The Soviet Personnel and Equipment Resource Database

The Soviet Personnel and Equipment Resource Database
Part IV 2
Chapter IV-2: The Soviet Personnel and Equipment Resource Database
In this section the methodology detailed in the Part II �The Structure of the 1941 Soviet and
Axis Resource Database’ will be used to analyse the weapon systems available to the Red Army
and Air Force (VVS) in 1941.
Obviously not every single weapon subsystem will be analysed, but all the primary weapons
available in the key categories are included. Where several weapon models existed for a particular
weapon category, the most common weapon in service over the campaign period is used. For
example, in the category of 122mm howitzers, the Soviets had the 122mm M1910/30, 122mm
M1909/37 and the new 122mm M1938 (M-30) howitzers in service as divisional artillery. Although
the 122mm M1938 (M-30) howitzer became the regular divisional howitzer later in WWII, the vast
majority available throughout 1941 were the older 122mm howitzers. Therefore the 122mm
M1910/30 is used in the 122mm howitzer category for 1941.
There are many publications available on Soviet WWII weapons. In this section we will not
attempt to replicate the history and description of these weapons as detailed in many of these works.
A brief description is included for readers unfamiliar with some of these weapons. However, we
will be taking all the relevant technical data from multiple sources and presenting this here for
detailed analysis. All this information is presented in tables Sov Res Database1, 2 and 3. As such,
tables Sov Res Database 1, 2 and 3 can be seen as a summary of the huge amount of technical
information available on these weapons. Tables Sov Res Database 1, 2 and 3 present the
information under three major subheadings, which are: Soviet Non-Mobile Weapon Systems and
Squads (Stationary, Towed, or Carried Weapons and Squads), Soviet Land Based Motorised Mobile
Fighting Machines (MFMs), and Soviet Aircraft. Sov Res Database 1, 2 and 3 also include the
calculations relating to the Overall Combat Power Coefficients (OCPC) and the specific combat
attributes for each weapon system or database unit.1
Soviet Light Infantry Weapons
Machine Guns
The Soviet standard Light Machine Gun (LMG) in WWII was the 7.62mm DP1928 and the
standard Medium Machine Gun (MMG) was the old 7.62mm Maxim1910.2
The DP1928 was designed by Vasily A. Degtyarev from 1921 to 1926. It was air cooled, used
a gas operated action, a 47 round cylindrical drum magazine and had a cyclic rate of fire of 550
rpm. The DP 1928 was simple to operate, extremely robust and had only six moving parts. In terms
of overall firepower it was similar to most magazine fed LMGs of the day, but was an inferior
weapon to the British Bren LMG and the German MG34.3 The DP 1928 became the standard Soviet
infantry squad LMG from 1928 and remained so during WWII. Sov Res Database 1 reveals an
OCPC value for the DP1928 of 5.37, which is 63% of the MG34 value.4 In practical terms this was
one of several reasons why Soviet infantry squads (and their Western Allied equivalents) had
Refer to Part II-The Structure of the 1941 Soviet and Axis Resource Database, for details on how to calculate a
weapon system or squad’s OCPC and its specific combat attributes such as AT, Anti personnel or AA values etc.
Note, for the purposes of our study, the 7.62mm Maxim1910 MG is called an MMG, and the 12.7mm DShk 1938 MG
a HMG or AAMG. The 12.7mm DshK 1938 HMG is considered under the section on anti aircraft machine guns as this
was its primary use in 1941.
The Bren guns was a Czechoslovakian design, designated ZB 30 and taken to England in the 1930s. The ZB 30 was
redesigned to take British .303 rounds and designated ZB33. The Bren was a direct copy of this weapon. The German
MG34 was their standard light squad weapon until the MG42 arrived. As such it is directly comparable to other squad
LMGs. However the MG 34 created the term General Purpose MG (GPMG), and some publications classify it as a
GPMG or even a HMG, avoiding a direct comparison with other LMGs.
Refer Part V, Chapter 2, 1. –�The German Fully Integrated Land and Air Resource Model-The German Personnel and
Equipment Resource Database- German Light Infantry Weapons’.
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Part IV 2
considerably less fire power than their German counterparts.5 A modified version of the DP1928,
the DT or Degtyarev Tankovii, was mounted in tanks. The DT had a 60 round magazine, a
telescopic butt, pistol grip and a heavier barrel which was not quickly changeable. Otherwise its
ballistic characteristics were unchanged.
The Maxim1910 dated back to a demonstration of the basic design by Hiram Maxim at St
Petersburg in 1887. The Tsar’s army used British made Maxims, until production started in 1905 in
Russia at the Tula Arsenal. The Model 1910 was basically unchanged except for a corrugated steel
jacket replacing the original cast bronze water jacket, enlarging the filler cap and some minor
changes to the feed mechanism. The Maxim 1910 was very reliable but was an extremely heavy and
cumbersome gun. To assist mobility, the Russians developed a special mounting called the Sokolov
mounting. This consisted of a tubular steel trailer with wheels, which enabled two men to pull the
gun forward into firing position. Overall the Maxim 1910 was a WWI vintage weapon, inferior to
most equivalent weapons by the start of WWII. However, for want of a better weapon and to ensure
uninterrupted manufacture, production continued until 1945. The Maxim 1910 remained the most
common Soviet MMG until wars end. The data in table Sov Res Database 1 shows that in terms of
combat power the Maxim 1910 was very similar to the bipod mounted MG34 LMG and
considerably inferior to the tripod mounted MG 34 (72% of the HMG34’s OCPC value). Like the
LMG equipped rifle squads, this meant that Soviet MG companies had significantly less firepower
than their German equivalents.6 It should be noted however that the Maxim 1910 was comparable to
the British Vickers Mk1 and the US water cooled Browning M1917 in most respects, with the
exception of the Maxim’s inordinate weight.
