ў, P.O.
Box 381, Mt. Savage, Maryland 21545. Address
editorial enquiries to: AllergyWatchв„ў, c/o Emil
J. Bardana, M.D., Editor, The Oregon Health
Sciences University, 3181 S.W. Sam Jackson
Park Road, PV 320, Portland, Oregon 972013098. Telephone (503) 494-8531, Fax (503) 4944323 or via email to bardanae@ohsu.edu. No
portion of this publication may be repeoduced in
any manner either written or by retrieval system
without the written permission of the Publisher.
The reviews and commentary expressed within
this publication are solely those of the editorial
board and not those of the ACAAI; additional
data and opinions should be obtained through
reading the full origional content.Copyrighted by
The American College of Allergy, Asthma &
Immunology. Printed in the U.S.A. ISSN 15212440.
of severe asthma based on the presence or absence of eosinophils. The
eosinophil-positive group display high levels of eosinophilic asthmatic
inflammation with increased numbers of CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ T cells.
The eosinophil-negative group are best described by the absence of features
seen in the eosinophil-positive group. These observations will likely have
significant repercussions in future therapeutic interventions.
J. B.-M.
Wenzel SE, Schwartz LB, Langmack EL, et al: Evidence that severe asthma can be divided pathologically into two inflammatory subtypes with distinct physiologic and clinical characteristics. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
160:1001-1008, 1999.
Breast-Feeding Reduces Asthma
and Atopy Risk in Young Children
REVIOUS prospective studies have suggested that exclusive breastfeeding of infants has a protective effect against atopic disease throughout childhood and into adolescence. A larger prospective cohort study was
performed to assess the effects of breast-feeding on asthma-related outcomes
at age 6. A total of 2,187 infants seen at an Australian tertiary obstetric hospital were followed up through 6 years of age. Associations between the
duration of exclusive breast-feeding and outcomes related to asthma or
atopy were evaluated.
With adjustment for potential confounders, infants in whom nonbreast milk was introduced before the age of 4 months were significantly
more likely to have asthma- and atopy-related outcomes by age 6.
Associations with asthma and wheezing held across a wide range of ages at
which other milk was introduced. The association with positive skin-prick
testing was significant only at age 4 months.
Breast-feeding exclusively through the first 4 months of life significantly reduces the risk of asthma and atopy through age 6 years. This large
prospective study has a high response rate, although its power may be limited by random nonresponse. Breast-feeding reduces a wide range of asthmaand atopy-related outcomes, including skin-prick test positivity.
COMMENT: Controversy exists as to the benefit of breast-feeding for the
prevention of allergic disorders in the infant. This large-scale prospective
study from Australia supplies important information for physicians to provide to pregnant women. The researchers found that exclusive breast-feeding for at least 4 months may reduce the risk of asthma and atopy at the age
of 6. With the incidence of asthma increasing in the pediatric population,
this study should lead to increased endorsement of breast-feeding for all
M. S. B.
Oddy WH, Holt PG, Sly PD, et al: Association between breast feeding and
asthma in 6 year old children: findings of a prospective birth cohort study.
BMJ 319:815-819, 1999.
Are Fungi Really Playing A
Pathogenetic Role in Chronic Sinusitis?
EFINED criteria for the diagnosis of allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS)
include chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), allergic mucin, ie, clusters of
eosinophils and their by-products; and fungal organisms within the mucin,
confirmed by histology and/or culture. Nevertheless, some patients with
“AFS-like” disease do not show evidence of fungi, despite the presence of
allergic mucin. Using improved test methods, the authors re-evaluated the
diagnostic criteria for AFS. The study included 210 consecutive patients
with a clinical diagnosis of CRS, with or without nasal polyps. Fourteen
controls without nasal or sinus disease were studied for comparison. One
hundred one patients underwent surgery, providing a specimen for вћ¤вћ¤
ALLERGYWATCHв„ў ~ January-February 2000
histologic analysis. In all subjects, careful collection
and culture methods were used to identify fungi.
Ninety-six percent of patients with CRS had
positive cultures for fungi, averaging 2.7 organisms per
patient. All subjects in the control group were positive
for fungi, with numbers and types of organisms similar
to those found in the patients. Eighty-one percent of the
surgical specimens showed fungal elements. Ninetythree percent of the CRS patients met the diagnostic criteria for AFS. Specific and total IgE levels were similar
in the CRS patients and controls.
More than 90% of patients with CRS, with or
without polyposis, meet current diagnostic criteria for
AFS. The results suggest that fungal colonization of the
nasal secretions is universal, and that IgE mediation
cannot be the primary mechanism of AFS-related tissue
damage. In recognition of the key role of eosinophils—
possibly triggered by extramucosal fungi—the authors
propose changing the name of this condition from AFS to
“eosinophilic fungal rhinosinusitis.”
COMMENT: In this study, the great majority of
patients with chronic sinusitis were found to have
eosinophilic mucin and fungal elements in their sinus
cavities, thus meeting the usual criteria for the diagnosis of allergic fungal sinusitis. However, the investigators could not confirm the importance of type I hypersensitivity mechanisms and suggest that this disease
entity be renamed “eosinophilic fungal rhinosinusitis.”
With the use of meticulous culture techniques, fungi
were isolated from 96% of the patients as well as from
100% of normal control subjects. The findings cast
doubt on the importance of fungi in the etiopathogenesis of this disease. Perhaps the term should just be
“eosinophilic sinusitis.”
J. R. B.
Ponikau JU, Sherris DA, Kern EB, et al: The diagnosis and incidence of allergic fungal sinusitis. Mayo Clin
Proc 74:877-884, 1999.
Immunotherapy Reduces
Skin Mast Cell Numbers
ESPITE its long history of clinical use, little is
known about the mechanisms of immunotherapy.
Respiratory and skin mast cells play a key role in allergic disease. Patients undergoing immunotherapy were
studied to determine the effects of treatment on skin
mast cell numbers. Forty patients with summer hay
fever were randomized to receive 9 months of active
grass pollen immunotherapy or placebo injections.
Clinical responses were assessed in double-blind fashion. Skin biopsy specimens were obtained for immunohistochemical assessment of total mast cells and mast cell
subtypes in the dermis.
Patients in the active treatment group showed a
significant reduction in seasonal symptoms, along with
more than a 10-fold reduction in immediate cutaneous
response to grass pollen. Immunotherapy also yielded a
7-fold reduction in skin mast cell numbers. The reduction in mast cells was significantly correlated with the
Page 3
clinical response, based on either symptom scores or use
of rescue medications.
