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a3 Academic & General IELTS Writing Task 2 Write an essay with me

Academic & General IELTS | Writing Task 2 | Write an essay with me
hey and welcome back to my channel thank you so much for tuning in
today because we are going to have such an exciting video this video is all
about the task 2 ​human rights thematic essay​ on IELTS writing and I'm
going to show how I write the essays you will see the I see here on the
screen and I will walk you through it step by step breakdown all the
grammar all of the word choice so that you understand why exactly I have
all of that in the essay remember as always you can download the essay
and the PDF transcript for free in the description box down below there is
the link for you to do it just pause the video go there get yourself the PDF
you can print it you can highlight stuff it will be very handy for you now
before we dive in let's remember what are the requirements and general
tips for the task 2 module of course you have to write an essay in response
to a question that you have in the task you have to be analytical and
present your own opinion or discuss the ideas that are given in the task you
have to write at least 250 words although it is usually advised to write not
more than 300 so between 250 and 300 is your safe harbor now you
should also spend around 40 minutes on the task and this task is going to
wait two-thirds of your overall mark for the writing module now the essay is
also graded based on four different things the first one is the task
achievement and that's how full you basically answer the task that is given
to you in the beginning of your essay then it is the coherence and cohesion
and here it's all about how easy it is to read your essay and not to get lost
in your train of thought because sometimes it's quite difficult to follow be
sure to have a very logical progression of your ideas and make sure that all
of them correlate to each other and linked together with those linking words
next one is lexical resource and here they look into how well you use your
vocabulary how fit is it to the context how wide your vocabulary is for
different words do you use of a common of a note are they complex so all
of those things and especially the synonyms and the last thing that is
graded is your creme range for the grammar range they look at how white
your grammar ranges so how many different grammar structures use how
many complex sentences or simple sentences you have whether you have
modal verbs different tenses whether your punctuation and your spelling
are perfect those are all the things that examiner's pay attention in your
grammar range now you will see the essay again here and don't mind me
looking down because I have my left of there with the essay that I wrote for
you I obviously do not remember it by heart I will be reading the paragraphs
and you're going to see them here okay so the task for today is some
people think that it is the responsibility of governments to take care of the
environment while others believe that this is the responsibility of people to
take care of the environment discuss both views and give your opinion right
that's an opinion essay and for the structure of that we're going to go with
the first introduction of course and in the introduction we will paraphrase
the task that is inevitable in any of our Isles essays and then give our
opinion because it is asked for and then we will give the outline of what the
whole essay will give out and that will kind of give a sneak peak to what the
essay is all about in our body paragraph 1 we're going to explain the first
viewpoint with the theory and practical examples and in our body
paragraph 2 we go to explain the second viewpoint which is the opposite
one and we will conclude everything by restating our opinion and then kind
of showing how the opinion correlates with all the other viewpoints let me
read the essay for you presently there are certain people who appoint that
governments are responsible for dealing with the impact humans make on
the environment others strongly believe that individuals are accountable for
it in this essay I will debate the two viewpoints and suggest my opinion so
how is structured that remember we must paraphrase the task so we
started off was that I use the word opine and to opine is better than belief or
think because those are too generic I also need to paraphrase the
responsibility we have that this is the responsibility of governments or
responsibilities of individuals in our class and I paraphrase this by writing
the governments are responsible for for dealing with to deal with is another
great work that I use here that is a phrasal verb and then with the other
sentence when I write others strongly believe I kind of give a little bit of
depth to the word belief because I just use the modifying adjective here
strongly then I also paraphrase the responsibility and I use to be
accountable for the individuals are accountable for it and of course I
paraphrase to be responsible for that we used in the last sentence and the
responsibility which was in our tasks so in the last sentence of this
introduction I say that I will debate and debate is better than just to discuss
I will debate the two viewpoints the viewpoints are opinions and I don't use
the opinion to give me the space of using that in the next part of this
sentence and so I say and then suggest my opinion remember here there
is no need for my personal opinion because my personal opinion is a little
bit of an exaggeration because my already implies that it's my and then
personal also implies that it's mine so you kind of double imply that it's
yours and you're not being concise now being concise is something that is
quite valued in your health writing so make sure you don't exaggerate
things that are already obvious from one form of a statement now moving
on to the body paragraph one according to many state governmental
organs must be obligated to control and fight the consequences of human
activities on earth evidently these directly affect the environment and
sometimes present serious problems for whole regions or systems one of
the strongest arguments that underpins the idea of governmental
responsibility is that the authorities have access to abundant resources on
a large scale people finances infrastructure and of course legislative
capacity for instance such degree of power allows Germany to make a