Small Arms
The standard Soviet bolt action rifle in WWII was the 7.62mm Model 1930G. It is sometimes
called the 1891/30 and was based on the Mosin-Nagant Model 1891. The rifle was originally
designed by the Belgian Nagant brothers, and modified by Colonel S.I. Mosin. The original 1891
model was a long weapon and was partnered by the slightly shorter �Dragoon Rifle’. In 1931 the
Soviets introduced the 1930G, which was essentially the Dragoon Rifle with improved sights and
design modifications to increase production efficiency. In most respects the Model 1930G rifle was
comparable to other countries’ contemporary bolt action rifles.
Sub-Machine Guns
The predominant Sub-Machine Guns (SMGs) in service with the Red Army in WWII were
the 7.62mm PPD 1940G, PPS-42 and the ubiquitous PPSh-1941G. The PPD (Pistolet-Pulyemet
Degtyarev) or Machine Pistol designed by Degtyarev, was based on the German Bergmann design
of 1928. However production was small by Soviet standards and only lasted from the autumn of
1940 to late 1941. The PPS was designed by A.I. Sudarev, and was also adopted during WWII. It
arose out of the besieged city of Leningrad in 1942, and was cheaper and simpler than
contemporary Soviet SMGs. However, due to mainly political reasons the weapon never went into
mass production and relatively few were made.
The superior firepower of the MG34 and MG 42 is very carefully simulated in most sophisticated tactical or
tactical/operational level military simulations such as Talonsofts “East Front”, SSIs “Steel Panthers” or HPS
Simulations “Tigers on the Prowl”. However, for some mysterious reason this same superiority is ignored in many
operational level simulations, and all infantry squads are often treated as equal and generic units.
As for LMGs, this difference is carefully simulated in sophisticated tactical or tactical/operational level military
simulations and completely underestimated or ignored in many operational level simulations. In this case MMGs and
HMGs are treated as generic weapons and any differences are often ignored when the combat values for whole MG
Companies or Battalions are �calculated’.
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The Soviet Personnel and Equipment Resource Database
Part IV 2
During WWII the Soviets put into service approximately 5 530 000 SMGs, of which
approximately 5 000 000 were the famous PPSh-1941G.7 The PPSh (Pistolet-Pulyemet Shpagin)
was developed in 1940/41 as a replacement for the PPD, as the PPSh was easier to mass produce.
The PPSh was one of the few Soviet small arms which had a higher overall combat power
compared to the equivalent German weapon, namely the MP (Maschinenpistole) 38/40. This is
reflected in the higher WCPC values for the PPSh-1941G shown in Sov Res Database 1 compared
to the MP 38/40 (116% of the MP 38/40 WCPC value).
The principal reason that the Soviets produced such huge numbers of SMGs was not
specifically to increases the short range firepower of their average rifle squad, although this was the
overall result. It was more to ensure that the average rifle man actually had a firearm at all.
Generally WWII SMGs, and particularly the Soviet PPSh and PPS SMGs, were cheaper and much
easier to produce than rifles. This was due to the fact that it is much easier to produce a short and
imprecise SMG barrel than a reasonable quality rifle barrel. To produce a high quality rifle barrel
requires longer precision lathes and is relatively labour intensive. For example, old and reserve
Mosin-Nagant rifle barrels were usually cut in half to make two �new’ PPSh SMG barrels.8 The
Soviet SMGs had non-existent finishing, and rough welds and grinding marks were common. They
were nonetheless excellent weapons, and later in WWII large combat units were often entirely
equipped with them. Another example of cheap SMGs during WWII was the British Sten gun: a
weapon that was produced in the millions and at a cost of less than 2.87 pounds per gun. However,
infantry squads purely equipped with SMGs are sometimes at a serious tactical disadvantage,
mainly due to the very short effective range of these weapons (refer SMG Squads below).
Side Arms
The 7.62mm Nagant Model 1895 revolver was the standard Red Army sidearm in WWII. It
dated back to the imperial Russian government, which adopted the weapon in 1895 and purchased
the patent rights in about 1901. Consequently, manufacture was carried out at the Tula arsenal and
the Model 1895 revolver went on to equip soldiers in the Tsarist as well as the Red Army. A more
powerful and modern pistol, the 7.62mm Tokarev Model TT33, was also issued in WWII. The
Model TT33 was never produced in large numbers, with the Soviets preferring to issue those
soldiers normally eligible for a sidearm with cheaper and easier to make SMGs.
Hand Grenades
We now come to the last light infantry weapon considered here, which is the hand grenade.