In patients with hay fever, the clinical benefits
of immunotherapy may be at least partially explained by
reduction of mast cell numbers. This leads to a reduction in the immediate response to allergen exposure. In
addition, the reduction in mast cells may remove the
“priming” mechanism for development of late responses
to allergen.
COMMENT: The mechanism responsible for the efficacy of immunotherapy has eluded us for decades. In
this study, Durham and colleagues show an impressive
reduction in cutaneous mast cells following
immunotherapy. Perhaps this effect is a critical
adjunct to the known immunologically specific effects of
immunotherapy on both T and B lymphocyte responses.
S. A. T.
Durham SR, Varney VA, Gaga M, et al: Grass pollen
immunotherapy decreases the number of mast cells in
the skin. Clin Exp Allerg 29:1490-1496, 1999.
Studies Show Efficacy of Asthma
Medications with Non-CFC Propellants
WO recent studies demonstrate the therapeutic
value of inhaled asthma medications using hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) instead of chlorofluorocarbon
(CFC) propellant. Juniper et al randomized 347 adult
patients with moderate asthma to receive 12 weeks of
beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) with HFA propellant (HFA-BDP), 400 Вµg/d; BDP with CFC propellant,
800 Вµg/d; or placebo. The patients stopped all other
oral or inhaled steroids.
Thirty-three of forty-three withdrawals for
worsening asthma occurred in the placebo group, which
also showed a significant reduction in asthma-related
quality-of-life score. In contrast, quality-of-life scores
were stable in both the HFA-BDP and CFC-BDP
groups. Thus the two active treatments were similarly
effective in maintaining asthma-related quality of life.
Welch et al randomized 514 adult patients with
persistent asthma to receive triamcinolone acetonide
(TAA) with either HFA propellant or CFC propellant or
placebo. Treatments lasted 8 weeks. Patients in the
TAA groups received doses of 150, 300, or 600 Вµg/d. At
all doses, both forms of TAA produced significant
improvements in spirometry, symptom scores, albuterol
use, and peak expiratory flow.
Asthma medications using HFA propellant have
been developed in response to the mandate to replace
CFC propellants. These new studies confirm the efficacy of BDP and TAA formulations using HFA propellant.
Efficacy and safety outcomes are equivalent to formulations using CFC propellants.
COMMENT: While originally intended to have been
completed by the year 2000, the CFC phase-out is only
just beginning to impact asthma patient care. Dry powder inhalers have begun to gain worldwide acceptance
for a variety of reasons. However, as these two studies
argue, metered-dose inhalers using HFA propel- вћ¤вћ¤
January-February 2000 ~ ALLERGYWATCHв„ў
Page 4
lants are therapeutically equivalent to their CFC-containing counterparts. As always, a practical knowledge
regarding the correct use of new products will be essential to ensure that patients receive optimal benefit from
S. A. T.
Juniper EF, Buist AS, and The Study Group: HealthRelated Quality of Life in Moderate Asthma: 400 Вµg
hydrofluoroalkane beclomethasone dipropionate vs 800
Вµg chlorofluorocarbon beclomethasone dipropionate.
Chest 116:1297-1303, 1999.
Welch M, Bernstein D, Gross G, et al: A controlled trial
of chlorofluorocarbon-free triamcinolone acetonide
inhalation aerosol in the treatment of adult patients
with persistent asthma. Chest 116:1304-1312, 1999.♦♦
Updated Review on
Asthma Immunotherapy
REVIOUS reports, reviewing the scientific literature through 1997, concluded that immunotherapy
for asthma reduces symptoms, medication requirements, and nonspecific and allergen-specific bronchial
hyperreactivity (BHR), compared with placebo. Recent
years have seen the development of new allergen vaccines and new techniques of immunotherapy delivery.
The authors updated their review of randomized controlled trials of allergen-specific immunotherapy for
allergic asthma. A total of 67 studies published from
1954 through 1998 met inclusion criteria, including 10
trials not included in the previous review.
Meta-analysis reconfirmed the benefits of allergen-specific immunotherapy in reducing asthma symptoms and medication requirements. There is some heterogeneity in the responses, probably the result of different scoring systems. The effects of immunotherapy
on lung function were inconsistent, even after stratification for different parameters. Immunotherapy reduced
the likelihood of developing increased nonspecific BHR
somewhat. Allergen-specific BHR was improved significantly and homogeneously, a finding that has important
implications for the management of patients with brittle
allergic asthma.
Recent studies further strengthen the conclusion that immunotherapy reduces medication requirement and improves allergen-specific BHR in patients
with allergic asthma. These are clinically relevant
effects with the potential to improve asthma control.
Additional studies are needed to answer key questions
about the clinical use of allergen immunotherapy.
COMMENT: The authors update their previous metaanalyses on this subject. They include 10 randomized
controlled trials not covered in their 1997 review. This
immunotherapy significantly reduces asthma symptoms
and medication requirements. No consistent effect was
observed on lung function, but modest improvement was
observed in nonspecific bronchial hyperreactivity
(BHR), and significant improvement noted in allergenspecific BHR.
E. J. B.
Abramson M, Puy R, Weiner J: Immunotherapy in
asthma: an updated systematic review.
Allergy 54:1022-1041, 1999.
ACAAI Issues Minimum Standards for Skin
Test Results and Immunotherapy Labeling
LLERGIST-immunologists differ in the way they
label allergy extracts and report the results of skin
tests. In an era of managed care and patient mobility,
some type labeling standards are needed. The American
College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology has developed minimal requirements for labeling of allergy
extracts and reporting the results of skin tests.
Labeling of allergy extracts must include
patient identifiers and the name of the prescribing
physician. The source and dilution should be indicated,
along with the way the dilution was made. The suggested schedule, an expiration date, and a telephone number for questions should be included. The bottle should
include the same labeling as the instruction page. The
peak flow reading for asthma patients should be indicated, along with the time the shot was given and the time
the patient was examined before leaving.
Skin test reports should include patient and
physician identifiers and the type and location of tests.
Testing materials should be indicated, including positive
and negative diluent controls, concentration and source
of antigens, diluent, and contents of mixture. The
report should include the grading key and name of the
physician interpreting the test data.
COMMENT: This document is a useful consensus opinion from the ACAAI Board of Regents. While there are
obvious clinical benefits for all physicians providing
immunotherapy services, this document is likely to provide a medicolegal basis for standard of practice issues
in the future.
