Sigma 32, - yildiz technical university

Sigma 32,
Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi
Research Article / Araştırma Makalesi
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Information Systems Engineering,
Kötekli Kampüsü, MUĞLA
Received/Geliş: 04.12.2012 Revised/Düzeltme: 28.01.2013 Accepted/Kabul: 15.02.2013
In this study, a remote machine automation of a heating pump and an electro–pneumatic driller deployed at
the heat center of the university campus has been realized via an Android smart device which has Wi-Fi or 3G
access without wire. In order to do this aim, an electronic card has been designed; regarding to the card, C
#software adapted to the card has been developed. The application card is connected to a host computer over
USB protocol by a software; a smart device which has Android operating system has been communicated over
USB protocol with the host computer which has the software. It is expected that the remote automation made
in this work would decrease commitment of time, and service costs.
Keywords: Android, USB port, PIC, C#, remote control.
Bu çalışmada, bir ısı merkezindeki bazı makinelerin, Wi-Fi veya 3G erişimine sahip Android bir cihaz ile
kablosuz olarak uzak noktadan denetimli otomasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla elektronik bir kart
tasarlanmış ve bununla uyumlu bir yazılım hazırlanmıştır. Uygulama kartı, USB protokolü üzerinden sunucu
bir bilgisayara bir yazılım vasıtasıyla bağlanmış; bir Android işletim sistemli cihaz, USB portu üzerinden
yazılımın bulunduğu sunucuyla haberleştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen sistem sayesinde uzak noktadaki makineler
anlık, gerçek zamanlı denetimli ve olarak çalıştırılabilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen bu uzak otomasyon sisteminin
zaman mekân bağlılığını ve servis maliyetlerini azaltması beklenmektedir
Anahtar Sözcükler: Android, USB portu, PIC, C#, uzak nokta denetimi.
Smart systems is being integrated to human life together with developing technology, so, time and
energy saving are possibly being made. Controlling smart systems has been eased and deleted
obligation of users ought to be at working environment, since that internet diffused to every field.
Whenever they wished both control and feedback parts have been able to occur.
Corresponding Author/Sorumlu Yazar: e-mail/e-ileti:, tel: (252) 211 17 22
İ. Tarımer, E. Dağıstanlı
Sigma 32, 1-9, 2014
Normally, there are some remote control systems made by mobile phones; they are
generally paid by SMS and a certain amount of fee must be paid for sending each of SMSs. In
order to do this, it is necessary to use specially produced tablet PCs and nevertheless the
communication is rather slow, since this system uses serial and parallel interfaces [10] comparing
to using of USB.
As known, Google has developed Android operating system and codes of this operating
system have been presented as a library [1, 8]. In the study, it has been wanted from internet
applications by Android operating system and Android based device. Darcy and Conder have
stated about Android and wireless communication protocols, developed a client – host application
[2]. Android operating system and basic programming fundamentals have introduced in a book
[3]. Rakesh has made a circuit by using USB interface for controlling a DC motor with PIC
18F4550 [4]. Kuna and et.all have presented a context-aware system that uses machine-tomachine communication for retrieving sensor data collected by an Android operating system
smartphone. Chena and et.all introduced principles of an embedded OSGi framework in a Google
Android platform. They proposed vehicular Android/OSGi platform provides various unique
features [6]. Kundu and Paul presented benefits of using Android in low power embedded devices
and compared Android Java performances with sun embedded JVM [9].
It has been wanted that a smart device based on Android Operating System would be
used for an industrial application in the study. In order to do this, an electronic card has been
designed, a software has been written for a PIC micro controller, and a host application has been
developed. Thereby, a remote machine automation and a system control have been done via an
Android device using Android operating system.
A PIC microprocessor is an interfaced circuit that steers and controls all micro processing
elements. Even though there are many USB interfaced micro controllers commercially, PIC
18F4550 has been selected in the study, since that micro controllers have addictive interfaced
USBs have more costs, and their complex inner structures. The USB interface module is
embedded in such micro controller. Besides this, it allows to USB access, and it has got five ports
like Ports A, B, etc.
