Good Tidings - Arnold Mills United Methodist Church

Good Tidings
a publication of the Arnold Mills United Methodist Church - March, 2015
March 2015 Quick Look:
Sunday Mornings
8:30am ~ Worship, a
Quiet, Communion Service
10:30am ~ Worship with
Choir, Children's time,
Communion 1st Sunday of
every month.
Wednesdays Thru Lent
February 25 - March 25
9:30am ~ Bible Study
6:30pm ~ Lenten Soup/Study
7:00pm ~ Choir practice
Holy Week - March/April
3/29 ~ Palm Sunday
4/2 ~ Maundy Thursday
7pm Service
4/3 ~ Good Friday
7pm Service
4/5 ~ Easter Sunday
Church Staff:
Rev. Lynn McCracken
Rev. Thomas F. Conboy
Minister of Visitation
Barbara Pavao
Minister of Music
Kim Kloczkowski
Office Manager
Monday-Thursday, 8-2pm
Phil Lord
Contact Information:
Arnold Mills UMC
690 Nate Whipple Highway,
Cumberland, RI 02864
(401) 333-5203
March 21
At 6:00 p.m.
At 7:00 p.m.
Sign up on the poster
Located in the
Coat room!
(See more from the Hospitality
Committee on Page 5)
Give It Up! by Dottie Escobedo-Frank will
be our Lenten study Feb. 25 - March 25
The back cover of the book describes it this
way: Our world is full of distractions and
noise – from cell phones and social media
to mirrors and even our own voices, we are
surrounded by things that monopolize our
minds and isolate us from God. A week
without mirrors allows us to see the true
beauty within, while a week of silence
attunes us to God’s voice and the sounds of
life. The book invites us to commit to step
away from life’s commotion and culminates
with Easter, where give it up takes on a
whole new meaning. Free of distraction, we
can give it up in applause and celebration of Christ, who rose from
the dead and seeks to meet up with us in our daily lives.
Dear AMUMC Family,
As most of you know, Courtney and I will be moving into the
parsonage later this spring. (Will spring ever come?) As we
prepare our home to put on the market, we are purging the
things that we have meant to throw out over the years. It is
a wonderful exercise, especially in this season of Lent.
The practice of purging gives one freedom from earthly
treasures. In this process I find many of the things I treasured when I was a twenty-something,
no longer have significance. Out they go. It is amazing how good empty space feels instead
of clutter.
I invite you to ponder the question asked at the class meetings of John Wesley’s day, “How is
it with your soul?” Is it cluttered with things you wish to get rid of? What stops you from purging them? Paul writes these words of advice to the church at Philippi, “Do not be anxious
about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God,” (Philippians 4:6, NIV).
Here is your Lenten invitation to practice the advice of Paul. Use these words of wisdom to
help you clean house. Take seriously the question, “How is it with your soul?” Be still, and
learn where this will take you on your personal faith journey.
Be Blessed,
Welcome New Members!
On Sunday, February 22nd seven new
members joined the church. They are from
L-R: Alex Kithes, Lisa and Brandon Bell,
David and Rebekah Puleo , Mike and Jodi
The entire Arnold Mills United Methodist
Church family welcomes you!
Would you like to become a member of the church?
It has been the tradition in the history of the church that baptisms and people
joining the church happens on Easter Sunday. As we celebrate a new life
through the resurrection of Jesus, we celebrate a new life through baptism
and church membership. Pastor Lynn invites all those interested in becoming
members of Arnold Mills United Methodist Church to meet with her at
11:30AM on Sunday, March 8th in the church vestry (across from the church offices). Please
feel free to bring coffee and refreshments from Cargill Hall to this brief informational meeting. If
you are interested in finding out more, but are unable to make this meeting, please speak with
Pastor Lynn.
Prayer Requests
Our heartfelt sympathy all who are grieving the loss of loved ones including the
family and friends of the following who have returned home to the Lord:
Henry Aldrich, February 11 - husband of Norma Aldrich
Chesly Lauzier, February 1, daughter of Eleanor Allard
Alice Raymond, February 22, aunt of Dave Raymond
Madeline Nixon, friend and neighbor of Pam Martin
Janice Strain Belisle, February 13, wife of David Belisle
Prayers of Praise!