A. M.
ACAAI Board of Regents: Minimal requirements for
adequate labeling of allergy extracts and skin test
report forms.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 83:201, 1999.
Brief Updates in
Pulmonary Disease Presented
HIS article presents brief summaries of key
research in areas including asthma and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary infection,
and interstitial and occupational lung disease. One
study examined the role of S-nitrosothiols, which are
very potent endogenous bronchodilators, in severe outflow obstruction. Evaluations of 8 asthmatic children
with respiratory failure suggested accelerated breakdown of S-nitrosothiols, leading to high concentrations
of expired nitric oxide and to bronchospasm. In another study, fluticasone propionate proved to be a safe and
effective treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease over a 6-month period. Although the absolute
improvement in pulmonary function was small, it was
associated with significant improvements in symp- вћ¤вћ¤
ALLERGYWATCHв„ў ~ January-February 2000
toms, exercise capacity, and exacerbation severity.
New studies in the area of pulmonary infection
clarified the necessary length of hospital stay for
patients with community-acquired pneumonia and highlighted the importance of pneumococcal vaccine in preventing outbreaks of pneumococcal pneumonia in nursing homes. An occupational medicine study evaluated
the potential drug causes of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The findings
suggested that this condition is strongly associated with
the use of tricyclic antidepressants, especially
imipramine, dothiepin, and mianserin. Another study
reported a new occupational disease called flock worker’s lung, caused by exposure to nylon fiber. This
study—performed by a research team hired by a textile
company—raises important questions about conflict of
interest and academic freedom.
COMMENT: This is a clinically relevant update for
practicing allergists from the 1999 Annual Meeting of
the American College of Physicians. Dr. Karnik has
reviewed articles on asthma therapy, pulmonary infections, and occupational lung disease that should be of
interest to all allergists who care for adults. Since many
of the cited articles are from journals that allergists do
not routinely read, this article can be a very useful
A. M.
Karnik AM: Update in pulmonary diseases.
Ann Intern Med 131:596-604, 1999.
Salmeterol Reduces
Bronchial Eosinophils in Asthma
HERE is continued concern over the long-term use
of inhaled ОІ2-agonists by patients with asthma. It
has been suggested that long-acting ОІ2-agonists may have
anti-inflammatory activity in addition to their bronchodilating effect. The effects of adding salmeterol to
low-dose inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) in symptomatic
patients with asthma were assessed. Fifty patients, ICS
dosage 100 to 500 Вµg/d, were randomized to receive 12
weeks of supplementary salmeterol, 50 Вµg twice daily;
fluticasone, 100 Вµg twice daily; or placebo. Background
ICS treatment continued throughout. Pretreatment and
posttreatment bronchial biopsy and bronchoalveolar
lavage (BAL) specimens were available in 45 patients.
The analysis included immunohistochemical assays for
inflammatory cells, using antibodies against the preformed and cleaved form of eosinophil cationic protein:
anti-EG1 and anti-EG2, respectively.
Both active treatment groups showed significant
physiologic improvement, but especially the salmeterol
group. None of the treatments produced a significant
change in BAL profiles, although lymphocyte activation
was significantly reduced in the fluticasone group.
Bronchial biopsies showed no significant posttreatment
changes in inflammatory cells in the bronchial lamina
propria. However, patients taking supplementary salmeterol showed a significant reduction in EG1-positive
cells. This group also had a nonsignificant reduction in
EG2-positive cells.
Page 5
Adding salmeterol to ICS in patients with asthma appears to have little impact on allergic inflammation. However, it does appear to reduce airway
eosinophilic infiltrate in bronchial biopsy specimens.
This effect is not noted when increasing the dose of ICS
with fluticasone, although lymphocyte activation in BAL
is reduced. In contrast to concerns over deterioration in
airway eosinophilia, this study documents an antiinflammatory effect of long-acting ОІ2-agonist therapy in
patients with asthma who are already taking ICS.
COMMENT: As in previous studies the group receiving
salmeterol had the best clinical response, as determined
by symptom scores and bronchodilator use. The use of
salmeterol was also associated with a decrease in tissue
eosinophilia, as determined by immunohistochemical
studies employing antibody against eosinophilic cationic protein. However, the salmeterol group had more tissue eosinophilia before randomization, suggesting that
the decrease in eosinophils may have resulted partly
from improved compliance with background inhaled
corticosteroid medication.
J. R. B.
Li X, Ward C, Thien F, et al: An antiinflammatory
effect of salmeterol, a long-acting ОІ2 agonist, assessed in
airway biopsies and bronchoalveolar lavage in asthma.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 160:1493-1499, 1999. ♦♦
Low Humidity Helps
to Control Dust Mites
EEPING the indoor relative humidity (RH) below
50% helps to control house dust mites. However,
RH may fluctuate during the day. Dermatophagoides
farinae can exploit even brief periods of increased RH
to complete their life cycle. This study evaluated the
effects of various intervals of low vs high RH on the population survival and growth of D. farinae.
Female mites were placed in culture chambers
maintained at varying RH conditions during the day,
including brief, daily periods of moist air (75% or 85%
RH) alternating with long spells of low RH (0% or 35%).
Mite populations decreased when the mites received only
2 h/d of high humidity, alternating with 22 h/d of low
humidity. Small population growths occurred when the
duration of high humidity was increased to 4, 6, or 8
h/d. Mite populations declined or did not develop when
RH was maintained at 85% continuously. Population
growth occurred in inverse proportion to the number of
hours spent at 85% RH. The greatest population growth
occurred at 4 h/d of 85% RH, alternating with 20 h/d at
35% RH.
Keeping indoor RH at less than 50% will help to
control the growth of house dust mite populations, and
thus the production of allergen. This is so even if the
RH increases to higher than 50% for 2 to 8 h/d. The
dust mite population can be contained by keeping RH
below 35% for at least 22 h/d, when the RH is 75% to
85% for the rest of the day.
COMMENT: Most allergic patients assume their dust
mite allergy is worse in the winter, “when the heat ➤➤
January-February 2000 ~ ALLERGYWATCHв„ў
Page 6
goes on.” The life cycle of the house dust mite, however, suggests the opposite. Dust mites require humidity to
propagate, but how much, and for how long, is the subject of this investigation. The esoteric answers to your
nagging questions about humidity can be found here.
(Hint: The patients will need lots of skin lotion.)
R. J. M.
Arlian LG, Neal JS, Vyszenski-Moher DL: Reducing
relative humidity to control the house dust mite
Dermatophagoides farinae. J Allergy Clin Immunol
104:852-856, 1999.