There are two main types of hand grenade, normally classified as �offensive’ or �defensive’.9 An
offensive grenade is used in the attack, by a man who is running forward. He needs to throw the
grenade ahead and not have to seek heavy cover. Therefore the grenade should have a localised
effect and not blast chunks of metal back at the man that threw it. Such a grenade needs a
lightweight casing which breaks into tiny fragments that don’t carry long distances. The offensive
grenade derives most of its effect from the blast of the explosives. The defensive grenade on the
other hand is for use by a man holding a position. In this case the defender has available cover after
throwing the grenade. A good defensive grenade needs to generate maximum possible lethal
fragmentation over a large area. In this case a heavy casing is used which breaks into large lethal
fragments, and less explosive is required.
The standard Soviet offensive hand grenade in 1941 was the Model 1914/30 stick hand
grenade. This grenade was originally a product of WWI but was improved in 1930. It weighed
G.F. Krivosheev , et al, Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the Twentieth Century, Edited by Colonel General
G.F. Krivosheev, (Kandidat of military Science), Greenhill Books, London, 1997. p. 247. Also I.V. Hogg, Infantry
Weapons of WWII, Saturn Books Ltd, London, 1997, p. 59.
I.V. Hogg, Infantry Weapons of WWII, Saturn Books Ltd, London, 1997, p. 58.
This classification was adopted by the French in 1916, and has remained the standard.
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The Soviet Personnel and Equipment Resource Database
Part IV 2
0.595 kg and used a �fly off handle’ igniter. A segmented fragmentation sleeve was sometimes
available to convert it into a more lethal defensive type. Although common in 1941, stocks rapidly
dwindled and the Model 1914/30 grenade was soon replaced by grenades that were easier to mass
The standard Soviet defensive hand grenade in 1941 was the F-1 fragmentation egg hand
grenade. In appearance this grenade resembled the well known Mills pattern, with a serrated body
and an external handle and safety pin, although the action was quiet different. The F-1 weighed
0.566 kg, but had only 0.045kg of TNT filler. Later in WWII, the similar RTD 1942 grenade
replaced the F-1 to become the standard grenade for the Red Army.
Soviet Squads Equipped with Light Infantry Weapons
During WWII the infantry (or Soviet rifle) squad was normally the smallest tactical
manoeuvre unit on the battlefield. The squad usually had 6-14 men (normally around 10 in an
infantry squad), with a leader, independent equipment and ammunition, and (in some armies)
individual communication. The term �section’ is sometimes used to describe the same unit, or
sometimes a half squad. For our purposes a section will be used to describe a half squad. The crew
of individual heavy weapons larger than a HMG were also similar in size to a squad, and were able
to function similarly.
In Part 2 �The Structure of the 1941 Soviet and Axis Resource Database’, the principal types
of rifle or infantry squads are simulated separately. The following table shows the different rifle
squad types best able to represent the various TOEs of different Soviet land combat units in 1941.
Soviet Light Infantry Weapon Equipped Squads
Squad Type
Unit Content, (Definition)
�x man’ means +or - 4 men in a Squad, but most commonly x
Rifle Squad
Rifle Squad (SMG)
Light Rifle Squad
Motor Cycle Squad
Cavalry Squad
Irregular Squad
Light Eng Squad
Ferry Bridging Squad
Military Police Squad
Rail Repair Squad
11-12 man squad with DP 1928 LMG.
11 man squad, all with sub machine guns (PPD 1940G or PPSh-1941G).
11-12 man squad with no LMG, or
10 man chemical defence squad with no LMG.
8 man motorcycle squad and DP 1928 LMG (includes motorcycles).
12 man mounted squad and DP 1928 LMG (includes riding horses).
10 man militia squad with no LMG, or
10 man construction squad with no LMG.
2x9 man engineering squads with no LMG, or
10 man flame thrower squad.
5 man bridging eng squad with no LMG and 18m of (3 Ton) pontoon bridge section.
5 man NKVD squad with no LMG.
5 man rail construction and repair squad with no LMG.
Following a review of the Soviet ground combat unit TOEs in 1941, the following small arms
are considered to be in each type of Soviet squad shown above. These numbers of small arms are
used in calculating the squad’s Overall Combat Power Coefficient (OCPC) values shown in table
Sov Res Database 1.
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The Soviet Personnel and Equipment Resource Database
Part IV 2
Soviet Light Infantry Weapon Equipped Squads
Squad Type
Small Arms Distribution in Soviet Rifle Squads
Pistol Rifle SMG
Off Grenade
Rifle Squad
Light Rifle Squad
Rifle Squad (SMG)
Cavalry Squad
Motor Cycle Squad
Light Eng Squad
Ferry Bridging Squad
Military Police Squad
Irregular Squad
Rail Repair Squad
Def Grenade
The above table does not represent an absolute or fixed numbers of small arms issued to each
type of Soviet squad in 1941. It represents the most common number and type of small arms
present, given the varying TOEs for different types of combat unit and the overall availability of
equipment during 1941. In addition, the squad types above include a small number of pistols,
SMGs, and rifles issued to platoon and company HQs controlling the individual squads. For
example, let us consider the Soviet 1941 rifle squad.