Caiden Tyler Gauvin was born February 18th to Tim and Sarah (Miller) Gauvin.
He is the little brother of Sydnee and Trey and great grandson of Bruce Shaw. He
was delivered by Dr. Rebecca Randall Nakshian!
KUDOS to Fran Carr's daughter, Jennifer F. Carr, primary author of a paper published
recently in the Journal of Bacteriology entitled Engineering the Genome of Thermus thermophilus Using a Counterselectable Marker from the Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
and Biochemistry, Brown University.
Invitation: The congregation of the Calvin Presbyterian Church on Angell Rd., Cumberland
invites you to join them as they celebrate the ordination of Kevin Andrew White, and installation
as Teaching Elder on Sunday, March 8th at 4:00PM.
Prayers for those undergoing medical tests including Sandy Angell, Meridee Beauregard and
Sean. Lois Vincenzo (knee surgery); Dottie Audette (open heart surgery), Dick (broken hip);
Olga, Jane Shaw’s friend; Maria Encarnacion (friend of Cindy Mauch); Paul Baro; all children
awaiting adoption and all trying to adopt; those with Alzheimer’s and dementia and their families. Sally Brager, (Bruce Shaw's sister-in-law); Richard Morin; Stacy Johnson’s mother; Alex
Philips’ Mom; Gary Mazzie, Laura Viehmann, Arthur Belisle. All nursing home residents &
caregivers including Don & Joyce Burrell, Dawn Cavallaro, Margaret Kelly, Doris Palmer, Eleanor Preston, Flora Stanley, Virginia Ziegler.
For more than 50 years, United Methodist congregations
have been taking part in a special One Great Hour of Sharing
offering, laying the foundation for UMCOR’s ministry of relief
and hope. Donations UMCOR receives through this offering,
along with other undesignated gifts made throughout the
year, cover our costs of doing business. Gifts like yours make
it possible for UMCOR to use 100% of all other contributions
on the projects our donors specify, instead of on
administrative or fundraising costs. UMCOR does not
receive United Methodist World Service or apportionment funds, so without your offerings,
UMCOR would not exist. Because we keep operating costs under 10% of our total budget,
undesignated gifts may actually exceed UMCOR’s administrative needs. When that happens,
your support is channeled to under-funded programs, where they’re most needed. They also
may be used to allow UMCOR to respond to disasters immediately after an event and before
funds can be raised. Because of your donation today, we're ready to respond in times of
Pg. 3
3/2 Lexi JohnsonMcMahon
3/11 Olivia Lyon
3/6 David MacFarlane
3/18 Ben Johnson-McMahon
3/21 Heather Marszalkowski
3/26 Ryleigh Dunn
Come praise the lord with
song! Be a part of a new
Youth Choir family. Barbara
Pavao, our Minister of
Music would like to reach
out to all youth to see if
there is an interested in
forming a AMUMC Youth
Choir, under her direction.
Once we determine the
interest, practice times will be set.
Please speak with Barbara, Pastor
Lynn, or email your interest to the
church office.
Upcoming dates in March
3/1: 10:30AM Jr Church - Cargill
3/2: 7PM Christian Ed. - Library
3/9: Girl Scout Sunday
Girl Scout Sunday
March 8th
Girls & leaders - you are
invited to wear your uniforms to church! We recognize an
organization that aims to build
“girls of courage, confidence and
character who make the world a
better place.”
Beginning March 1st the children will
be starting their next unit called,
"Easter: Go & Tell". The main idea
is that the resurrected Jesus told his
disciples to go and make disciples
of all nations, baptizing them and
teaching them to obey all that Jesus
commanded. Jesus combined his
instructions with a promise:
"Remember, I am with you always".
Super Bowl sub
sale: A giant thank
you to all who purchased subs and bake sale items!
On February 6th The Sparkling Singers
performed a Winter Concert Of Love Songs
which was greatly enjoyed by all. A freewill
offering was taken and the Group donated
the $330.00 collected to the ministry of our
church. Many thanks to this talented group!