Premenstrual Asthma Attacks
Linked to Increased Leukotriene Levels
ANY asthmatic women have asthma attacks
around the time of their menstrual period. It has
been suggested that these premenstrual exacerbations of
asthma (PMA) may arise from systemic activation of
mast cells, which contain inflammatory mediators such
as histamine, leukotrienes (LTs), and cytokines. The
role of these cellular mediators in the development of
PMA was investigated.
Women attending an asthma clinic were asked
about variation in asthma symptoms around the time of
their menstrual cycle: 5 women with PMA and 5 agematched women without PMA were identified. In the
PMA group, blood samples were obtained just before or
during the menstrual period—when peak expiratory
flow rate (PEFR) began to decrease—and during the
midcycle week—when PEFR returned to baseline.
Samples were obtained at the same times from the
patients without PMA. Serum levels of LTB4, LTC4,
platelet-activating factor, histamine, interleukin (IL)-1 ,
IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, and granulocyte-macrophage colonystimulating factor were measured in each sample.
Women with PMA had higher serum LTC4 levels
during asthma exacerbations than during the recovery
period, 69 vs 24 pg/mL. The other inflammatory mediators were no different between these two periods. The
non-PMA group showed no change in cellular mediators
between the two sampling periods. In patients with
PMA, oral treatment with the LT receptor antagonist
pranlukast, 225 mg twice daily, improved asthma symptom scores.
This study documents increased serum levels of
LTC4 during asthma exacerbations in women with PMA.
The source of these cysteinyl LTs is unclear, but may
include T lymphocytes, basophils, or mast cells.
Treatment with LT receptor antagonists may help to prevent PMA.
COMMENT: It is estimated that 30% to 40% of women
with asthma have increased symptoms just before and
during menstruation. These authors examined the role
of leukotrienes in the pathogenesis of premenstrual
asthma, and found increased LTC4 in the serum associated with symptoms. There was objective and subjective improvement in premenstrual asthma with
leukotriene receptor antagonists. This study adds premenstrual asthma to the list of “types” of asthma that
may benefit from leukotriene receptor antagonists.
M. S. B.
Nakasato H, Ohrui T, Sekizawa K, et al: Prevention of
severe premenstrual asthma attacks by leukotriene
receptor antagonist. J Allergy Clin Immunol 104:585♦♦
588, 1999.
Methacholine Dose, Not Concentration,
Determines Bronchial Response
HIS study sought to determine whether the methacholine dose or concentration was the most important determinant of the response to methacholine challenge testing. The participants were 10 patients with
mild asthma, FEV1 greater than 70% predicted and
methacholine PC20 less than 4 mg/mL. The patients
were permitted to continue inhaled corticosteroid use if
they had been on a stable dose before the study. In random order on two different days, they performed one
methacholine challenge test with 30-second inhalations
of methacholine and another with 2-minute inhalations.
The patients had a geometric mean 2-minute
PC20 of 1.1 mg/mL compared with a 30-second PC20 of
5.7 mg/mL. Thus the 30-second PC20 was more than 5
times greater than the 2-minute PC20. On paired t-test,
the 2-minute PC20 multiplied by 4 was not significantly
different from the 30-second PC20.
In methacholine challenge testing, the methacholine dose is the main factor responsible for the
bronchial response, not the methacholine concentration. When a 30-second inhalation is used, the methacholine concentration must be 4 times higher than with a
2-minute inhalation to produce the same response.
COMMENT: Many allergists perform in-office methacholine tests using multiple dosing and interval schedules. This article confirms previous observations that
total dose is more important than concentration in triggering bronchospasm in patients with bronchial hyperresponsiveness. This should be relevant information for
those clinicians who perform or interpret “abbreviated”
methacholine challenges.
A. M.
Drotar DE, Davis BE, Cockcroft DW: Dose versus concentration of methacholine.
Ann Allergy Asthma
Immunol 83:229-230, 1999.
Subclinical Allergen Doses Produce
Eosinophil and Bronchial Responses
HE effects of repeated exposure to low doses of cat
allergen were examined in 12 asymptomatic asthma
patients with clinical sensitization to cat allergen but not
exposed to cat allergen at home. The patients received
an 8-day series of inhalations of cat allergen at doses too
small to produce asthma symptoms. Evaluation included pre- and postexposure methacholine challenge testing
and measurement of eosinophil cationic protein (ECP)
levels in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and blood.
None of the patients developed asthma symptoms in response to allergen exposure. However, there
was a significant reduction in geometric mean PD20 for
methacholine, from 263 to 126 Вµg. The median вћ¤вћ¤
ALLERGYWATCHв„ў ~ January-February 2000
ECP level increased from 0.8 to 3.1 Вµg/L in BAL and
from 15.9 to 31.4 Вµg/L in serum. No changes occurred
in response to saline inhalation.
Subclinical doses of allergen can increase
bronchial responsiveness to methacholine and increased
levels of ECP in both BAL and serum in patients with
mild asthma. The findings lend insight into natural
exposure to cat allergen, as well as the subclinical
changes occurring in the airway before an asthma
attack. Eosinophil activation causes a rise in serum
ECP levels, which could be a useful marker of allergen
exposure in patients with allergic asthma.
COMMENT: In this study, inhaling subclinical
amounts of cat allergen resulted in impressive increases
in nonspecific bronchial hyperresponsiveness and in
both serum and BAL fluid eosinophilic cationic protein
levels. Although we do not know how closely these
results apply to real-life subclinical allergen exposures,
measuring symptoms and spirometry may not be particularly sensitive in detecting the initiation of an allergic
S. A. T.
de Blay F, Krieger P, Spirlet F, et al: Repeated inhalation of low doses of cat allergen that do not induce clinical symptoms increases bronchial hyperresponsiveness
and eosinophil cationic protein levels. Int Arch Allergy
Immunol 120:158-165, 1999.
Monosensitized Children Are
at Risk of Polysensitization Over Time
HE factors affecting allergic sensitization in children, including those affecting sensitization to one
allergen rather than others, remain unclear. There have
been no studies of how monosensitization varies over
time. This study reviewed changes in allergic sensitization over time in 165 Italian children with asthma who
were originally monosensitized. At initial evaluation, 98
children were preschool aged and 67 were school aged.
Follow-up examinations included skin prick testing to
common aeroallergens, case history, and physical examination.
Forty-four percent of the children became polysensitized by their follow-up visit. The rate was similar
by age: 48% among preschool-aged and 37% among
school-aged children. Polysensitization rate also varied
by the allergen to which the children were originally
monosensitized: 45% for children originally monosensitized to dust mite vs 32% among those originally monosensitized to pollen.