The Shtat (or TOE) 04/401 for a rifle regiment in an April 1941 rifle division, indicates a rifle
squad had two NCOs and ten enlisted men, armed with one LMG, one sniper rifle, nine rifles and
one rifle grenade launcher.10 An alternative source states the same rifle squad consisted of one NCO
and ten enlisted men, armed with one LMG, one pistol, two SMGs and eight rifles.11 Both sources
indicate the rifle platoon HQ (controlling four rifle squads) also had 2-3 men armed with pistols and
rifles. Given that the Soviet only had approximately 100 000 SMGs in service in June 1941 and
only received a similar number in the remainder of 1941, it means the Soviets didn’t have sufficient
SMGs in 1941 to fill their SMG requirements in SMG squads, security units etc (refer Soviet
FILARM model, Parts IV 6. 21 and IV 7. 17).12 Almost all available SMGs went to alternative
squad types in 1941, leaving only pistols and rifles in the rifle squads.
In July 1941 a new reduced rifle division Shtat 04/600-616 was issued. The rifle regiment
Shtat 04/601 now called for two types of rifle squad, each with two NCOs and nine enlisted men,
(11 men). The �new’ rifle battalion now had half its rifle squads equipped with LMGs and rifles,
while the remainder had only rifles.13 The rifle squads with no LMG are termed �light rifle squads’
in the squad types listed above.
In October 1941 the Soviet issued new Shtat 04/730-744 to form separate rifle brigades. Shtat
04/740 also called for the brigade’s rifle battalions to have rifle and light rifle squads, but each now
had two NCOs and ten enlisted men (12 men). In addition, the rifle brigade’s rifle platoons each had
ten SMGs in their TOE (which equates to an average of 2.5 authorised SMGs per squad).14
C.C. Sharp, “Red Legions”, Soviet Rifle Divisions Formed Before June 1941, Soviet Order of Battle WWII, Volume
VIII, George F. Nafziger, West Chester OH, 1996, p. 104.
S.J. Zaloga, L.S. Ness, Red Army Handbook 1939-1945, Sutton Publishing, Stroud, UK, 1998, p. 8, table 1.2.
G.F. Krivosheev , et al, Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the Twentieth Century, Edited by Colonel General
G.F. Krivosheev, Greenhill Books, London, 1997. p. 246, Table 95.
C.C. Sharp, “Red Tide”, Soviet Rifle Divisions Formed From June to December 1941, Soviet Order of Battle WWII,
Volume IX, George F. Nafziger, West Chester OH, 1996, p. 118.
C.C. Sharp, “Red Volunteers”, Soviet Militia Units, Rifle and Ski Brigades 1941-1945, Soviet Order of Battle WWII,
Volume XI, George F. Nafziger, West Chester OH, 1996, p. 96. Also, S.J. Zaloga, L.S. Ness, Red Army Handbook
1939-1945, Sutton Publishing, Stroud, UK, 1998, p. 37, table 1.13. Two SMGs were authorised for the Platoon’s officer
and NCO in the Platoon HQ, controlling two rifle and two light rifle squads.
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However, given that rifle brigades were near the bottom of the ladder in terms of issued equipment,
and given the chronic shortage of SMGs throughout 1941, it is very unlikely that many rifle
brigades were issued with SMGs in 1941.
From the above we can see that the number and equipment in a typical rifle squad varied in
1941. However, the variation was relatively small and the typical rifle squad was most likely as
shown in the tables listed above.
It is worth considering briefly the differences between a typical rifle squad and a rifle squad
equipped purely with SMGs. In 1941 the rifle squad (SMG) was relatively rare in the Red Army,
but this would change progressively from year to year as huge numbers of cheap SMGs became
Some authorities, and a few tactical level simulations, attribute WWII squads equipped
entirely with SMGs with considerably higher firepower than was historically the case. The idea
simply being that they could collectively lay down a much more intense rate of fire. The reality was
unsurprisingly different: the SMG armed squad only had a tactical advantage in specific tactical
situations. The WWII SMG was a very short range automatic weapon, i.e. it was not an assault
rifle! It typically had a muzzle velocity marginally greater than military pistols of the day, and an
accuracy to match. At ranges over 100m there was wide dispersion, and firing at ranges over 200m
was usually a waste of ammunition. The German term �Maschinenpistole’ was in fact a much more
accurate description of functionality than �sub-machine gun’. An SMG armed squad had a tactical
advantage in the final phase of a close assault where SMGs could be fired while on the move,
during close combat in dense urban or forest terrain, or in the hands of troops with limited
marksmanship skills. Infantry equipped with SMGs received very limited benefit from being great
marksmen and hence were easier to train and get to the front. In many other tactical situations
having only SMGs was a very severe handicap. In any open or mixed terrain, an enemy equipped
with accurate rifles or a LMG had a huge advantage. They could inflict fatal damage on any SMG
squad without danger of effective return fire until the range was considered virtually point blank for
a rifle and any half decent marksman. A SMG squad could be pinned down and picked off by a
single sniper because they had to get very close to even supply covering fire. A predominantly rifle
equipped squad with a LMG and 1-3 SMGs, was definitely a more balanced unit capable of a much
wider range of tactical missions.