C programming language is frequently being started to use for micro controller
applications [7]. As known, Assembly language is such program that provides a programmer to
dominate absolutely to a micro controller. It is more suitable selecting C programming language
for a micro controller application; since code pursuing is time consuming in long programs and
debugging in programs are rather difficult.
USB is known as universal serial communication technology, and it is used in many
electronic informatics devices. A USB protocol provides maximum 5 volts, 500–900 mili
amperes, and it carries data with pins of Data+ and Data-. It is necessary to know vendor ID and
product ID of a USB for controlling it. The numbers of vendor and product ID define that they
state the producer’s ID and the product’s ID. Whenever they want to develop a product, a vendor
ID ought to be purchased. It has been communicated that the vendor and product IDs are being
matched together with each program which controls the device in the developed USB based
device. In case of not being matched of the IDs, it cannot be accessed to the device to be
controlled and there doesn’t seem a control possibility. That is why it is obliged that the IDs
within the hardware and software ought to be same with each.
In order to read the data sent to USB interface, usb_get_packet function is used in CCS
C compiler [11]. Hence, the data came to the USB device with vendor ID and product ID in the
written C project can be read. This function’s prototype is as:int16 usb_get_packet(int8 endpoint,
int8 * ptr, int16 max);
An Application of a Remote Machine Automation Via …
Sigma 32, 1-9, 2014
The function of usb_get_packet writes the information taken from USB buffer to the
PIC’s local memory until to end point (EP) value. Once usb_get_packet function is called, if no
packet in, an invalid result is obtained. For preventing this, USB_KBHIT methods ought to call
before usb_get_packet function.
In order to send data to USB interface, usb_put_packet function is used in CCS C
compiler. Hence, the data can be sent to USB device stated in C project with vendor and product
IDs. This function’s prototype is as:
int1 usb_put_packet(int endpoint, int * ptr, int16 len, USB_DTS_BIT tgl);
The usb_put_packet function sends the packages (packets) stated with ptr until to end point of
A heating circulation pump, a fuel filler motor, hot water circulation pump, and boiler burner in a
boiler room and an electro pneumatic drilling machine will be operated by an Android smart
device from far distance as automatically in the application. Therefore, an automation will be
made by USB based PIC micro controllers in the work. The developed automation is called as
Elektroid. The Elektroid software for the host has been developed within .NET technology
platform. All output processes of the control card are being run according to the data comes from
the USB interface. Output status info are being sent to computer via USB interface. The electronic
schematic of this card is given in fig. 1.
Figure 1. Electronic circuit diagram of the control card
The developed host application ‘Elektroid’ consists of electronic control card and the
section which provides communication with Android device. Some routines written as program
blocks within the second part of the application are shown in below lines. In the fig. 2, there are
the units which are PIC 18F4550, LCD, USB female socket, crystal and LED. The D+ and D–
points of USB interface are connected to PIC. The data come are transmitted to the solid state
relays from D port of the PIC.
İ. Tarımer, E. Dağıstanlı
Sigma 32, 1-9, 2014
The host software for Windows operating system has been written by using Visual
Studio 2010 IDE and .NET framework 2.0 with C#™ programming language [7]. So, the
developed software can be run in a computer which has Windows operating system and
framework 2.0. There is a powerful Socket class of .NET which prepared for powerful
internet/intranet and at same time umng.dll which is used for USB control has been designed for
.NET languages as well. A licensed language called as ElectronicDeviceConnection.dll has been
used for controlling USB interface. By help of this dll the data bytes are being sent and read to the
device which has a constant vendor and product ID. An object ought to derive from class of
Electronic Device Connection after the dll file is added to the project as reference. This object of
USB interface has got control aiming functions such as ConnectDevice, GetOutPutStates,
SendValueToPIC(byte[]my_buffer) and DisconnectDevice .
Some routines of the developed host application ‘Elektroid’ are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Interaction of Android client and C# server programs
Android Client Codes
InetAddress serverAddr =
socket = new Socket(serverAddr,Integer.parseInt(
Port));// ServerActivity.SERVERPORT);
okuyucu = new
yazici = new
cThread = new Thread(new ClientThread());
is being
comingData = new byte[15];;
byte[] sifreyolla = ("pass"+ Password).getBytes();
comingData = new byte[15];;
String approval = parse(comingData);
picOutputs= "CheckData".getBytes();
picOutputs = new byte[21];;
It is
that the
systems are
to the
server after
done with
the server.