The youth group will once again be
hosting an Easter egg hunt on the front
lawn for the children of the church
school after church on Palm Sunday.
Children ages pre-k through grade 5
are welcome.
Thank you for your continued support!
Nancy Gillardi, Leader
Missions Trip - From March 10-15 Dave Raymond will be in Winter Park, CO
to assist in providing recreational and emotional support for Combat-wounded
U.S. military veterans at the National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD) The “No Boundaries” Program for disabled and combat-wounded
military veterans promotes self-esteem, pride and a sense of accomplishment for
all participating service men and women as they expand their independence and
overcome challenges once thought insurmountable. Contact Dave if you want
more information about this wonderful program 401-405-0701
March 15 will
be our
Please join us at both services
to celebrate the many activities
and events in which our church
members participate to benefit
others. Our congregation
contributes over $30,000 in our
budget to fund our Mission
shares to the United Methodist
Committee on Relief.
The River UMC Soup Kitchen - Woonsocket
On February 11th we celebrated a wonderful meal of clam
cakes & chowder, hot dogs, dynamites and dessert, and
also Dave Raymond’s birthday as he brought a cake for the
guests to share! DAY CHANGE! Due to scheduling
conflicts, we are going to switch to Sundays. We are
scheduled from 4 to about 6 PM on March 8th, April 12th.
Bring a hat (Dept. of Health requirement) and we have chef
shirts and aprons for those who want to look “professional”!
Thanks to Karen Oswain and Tom Cabana for their
wonderful planning, organizing and leadership. Any portion
of time you can volunteer would be wonderful and baked
desserts are especially appreciated.
If you would like to join this fellowship experience, or if
you need a ride or want to donate some baked desserts but
cannot attend the supper, please contact Karen at
401-333-2166 (H) Karen's e-mail:
Missions & Social concerns Committee (continued…)
Franklin Farm - Planning for the spring plant-
Franklin Farm Committee members include AMUMC
members Pam Thurlow (2nd from left) and Craig
Johnson (4th from left).
ing is underway by the garden committee organizers. Now if Mother Nature would cooperate and
melt this snow cover we can begin to lay out the
planting rows in the garden areas. This Garden is
the largest non-commercial garden in all of Rhode
Island growing vegetables for needy families.
Planning continues in cooperation with Cumberland Town officials to evaluate ways to restore the
main farmhouse. If you are interested in assisting
in the planning for this season, please contact
Chip or Pam Thurlow: (Chip); (Pam) or 401-333-1235.
From this...
to this...
in just 4
Habitat for Humanity
The construction project in Woonsocket
is rapidly making progress. The wiring
has been completed, and the dry wall
installed so the inside work is under full
swing. Unfortunately, there will be a
brief delay in continuing construction
while the organizers coordinate selection of the family scheduled to live in
the house. While we are normally
scheduled to assist on the second
Saturday of each month, we will have
to wait for HFH to notify us that they
are ready to proceed. We will notify
you when we can resume our normal
schedule. Be sure to communicate with
Al Belisle if you are interested in
volunteering or have any questions at:
Cintas Clothing Donations are delivered to the
River UMC and the St. James Episcopal Church in
Woonsocket by Ron Blais and Chip Thurlow. Any
questions, please contact Chip Thurlow. 401-3331235, Since 2011 we have delivered over 650 large trash bags of clothing to
those two and other organizations!
Woonsocket Shelter - We continue to donate to
families in need of housing assistance. The guests
continue to need bedding (sheets, towels, quilts,
etc.), personal care items (soap, tooth paste,
tooth brushes, etc.) and canned goods. Donations
left in the hallway by the display case are transported
to the shelter on a regular basis. Thank you letters
from the Shelter are posted on the Missions Bulletin
Board in the coat room.
Chip Thurlow, Chairperson,
Missions and Social Concerns Committee
Pg. 5
Yardley United Methodist Church in Yardley PA is reaching out to all
Middle School Students with a Missions Opportunity. This is the
home church of Nacia (Whitcomb) Lipton, Selden Whitcomb's
daughter and family. Her children participate in the Youth Group.