Finally, it is worth mentioning the relative shortage of hand grenades and other demolition
devices available to most Soviet squads during 1941. It is known that every Front in the Red Army
in 1941 suffered a relative shortage of grenades and a chronic shortage of mines, although no
detailed figures on available hand grenades has been found.15 For the purposes of this analysis it is
assumed that the average Soviet squad (that is in supply and likely to be used in direct combat) was
equipped with at least 20 hand grenades, while the average engineer-sapper squad had around 40
hand grenades. By the supply standards of the British and US armies in WWII, this would be
considered minimal supply. However, for the Soviet rifle squads in 1941 this estimate is on the
generous side and it is highly probable that many Soviet squads, including engineer-sapper squads,
had no grenades or mines available in 1941.
J. Erickson , The Road To Stalingrad, Phoenix Orion Books Ltd, London 1975, p. 232.
J. Erickson , The Road To Stalingrad, Phoenix Orion Books Ltd, London 1975, p 72.
In early 1941 the Red Army had around 1 000 000 anti tank mines at its disposal, but lacked
any delayed action or other types of mine. The Red Army estimated at this time that it would need
at least 2 800 000 anti tank, 4 000 000 anti personnel, 120 000 delayed action and 350 000 trip
mines, for a six monthly period of operations.16 The production of the outstanding mines simply
never occurred in 1941, and given the changing Soviet priorities before and then after June 1941, it
is hardly surprising. It does explain why Soviet minefields do not commonly figure in German
Created by Nigel Askey
Sov FILARM Dbase 1a
The Soviet Personnel and Equipment Resource Database
Part IV 2
combat reports from 1941 and why they were not the problem for the Wehrmacht that they would
become in later years. Part of the difference in the overall combat power between German pionier
(sapper) squads and Soviet engineer squads shown in table Sov Res Database 1, is due to the
availability of mines and similar equipment. The shortage of mines in the Soviet forces during 1941
is either not well known or ignored in almost all current military simulations relating to Operation
Barbarossa. In many simulations the Soviet forces are generally able to lay mines as effectively in
1941 as in 1944-45. It is interesting to note that the positions fortified after June 1941, such as
Moscow itself, would have had relatively few minefields in 1941. This would have been the case
even after several months of preparation.
Heavy Infantry Weapons
Anti-Tank Rifles
The two types of Soviet anti-tank (AT) rifle available in WWII were the 14.5mm PTRD 1941
and PTRS 1941. The PTRD 1941 was designed by Degtyarev and was capable of penetrating 25mm
of vertical non-face hardened homogeneous armour at 500 metres. The PTRS, developed at the
same time as the PTRD, was designed by Simonov. It was a more advanced design than the PTRD,
but was less robust as well as being heavier and larger. Relatively few PTRS were manufactured
and when it became apparent the PTRD could reliably do the job, manufacture of the PTRS ceased.
The PTRD 1941 became available in July-August 1941 and so was included in the Shtat for
the new rifle division structure, issued on 29th July 1941. This called for the three rifle regiments in
the division to each have an AT rifle platoon, each with six AT rifles. However, although some
17 700 AT rifles were produced before this date, no ammunition had been produced for them. Thus
AT rifles did not become �general issue’ in the Red Army until November 1941.17
By mid 1941, most of the world’s armies had already decided the AT rifle was essentially an
obsolete concept. The average tank’s armour had progressed to the point where AT rifles were
becoming relatively ineffective, even at close range. In addition, the nature of infantry vs. tank
combat was such that infantry often didn’t survive the contact unless they quickly delivered a
seriously damaging or fatal blow to the tank. If the tank was well designed and the crew new what
they were about, the infantry didn’t get time to repeat their effort. AT rifle ammunition rarely
destroyed a tank even if the armour was penetrated, which meant the tank’s crew were often left
with an operational vehicle with which to neutralise the AT weapon. In short, using relatively
ineffective AT weapons was very expensive in terms of personnel casualties. By late 1941 the
Germans had started withdrawing their Panzerbuchse 38 and 39 AT rifles permanently from
service, even though their penetrative performance at close range (less than 350 metres) was similar
to the Soviet weapons.
Despite all this, the 14.5mm PTRD 1941 continued to be produced in large numbers until
war’s end and remained the Soviet rifleman’s standard AT weapon until 1945. In all, some 471 500
were received during WWII, including 37 700 manufactured as late as 1944.18 When other army’s
infantry were using all sorts of lethal AT rockets with hollow charge warheads, the Red Army
soldier had to make do with trying to get a lucky shot at any exposed tank crew or through one of
the vision devices. The failure of the Soviet authorities to even research and develop serious
infantry AT weapons during WWII (especially after 1943), is a disturbing indictment of the
apparent willingness of the Soviets to sacrifice personnel. German panzer crews always considered
the PTRD 1941 to be a �dangerous nuisance’ because the AT rifle usually inflicted non-fatal
C.C. Sharp, “Red Tide”, Soviet Rifle Divisions Formed From June to December 1941, Soviet Order of Battle WWII,
Volume IX, George F. Nafziger, West Chester OH, 1996, p. 119.