noticeable ecological impact in any industry right how do i structure this
body paragraph I start off from a linking port and remember it's better to
use linking words in the beginning of almost all of the sentences in your
IELTS writing then I also use state governmental organs as a paraphrase
of just the government notice there is no article before state governmental
organs because we don't talk about a particular state governmental organ
or many of them we don't imply any particular ones we just talk about them
in general so therefore no article at all then I use to be obligated again not
responsible I try to paraphrase responsible as much they can and control
the consequences of human activities on earth now that's kind of the
paraphrase of the impact from the previous passage we have the impacts
environmental impact for example and here we are talking about the
consequences of human activities and that's a little bit higher level and
again a paraphrase that evidently again another Lincoln Ward that helps us
read this paragraph more easily we say that these those things in the
previous sentence directly effect and here know the difference between
effect and effect which sound very similarly but they're actually two different
verbs now they affect the environment and sometimes present serious
problems for whole regions of ecosystems nothing too fancy here but we
just give a little bit more explanation the theoretical background to the
opinion or the viewpoint that we are discussing here then we go on with
that and represent one of the stronger arguments that underpins this idea
to underpin means to support the idea we use the word the it is as the
paraphrase for the government again we don't want to use the same word
many times we also use the adjective abundant before resources to give
again a little bit more depth here in the collocation on a large scale just
don't forget the indefinite article of course and in the last sentence we have
the clear practical example of Germany and we use the linking word for
instance to introduce the example now moving on to the second body
paragraph and in this one we are going to talk about the other viewpoint so
on the other hand more and more people are of the opinion that we as
individuals should be environmentally conscious making sure our actions
do not destroy the atmosphere around us indeed this is quite a strong
position because every person is a building block of society and the shift in
personal behavior of everyone will inevitably result in substantial changes
of social norms one prominent example is the movement Eco Scouts that
unites those who are not indifferent to the state of our planet hands the
members try to follow the zero-waste concept raising awareness about
recycling and eco-friendly agriculture great in this body paragraph we start
off from on the other hand which is the linking words that unites this
viewpoint with the previous one that we had showing that this one is the
opposite one now I didn't use only one hand in the beginning just because I
wanted to show off my vocabulary and using on the one hand and then on
the other hand is just simpler than this now I also use to be of the opinion
we already have to opine or to think to believe and here we use to be of the
opinion then I also use the atmosphere which is another synonym of the
environment I start the next sentence from indeed which is a linking board
and I can I use the strong position to give a little bit more depth to the noun
position I also like the mother for of people being building blocks of society
metaphors are something that bring your se to the next level if you have the
time to think about a mother for when you're sitting in the exam veneer
that's pretty cold so try to do it and practice doing it maybe that's a good
point for your lexical resource I noticed I don't have any article before
society and that's because I'm not talking about any particular society I just
talked about that in general now in the next sentence we also introduce an
example and we use one prominent example for the introduction I'm talking
about the movement eco skulls that movement is completely made up guys
I'm not sure if that exists or not probably not I just made it up for the sake of
this essay and do it if you don't have any particular example from your real
life if or if that just doesn't pop up in your heart too quickly just make it up
no one cares where you cut your example from what they really care is how
well your English is and how nice that you communicate your ideas in
English on paper crate I also use the zero waste concept which gives me
more points for my lexical resource and lastly we're moving on to
conclusion in conclusion one can argue that the most obvious decision
would be to transfer the environmental responsibility to government's given
their access to resources nevertheless I firmly believe that any valid
change starts from individual awareness and action therefore I consciously
try to decrease my ecological footprint and invite my friends to follow suit
that's how I structured my conclusion and in the conclusion I have three
sentences in the first sentence I introduced the point that I do not support
but it might be supported by the majority of people so I address it as well in
the next one I state my own opinion and I explained by exactly I do not
support the first one and lastly I straighten my position and show how
exactly I do it in my own life how I deploy that concept and why exactly I
follow it so I try to medicate as restating my viewpoint and explaining why
exactly I have it how it's different from the opposite opinion I also use the
linking words obviously that are in the beginning of each of the sentences
in this particular conclusion and then try to use a little bit higher level words
such as consciously or ecological footprint or a very beautiful collocation to
follow suit so that's it guys I really hope this was useful for you and you
could derive some tips and strategies for your own essays for the task 2 on
IELTS please do not forget to check other videos where I explain how I
write the task 1 essays both for general and academic modules on my
channel and remember to download the theory PDF for free from the
description box below thank you so much for being here with me today I will
be very happy if you decide to leave a like for me or even subscribe and as
always I will be delighted to see you again here ciao [Music]