Middle School Students, are you Ready to Serve?
We are waiting for YOU!
The Mission: From July 12-15, 2015 YOU will work light construction
on homes as well as reaching out into the community through soup
kitchens, homeless ministries and other outreach organizations. YOU
will spend one day at each site for a well-rounded mission experience.
So, please, come have fun while serving a community! The cost is
only $150 per person and it includes your lodging and meals (all at the
church), a T-shirt and building materials.
Do you want more information or are you ready to sign up? Fill
out the form at and we will contact you!
Contact Denise Harris or Nancy Scurloc at: 215-493-3345 x202, or
The work, schedule and focus is on Middle School students (entering
6th-9th gr. Fall, 2015). High School Students are at the discretion of
your church. We eat, sleep and play at Yardley UMC. If you have 1-2
youth they can come without an adult, 3 or more from one church we
MUST have an adult (to serve as drivers, worksite leaders, support
and complete participants in the mission. We organize this mission so
that Youth Leaders/Pastors can enjoy the time with their teens.
summer camp
is available in the
coatroom and on
their website at
Make plans now
and sign up early
before your camp
fills up!
FOR 2015
Family Camp
Woods Craft
Culture Camp
Paper Crafts
It's been a long winter and we have tried our best to keep up with the winter storms. Our
thanks to Pat Bradley for donating all the plowing done after the numerous storms we've had
and to Tom Smith for shoveling. We join with Pastor Lynn in encouraging you all to use your
best judgment about joining us for worship services in inclement weather. Your safety is our
first concern. In the event services need to be canceled we will have them broadcast on all
the major TV channels and posted on Facebook.
 Our heating problems seem to be fixed since we've had no problems recently.
 We are working with a consultant regarding fire panel recommendations.
 A new exterior light outside of Cargill Hall has been installed giving good illumination to
both walks at night.
 We are looking into installing an AC/Heat pump in the church offices.
 Thirty new windows will be installed in the Cargill Hall/Church School/Kitchen.
 Colored light bulbs were purchased and installed in the stage floor receptacles and all
stage lighting is now functional.
We are looking forward to spring and once again seeing our beautiful church grounds.
Your board of Trustees continue the work of protecting to the best of our ability the church's
physical and financial assets. Our 2015 members are: Fran Carr, Tom Cabana, Craig Emerson, Lindsay Gettinger, Tom Hetherington, Pam Martin, Scott Murphy, Rebecca O'Melia, and
Dave Raymond.
Fran Carr, Chairperson
The Worship Committee has set aside, Sunday, March 22
as a day to offer healing services during our normal worship hours.
Scripture strongly affirms ministries of spiritual healing. The root of the word healing in New
Testament Greek is sozo, the same as that of salvation and wholeness. Spiritual healing is God’s
work of offering persons balance, harmony, and wholeness of body, mind, spirit, and relationships
through confession, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Through such healing, God works to bring
about reconciliation between God and humanity, among individuals and communities, within each
person, and between humanity and the rest of creation.
All healing is of God. The Church’s healing ministry in no way detracts from the gifts God gives
through medicine and psychotherapy. It is no substitute for either medicine or the proper care of
one’s health. Rather, it adds to our total resources for wholeness.
God does not promise that we shall be spared suffering but does promise to be with us in our
suffering. Trusting that promise, we are enabled to recognize God’s sustaining presence in pain,
sickness, injury, and estrangement.
A service of healing is not necessarily a service of curing, but it provides an atmosphere in
which healing can happen. For the Christian the basic purpose of spiritual healing is to renew and
strengthen one’s relationship with the living Christ. (adapted from the UMBOW, pgs. 613-614)
At our services you are invited to receive an anointing with oil, then take some time to kneel at
the railing or return to your seat, and spend some time in prayer. I will invite you to come forward
as you feel called. If you are not comfortable with this, please do not feel you have to participate.
You can remain seated and pray. My hope is that you will find the service meaningful to you.