G.F. Krivosheev , et al, Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the Twentieth Century, Edited by Colonel General
G.F. Krivosheev, Greenhill Books, London, 1997. p. 247, table 95. The authors have the gall to call these �AT rocket
launchers’ in this table.
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Part IV 2
damage and due to the shear number they encountered. However, considering that 214 000 Soviet
AT rifles were lost in combat during WWII, mostly with their two man crews, the Soviet soldier
payed a horrendous price to be a dangerous nuisance instead of a lethal anti-tank force.19 There was
one thing that Soviet and Western Allied tank crews never thought, and that was that a German
infantryman armed with a Panzerfaust or a Panzerschreck was a mere nuisance.
Anti-Tank Guns (AT Guns)
The Soviet standard issue AT Gun in 1941 was the 45mm M1937 gun. It was a derivative of
the German Rheinmetall 37mm PaK 36, which were initially purchased and were then
manufactured in the Soviet Union under license as the 37mm M1930 AT gun. The Red Army
desired a larger caliber so the 37mm gun was modified to take the barrel of the standard Soviet
45mm M1934 L/46 tank gun (46 calibre barrel length), which was then designated the 45mm
The 45mm M1937 had a weight in action of 560kg and could penetrate 35mm of 30deg
slopped homogeneous armour at 500m, and 28mm at 1000m, using its standard AP shot.20 This
meant it could penetrate 6mm more armour at 500 and 1000 metres than the German standard issue
37mm Pak 36 L/45 gun.21 However, the Soviet gun was 128kg heavier in action, had a slower rate
of fire and had inferior optics. Fire control effects meant the maximum effective anti-armour range
of both weapons was around 750 meters. In addition, at ranges beyond 500 meters the 37mm Pak
36 was more likely to acquire and hit a small moving target, despite having a shell with less mass
and hence less repeatable accuracy over longer ranges.22 Nevertheless, table Sov Res Database 1
shows that the 45mm M1937 AT gun had a considerably higher overall combat power compared to
the standard German AT gun in 1941 (the OCPC for the 45mm M1937 AT is 113% of that for the
37mm PaK 36). This was largely due to the ability of the Soviet gun to fire a more useful high
explosive round, and the OCPC calculation is based primarily on lethality to personnel.
In 1941 the Soviets were developing the potentially excellent 57mm M1941 AT gun with
performance approaching that of late war medium AT guns. The 57mm M1941 had a very long
barrel length of 73 calibres and could have been the best light/medium AT gun in the world in 1941.
In test firing it could penetrate 86mm of 30deg slopped homogeneous armour at 500m and 78mm at
1000m, using solid AP shot. The weight of the gun in action was 1 125 kg, which was only 139 kg
heavier than the German 50mm Pak 38 while possessing a considerable superiority in anti-tank
The 57mm M1941 was rushed into production from May 1941 but, fortunately for Axis
armour, production ceased after only 320 had been produced.23 There were several reasons for this.
The gun proved to have major technical problems relating to accuracy and shot stability. The story
goes that the original barrel rifling was calculated with mathematical errors! In parallel to this a
disagreement broke out among the Red Army’s leaders over the purported thickness of German
tank armour, which was grossly overestimated. The Soviets preferred to concentrate on the 85mm
and 107mm guns which never materialized as AT guns. Finally, production was severely disrupted
by the German invasion and a �corrected’ model wasn’t produced until 1943, designated the 57mm
M1943 (ZiS-2). Interestingly enough the weight in action of the 57mm M1943 (ZiS-2) had
Throughout this book , �degree of slope’ refers to slope form a vertical position. The same angle is then the angle of
incidence of an incoming round for a gun shooting in a horizontal plane, and ignoring any downward component of the
resultant trajectory.
The 37mm Pak 35/36 could penetrate 29mm of 30deg slopped homogeneous armour at 500m, and 22mm at 1000m,
using its standard solid AP shot. Note some sources give the 37mm Pak 36 a penetration of 36mm at 500m in the above
conditions, so caution should be used.
This is particularly irksome in tactical/operational simulations where the 45mm M1937 is given effective AT combat
ranges over 1000metres and the 37mm PaK 36 is not, i.e. the effects of optics and fire control are ignored.
S. J. Zaloga, L. S. Ness, Red Army Handbook 1939-1945, Sutton Publishing Ltd, Stroud, UK, 1998, p. 199.
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The Soviet Personnel and Equipment Resource Database
Part IV 2
increased to 1 250 kg, which suggests there were also problems with the strength of the gun carriage
on the 1941 model.
At this point it is necessary to digress and discuss a key difference between the Soviet and
German philosophy relating to AT weapons. This was in the area of combining the roles of AT guns
and artillery.
The German Army believed the AT gun should be dedicated primarily to the task of
destroying enemy tanks and was not artillery in the traditional sense. They believed artillery was
unsuitable and generally too valuable, in terms of carefully trained personnel and specialist
equipment, to use tactically as AT weapons, and should only be used in this role if nothing else was
available. Thus although AT ammunition was produced for most light and medium artillery pieces,
the German tactical doctrine meant that they normally only committed their artillery (including Flak
guns) to engage enemy armour if no other suitable or effective AT weapons were available.