Many asthmatic children who are originally
sensitized to only one class of allergens will go on to
develop polysensitization during follow-up. The proportion of polysensitized children increases over time.
The rate of polysensitization is particularly high among
children originally monosensitized to dust mite. An airway response to one allergen may enhance the early and
late airway responses to subsequent challenges with
other allergens.
COMMENT: In this important longitudinal study of
Italian children, the authors make several important
Page 7
observations. While the risk of allergic sensitization in
genetically predisposed individuals is likely to be multifactorial, these authors have noted that children who
were originally monosensitized to dust mite frequently
become polysensitized. These observations should highlight the importance of aggressively recommending
environmental control measures to children who are at
risk for or who have developed dust mite sensitivity, as
this may be a triggering event in the development of further allergic disease.
A. M.
Silvestri M, Rossi GA, Cozzani S, et al: Age-dependent
tendency to become sensitized to other classes of aeroallergens in atopic asthmatic children. Ann Allergy
Asthma Immunol 83:335-340, 1999.
“Skeeter Syndrome” Describes Local
Allergic Reactions to Mosquito Bites
HILDREN and other patients may develop severe
reactions to mosquito bites, consisting of a large
local inflammatory reaction with fever. Although often
presumed to be infectious in nature, these reactions
actually result from allergenic polypeptides in the saliva
of mosquitoes. The authors describe five cases of such
reactions, which they term “skeeter syndrome,” in 2- to
4-year-old children.
All patients developed a large local inflammatory reaction at the site of a witnessed mosquito bite. The
reactions developed within hours after the bite, and
were diagnosed by primary care physicians as cellulitis.
After a period of months, the children were referred to
the allergy clinic of a children’s hospital. There the
diagnosis of skeeter syndrome was confirmed using an
indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to measure specific IgE and IgG to salivary gland antigens of
the mosquito species predominant in the area. Serum
concentrations of these specific immunoglobulins were
significantly elevated in the children with skeeter syndrome, compared to control children with typical local
reactions to mosquito bites.
Clinical examination alone cannot differentiate
between inflammation caused by an allergic response to
a mosquito bite versus that caused by infection. Specific
IgE and IgG play a key role in mosquito allergy. Local
inflammatory reactions caused by allergy to mosquitoes
appear to have a good prognosis, although long-term
prospective studies are needed. Exposure to mosquitoes
must be minimized for patients with such severe reactions.
COMMENT: A common manifestation of mosquito
bites in young children is a large local reaction at the
site of the bite. Many of these reactions are extensive
and thought to be “cellulitis.” Simons and Peng
describe this condition as “skeeter syndrome” and document increased levels of IgE and the different IgG subclasses to Aedes species compared to controls.
Recognition of this condition should prevent unnecessary evaluations and use of antibiotics.
M. S. B.
Simons FER, Peng Z: Skeeter syndrome.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 104:705-707, 1999.
January-February 2000 ~ ALLERGYWATCHв„ў
Page 8
Allergen Levels Vary by
Season and Housing Type
EASONAL variations in allergen levels were measured in 20 Boston-area homes, with consideration
of other potential sources of variation. Dust samples
were obtained monthly for measurement of the dust mite
allergens Der f 1 and Der p 1; the cat allergen Fel d 1;
and the cockroach allergen Bla g 1. Relative and
absolute humidity were measured, and the characteristics of each home were assessed.
Levels of Der f 1 and Der p 1 peaked in autumn,
whereas Fel d 1 levels were highest in winter and spring
and Bla g 1 levels highest in summer. Dust mite allergen
levels were twice as high in autumn as in spring, and cat
allergen levels were twice in high in spring as summer.
However, the characteristics of the home had a far
greater impact on allergy levels. Dust mite allergen levels were 19 to 31 times higher in houses than in apartments, while cat allergen levels were 224 times higher in
homes with vs without cats. Cockroach allergen levels
were twice as high in summer as in winter, and five times
higher in apartments than in homes.
Indoor allergen levels vary significantly by season in the northeastern United States. However, the
type of housing and the presence of a cat are far more
important contributors to allergen levels than the seasonal variation. Information on seasonal variation
should improve estimates of exposure to dust mite, cat,
and cockroach allergen.
COMMENT: This study examined seasonal variation
of dust mite, cat, and cockroach indoor allergen concentrations in Boston. Dust mite allergen levels were
highest in autumn and decreased through spring. Cat
allergen peaked in winter and spring and cockroach
allergen was highest in summer. The influence of housing type and the presence of a cat far outweighed seasonal variations—ie, apartments had levels five times
higher than houses.
E. J. B.
Chew GL, Higgins KM, Gold DR, et al: Monthly measurements of indoor allergens and the influence of housing type in a northeastern US city. Allergy 54:1058♦♦
1066, 1999.
Role of Chlamydia pneumoniae
in Asthma and COPD Reviewed
REVIOUS reports have suggested that infection
with Chlamydia pneumoniae (Cpn) may play a role
in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD). Asthma was once believed to be a noninfectious condition caused by inflammation. More recently,
a contribution of viral infections has been suggested,
especially occurring during key times in immune development. It is now thought that infection may play a role
in causing chronic asthma symptoms. Chlamydia pneumoniae, one of four recognized Chlamydia species, is an
obligate intracellular procaryon with a unique reproductive life cycle. Respiratory infection with Cpn is
more like Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection—an
opportunistic infection associated with intracellular
persistence, dissemination, and reactivation—than a
typical pyogenic respiratory infection. The Cpn
organisms may persist for long periods after acute
respiratory illness. The pathogenesis of chlamydial
disease appears to involve chlamydial heat shock
protein 60, which has recently been linked to asthma.
The lack of diagnostic facilities and the controversy regarding diagnostic criteria make it difficult to diagnose Cpn infection. The standard criteria for acute Cpn infection include a 4-fold or
greater increase in IgM and/or IgG microimmunofluoresence antibody titer observed in paired sera
obtained at least 4 weeks apart. Chronic infection is
associated with the persistent presence of serum IgA
and/or chlamydial immune complexes.
Several studies have linked Cpn infection to
asthma and COPD. Of 18 controlled studies, 15
showed significant associations between Cpn infection and asthma. One study found increased levels
of chlamydial immune complexes among smokers,
while another found that acute or chronic Cpn infection is common among COPD patients. Several case
reports and uncontrolled case series have documented the complete resolution of asthma symptoms after
prolonged antibiotic therapy against Cpn.