Pastor Lynn
AMUMC Worship Survey - Many thanks to everyone who participated in our recent
Worship Survey. Your feedback will inform our Worship Committee on what is working and what we
may want to improve in regards to our Worship services. A total of 53 people responded to the
survey. Of those who responded, 25% were married or single with children; 21% are single, and
54% are married “empty nesters” or without children at home. Most people (75%) who responded
have attended our services for over 10 years. Here are some details of what we heard from you:
Satisfaction with Worship Services - A large majority (80 to 90%) of those responding like the
general feel, style and order of worship services. Sermon quality was rated high, as was the
“children’s time” portion of the worship service. The choir and special music selections are also
viewed very favorably. Almost 25% of those responding thought that the congregation should be
participating more during the worship service. Others (47%) would like to see additional music
selections, such as a blend of traditional and contemporary hymns. Most people (74%) were
satisfied with the current number and times of our worship service.
Favorite Part of Worship Comments - A wide variety of “favorites” were shared—Sermons,
Children’s time, Communion, and Music were the most frequently cited.
Other Comments - Several people expressed concerns about the “Welcome” ritual held at the
beginning of each service, saying that the time seemed disruptive to the general feel of the service.
We have eliminated this section from the services for now as we consider other ways to ensure that
people have adequate time for greeting each other. Many other suggestions were made, although
none reached the level of a consensus. All suggestions will be reviewed with care and
consideration to each of them.
Next Steps - Pastor Lynn and all those involved in Worship Services will use the survey results
provided to enhance our Worship time together. We will continue to seek clarification on some
comments made, and we encourage you to continue to provide feedback about our Worship
Pg. 7
Indulge for Lent:
Rather than sacrificing something for Lent — especially something
easy and spiritually insignificant, such as chocolate — Patty Kirk, in
Guideposts magazine, suggests finding new ways to indulge in
God’s presence. Surely one can do this by having extra devotions
or attending Lenten worship services. But Kirk offers these ideas:
• Spend time outdoors, sensing God’s magnificence.
• Spend time with others, extending generosity and compassion.
Remember Jesus’ promise that when you care for others, you care
for him (Matthew 25:31-46).
• Pray for the “little things,” coming before God in childlike trust and
feeling peace.
• Watch attentively for God’s answers to prayer, and receive them
as reminders of his presence.
• Turn anxiety into prayer. As you frame concerns as prayers and
entrust them to God, you “sacrifice” the tendency to wallow in worry.
Wednesday morning
Bible study!
Currently we are
Exploring the Bible: The
Dickenson Series, by
Anne Robertson
Introducing the New
ALL are welcome.
Holy Week, 2015:
Worship Events for Holy Week (March 29th - April 5th)
Palm Sunday: March 29th - 8:30 & 10:30 A.M. Worship Services
Maundy Thursday Service - April 2nd - 7 p.m.
Good Friday Service - April 3rd - 7 p.m.
Easter: April 5th - Outdoor Sunrise Service: 6:00 A.M.
Led by the Youth Group overlooking the Reservoir
8:30 & 10:30 A.M. Easter Services
Easter Flowers – A wonderful way to celebrate
the resurrection while remembering or honoring a
loved one.
All information must be received by March 29th.
Order Your
Easter Flowers
Please fill out this form and return it with your check
in the offering plate, or mail it to the church (690 Nate
Whipple Hwy, Cumberland, RI 02864, clearly marked
Easter Flowers.
Checks should be made payable to AMUMC. Please consider picking up your flowers after the
late service on Easter Sunday morning.
Name: ________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________
_____ Tulip ($ /ea.) _____ Easter Lily ($ /ea.) _____ I will pick up my plant(s)
Sorry, prices to come soon!
In honor of: _____________________________________________________________
In honor of: _____________________________________________________________
Please print clearly, thank you!
In memory of : ___________________________________________________________
From: __________________________________________________________________
In memory of : ___________________________________________________________
From: __________________________________________________________________
March, 2015
Arnold Mills United Methodist Church
690 Nate Whipple Highway
Cumberland, RI 02864-3353
Rev. Lynn McCracken
(401) 333-5203
Address Service Requested
Don’t forget to turn
your clocks AHEAD
one hour before
going to bed
Saturday night!
On Sunday
March 8th!