String result= parse(getOutPut);
Machine cannot be opened = false;
Toast.makeText(context , "Operation completed",
else if(result.equals("NO"))
Machine cannot be opened = true;
Toast.makeText(context, "Output cannot be
changed !!", 3000).show();
Machine cannot be opened = false; }
C# Server Codes
ServerIP = IPAddress.Parse(ipAdress);
Listen = new TcpListener(ServerIP,
t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StartRead));
Log(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Listening was
Soket = Listen.AcceptSocket () ;
Log (“The Connection come was Accepted”);
Network = new NetworkStream (Soket);
Read = new StreamReader (Network);
byte [ ] very, buffer;
int socketStatus;
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new
Data = encoding.GetBytes (“48”); SendData (veri);
buffer = new byte [8192] ; while (true) {
socketStatus = Soket.Receive(buffer);
Array.Resize(ref buffer, socketStatus);
If (socketStatus !=0)
string data = Parse(buffer);
if (data.Contains (“pass”))
prgStatus = ProgramStatus.PassReceived;
else if (data ==”DataCheck”)
else if (data.Contains (“Q”)
prgStatus = ProgramStatus.ControlDataReceived;
public bool SendData(byte [ ] data)
precede the try
return true;
from server }
catch (Exception)
with the
Return false;
} }
is being
begun to
It is accepted
that the
request would
come. The
(prgStatus) is
according to
the incoming
data, and this
status is being
transmitted as
to the main
Hence, the
data came
from Android
Client can be
The data
stated is
being sent to
the server.
The host application called as Elektroid consists of two parts: Electronic control card
and section of providing communication between Android device and machine systems. Some
routines of the developed software have been given below table (Table 1).
The screen view of Elektroid host application is given in fig. 2. The screen view after
setting with the control card and taking output situation is given as shown in fig. 3.
An Application of a Remote Machine Automation Via …
Sigma 32, 1-9, 2014
Figure 2. Screenshot of Elektroid host screen
Figure 3. Screenshot of communicating with the card
As shown in fig. 3, the left side of the screen communicates with the control card, and
the right side of the screen provides communicating with the smart phone/device using Android.
The right side of this interface keeps the adjusting and Logs regards to communicate. Once the
electronics control card is plugged to the USB interfacing socket of the computer, it brings the
computer to become ready to serve without turning off the computer by means of USB’s plug–in
features. In case of the connection is done without any fault, the control LED located at the card
starts flashing. When this sign is seen, it is inferred that both the program written and the card
mounted are ready to communicate with each others. To do this, the button seen at Elektroid Host
interface screen–shot is clicked on. If the procedure goes on correctly (without any problem), an
information is seen related with communicating between the device and the software in section of
the label called as ‘Durum’ at the interface (screen view). So, it would be seen with the LEDs’
flashing as signaling 1 (working machine(s) connected to the card) or 0 (not working machine(s)
connected to the card). Therefore, as referencing situations at outputs of the machine(s), the
buttons at outputs which control machine(s) come to active or passive forms.
İ. Tarımer, E. Dağıstanlı
Sigma 32, 1-9, 2014
It is understood that the three machines have been now activated as seen from the screen
in fig. 4. Once the application software provides the connection with the machines, an activation
approval is taken from the control card. It is momentarily informed to the program at the first
opening whether the machines are activated or not.
Communication and Controlling with an Android Device
It has been considered that a TCP/IP based client – server application in which Android operating
system was uploaded based upon communication protocol with a smart telephone. The Android
based application is determined as ‘client’. On the other hand, the application written within C#
program has a mission as ‘server’. The Android client software is being communicated with the
host software over internet. Operating flowchart of this communication is given in fig. 5.
Figure 5. Flowchart of communication between client and host
In order to block any connection request comes from outside to the system, a password
checking has been created during data communication as a security measure (Fig. 5). In case of
the client stops with any reason, to receive back again the changes made at the electronic control
card (ECC) by the host to the client, at the first connection the synchronization is provided as
these output requests (informations) send to the client.