There is now considerable evidence that
acute Cpn infection can trigger attacks of asthma
and wheezing, and may sometimes initiate asthma in
previously asymptomatic patients. The clinical
implications of the link between Cpn, asthma, and
COPD remain to be determined. However, testing
for Cpn infection—or even empiric antibiotic therapy—may be considered for selected patients with
severe persistent asthma. Without treatment, the
infection may lead to an accelerated decline in lung
COMMENT: In this analysis of the literature, Dr.
Hahn reviews the evidence regarding Cpn infections
in asthma and COPD. While the majority of studies
addressing this issue have indicated therapeutic
responses to treatment, many of the studies have
had methodologic problems. Reliance on serologic
testing is problematic. The cost and morbidity of
long-term antibiotics should prevent widespread use
of Cpn treatment until more prospective controlled
data are available.
A. M.
Hahn DL: Chlamydia pneumoniae, asthma, and
COPD: what is the evidence? Ann Allergy Asthma
Immunol 83:271-292, 1999.
Asthma Self-Management Program Does
Not Improve Outcomes Over Usual Care
ANY different self-management programs have
been introduced to improve asthma self-management by children and adults. Previous studies have suggested that these programs can improve functional status and reduce inappropriate use of health care services. The authors sought to replicate the positive
ALLERGYWATCHв„ў ~ January-February 2000
results reported for their asthma self-management program, including comparison with a usual-care control
Two hundred thirty-two patients with moderate
to severe asthma were randomized to receive a provenefficacious asthma self-management program, a condensed program consisting of the core element of the full
program, or usual care. The self-management programs
included a workbook, patient counseling, training in
asthma self-monitoring, and telephone follow-up. Over
a 2-year period, the groups were compared on outcome
measures including adherence to prescribed medication
and inhaler use, asthma symptoms, respiratory illness,
functional status, and use of health care services.
All three treatment groups improved significantly in the major outcome measures. The two asthma
self-management groups had no better outcomes than
the usual-care group.
The findings do not replicate the positive results
achieved with the authors’ and other asthma self-management programs. The discrepancy may reflect patient
selection, as well as the increased emphasis on patient
education in asthma care. The results suggest that asthma patients receiving specialist care that meets accepted
guidelines do not necessarily need an extra patient education component.
COMMENT: In this study “usual care” produced outcomes just as good as those achieved with more structured self-management programs for patients with
moderate to severe asthma. The structured programs
included a workbook, individual counseling, support
groups, and telephone follow-up. The authors attribute
this finding to the adequacy of “usual care” provided by
pulmonary specialists who follow established guidelines, educate their patients, and prescribe state-of-theart therapy including inhaled corticosteroids.
J. R. B.
Bailey WC, Kohler CL, Richards JM Jr, et al: Asthma
self-management: do patient education programs
always have an impact? Arch Intern Med 159:2422♦♦
2428, 1999.
Asthma Deaths Associated with Frequent
Symptoms, Chances for Intervention
N Canada as in other countries, mortality from asthma has been increasing. This study analyzed risk factors for asthma deaths in the Canadian prairie
provinces, which have the highest asthma mortality
rates. The study included 35 patients, aged 5 to 50
years, who died from asthma between 1992 and 1995.
Death from asthma was confirmed pathologically, when
possible, or by rigorous clinical review. Other information was gathered by mail questionnaire and telephone
interviews with next of kin. The findings were compared
with those of 209 matched controls.
Both groups had regular, frequent asthma
symptoms. Cases were more likely to have severe disease, to have a previous hospitalization for asthma, or to
have a history of cardiopulmonary resuscitation or intubation. The two groups were similar in terms of medication use, except that the patients who died were more
Page 9
likely to use ОІ-agonist bronchodilators, and to use them
in higher than prescribed doses. Controls were more
likely to report a cold or flu before the index event, but
cases were more likely to be reported sad or depressed.
The cases had a significantly shorter time between symptom onset and the event—less than 2 hours for most.
This study identifies risk factors for asthma
mortality among patients with frequent, regular symptoms, suggesting poor asthma management. There are
few important differences between groups in events
occurring immediately before the index attack. In both
groups, there appear to be opportunities for intervention before the attack. The time between symptom
recognition and death can be very short, so high-risk
patients should know how to monitor their condition
and to respond according to predetermined criteria.
COMMENT: In this important study of risk factors for
asthma fatalities, the Canadian authors report a retrospective, case-controlled analysis of 35 deaths occurring from 1992 to 1995. The results confirm previous
observations that patients who die from asthma are
more likely to have been hospitalized or intubated
because of their asthma. Psychologic factors appeared
more prevalent in fatal cases of asthma. Importantly,
the authors documented that almost 60% of patients
who died had felt unwell for less than 2 hours before
their death. Although asthma deaths are unusual, the
findings highlight risk factors that clinicians should be
aware of and potentially address in at-risk patients.
S. R. W.
Hessel PA, Mitchel I, Tough S, et al: Risk factors for
death from asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol
83:362-368, 1999.
Mometasone and Budesonide
Have No Short-Term Growth Effects
HE synthetic heterocyclic corticosteroid mometasone furoate (MF) has high topical potency with
minimal side effects. It is hoped that intranasal MF will
avoid adverse systemic side effects, including growth
retardation in children. Knemometry is a technique of
evaluating the effects of topical steroids in children,
measuring changes in lower leg length with an accuracy
of 0.1 mm. This technique was used to compare the
short-term growth effects in children receiving MF and
The study included 22 preadolescent children,
aged 7 to 12 years, with seasonal or perennial allergic
rhinitis. They were randomized to receive intranasal
MF aqueous nasal spray, 100 or 200 Вµg; budesonide,
400 Вµg; or placebo. After each 2-week treatment period
and a 2-week washout interval, the patients were
crossed over to one of the other treatments.
Knemometry to measure lower leg growth was performed before and after each treatment period.
Knemometry was associated with a technical
error of 0.07 mm. Mean lower leg growth rates were
0.35 mm/wk with placebo, 0.58 mm/wk with MF вћ¤вћ¤
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Page 10
100 Вµg, 0.48 mm/wk with MF 200 Вµg, and 0.37 mm/wk
with budesonide 400 Вµg. The order of treatments had no
effect on growth rate.
Children with rhinitis show no short-term
adverse effects on growth while taking therapeutic doses
of intranasal MF or budesonide. There is even a trend
toward increased growth at the lower dose of MF studied; the reason for this finding is unknown.
