2019-09-27T18:35:07+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueStone Age, Paleolithic Age, Old Stone Age, Neolithic Age, New Stone Age, domesticate, agriculture, trade, oreflashcards
the first period of prehistoric human culture from about 2 million yeas ago to around 3000 B.C.E.
Paleolithic Age, Old Stone Age
the first period of the stone age called the old stone age from about 2 million years ago to around 8000 B.C.E.
Neolithic Age, New Stone Age
the later part of the stone age called the new stone age from 8000 to 3000 B.C.E.
to train a wild animal to be useful to humans.
the business of farming
the business of buying and selling or exchanging items.
a mineral mined for its valuable uses.
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