Common operations between Elektroid–Client–Android
As known, Android Operating System has been developed by Google for which needs low profile
hardware such as smart phones, tablet computers, notebooks, and it has been written within C
programming language platform together with the operating system, libraries, and other sub
programs [1, 5]. The Android application software written by Java programming language by
using Eclipse IDE to be connected to host both from internet and intranet. In the work,
communication with the host has been realized over TCP/IP protocol within Android–client
An Application of a Remote Machine Automation Via …
Sigma 32, 1-9, 2014
operation by multi–threading technology. The screenshot of the developed application software
‘ELECTROID 1.0’ in the work is shown in fig. 6. Once the software wants to be run firstly, the
screen will be seen as shown in fig. 6. This window occurs within 4 seconds after a voice
Figure 6. Control screen of Elektroid 1.0 application
In order to provide data security between client and host, a password authentication is
done before connecting to the host in this application as single side from settings menu. This
password must be same as with the one determined at the server to be communicated, otherwise
the Android application will automatically shut down itself. The IP address is the IPv4 address of
the host to be connected itself. This address could belong to any computer either on the LAN or
WAN. Moreover the port value must be same as with the software at the host, and it must be
reached to the defined port. After settings completed, the device which operates the client
software controls the system remotely over IP.
As shown from fig. 6, the button of “connect to the host” must be clicked on. Then the
control screen will appear on the client device’s screen. During the sequence, the Android
application wants the output knowledge of the control card from the host, and its status ‘active /
passive’ at the interface is being occurred according to this status.
After the sequence, the user will have the right of controlling the process anymore.
Afterwards, the devices connected to the control card can be controlled; hence, it is possible to
check for user both statuses of the devices continuously and instantaneously as well.
Using the developed software at machines’ operation
In order to make the machines to run by the software, a PIC 18F4550 microprocessor embedded
electronic control card is being interfaced to the computer. A host software by means of the USB
interface is uploaded, and this software changes status of the relays as on/off according to the
commands sent. All the SSR relays have been put in an electrical table as shown in fig. 7. It ought
to be known that the card given in fig. 1 is supplied with an external voltage source for system
stability and security.
The pump motors and an electro–pneumatic driller at a heating centre have been
operated by the card as remotely on–line in the study (Fig. 7–8). The pump motors have been
driven via the solid state relays since the motors take high nominal currents. The driver relays
have been run remotely, and then the electronic control card has been connected successively to a
notebook computer. All the system controls have been realized over a smart telephone.
İ. Tarımer, E. Dağıstanlı
Sigma 32, 1-9, 2014
Figure 7. SSR driver table and the controlled heating pump
Figure 8. An electro–pneumatic driller
The pumps, the compressor, and pressure manometer have been controlled remotely by
the device which runs the client applications. The electronic control card connected as parallel to
the start and stop buttons has driven all the machines. As result, the need to put a technical worker
for operating the machines at the heat center has been removed due to the developed study.
Furthermore, some of the expenditures of the campus’ heat center have been eliminated by the
In the study, we designed a card and written an adoptable software regarding to some industrial
needs in order to facilitate work loads of a heat centre in Muğla University campus. By means of
that remote control of the machines in a heat centre has kept time saving, and easiness of working
conditions. Moreover system logs have also been saved for long durations, hence whenever an
examination to be wanted with the logs, it would possibly become realistic.
The developed system in the study has lower production costs, if it is needed to compare
the current products, and it needn’t to use special devices like GSM modem, tablet PC, etc. All
the machines have been driven by solid state relays operated by electronically. The
communication between electronic control card and the relays have been provided with cables. In
case of number of machines are changed, it is absolutely necessary to change all of the hardware
An Application of a Remote Machine Automation Via …
Sigma 32, 1-9, 2014
and software section of the system. The client application done in the study is worked with
devices based on Android system.
An Android smart phone was used in the developed application, because of this, the
system is based on internet and without charged, it’s speedy, flexible and also user–friend. This
system can be used both in several industrial works and in smart houses as well.
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