Knemometry is a sensitive technique for identifying
inhaled corticosteroid doses that are unlikely to cause
adverse growth effects.
COMMENT: A recent study of intranasal aqueous
beclomethasone given daily for 12 months demonstrated
partial whole-body growth suppression in prepubertal
children. In response, the FDA issued warnings applicable (for now) to all intranasal corticosteroids. Some
corticosteroids may be less bioavailable than others.
These authors are known for a technique called
knemometry, which can measure small changes in
short-term lower leg growth. They found no suppression of 2-week lower leg growth with either mometasone
or budesonide nasal sprays, but did not include a
beclomethasone group. The hope that the two newer
steroids will have no growth effect awaits long-term
whole-body growth studies.
R. J. M.
Agertoft L, Pedersen S: Short-term lower leg growth
rate in children with rhinitis treated with intranasal
mometasone furoate and budesonide. J Allergy Clin
Immunol 104:958-952, 1999.
Acute Asthma Associated
With Increased Eotaxin Levels
HE chemotactic cytokine eotaxin is involved in
eosinophil recruitment via activation of the CCR3
chemokine receptor, and may be an important mediator
of acute asthma. This study sought to determine
whether plasma levels of eotaxin are elevated during
acute asthma attacks. The case-control study included
46 patients receiving emergency treatment for acute
asthma attacks, as well as 133 controls with stable asthma. In addition to comparing plasma eotaxin levels
between groups, the investigators assessed correlations
between eotaxin levels and disease activity and response
to treatment.
Mean plasma eotaxin level was 520 pg/mL in
patients having acute asthma attacks vs 350 pg/mL for
those with stable asthma. Eotaxin level was lower in
patients whose peak expiratory flow rate increased by at
least 20% of their predicted normal value in response to
emergency treatment than in nonresponders: 410 vs 660
pg/mL. Eotaxin levels tended to be higher in patients
who were hospitalized than in those discharged home.
Plasma eotaxin levels are elevated in patients
having acute asthma attacks, particularly in those who
do not respond to emergency treatment. The findings
suggest that eotaxin is mechanistically involved in asthma exacerbations or acts as a biomarker for activity of
the CCR3 receptor ligand system, which plays a functional role in asthma.
COMMENT: Airway epithelial cells produce eotaxin,
a chemotactic cytokine that recruits eosinophils by activating a receptor called CCR3. Eotaxin is expressed
after allergen challenge, and levels of eotaxin are
inversely proportional to FEV1. This study compared
plasma levels of eotaxin in asthmatic subjects having an
acute exacerbation in hospital emergency rooms with
those of stable asthmatics. A direct association was
found between eotaxin levels and several measures of
severity of asthma. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see
what a CCR3 receptor antagonist would do?
R. J. M.
Lily CM, Woodruff PG, Camargo CA Jr, et al: Elevated
plasma eotaxin levels in patients with acute asthma.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 104:786-790, 1999.
Childhood Cat Exposure
Reduces the Adult Sensitization Rate
REVIOUS studies implicate furred pets—especially
cats—as a key risk factor for allergic respiratory
As part of the European Community
Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS), this study examined childhood and present factors associated with allergic sensitization to cats. The multicenter ECRHS
included more than 18,000 subjects, with blood samples
available from 13,500 of these. Specific IgE levels were
measured in blood, and information on cat exposure
and other variables was assessed by interview.
Nine percent of subjects were sensitized to cats,
with a serum specific IgE level of greater than 0.35
kU/L. The prevalence of sensitization was significantly
higher among subjects who owned cats, particularly
when the cat was kept indoors. Subjects who had been
exposed to cats in childhood were less likely to be sensitized to cats as adults, particularly among those with a
family history of atopy. Subjects sensitized to cats in
adulthood were less likely to have been exposed too cats
and other animals during childhood.
Living with a cat, particularly if the cat is
allowed indoors, is associated with an increased likelihood of cat sensitization. In contrast, childhood exposure to cats appears to lower the risk of sensitization,
including a lower prevalence of specific IgE in adulthood
and a lower rate of allergic rhinitis and asthma in
schoolchildren. Keeping a cat outdoors may significantly reduce allergen exposure. The clinical implications of
these findings require long-term prospective studies.
COMMENT: Epidemiologic studies linking exposure to
cats with allergic diseases fit a simple notion of cause
and effect. But immunology is much more complicated
than that, as this study shows. In fact, the authors
found that early childhood exposure to cats was negatively associated with specific sensitization in adulthood, and they postulate a childhood deviation toward
the nonallergic TH1 phenotype. They stop short of recommending this as a clinical strategy, however.
R. J. M.
Roost H-P, KГјnzli N, Schindler C, et al: Role of current
and childhood exposure to cat and atopic sensitization.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 104:941-947, 1999.
ALLERGYWATCHв„ў ~ January-February 2000
Oral Contraceptives Block
Perimenstrual Changes in Cytokine Balance
STHMA and other immune-based conditions may
vary with the menstrual cycle, often worsening during the perimenstrual interval—the days before and
after the onset of menses. These changes may involve
alterations in the balance of type-1/type-2 cytokine balance. This study examined changes in the type-1/type-2
cytokine balance in healthy women during the menstrual cycle, including the effects of oral contraceptive pills
(OCPs). Fourteen healthy women provided peripheral
blood mononuclear cells during the perimenstrual interval and during the midcyle interval. Seven of the women
were taking monophasic OCPs. After the cells were
stimulated with PHA, the culture supernatants were
evaluated for production of the type-1 cytokine interferon (IFN)-Оі and the type-2 cytokine interleukin (IL)-10.
Production of IFN-Оі decreased and production
of IL-10 increased during the perimenstrual interval.
The result was a decreased IFN-Оі:IL-10 ratio compared
with the midcycle interval. This change did not occur in
women taking OCPs, who had a lower midcyle IFN-Оі:IL10 ratio than the control group.
In healthy women, the type-1/type-2 cytokine
balance shifts toward a type-2 response during the perimenstrual period. This response is lessened in women
taking oral contraceptives. The findings may help in
explaining the exacerbations of asthma and other
immune diseases during the perimenstrual period, and
may pave the way for new treatments to prevent these
COMMENT: Allergists have noted for decades the
apparent perimenstrual increase in allergic diseases
such as urticaria and angioedema. These new observations lend further insight into the pathogenesis of these
changes. The apparent blunting of increased TH2
expression by OCPs may provide the basis for further
therapies for perimenstrual increase in allergic disease.