The Red Army adopted the idea that although dedicated AT forces should be available, light,
medium and even heavy artillery (field guns), should normally be issued with AT ammunition and
be tactically available to stop enemy armour as required. The Soviets viewed artillery (especially
light artillery) as having a dual AT and artillery role. This philosophy may have been the main
reason the Red Army neglected the dedicated AT arm, relative to the tank and artillery arms, in
terms of AT weapon development during WWII.
The result was that throughout WWII Soviet light divisional artillery, in particular the 76mm
divisional guns, were often used in the artillery and AT role. Throughout 1941 the Soviets used
their 76mm divisional guns in the AT role in all types of rifle divisions. This includes divisions
deployed in June 1941 and newly mobilised divisions. However, the divisions deployed in June
1941 had 54 dedicated AT guns in their TOE, while those mobilised after July 1941 only had 18
dedicated AT guns. All types of rifle division retained 16 76mm guns in their artillery regiments.
Obviously the newly mobilised rifle divisions were expected to use their 76mm guns to bolster the
weak divisional AT forces, which was part of their tactical doctrine. This meant newly mobilized
rifle divisions only had 8 122mm howitzers as �dedicated’ artillery and 16 76 mm guns trying to be
artillery and AT guns at the same time. The Soviets were trying to “have their cake and eat it”.
In addition to the large formations above, the 76mm gun also went into dedicated AT brigades
and regiments in 1941. Between June and December 1941, 73 new small AT regiments were
mobilised in 1941, using up 288 45mm AT guns and 918 85mm Anti Aircraft (AA) guns as AT
guns. These were small regiments with 16-20 AT guns each. They initially used 45mm AT guns
and 85mm AA guns. In October 1941, the AT regiment TOE called for 20 76mm field guns. One
new AT Regiment had this TOE when formed and nine others used replacement 76mm guns to
convert to this TOE.24
Apart from using heavy artillery in the direct fire AT role, which is very expensive and not a
good idea, the main problem was that the Soviet 76mm divisional guns were all designed as a light
artillery pieces, and were always better field guns than AT guns. For example, consider the
following. In 1941 the main Soviet 76mm divisional guns in service were the old 76mm M1902/30
L/30 (1320kg weight in action), the modern 76mm M1936 (F-22) (1620kg) and the modern 76mm
M1939 (USV) (1480kg). Against homogeneous armour plate sloped at 30 degrees and using
standard AP shot, these guns could penetrate 47mm, 58mm and 56mm at 500 metres, and 41mm,
54mm and 49mm at 1000metres, respectively. For the German 50mm PaK 38 L/60 (986kg weight
in action) the same test firing figures are 59mm and 48mm, using standard Pzgr 39 AP shot. On top
of this the 50mm PaK 38 had superior optics and fire control against small moving targets, a much
Zaloga, S,J. Ness, L,S. Red Army Handbook 1939-1945, Sutton Publishing, Stroud, UK, 1998, p. 119-121, table 4.1.
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The Soviet Personnel and Equipment Resource Database
Part IV 2
lower silhouette for concealment, and a considerably higher rate of fire. On the other had the PaK
38 wasn’t much use as artillery for which it was never designed.25
From June to December 1941 and the whole of 1942, the Soviets lost a staggering 12 300 and
10 100 76mm guns respectively. This total reached 44 000 76mm guns by war’s end. In the same
period the figures for 45mm and 57mm AT gun losses were 12 100, 11 500 and 42 400.26 In other
words more light divisional artillery pieces were lost than AT guns, and in all probability most were
lost fighting German armour. The total German fully tracked AFV losses on the East Front in
WWII amounted to approximately 33 000, and around half of these were lost to Soviet AT guns and
artillery (including AA guns). If we assume around 85% of the dedicated Soviet AT guns and 65%
of the 76mm guns were lost fighting German armour in WWII, it means the Soviets lost an average
of four guns (and most likely a large portion of their crews) for every fully tracked AFV they
destroyed. This is before we consider the other 17 500 medium and heavy artillery pieces, and 8
000 AA guns, lost on the East Front in WWII, of which a significant proportion were also lost
fighting German AFVs.27
On balance, the evidence suggests that the German Army’s philosophy of separating the AT
and artillery functions, and simultaneously developing highly effective dedicated AT guns, led to a
much more favorable result. In terms of the Soviet Personnel and Equipment Resource Database, all
Soviet 76mm guns mentioned here are classified as Light Divisional Artillery and are considered
under this weapon category.
By strict definition, mortars are any piece of ordnance restricted to firing at angles of
elevation between 45 and 90 degrees to the horizontal plane, and many countries have correctly
named some of their heavy howitzers as mortars in conformity to this rule. Today the word mortar
is used to refer to a light weight, smoothbore, muzzle-loading weapon firing a fin stabilised bomb;
and it is this weapon to which we will confine our attention here. For the purposes of this discussion
there are three categories of mortar: light, (45-60mm), medium (80-82mm) and heavy (107120mm).