A. M.
Agarwal SK, Marshall GD Jr: Perimenstrual alterations in type-1/type-2 cytokine balance of normal
women. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 83:222-228,
Fluconazole Is Effective in
Trichophyton-Sensitized Asthma Patients
possible link between late-onset asthma and sensitization to proteins derived from dermatophyte fungi
of the genus Trichophyton has long been proposed. In a
previous report, the authors defined the immune
response to various Trichophyton proteins. They report
the results of treatment with oral fluconazole in patients
with onychomycosis-related asthma. The study included 11 patients with moderate to severe persistent asthma
and a positive skin test response to Trichophyton proteins. The patients were randomized to receive 5 months
of treatment with fluconazole, 100 mg/d; or placebo.
Page 11
During the subsequent 5 months, all patients received
Treatment with fluconazole was associated with
significant reductions in bronchial sensitivity to
Trichophyton challenge, steroid requirements, and
symptom scores. By the end of the open treatment
phase, 9 patients had increased peak expiratory flow.
The clinical improvements persisted throughout 36
months of continued treatment.
Oral fluconazole appears to be a safe and effective treatment for patients with late-onset asthma associated with sensitivity to the dermatophyte
Trichophyton. The results support the theory that allergic disease can result from sensitivity to fungi infecting
the skin and nails. Trichophyton sensitization may
occur in patients without any other sensitivity, or in
those with immediate hypersensitivity to other allergens.
COMMENT: Controlling patients with severe persistent asthma can be difficult because of poor response to
conventional treatment regimens. The group from the
University of Virginia reports a subset of asthmatics
with the development of asthma in adulthood and dermatophyte infection whose asthma responded to systemic antifungal medication. The authors document
IgE hypersensitivity to Trichophyton protein as a possible mechanism in these patients. Physicians should
check for tinea pedis and onychomycosis in adult asthmatics, as antifungal treatment may lead to improved
asthma control.
M. S. B.
Ward GW Jr, Woodfolk JA, Hayden ML, et al:
Treatment of late-onset asthma with fluconazole.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 104:541-546, 1999.
Role of Neutrophilic Inflammation
in Severe, Persistent Asthma Studied
LTHOUGH little is known about the nature of airway inflammation in severe asthma, there is evidence that neutrophils may be involved. Sputum was
induced from 23 patients with mild, 16 with moderate,
and 16 with severe, persistent asthma. The mild group
had an FEV1 of 91% with peak expiratory flow (PEF)
variability of 10.5%, requiring only inhaled ОІ2-agonists;
the medium group had an FEV1 of 88% with PEF variability of 9.1%, requiring medium-dose inhaled
steroids; and the severe group had an FEV1 of 61% and
PEF variability of 36.2%, despite inhaled and oral
steroid therapy. Sputum profiles were compared
between groups. Exhaled NO was measured as a marker of inflammation.
Percentage neutrophils in sputum was 28% in
normal controls and 35% in patients with mild asthma
vs 49% in those with moderate asthma and 53% in those
with severe asthma. Asthma was associated with
increased sputum levels of interleukin (IL)-8 and neutrophil myeloperoxidase, highest in the patients with
severe asthma. Both the mild and severe asthma groups
had elevated eosinophils. Patients with mild asthma had
the highest IL-5 levels, while those with severe asthma
had the highest eosinophil cationic protein levels. вћ¤вћ¤
Page 12
Asthma patients who were not receiving corticosteroids
had the highest exhaled NO levels. There was no difference in exhaled NO among patients with moderate and
severe asthma, both of whom were taking corticosteroids.
Airway inflammation in patients with severe
asthma appears to involve both eosinophils and neutrophils, perhaps regulated in part by IL-8. High-dose
corticosteroid therapy may contribute to the neutrophilic inflammation in severe asthma. The effects of
persistent neutrophil activation are unknown, but may
include airway remodeling.
COMMENT: The investigators used sampling by sputum induction to avoid the risks of bronchoscopy in
patients with severe asthma. The prominence of neutrophilic inflammation may explain the failure of some
severe asthmatics to respond to conventional therapy.
In comparison with eosinophilic inflammation, neutrophilic inflammation may be less responsive to therapy with glucocorticoids.
J. R. B.
Jatakanon A, Uasuf C, Maziak W, et al: Neutrophilic
inflammation in severe persistent asthma. Am J Respir
Crit Care Med 160:1532-1539, 1999.
Pregnant Women Receive
Suboptimal Asthma Treatment
S many as 4% of pregnancies are complicated by
asthma. Two prospective cohort studies were performed to compare the characteristics, treatment, and
outcomes of pregnant and nonpregnant women seen in
the emergency department for acute asthma. Fifty-one
pregnant and 500 nonpregnant women, aged 18 to 39
years, were compared. The 2 groups were similar in
American College of
Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
85 West Algonquin Road, Suite 550
Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4425
January-February 2000 ~ ALLERGYWATCHв„ў
their demographic and clinical characteristics. Median
duration of symptoms was 0.75 day in both groups; initial peak expiratory flow rate was 51% in the pregnant
group and 53% in the nonpregnant group.
However, only 44% of pregnant women
received corticosteroids in the ED, compared with 66%
of nonpregnant women. Admission rates were similar,
but pregnant women who were discharged home were
less likely to receive corticosteroids. At 2-week followup, the relapse rate was similar between groups: 11% in
pregnant and 15% in nonpregnant women. However,
the rate of ongoing asthma exacerbation was 35% vs
23%. On multivariate analysis, the pregnant women
were at 3-fold higher risk of ongoing exacerbation.
Even given similar clinical characteristics,
treatment differs for pregnant vs nonpregnant women
seen in the ED for acute asthma. Pregnant women are
less likely to receive corticosteroids, both in the ED and
after discharge home. They are also at higher risk of
ongoing asthma exacerbation at follow-up. Because of
the impact on neonatal outcomes, pregnant women
should receive maximal therapy for asthma exacerbations.
COMMENT: This study combines data from two
prospective cohort studies that compared the clinical
presentation, treatment, and 2-week outcome of acute
asthma among pregnant vs nonpregnant women.
Although the two groups had the same clinical presentation, pregnant women were undertreated with systemic corticosteroids compared with their nonpregnant
peers. As well, pregnant women were three times more
likely to report an ongoing asthma exacerbation at a 2week follow-up.
J. B.-M.
Cydulka RK, Emerman CL, Schreiber D, et al: Acute asthma
among pregnant women presenting to the emergency department. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 160:887-892, 1999. ♦♦