The first Soviet light mortar was the 50mm mortar M1938, which was rapidly replaced by the
M1939, which in turn was rapidly replaced by the M1940. The 50mm mortar M1940 appeared
conventional in appearance but had two unusual features. It had a small recoil buffer between the
barrel and bipod yoke, and the sights were fixed at 45 and 75 degree firing angle. The range was
controlled by venting a proportion of the propellant gas to the atmosphere, thus reducing the
propellant available to the bomb. The 50mm mortar M1941 dispensed with the bipod and buffer and
hinged the barrel to the baseplate. The M1941 became the standard Soviet light mortar during
WWII and was comparable to the British 2in and German 50mm models. After 1941, they were
gradually phased out of service and by 1944 they had been largely replaced by the 82 mm mortar.
As with the 50mm mortar, the Soviet pre-war infantry were presented with a bewildering
array of medium 82mm mortars. These were the 82mm mortar M1936, M1937 and M1941. The
Ironically the Germans used many captured 76mm guns as AT Guns later in the war. They were re-bored, modified
with new optics, issued with new German designed ammunition, often given new lower splinter shields and muzzle
brakes and designated 7.62mm Pak 36(r) or 39(r). The penetrative performance of these weapons with new ammunition
was considerably improved. The more well publicized German figures using their ammunition etc has lead some
military simulation designers and authors to rate the Soviet 76mm divisional AT guns with an AT capability
comparable to the German 75mm PaK 40 AT gun. In no sense were any of the Soviet WWII 76mm divisional guns in
the same class as the PaK 40 in terms of penetration or fire control against enemy tanks.
G.F. Krivosheev , et al, Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the Twentieth Century, Edited by Colonel General
G.F. Krivosheev, Greenhill Books, London, 1997. pp. 248-251, table 95.
Ibid. Note, all gun and AFV operational and strategic losses are ignored here, but it is reasonable to assume they were
in similar proportions for Soviet guns and German tanks when considered over the period 1941 to 1945.
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The Soviet Personnel and Equipment Resource Database
Part IV 2
M1941, which became the standard medium mortar up to1943, consisted of a circular steel stamped
baseplate and an unusual bipod assembly. Conventionally, heavier mortars were carried into action
in three parts: barrel, bipod and baseplate. The 82mm M1941 designers decided to modify the bipod
assembly with small stub axles at the lower ends of the bipod legs, and fit small steel wheels. Thus
the mortar could be moved with the barrel and baseplate clamped to the bipod. Once in action the
wheels could be removed. The M1943 design modified the bipod so the wheels could remain
permanently attached but clear of the ground in action. The 82mm M1941 was a generally good
design, comparable with western counterparts and with a greater range than the average medium
In 1941 the Soviets possessed an advantage in the heavy mortar category. They had developed
the 120mm mortar M1938, probably the best weapon in its class in the world at that time with the
possible exception of the Finnish 120mm Tampella M1940 mortar.28 The 120mm mortar was
considered an artillery weapon in Soviet use and four mortars were issued to one mortar battery per
rifle regiment in June 1941. Newly mobilised rifle divisions reduced this to two mortars per rifle
regiment. As it is included in the TOE of the rifle regiment, and for the sake of completeness, it is
included here as a heavy infantry weapon.
The 120mm mortar M1938 was basically a conventional design. It included a smooth bore
barrel locked into a circular baseplate and supported by a bipod, with a two spring shock absorber
unit connecting the barrel and bipod together. For movement a specially designed transporter was
provided which enabled the mortar to be rapidly moved into and out of action, and which could be
towed by any convenient vehicle. The Soviet 120mm mortar was one of the few weapons in WWII
that the Germans copied directly from their enemy. The Germans were so impressed by this weapon
they added some modifications and manufactured a copy, the 12cm Granatwerfer 42 (GrW 42),
which was first issued in late 1942.
Infantry Guns
Infantry guns are artillery allocated to an artillery platoon in a rifle regiment or an infantry
gun company in an infantry regiment, and usually used in the direct fire infantry support role. As
such, they are classified as a heavy infantry weapons.
As in most contemporary armies, the Red Army used a short barrelled howitzer for infantry
support at the regimental level. The standard weapon was the 76mm M1927 regimental gun. This
was a modification of the old Tsarist 3in Model 1913, which was modernised in 1936 and 1939 to
permit motorised towing, designated the 76mm M1927/39. The 76mm M1927 was archaic and
heavy compared to most equivalent German and American weapons. Along with many other Soviet
weapons, rather than attenuate production for a better weapon it remained in production until 1944.
The only modification during WWII was to mount the gun on a carriage from the 45mm M1942 AT
gun and designate it the 76mm M1943 regimental gun. Soviet figures attribute a maximum effective
range of 8 550 metres for the 76mm M1927 gun which seems high. Nevertheless, in the absence of
further information this range has been used in determining the OCPC for this weapon in table Sov
Res Database 1, although a range over 3500m is pointless in a direct fire support weapon. If a more
realistic maximum effective range of 3500 meters is used, the OCPC for the 76mm M1927 drops
from 41 to 34, which is more in line with the its historical performance. It is worth noting that the
maximum effective range of the �improved’ 76mm M1943 regimental gun dropped to 4 200 metres.
The Soviets also had a similar but lighter 107mm heavy mountain mortar.
Created by Nigel Askey
Sov FILARM Dbase 1a